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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1894)
Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report. ABSOLUTELY PURE Chambrlain’s Ey l fki i li i f n nt. A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes. Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head. Old Chronic SoreB, Fever Sores. Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches. Sore Nipples and Plies. It Is aoollng snd soothing. Hundreds of oases have been cured by It after all other treatment bad failed. It Is put up In 25 and 50 cent boxes. For sale by George M. Cbeuery. Nov.20-lyear. Don’t Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Lire away Is the truthful and startling title of a little book that tells all about No-tn-bac. the wonderful, harmless guaranteed tobacco habit oure. The cost Is trilling and the man who wants to quit and can't, runs no physical or financial risk In using No to baa—Sold by all druggists. Book at drug stores or by mail free. The Sterling Remedy Co.. Indiana Min eral Springs. Indiana. Aug. 25—1 yr. While Minnesota is one of the most healthy states in the Union, it is one of the worst for colds, owing to the severe winters. Many of the druggists there make it a rule to give their customers just what they call for; but when they come back and say it did no good, they almost invariably reccomtuend Cham berlain’s Cough Remedy, as will be seen by the following from Messrs. Wells & Schroeder, of Sanborn, Minn.: “We have recommended Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy after other leading cough preparations have failed to do any good, and always with the best re sults. We can always rely upon that remedy, as it is sure to effect a cure. It has no equal for children, especially in cases of croup or whooping cough.” 50 cent bottles for sale by McConnell «fe Co. Better wait than sever. Four Big Succ sss. Having the needed merit to more than make good all the advertising claimed for them, the following lour remedies have reached a phenominal sale. Dr. King's New Discovery, for consumption, coughs and colds, each bottle guaranteed—Electric Bitters, the great remedy for liver, stomach and kidneys. Buckley’s Arnica Salve, the best in the world, and Dr King’s New Life Pills, which are a perfect pill. All these remedies are guaranteed to do just as claimed for them and the dealer whose name is attached here with will be glad to tell you more of them. Sold at McMillen’s drug store. It is never too late to wed. A Million Frinds. A friend in need is a friend indeed, and not less than one millian people have found just such a friend in Dr. King’s New Discovery for consumption, soughs and colds. If you have never used this great cough medicine, one trial bottle will conviuce you that it has wonderful curative powers in all diseases of the throat and lungs, lack bottle is guaranteed to do all that * claimed or money will be refunded. Trial bottles free at McMilleu's drug store. Large bottles 50c. and $1. Rule by appearing to submit. Rail Road Rots. J. Hailey of Batavia, N. Y., conduct or on N. Y. C. railway, and oue of the best known men on tbe road, says of Parks’Tea: For teu years I have suf- ] fered from constipation. Tried every thing and found nothing of lasting val ue. Hearing so many talking of Parks’ Tea I tried it without much hope. The first dose moved my bowels easily and ■ow 1 am eured. It works like magic. Sold by McMillen. Let not time run away with love. Some men are hard to understand. When they wink you are at a loss to know whether is your treat or theirs. A hungry husband is hard to coax. BUCKLIN'3 ARNICA SALNE. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, eorns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or money refunded. Price 25 •ents per box, at McMilled’s. We are printing the date to which each subscriber has paid his subscrip tion to The Tribune along with the address. Watch the date and you will know if you are in arrears. If you are »lease come and see us. “For several years,” says John Park, of Heaver Creek, Minn., “during the winter, I have been troubled with a painful swelling of the feet which phy sicians claimed was rheumatic gout. I was treated by some of our best phy sicians, and obtained but little, if auv relief and used mauy so-called cures, without benefit. During the winter ot 1887, when my feet were so swollen and inflamed that I could not wear my boots, I commenced using Chamberlain's Pain Halm. The first application re duced the swelling and inflammation, and the use of one 50 cent bottle so completely relieved tue, that I discon tinued my cane, and was able to get around all right and wear mv boots.” 