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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1894)
Bine Ribbon School Shoes Have No Equal. You Can Wiggle, You Can Struggle, But we’ve Cot You in our Eye; And You’ll Buy ’em, yes You’ll Buy ’em, You’ll Buy Them bye and bye. )5lue Ri^on . . . . Softool Sftoss. / cJCaoe 01 o Blue Ribbon School Shoes Have No Equal. Mixed Paints 90e a gallon at McMillen's drag store. Mixed Paint $1.00 a gallon. L. W. McConnell & Co. Come in early and often and see the fine line of meats at the B. & M. Meat Market. Leave your orders with us fo' paint ing and paper-hanging. L. W. McConnell & Co. Special prices on White Lead at A. Me Millen’s. HARP TIMES PRICES. Wall Paper—3 cents a roll. L. W. McConnell & C*>. To Whom it May Concern: / pro pose to carry a finer line of meats than any other house in the city. F. S. WILCOX. White Lead j>5.50 per hundred. L. W. McConnell & Co. We invite inspection and defy com petition in quality and price of Heat at the B. & M. Meat Market. HARD TIMES PRICES. Wall Paper—3 cents a roll. L. W. McConnell A Co. Try the Cream Pork Sausago at the B. & M. Meat Market. White Load $5.50 per hundred. L. W. McConnell & Co. BEWARE.—Do not buy poor truck, but go straight to the B. & M. Meat Market and get as choice a cut of meat as can be produced. PROSPECT PARK REMARKS. Being but a school girl, though an interested reader of The Tri bune, I thought I would write a few items. Miss Meda Hartman will close her eight months term of school, April 13th. Our farmers here are preparing to plant a large acreage of corn the coming season. Will Tuttle has brought his two children from Iowa, and his moth er is caring for them at the home stead on Dry creek. There will be a school exhibition held at Prospect Park school house in District 48, Saturday evening, April 14th. Bed Willow: county is cordially invited. This part of the county has been deeply interested and profited by the rendition of the play. Ten Nights in a liar Room, given by the Drift wood Amateur Club, which was well rendered. County Judge Beck and W. S. Fitch visited our neighborhood, March 00th, on business relative to the settlement of the estates of John Frederick, Sr., and Frank Albrecht, deceased. Our Sunday school is well at tended and very interesting, under the management of E. T. Allarn, superintendent. We also have preaching services every alternate Sabbath by Eev. J. E. Tirrill. Now, Mr. Editor, if this does not find its way to the waste basket you may hear from me again. A Little School Girl. From 1 to 10 Acre traces adjoining this city, or under ditcli, for sale by S. H. Colvin. For harness warranted to be first class in material as well as in work manship; also the most complete and best stock of saddlery, see L. Penner. second door south of A. O. IT. W. temple. 1,000 bushels of seed potatoes for sale by Knipple. Wall Paper, 3c per roll at A. McMillen’s drug store. Corked faced collars, light, coo! and elastic, waaranted not to gall horse’s shoulders, for sale by L. Penner. Sec ond door south of the A. O. U. W. temple building. 1,000 bushels of seed potatoes for sale by Knipple. For farm loans call oji C. J. Ryan. HARD TIMES PRICKS. Wall Paper—3 cents a roll. L. W. McConnell & Co. 1,000 bushels of seed potatoes for sale by Knipple. luk, pens, pencils school tablets, etc., at Tub Tribune stationery depaitment. Seventy-five cents buys a scale book, of 500 tickets at this office. 1,000 bushels of seed potatoes for sale by Knipple. A large shipment of German Millet Seed just received by the McCook Commission Co. They are selling it at 70c per bushel.\ Well Digging. If you want a well put down in line shape see Frank Nichols. He guaran tees his work. Leave orders at S. M. Cochran & Co.’s. McMilien Bros, have a splendid as sortment of Robes and Horse Blankets. Their stock of Harness and Saddlery is unequalled in western Nebraska. Sewing machines on the installment plan at Fade & Son’s. Leave your orders with us for paint ing and paper-hanging. L. W. McConnell & Co. Knipple is selling bananas at 25 cents a dozen. We don’t sell pack ing house lard, but our own make. F. S. Wilcox. HARD TIMES PRICES. Wall Paper—3 cents a roll. L. W. McConnell & Co. Bananas only 25 olny 25 cents a dozen at Knipple's. Gilt Wall Paper, 6c a roll at Me Mi l leu’s drii£ store. Dr. A. J. Thomas, Dentist, office in Union block, over .1. F. (lanst-how's. Lettuce and radishes at Knipple’s grocery store. Wanted; — Fat and stock hogs at the B. & M. Meat Market. Mixed Paint $1.00 a gallon. L. W. McConnell & Co. Kuipple hag a splendid stock of seed potatoes. MONEY TO LOAN. S. H. COLVIN. The Tariff, Financial, Hawaiian and other questions of the day do not interest the people hereabout as much as the question where can I get the most and best groceries for the money. C. Al. Noble can answer the question to the satis faction of all. Machinery repairs of all kinds kept in stock bv R. M. Cochran & Co. Also the best brands of oils. S. M. Cochran & Co. have a few' tons of baled hay on hand wdticii they will sell at $7 per ton. WARRIOR Will make the season of 1894 at Mad dux’s livery bam, McCook, Nebraska. He is a dark brown, coming nine years old. TERMS—$8 to insure, $b for the season; $4 for single leap. Care will be taken to prevent accidents, but I will not be responsible should any oc cur. T. J.Patk. BY THE CARLOAD. Knipple is in receipt oi another car load of flour He is .selliii_ it at the following remarkable low Fancy Patent, per sack,.$ i.iO Second Patent, per sack.90 Snowflake. rier sank . s r These are all floe floors and guaran teed to give satisfaction. SEED POTATOES Early Ohio seed potatoes. Clark No. 1 seed potatoes. Early liusu seed putatoe3. Also garden seeds of all kinda iu bulk and in packages for sale by Knip ple. German Millet Seed 70c per bushel at the McCook Commission Company's. DANBURY NEWS C. H. Oman has built a buggy shed. Very hard wind last Monday night. Quite a number went iishing last Sunday. V . H. Harrison and wife went to Bartley, Sunday. George Smith’s little baby is very sick with membraneous croup Powell Bros, shipped two car loads of hogs, last Wednesday morning. Wm. Theiasen sold his place up near Cedar Bluffs to Mr. Iiitten house, formerly of Iowa. Surprise party on Miss Rena Dolph, last Monday evening, at which all had a good time. Also a surprise party on Miss Addis xVnnis, last Saturday night; all en joyed themselves hugely. Dock DeMay and Squire Laf ferty made their debut as news men. last Monday. They happen ed into the Danbury News office, during the absence of the editor in-chief. The Squire procured a piece of paper and the doctor seized the crank; and presto, out rolled the first paper. We Wouldn’t be surprised to see the boys' run ning a cheese press and shoe p*^ outfit themselves, so delighted are they with their maiden effort. _C. A. N. Cochran & Co. have on display a large line o£ carriages, phaetons, buggies, road carts, spring wag ons, etc. Completest stock in Bed Willow county. Inspect them if you want anything in that line.