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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1894)
You Can Wiggle, You Can Struggle, But we’ve Cot You in our Eye; And You’ll Buy ’em, yes You’ll Buy ’em, You’ll Buy Them bye and bye. 6f(ie . . * . Scfiooi Sfioes. / cJCa/i>e 9Io &c^wa£” Blue Ribbon School Shoes Have No Equal. Blue Ribbon School Shoes Have No Equal. Mixed Paints 90c a gallon at McMillen’s drug store. Mixed Paint $1.00 a gallon. L. W. McConnell & Co. Leave your orders with us tor paint ing and paper-hanging. L. W. McConnell & Co. Special prices on White Lead at A. Mc Millen’s. HARD TIMES PRICES. Wall Paper—3 cents a roll. L. W. McConnell & Co. White Lead $5.50 per hundred. L. VV. McConnell & Co. Sewing machines on the installment plan at Pade & Son’s. HARD times prices. Wall Paper—3 cents a roll. L. W. McConnell & Co. W'hite Lead $5.50 per hundred. L. Wr. McConnell & Co. Gilt Wall Paper, 6c a roll at McMillen’s drug store. Leave your orders with us for paint ing and paper-hanging. L. W. MoConnki.i. & Co. Knipple is selling bananas at 25 cents a dozen. Wall Paper, 3c per roll at A. McMillen’s drug store. Corked faced collars, light, cool and elastic, waaranted not to gall horse’s shoulders, for sale by L. Fenner. Sec ond door south of the A. O. U. \V. temple building. RED^WILLOW. M. P. Mulford is having a tubu lar well put down. Many farmers are breaking sod in this neighborhood. Quite a number are planting out fruit trees this spring. Prof. Valentine lectured at the Christian church, Saturday even ing. But few potatoes planted o n Good Friday are injured by freez ing. A few more warm, sunny days, will insure plenty of grass for stock. Bert Reeves v»as shelling corn past week, for Sawyer. Mulford and Hotze Some of the farmers are sowing alfalfa, while others are preparing the ground. A. G. Dole and wife were visit ing friends in this neighborhood, Wednesday. John Longnecker teaches a j class in vocal music every Wed nesday evening. Grandma Mulford has returned from a visit to her daughter who lives in Franklin. Showers on both Friday and Saturday night, but more rain is needed, especially for the small grain. Charles Leach will take your order for a bicycle and you can pay for it in monthly payments. A large shipment of German Millet Seed just received by the McCook Commission Co. They are selling it at 70c per bushel. They have a full line of both Siberia and North Star Refrigerators at S. M. Cochran & Co’s. See them before buy ing. They are the best the market af fords. HARD TIMES PRICES. Wall Paper—3 cents a roll. L. W. McConnell & Co. 1,000 bushels of seed potatoes for sale by Knipple. Ink, pens, pencils school tablets, etc., at The Tribune stationery department. 1,000 bushels of seed potatoes for sale by Knipple. Seventy-five cents buys a scale book of 500 tickets at this office. Bananas only 25 only 25 cents a dozen at Knipple's. 1,000 bushels of seed potatoes for sale by Knipple. Lettuce and radishes at Knipple’s grocery store. 1,000 bushels of seed potatoes for sale by Knipple. ■Noticeto Land Owners. To Tillie Mav, Annettie Seamands, Nebras ka Loan and Banking Co., Robert Symonds. Charles F. Elliott. I.eGrand M. Baldwin, J. V. McDowell, Eli Titus, Edmond L. Walker, Smith Brothers, James Lawson, and to all whom it may concern: The commissioner appointed to locate a road commencing at the northwest corner of northeast quarter of section 29, township 1, range 30, in Grant precinct, Red W'illow coun ty, Nebraska, running thence south 44 chains, 24 links; thence east 79 degrees, 15 minutes, east 8 chains; thence south 15 degrees, east 34 chains, 5 links; thence west S chains, 66 links, thence south 80 chains; terminating at south west comer of southeast quarter of section 32, same township and range; has reported in favor of the location thereof, and all objec tions thereto or claims for damages must be filed in the county clerk’s office on or before noon of the 23d day of June, a. d. 1894, or said road will be established without reference thereto. Geo. W. Roper, 48-4t. County Clerk. DANBURY NEWS. Another show in town last Wed nesday night. OttoPuely is feeling very proud; he is the daddy of a fine boy. The Epworth league entertain ment Friday evening was very good. The band concert given Satur day night was fine; the boys had a large attendance. Pearl Hilton was assisting in driving