50 cent bottles for sale by McConnell & Co. Let a husband loose iu a fenced field IT MAY DO AS MUCH FOH YOU. — Mr. Frederick Miller, of Irving, III., writes that he had a severe kidney 8rouble for many years, wilh severe pains in his back,, and also that his bladder was affected. He tried many 80-called kidney cures but without any good result. About a year ago he be gan the use of Electric Bitters and found relief at once. Electric Bitters are especially adapted to the cure of all liver and kidney troubles and often gives almost instant relief. One trial will prove our statement. Price only 50c for large bottle. At McMillen’s drug store. The shorter the bill the sweeter the fare. Persons troubled with rheumatism should read the following from Mrs. N. M. Peters, of Hast Des Moines, Iowa. She says: “I had suffered with rheu matism the greater part of the time for nearly seven years. At times I was almost helpless. 1 doctored a great deal for it with physicians, and tried electric delts, patent medicines and al most everything that is recommended [tor rheumatism. Finally a neighbor advised me to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and was bo sure that it would help me that I procured a bottle. And it did help me, right from the start, but it took five fifty-cent bottles to cure me, so you can guess how bad I was, as one or two bottles will cure any or dinary ease. For sale by McConnell. A husband’s wrath spoils the best broth. Dist mpr— Gaus and Tratmsitt Is the title of our little book whioh tells all about one of the most loath some and dangerous diseaaec affecting horses, sheep, and dogs, with unques tionable proot of the merits of Craft's Distemper and Cough Cura in the treat ment of the same. Sent free by ad dressing The Wells Medicine Co., La Fayette Ind. The remedy is aold by McConnell. Rebuke when alone; caress when at home. Harris’ English Worm Powd r, A specific remedy for worms; warrant ed to cure the worst case of worms known, or money refunded. Knocks pin worms iu horses every time. Also good for all kinds of worms in horses, sheep and dogs. Price 50 cents at all drug stores, or postpaid by mail. The Well* Medicine Co., LaFayette. In diana. Sept. 8—1 yr. Govern yourself and you will govern I each other. It Do s Not Cost Anything \ To try Parks’ Sure Cure. A specific cure of all diseases peouliar to women, i Ask your druggist our guarantee plan. Sold by McMillen. Dr. Humphrey's new specific for the Grippe is meeting with a phenominal sale. A sure cure—almost infallible, curing 99 cases out of 100. For sale by all druggists. Haller’s Barb Wire Liniment for all cuts on cattle and horses; it is the best on earth. For sale by McConnell & Co. New method to learn German. Take Haller’s little German Pills. For sale by McConnell & Go. Awarded Highest Honors World’s Fair. DSPRICE’S I Tfce oat/Pare Cream of Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia; No ai«mw Used ia Millions of Homes—40 Years the Standard CATARRH OF PKLVIC ORGANS. A CI.AsS OV IH8EA8EK NOT GEN I* ((ALLY UNDERSTOOD. It is a popular impression that cat arrh is a disease confined to the mucous membranes lining the nose, throat and bronchial tubes and other of the respir atory organs. The real fact is. that all mucous membranes, wherever located, are subject to catarrh, and unless rec ognized and properly treated chronic ailments are sure to follow. No organ of the whole body is more frequently affected than the bladder. The symp toms of catarrh of the bladder are: frequent voiding, which is generally scant in quantity and highly colored, with a thick,white or pinkish sediment. Catarrh of the bladder is also liable to extend downwards to the pelvic organs. This will soon cause smarting, and sometimes difficulty and pain. In fe males the extension of the catrrhal dis ease is certain to involve the female pelvic orgaus,atid produces leucorrhoea, painful periods,and bearing down pains. In taking Pe-ru-na for catarrhal af fections of these organs a tablesponu f’ul four times each day is sufficient for cases of ordinary severity, but there are acute cases for which it is necessary to take sis doses each day to get the full benefit of the treatment. Oid persons who are annoyed by frequent calls and burning pains, day or night, never fail to find complete cure by a few months’ faithful use of Pe-ru-na. Send for a free copy of Family Phy sician No. 2, in which these subjects are fully explained. Address, The Pe ru-na Drug Manufacturing Company, Columbus, Ohio. Better marry a praying sinner than a preaching saint. The Latest Bkidal Boquet. The chic bridal-boquet is composed of a number of small ones correspond ing to the number of bridesmades, is titd with wide white ribbon of which there are several streamers, each a ring which is said to possess a mystic influ ence. When the bride leaves her at tendant maids to don her going away gown, she pauses half-way up the stair case, and loosening the confining rib bon tosses the nosegay among the maids;*and happy is she to whom Fate awards the ring, for she will be a bride within a year. The ideal bridal-boquet of the moment is composed of white orchids and white lilacs.—From“Chat,” in Demorest's Magaaiue for May. One kind thought spoken is worth two unsaid. Teach your children how to save. Just think, oie penny a week for a year will buy a large bottle of Haller's Sure Cure Cough Syrup and cure coughs for the whole family. For »ale by McConnell & Co. The proof of the temper is in the unexpected guest. /« the Days of Our Grandmothers, Sulphur and molasses reigned su preme ia the springtime. Nowadays we take Humphrey's Specific No. 10 for dyspepsia, and all stomach troubles, keeping the blood pure, so that no spring dosing is necessary. For sale by druggists. Order of Hearing on Petition for Appointment of Administrator. STATE OF NEBRASKA, ). Red Willow Countt. j “ At a County Court, held at the county coart room, in and for said county, April 2d, A. D. 1894. Present, Charles W. Beck, county judge. In the matter of the estate of John Freder ick, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Mary Frederick, praying that administration of said estate may be granted to W. S. Fitch, as ad ministrator. Ordered,that April 24, A. D. 1S94, at one o’ clock p. m., is assigned tor hearing said peti tion, when all persons interested in said mat ter may appear at a county court to be held in and for said county, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be grantedinnd that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof, be given to all per sons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the McCook Tribune,a weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing. Charles W. Beck, (A true copy.) County Judge. Legal Notice. To Frank M.Allen, non-resident defendant: Take notice that on the loth day of April, A. D. iSg4,in the district court of Red Willow county, Nebraska, the plaintiff, Madge Allen filed a petition against you, the object and prayer of »hich are to obtain a divorce from the bonds of mat i rimony from you, upon the ground that you | have been guilty of extreme cruelty towards her, the said plaintiff without just cause or provocation upon her part, and upon the gTound that, while of sufficient ability to pro vide suitable maintenance for the said plain tiff, that you have grossly, wantonly and cruel ly refused and neglected to do so. Plaintiff also prays that she may have the care and custody of her son, Frank Allen. You are required to answer the said petition on or before Monday, May 21, A.. D. 1894. Dated April 10, 1894. Madge Allen, By J. E. Kelley, her attorney. Plaintiff. 47-4t Dissolution of Partnership. : By mutual consent the co-partnership be tween Colvin & Beggs, is hereby dissolved. Silas H. Colvin will pay all bills against said firm, and collect all accounts due same, and complete all unfinished business. Dated McCook, Neb, March 15th, 1894. Signed. Silas H. Colvin. 