some cattle last Tuesday, when his horse stumbled and fell, throwing him under the animal and bruising his head very badly. He is better now. For choice meat go to the B. & M. meat market. --| Remember that S. M. Cochran & Co. have a complete line of shelf and heavv hardware. J German Millet Seed 70c per bushel at the McCook Commission Company’s. Notice to Land Owners. To Q. A. Graves, Minnie A. Brower, First National Bank of Indianola, Nebraska, G. D. and J. E. Thompson, A. G. Dole, W. J. Rich man, and to all whom it may concern: The commissioner appointed to locate a road commencing at northeast corner of south east quarter of section 2 in Indianola precinct, Red Willow county, Nebraska, running thence south on section line to the north bank of the Republican river, terminating thereat, all in township 3, range 27, has reported in favor of the location thereof, and all objections thereto or claims for damage.-, must be filed in the county clerk’s office on or before noon of the 23d day of June, A. D. 1894, or sa’d road will be established without reference thereto. Geo. W. RorKR, 48-4ts. County Clerk. SPEEDY and LASTING RESULTS. FAT PEOPLE/^ || No Inconvenience. Simple, “ I sure. ABMLUm? VIII from any injurious substance. LARGE ABWKEH3 MPOCM Wo GUARANTEE a CUKE or refend your money. Prim as.oopor bottle. Send «e. lor truuW TBKMOMT MEDICAL CO„ Bouton, Mmu For pure lard go to the B. & M. meat mar ket. F. S. WILCOX. if you are contemplating buying either light or heavy harness you should not fail to call on McMillen Bros., who carry the most complete and best line of pure oak tanned hand-made harness in Southwest ern.Nebraska, at hard times prices. East Dennison street, first door east of Colvin’s office. Take your fat hogs to F. S. Wilcox. The Tariff, Financial, Hawaiian and other questions of the day do not interest the people hereabout as much as the question where can I get the most and best groceries for the money. C. M. Noble can answer the question to the satis faction of all. Cochran & Co. have on display ' a large line of carriages, phaetons, buggies, road carts, spring wag ons, etc. Completest stock in Red j Willow county. Inspect them if ' vou want anvthing in that line. _ i Machinery repairs of all kinds j kept in stock by S. M. Cochran <fc 1 Co. Also the best brands of oils, j WANTED.-500 StOCk hogrs. F. S. Wilcox. List of Patents Received at the United States Land Office at McCook, Nebraska, April 14th, 1S94: Brown. John S. Manley, Martin V. B. Bostock, Charles. McNaughton, Cath. C. Clark, Willis. Moore, Charles A. Dailey, Joseph. McCulloch, David Dryden, John, heirs. Nee, Caroline W Evans, Jeremiah. Peterson, Erich J Fish, Herbert W. Petterson, Anton Foster, Friedrich. f’ottorff, Samuel. Gessford, George B. Rogers, Severn R. Hall, Frank M. Racine, Elzear. Hesee, Frank R. Randall, York W. Irvine, Arthur G. Schmalz, John G. Jay, Joseph I’. Stow-ater, Eton A. Kennedy, George W. Satterwait, Mary, heirs. Luce. Herbert 1.. Warelirae, James. Losey, Willis I.. Young, Jemuel C. McCreight, Nancy J. Young, Samuel O. Miller, William A. WARRIOR Will make the season of 1894 at Mad dux's livery barn, McCook, Nebraska He is a dark brown, coming nine years old. TERMS—$8 to insure, $6 for the season; $4 for single leap. Care will be taken to prevent accidents, but I will not be responsible should any oc CU1 T. J. Pate. BY THE CARLOAD. Knipple is in receipt of another car load of flour. He is selling it at tho following remarkably low figures: Fancy Patent, per sack,.| l.lfr Second Patent, per sack.90 Snowflake, per sack.85 These are all fine flours and guaran teed to give satisfaction. SEED POTATOES. Early Ohio seed potatoes. Clark No. 1 seed potatoes. Early Rose seed potatoes. Also garden seeds of all kinds in bulk and in packages for sale by Knip pie. Well Digging. If you want a well put down in fine shape see Frank Nichols. He guaran tees his work. Leave orders at S. M. Cochran & Co.’s. For harness warranted to be first class in material as well as in work manship: also the most complete and best stock of saddlery, see L. Fenner second door south of A. O. TP- W. temple. HARD TIMES PRICES. \ W all Paper—3 cents a roll. L. W. McConnell & Co. I)r. A. J. Thomas, Dentist, office in Union block, over J. F. Ganschow's. Mixed Paint $1.00 a gallon. L. W. McConnell & Co. Kmpple has a splendid stock of seed potatoes.