1 43-61. Carey T. Beggs. # The Citizens Bank of McCook. s Incorporated Undei State Laws. Paid Up Capital $50,000. Surplus $10,000. DOES A GENERAL I3an(ting - lousiness. Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn on principal cities of Europe. Taxes paid for nonresidents. Tickets for Sale to and from Europe. -OFFICERS: V. FRANKLIN, President A. C. EBERT, Cashier -CORRESPONDENTS: The First National Bank, Lincoln, Nebraska. The Chemical National Bank, New York City. Tfte 1* irst JVationaJ 15a ttk. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $100,000. _ _ CAPITAL AND SURPLUS* $60,000. -?CT? | OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. GEORGE HOCKNELL, President. B. M. FREES, Vice President. W F. LAWSON, Cashier. A. CAMPBELL. FRANK HARRIS. We uarantee That no horse will ever die of colic, bots, or conjestion of the stomach if Morris' English Stable Powder is used regularly two or three times a week. If fed to cows it will increase the quan tity of the milk and cream one-third, and will keep both in good healthy con dition. 25 cedts. Sold Oy McConnell & Co. _ Always remember that you have eye lids as well as eyes. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. Lire and Learn. It is estimated that there are two million chickens hatched in the United States every year, but not more than one-half of these reach the size for market. Cholera, gapes, pip, etc., kill millions every year. All these dis eases are quickly cured by the use of Wells' Hoosier Poultry Powder. 25 cents. For sale by McConnell & Co. Afraid of Pneumonia. Mrs. Catherine Black, of LeRoy, N. Y., took a severe cold. The physician feared pneumonia. She took one bot tle of Parks’ Cough Syrup and says: "It acted like magic. Stopped my cough and I aw perfectly well now. I recommend to everyone for throat and luug trouble as I believe it saved my life.” Soid by MoMilleu. A child of Mr. John Pears had the scald head and had been under the treatment of physicians without relief. It was cured by Chamherlain’s Eye and Skin Ointment, and is now well and right.—W. R. Miller & Son, Briscoe. Iowa. 25 cent boxes for sale by Me Connell & Co. A Merciful Mao Is Merciful to his horse, and every horse-owner should have a bottle of Morris’ English Stable Liniment as a part *f his ready and useful outfit. A safe and speedy cure for barbed-wire cuts, wounds, galls, scratches, sore shoulders and back, sweeney, puffs, poll evil and all blemishes. There is nothing else like it. Price 50 cts. and $1.00. sold by McConnell & Co. Craft’s Distemper and Cough Cure. A safe preventive and positive cure for distemper, coughs, etc., in horses, sheep and doge. Has stood the test of frequent use in every portion of the country, and will do precisely what is claimed for it, as those who have used it will cheerfully testify. Price 50 cts. and $1.00. For sale by McConnell & Co. — I Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. — S. B. Bashford of Carthage, S. D. , was taken sick in Sioux City. He procured two bottles of Parks' Sure Cnre for the Liver and Kidneys. He says: “I believe Parks’ Sure Cure ex cells all other medicines for rheumatism and nnnary disorders.” The Prettiest Girl in Town Has been using Parks’ Tea and she says; ,;My complexion is much im proved. That muddy look is all gone. 1 take a cup of Parks’ Tea three nights a week and feel just elegant.” Sold by McMilleu. Why Do You Cough? Do you not know that Parks’ Cough Syrup will cure it? We guarantee every bottle. There are nauy eongh syrups but we believe Parks’ is the best aed nut reliable. Sold by NeMilleu. The Arlington House. Hates $1.00 Per Day. Refurnished and Refitted JSF’First-class Accommodations. J. S. CULBERTSON, Proprietor. A. J. RITTENHOU8E. C. H. DOYLE. RITTENHOUSE & HOYLE, ATTORNEYS AT - LAW MoCOOK, NEB. J. E. KELLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AGENT LINCOLN LAND CO. MCCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. Omca: In rear of First National Bank. J. A. GUNN, PHYSICIAN ANI) SURGEON MCCOOK.NEBRASKA. |3r~OBTlOli-Fiont rooms over towman & Son’s store. Ubhidbncb- 402, McFarland st., two blocks north of McBaiee hotel. Prompt attention to all calls. R. A. COLE, -LEADING MERCHANT - TAILOR OF MCCOOK, Ha* jast received a new stock of CLOTHS and TRIMMINGS. If you want a good fitting *uit made at the very lowest price* for good work, call on him. Shop first door weal of Barnett's Lumber Office, on Dennison elacet . PATRONIZE . FRANK ALLEN’S DRAYS. Graying in all its Branches. J5gF”Sand Hauling. Safe. Moving a Specialty. S3 ££T2A QEA232 70S SATLISG 72USI3 AT «CZ? tiT'Ocave orders at coal yards, and at res ideuce, No. 306 Madison street, between Dennison and Dodge streets, McCook. S. H. COLVIN, NOTARY PUBLIC. Real Estate, Collections, Loans and Insurance. McCook. Ne&kafk* —TV. V. GAGE,— Physician & Surgeon, MCCOOK. NEBRASKA. EfOryica Hours: Stoll,a.m.,2to5and 7 to #, p. tu Rooms over First National bank. fST N'ight calls answered at office. Do yon know that woveu wire fencing is the best and cheapest fencing on earth ? S. M. Cochran & Co. have a large stock of all sizes. Don’t fail to see their tine before buying. Cochran & Co. have the largest and completest stock of standard farm machinery to be found in Bed Willow county. Leek them over and get prices. THE MILD POWER CURES. HUMPH KEYS' That the diseases of domestic anl • I mala. Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, r noo3, and Poultry, are enured by Humphrey*’ Veterinary Speci fics, is as true as that people ride on railroads, send message.; by telegraph, or sew with sewing machines. It is as irrational to l>ottle. ball and bleed animals in order to euro them, as it Ls to take passage In a sloop from New York to Albany Used in tho best stables and recommended by the U. S. Army Cavalry Officer*. fy-500 PAGE BOOK on treatment and careoi Domestic Animals, and stable chart mounted on rollers, sent free. VETERINARY clicks < Fevers, Congest!ons. Inflammation. A. A. f Spinal Meningiti*, Milk Fever. B. B.—Strains, l,aincue**, Blieuinutisut C. C.—Distemper, Nasal Discharges. D. D.—Bot* or Grubs* Worm*. E. E.—Cough*. Heave*, Pneumonia. F. F.-^-Colic or Gripe*. Bellyuebe. G. G.—Miscarriage, Hemorrhage*. H. H.—Urinary and Kidney Di*eu»e*. I. I.—Ereptivo Disease*, Mange. J. K.— Di*ea*c* of Dige*t!on. Stable Case, with Specifics, Manual, V<*. Cure Oil and Medicator, 97.00 Price, Single Bottle (over 50 doses!, • .00 SPECIFICS. Sold by Druggists; or Sent Prepaid anywhero and in any quantity on Receipt of Price. HUMPHREYS’ MEDICINE CO., Corner William and John Sts., New York. HUMPHREYS’ HOMEOPATHIC f% SPECIFIC No. 60 In use 30 years. The only successfnl remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostration, from over-work or other causes. $1 per vial, or 5 vials and largo vial powder, for $S. ! bj DnurcihtM, or wat postpaid on receipt af prior HUMPHREYS’ MEDICINE CO., Corner William and John Sts.. New York. ~ « t Mllffa~ lKcAVEATSJnADE MARks^w W COPYRIGHTS.^ * CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? Fora prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to MUNN dk CO., who have had nearly fifty years' experience in the patent business. Communica tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In formation concerning Patent* and how to ob tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan ical and scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive Special notioeinthe Scientific American, and thus are brought widely before the public with out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the largest circulation of any scientific work in the world. S3 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Kdition,montbly, $2.50 a year. Single copies, 155 cents. Every number contains beau tiful plates. In colors, and photographs of new houses, with plans, enabling builders to show the latest designs and secure contracts. Address MUNN & CO, New York, 3ttl Buoadway. ^ypiFfcs Siaj&lyE LvUU raTiC * \JWC ^i5C. SSR_M CASH IT V/ILL MC^~ CORE. It is ac agreeable Laxative for the Bowels; can bo made into a Tea for u«e in one minute. . Price 2x;., oOc. and Shipper naeksge JjTTg3tf*fe An Elegant toilet Powder StV’es? £**J* for the Teeth and Breath—25c. When Baby wa*> sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria Don’t Forget! That. » what Brown’s wife called oat to him—don't forget to get a bottle of Haller’s Sarsaparilla, it’s so nice. For #ale by McConnell & Co. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria.