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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1894)
for Infants and Children. 1 ^ *‘orf •*, tgpo well adapted to children that I recommend .fc as superior to any prescription known to me." IL A. Aucrma, 11. D., Ill Ik). Oxford Lk., Erooklyn, N. Y. “The uso of ‘Castorla Lj bo wiivereal and its rr.critj so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach."' Carixjs Martyn, D. D., New York City. Castorla cures Oolic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion, Without injurious medication. “For several years I have recommended your ‘ Oastoria,’ and shall always continue to do so aa it has invariably produced beneficial results.” Edwdi F. Pabdee, M. D., 125th Street and 7th Avo., New York City. The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, New York City. DO YOU KEEP ST m TfriC HOUSE? Will Cure Cramps, Colic, Cholera** fi^lorfoys and all Bowel Complaints. P/!7LICE,25g., 50o., aad $S.CO A BOTTLE. W. C. BULLARD & CO. • "" LIME, , CEMENT, DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS. • BED CEDAR. AND OAK POSTS. W“U. J. WARREN, Manager. B. & M. Meat Market. F. S. WILCOX, Prop. F. D. BURGESS, PLUMBERi>STEAM FITTER NORTH MAIN AVE.. McCOOE NEB. Stock of Iron, Lead and Sewer Pipe, Brass Goods, Pumps, and Boiler Trimmings. Agent for Hallid&y, Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mills. CABLED FIELD and HOG FENCING, £4 inches to 08 inches high; the bcM aM-purpose fence made. Also STEEL WEB PICKET FENCE fop yards and lawns, and STEEL WIRE PENCE BOARD and ORNAMENTAL STRIP for horses and cattle. The most complete line of wire fencing of any factory in the country. Write for circulars. * DE KALB FENCE CO., De Kalb, Ilf. MANHOOD RESTORED! SINKSSfiS&Tr B!SS82$2^SS3£tf^^ Nrfrvons nenTalldralnsandiossof power In Generative Onians of either sex canned byoverexbrtlon.yoothftarerrors ezoeeeive rise of tobacco, oplnm or atim alaota,which lead to Infirmity, Oonaomption or Insanity. Can be carried In .vest pocket. »1 per bfir,« f or IBS, by mall propcld. With a SS order we Ivin a written rssrnntee to ran arrehsd the money, gold by all "druccirtr. Ark font, into no other. Write for free Medical Book sent sealed uKwitt^ i^UtekT91sTi. inp.'Rin v/rapper. A'idrts# 31 EKV£SE£D (30.* Masonlo Temple,CHICAGO. *For sal* in MoCook, Neb , by I- W. McConnell A Co., Druggist*, « ' r ;.r ■■ .<;• ■ . 3* ’ A MISTAKE. “Can yon imagine mo in lodgings,cheap ening tho butw?ii*r?"Bjys Belinda, with her laugh. “Orsbopping in thoEdgwaro road in a waterproof? Am I your idea of the per son who would take au interest in Buetaod semolina and darn your socks in the even ing as a recreation? My dearest Jack, if you think anything go absurd, you must be evenn greater fool than I take you for.” “And you aro so clever—so confounded ly clever, you know, Belinda,” says Jack, looking at her curiously through his half closed eyes. Belinda has taken the chair opposite to him—a great, deepehair which acts as a frame to her fair, assured beauty and the rich softness of her costly dress. “1 am honest,” answers Belinda, “and romantic, too—that is, as romantic as mast people. Theoretically romantic, you know, and in practice practical. My dear Jack, 1 may have been—I don't say that I have, yon know—sentimental enough to fall in love with a government clerk, but I shall not be fool enough to marry him.” “Thank you,” says Jack, still looking at her indolently. “I am glad you are grateful,” answers Belinda. “You ought to be. I am spar ing you a great deal. What would you do with a wife who wanted about double your entire annual income for a dress allow ance?” Jack is understood to murmur lazily that any wife of bis would be required to make a good many sacrifices. “Sacriflcet!” echoes Belinda. “How bourgeois and high minded we are! My dear Jack, the influence of tho country clergyman, your papa, and the squire's daughter, your mamma, is painfully ap parent even now. If people are not to mar ry to better themselves, why in tho world should they nmrry at all?” “Effete persons in the country, Belin da,” says Jack, leaning forward and look ing into her face with an odd inteutnesa, “occasionally marry for love.” “Bo you offer their example for my ben efit?” says Belinda, laughing a little. Perhaps she laughs to cover some slight and unusual nervousness. A faint color flickers for a moment in her cheeks and dies away and leaves her pale. “I have the audacity to do so,” says Jack. “It’s absurd and quixotic and ri diculous, »f course. I don’t think I expect you to follow it. The instances in which women have found affection capable of making life more tolerable than do a to wn house and a country house and a first rate dressmaker are uncommonly rare. Yet they have been, Belinda.” “Have they ?” says Belinda. “Is there any proof of that? Is there any proof that the women who have married for uffection wouldn’t be ready enough to barter it at the end of a year or two for thoseother ad vantages? The birthright for the mess of pottage, yon would say. But my sympa thies have always been with Esau.” “Suppose,” says Jack, with something that is eager and strained under his light manner, “we come to the point. Bo you care for me, Belinda?” “lam going to be honest in every're spect,” says Belinda, with that color com ing and going in her face. “So—yes.” “Will you marry me, Belinda?” Thtre is a pause. “No,” says Belinda, but as if it hurt her. “Why not?” “ I-Ionesty r.gain, ” answers Belie da light ly. She feel3 perhaps as if that lightness were a sort of safeguard. “To put it bru tally, I don’t consider love and a clerkship are enough to live upon.” “Is this final?” Hays Jack, still very in tently. “It is so final,” she answers, "that I must ask you never to mention the subject again. I have my feelings, too, you know. I wish perhaps they were strong enough, as some women’s have been, to let me do as you wish. But they are not. Spare me as much as yon can. When I am rich and prosperous, I shall no doubt regret yon, but if 1 had you I should spend my life regretting the richness and prosperity. I choose the lesser of two evils.” “And suppose, Belinda,” says the man, “that you bad been fortunate enough to fall in love with a rich man?” “I can’t suppose anything so absurd,” answers Belinda. “That sort of thing does not happen outside novels.” “Sometimes,” he answers,“though rare ly. Yesterday I was a poor man; today, through the death of a relative, I am a rich one.” She looks at him suddenly. The color burns into he** face and dies out of it. She reads contempt in his eyes—a scathing contempt for her. “I leave here early tomorrow morning,” she says at last and very steadily. “I will say goodby to you now.” He opens the door for her, and as she passes him their eyes meet for the last time.—M. and T. in Black und White. Nationality Shown In Tillage. For 50 miles about New York the coun try is a region of small farms. Nearly all are carefully tilled, but the manner in which each is conducted comes close to in dicating the nationality of the owner. The native American likes a lawn in front of his house and leaves uncultivated strips near the fences of his fields. Also his pref erence in the way of crops is for grain. The Englishman and the German devote much space to berries and vegetables, and both delight in displays of flowers before their houses. The Frenchman is sure to be a grape grower. He, too, revels in flow ers, but he fosters those that, cut or as potted plants, will find a city market. The Irishman is a raiser of potatoes, cab bages and corn. His home displays little outside adornment, but almost always there is about it an air of solid comfort, and one may be sure to see a pigpen not far from the cottage. Abroad “land is land,” and those who have been tenants of holdings that cost them an annual rental of $20 per acre re tain their habit of close cultivation when farming in the United States. Here, again, the difference between the American and the foreigner crops out. The former is prodigal of soil BDd lets the difficult spots alone, the latter utilizes ev ery inch of dirt clear to the roadway and uses fertilizers with skill and advantage to himself.—New York Herald. Lampblack. The manufacture of lampblack, which is extensively used in tberubberand other trades, is an industry the extent of which is not readily understood. Two houses in New York alone handle over 30,000 tons, one bouse in Glasgow as much more, and the quantities traded in Cincinnati and Chicago are of like proportion. Printers’ Ink is made on the basis of 16 parts of lampblack, 1 part of linseed cdl and 1 part of soap. Shoe blacking is made from lamp black, molasses and oil of vitriol. In ev ery ton of fertiliser put upon the market there are 50 pounds of lampblack. A lamp black manufactory can be pnt up at the low cost of $50. It is made from the low grades of rosin.—Hardware. TJL.b*dEE2 TiLELZ GOING KA8T—CkNTltAL TIMK—LKAVKrt. No. 2, through passenger. 5:40 A. M. No. 4. local passenger. 9:10 P. M No. 76. freight... 0.45 A. M. No. 64. freight. 4 30 A !M ! No. 80. freight .ld:U0 A. M No. 148. freight, made up here A. M. GOING WK8T—MOUNTAIN TIMK—I.KAVKH. No. 3. through passenger.11:35 P.M. No. 5. local pabbhtnger.9:25 P. M. No. 63 freight. .fi:H0 P. M. No. 77. freight.4:£ P. M. No. 149, freight, made up here. 6:00 A. M. IMPKItlAL LINK.—MOUNTAIN TIMK. No. 175. leaves at.8:00 A. M. No. 176. arrives at..5:40 P. M. £erNoTB:—No. 63 carri *8 passengers for Straiton, lienkeliuai. and Ilaigler. All trams run daily excepting 148, 149 and 176. which run daily except 5iindaj. No. 3 stops at Iteiikelinaii and Wra>. No. 2 slops at lndianola. Cambridge and Ar apahoe. No. 80 will carry passengers for lndianola. Cambridge and Arapahoe. Nos. 4. 5.148,149 and 176 carry passengers for all si hi ions. You can purchase ai this office tickets lo all principal points in the United States and Can ada and baggage checked through to desiimi . lion without extra charge of transfer. For information regarding rates, etc. trail on or address C K MAONKU. Agent. MIDWINTER FAIR RATES ARE DOWN. The Burlington Route is now selling round trip tickets to San Francisco at $35.50. One way $20. Think of it! Four thousand miles for less than forty dollars. See the company’s local agent and get full information, or write to J. Francis, General Passenger agent, Omaha, Neb. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order ol sale directed to me from the district court of Red Y\ illuw county, Nebraska, on a judgment obtained b fore I Ion. D. T. Welty, judge of the district court I of Red Willow county, Nebraska, on the eighth day of May 1893, 1 n favor ol John 1'. Ekstedt, as plaintiff, and against Ollie M. Waterman as defendant, lor the sum of Eighty-Three ($83.13) dollars, and j thirteen cents, and costs taxed at $20.38 and I accruing costs. I have levied upon the fol-1 lowing real estate taken as ihe property ol 1 said defendant, to satisfy said judgment, to-1 wit: Lot Five in block Nine, Second addition to McCook, Red Willow county, Nebraska. And , will offer the same for sale to the highest bid -1 der, for cash in hand, on the 30th day of April, A. L). 1894, in front <if the south door of the | court house, in lndianola, Nebraska, that be- ! ing the building wherein the last term of dist rict court was held, at the hour of I o’clock p. m., of said day, when and where due attend ance will he given by the undersigned. Dated Match 28, 1894. E. K. Banks, W.S. Morlan, Sheriff of said county. , Attorney. 45-5 i_ Noticeto Land Owners. i To B. J. Doyle, Christopher 'Troester, John F. L. Curtis, Fannie Moore, Michael O’Brien, and tti ail whom it may concern: 'The commissioner appointed to locate a road commencing at the Southwest corner of Section Five, Town Two, Range Twenty-six, I in Tyrone precinct, Red Willow county, Ne braska, running thence south on section line to Southwest corner of Section Thirty-Two, Town Two, Range Twenty-six, terminating thereat, has repoited in favor of the loc ition thereof, and all obj ctions thereto or claims for damages must be filed in the county clerk’s office on or b fore no m of the 9th day of June, A. D. i894,or said road will be established with out reference thereto. Geo. W. Roper, 44 4t County Clerk Dissolution of Partnership. By mutual consent the co-partnership be tween Colvin & Bern's, is hereby dissolved. Silas H. Colvin will pay all bills against said firm, and collect all accounts due same, and complete all unfinished business. Dated McCook, Neb., March 15th, 1894 Signed. Silas 11. Colvin. 43-6C Carey T. Blogs. United States Land Office, McCook, Nebraska, March 12, 1894. Public notice is hereby given that under and by authority of instructions received from the commissioner of the general land office, the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section 4, township 3, north of range 30, west of the 6th P. M., containing 40 acres, will be offered for sale at this office on the 251I1 day of Aprii, 1894, at ten o’clock, A. M., to the highest bidder for cash and at not less than I. 25 per acre, under section 2,455, f-!- S. re vised statutes, and act of March 3d. 1891. J. P. Lindsay. Register. D. E. Bomgardner, Receiver. J. E. Kf.i.ley, Attorney. 43-5!;;. LODGE MEETINGS. K. O. T. M.—Second and fourth Thursday evenings of each month. J. H. Dwyer, Com. I J. H. Yarger, Record Keeper. L. O. T. M.—First and third Thursday even- i ! lugs of each month. Mrs. J. F.Ganeebow. Mrs. Nellie Johnson, Com. . Record Keeper. I-- I Sheriff’s Sale. By virtue of an order of sale directed to me from the district court of Red Willow county, Nebraska, on a judgment obtained before Hon. D. T. Wfclty. judge of the dietr et court of Red Willow county, Nebraska, on tne 18th day of December. 1893. in favor of George A. Dewey as plaintiff, and against Elbert J. Hen derson etal.. as defendants, for the sum of five hundred sixty-eight ($568.00) dollars and ninety-eight (38) cents, and costs taxed at $2218 and accruing costs, and Burton & Harvey on the same day on their cross petition having obtained a decree for the sum of $33 25, I have levied upon the following described real estate taken as the property ol said de fendants to satisfy said judgment, to-wit: The east half of the northwest quarter and the west half of the northeast quarter of section twen ty-nine, in township two. north of range twenty-nine, west of the fill) P. M„ in Red Willow county. Nebraska. And will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, on the 12th oay of March, A. D., 1894. | in front of the south door of the court house ; in Indianola. Nebraska, that being the build- | ing wherein the last term of court was held, j at the hour of or.e o’clock. P. M., of paid day, when and where due attendance will he given j by the undersigned. Dated February I, 1894. * E. R. BANKS. Sheriff of said county, j W. S. Morlan, Attorney. S8-5t8. The above sale was continued thirty days for lack of bidders. E. R. Banks, Dated March 18lh. 1994. Sheriff. HOW'S THIS! We offer Oue Hundred Dollars lie ward for any case of Catarrh that can-i not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. i F. J. C HENKY& Co., props.,Toledo, O. j We, the undersigned, have known F. | Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and finacialiy able to carry out any obligation made by the firm. West & Truax. Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, Ohio. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohic. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Pnice 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all drug gists. Testimonials free. District Court Proceedings. CASKS CONTINUED. Burnham Tulleys & Co. vs Georg* K. Mayo et al equity. .1. H. Ludwiek vs J. H.Bennett et al.equity. Citizens Hank of McCook vh K. U. hanks, sheriff, et al, appeal. John A Thomas vs C. I>. Cramer et al. equi ty. McKinley, Hundley & Walker vs O. M. Knip ple, levivm ot Judgment. David Fisher vs Charles VV. heck, appeal. Charles 0. Ely vs Francis M. hurt et al, equity. 8. L. Sticther vs W.H. Williams et al.equity. Charles C. Crabtree vs George Crabtree, equity. Charles Wright 2d vs Ephraim Green et al. equity. Ida Haistead vs A. L. Pollock, equity. Henry Carolhers vs Henry Simmormau, equity. Kffa I. Hobson vs Joseph A. Gardner etal, attachment. J. A. Kelly vs Joseph A. Gardner, attach ment. John H. Cowles vs Wm. Pennington,appeal. Samuel hall vs George hoyer, McCoy & Co., equity. The lndianola P. & O. M’f’g- Co., vs The Garner 11. & F. Paint Co., equity. Tiimuus Lonergan vs James H. heckcr et ai, equity, Thomas Lonergan vs David D. Smith et al, equity. Allen C. Clyde vs E. It. hanks et al, equity. Kestner & Co. vs Garner II. & F. Paint Co., attachment. V. Franklin et a! vs h. F. Brower etal..equi ty. Albert G. Dole vs Minneapolis O. & 8. F. Co., equity. It. G. Dunn & Co., vs James K. Ellis, appeal. Kittenhouse & Hoyle vs Charles H. Pate, at luchmeut. Indianoln Paint & Ochre Mfg. Co., vs Jacob Lerch, equity. 0. S. Quick vs Simeon Hillings et al. appeal. John J. Lauiboni vs Loyal M. Hayes etal. equity. Morgan P. Muiford vs Taylor K. Quigley, damages. Frederick Welles vs Peter Hrookham et al. equity. Leah Adamire vs James Adamire, divorce. Ciurk & Leonard Investment Co. vs John MeOotteret al. equity. W. c. Bullard & Co. vs Sallie.F.DeGroff et al, equity. Balthazar Lehn vs Honry Harter et al, eqni | tv. Johnson I. Robins vs Satnue! A. Shaffer et 1 al. CASKS DI8MI8SKD. Nebraska & Kansas Farm Loan Co., vs Wm. M. Nun el al, equity. H. II. Beaty vs Joe! Z. Teeters, equity, dis nnS8ed at cost of plaintiff. George Kiugeu vs James Harris, appeal, L). M. Mon jo, trustee vs Lillian M. Pitney et cons., equity, settled and dismissed at cost of ( plaintiff. C. S. Weiser vs Tr’y Ev’l Lutheran church McCook. Neb., equity,settled and dismissed at 1 cost of pluiutilf. UUCKRbB OF FOHBCLOPURR. Peoples Building, L & S. Asn’n vs Samuel R. Smith et al, equity—due $1.130 64, McKmley Landing L. A; T. Co.. v*6 William Duhm ka—due $722.04. Nathan L. Case vs James Neelings, equity due $539 20 Norman F. Thompson vs Andrew Kinkaid et al, equity—due $901 33. J. E. Seely vs George A.McClung et al, equi ty-due $27 95. Hai tiord Theological Seminary vs Stephen Guucber et al.equity—due $768,48. Randolph L. Bullard vs George H. Tupper et al, equity—duo $1 ( 34.22. CCnarles C. White, receiver, vs Johanna L. Butcher, equity—due $155 31. Julia Trow bridge vs Jacob Long et al.equity —due $1,008 06. Charles A. Flint vs Fred G. Thompson et ux equity—due $887.10. Norman Spencer vs samuel Ball et al, equi ty-due $1,183.50. J. E. Kelley vs Dovier J. Smith et al. equity —$354 10. Ruudolph L. Bullard vs Sarah E. Griggs et al, equity—due $520. Christian Hartman vs Adam Grass, equity —due $198 61. Josiah G. Adams, administrator vs Peter Bailus et al. equity—due $1,159.63. Thankful P. Buck vs Amos K. Buck et al, equity—due $4,032.59, A. S Baldwin vs Henry Walker et al.equity —due $539.40. Robert McFarland vs Edwin W. Mosher et al equity—due $535.65. Robert McFarland vs Cap. National bank, Lincoln, Neb., equity—due $653.50. James Potter et a) vs Capital National bank ! Lincoln, Neb.,equity—due $698. S. J. Mattocks vs Paul E. Boynton et al, equity—due $707.33. Wm. H. Ritteuburg vs Thos. Inman et al. equity—due 326 55. Charles Nash vs James F. O’Rourke et al, equity—due 1.086.25. Matilda J. Webber, guardiaa vs Henry Sey mour—duo 196 94. State Bank Indianola, .Neb, vs Henry B. Lan- et al, equity—due 1.419 30. John A. Baker vs F. P. Chessman et al, equi ty—due 237.64. DIVORCE CA8ES. Florence M. Lytle rs Charles Lytle, divorce granted. Robert J. McElhinney vs Anna M. McEl hiuney. divorce granted. George E. Thurman vs Ella R. Thurman, di vorce granted. Emilie Austin vs Charles A. Austin, decree of divorce. Laura Allington vs Eli J. Allington, divorce granted. .JUDGMENTS. Emil Lindner vs James C. Birney, appeal. Judgment against defendant, for 80.90. William Karp vs Edward Fitzgerald, dam ages. Verdict of 225 against defendant. First National Bank of Tobias, Neb., va F. 8. Granger et at. equity. Judgment against Granger for 1,230-58. B. B. Davis vs Red Wiilow county, appeal from county commissioners. Judgment against defendant for 52.90. Frank H. Spearman vs Neo., Loan & Bank ing Co., etal, appeal. Judgment against de fendants for 60.00. H. T. Clark Drug Co., vs John F. Shafer, at tacbment. Property ordered sold. H. T. Clark Drug Go., vs John F. Shafer, at tacbment. Property ordered sold. Van Natla Lyuds Drug Co., vs John F. Shaf er, attachment. Property ordered sold. Pekin Plow Co., vs James Harris, equity, judgment against defendant for 701.43. CASES ROLLED. Tbe State of Nebraska vs James K. Ellis, gambling. Tbe State of Nebraska vs James K. Ellis gambling The State of Nebraska vs James K. Ellis, gambling. The State of Nebraska vs Harry cognizance. The State of Nebraska vs James K. Ellis, re cognizance. i OaMBINLO. The State of Nebraska, vs. James K. Kills, gambling. Defendant pled guilty and flood 135 011 and costs The Slate of Nebraska, vs Harry Howards, appeal. Defendant pled gulliy und fined 50.00 and coals. UIHCBbbAHKOUB CASKS. A. A. Monger vs Ifed Willow jounty, appeal from county commissioners, taken under ad visement. The State of Nebraska vs Grant Hlaekman. larceny, verdict of guilty, and sentenced to oneyeur in the penitentiary. Petition of trustees Presbyterian churcb Lebanon, Neb., an order to mortgage real es tate, relief granted and order made. lit the mailer of the estate of Isabell M Kloyd-Junes, petition to sell real estate, set fur hearing Muy 13th, IS94, at Chambers. CONFIRMATION CASES. Nebraska Loan & Trust Co., vs George W. Conrad, et al. Bale confirmed. American Investment Co., vs Richard G Mitchell et al. sale confirmed. Phoenix Insurance Co., vs Wm. Knape, et al, former decree corrected. Wm. Meggat vs John U. Meserve, et al. salt* confirmed. Arthur A. Hyde vs Robert 8. Cooley et al. sale confirmed. Eugene A. Rose vs Adelbert D. Ashley et al, sale confirmed. H. G. Hrainerd vs Sadie Bates et al, sale con firmed with deficiency judgment for 98 95. B. M. Vincent vs George 8. Cundiff, et confirmed. George Henry Waring. Jr., trustee vs An drew H. Oman et al. sale confirmed and defi cency judgment for 78 43. j. Lowell Moore, trustee vs William Relpb, et hI, sale confirmed and deficiency judgment for 192.85. Garwood H. Atwood vs Louis Mather, et al. sale continued. Warren O. McClure vs Hezekiah M. Ash more, et al. wale confirmed. George Hockuell vs James W. Speer, sale confirmed. AffaC. Seeley vs Bart j. Doyle, et al, salt confirmed. Nebrask Mortgage Co., vs Louis J. Mather, et al, sale confirmed. Eliza H. Eaton vs John P. Rawlings et al, sale confirmed. justin A. Wilcox vs George A. Niccoison ei al. sale confirmed. S. Anna Small vs William H. Rich eta.1, sale confirmed. Susan K. Broughton vs Thomas Clark et al. sale confirmed. The Rank of Commerce vs William Iteming ton, jr., sale confirmed and deflcency Judg meni for 108 7'J. The Investors Company vs John Uaisch et al, sale confirmed. Atlantic Trust C., vs H. A. Frederick et al, sale confirmed. Affa C. Seely vs John C. Crawley et al, salt confirmed. Charles Nash vs Stephen Lyon et al, sale confirmed. Salinda E, LeFever vs James II. Goodrich jr ^.William Ellinwood vs Eli C. Popejoy et al et al, sale confirmed. j. E. Kelley vs Charles A. Sollers etal, sale confirmed. Atlantic Trust Company, trustee vs Francis j. Finite et al, sa'e confirmed. John McKiever vs Herman Abormeth, sale confirmed. The Investors Company vs Belle F. King et al, sale confirmed. j. Abbott Thompson vs Ira McClung, etal, sale confirmed. Gertrude E. Sadd vs Amos Cotnmaok et al, sale confirmed. John M. Boies vs Alexander M. Simoulon et al, sale confirmed. 8elvester Hyne vs Ira Sylvester et al, sale confirmed. Sam C. Colt vs William W. Bunnell et confirmed. j. Walter King vs Wilber H. Kosencrans et al. sale confirmed. Joseph H. King, executor vs Theodore M. Pbillippi et al, sale confirmed. Joseph II. King, executor vs Thomas Clark et al, sale confirmed. j. Abbott Thompson vs Lambert jay etal, sale confirmed. josiah G. Adams administrator, vs Stillwell Conner et al. sale confirmed. josiah G. Adams administrator, vs Charles H. Nichols et al, continued. j Abbott Thompson vs Sarah j. Smith et al, sale confirmed. Bank of Commerce vs John Wintjen et al, sale confirmed and deficiency judgment for 79.78. Lucy a. Cain vs Baxter J. Davis et al, sale confirmed. Lucian H. Chidsey administrator, vs Edgar R. Byars etal, sale confirmed. Hartford Theological Seminary vs John Farley et al, sale confirmed. jarnes Eaton vs James R. Botte et al, sale confirmed. Emily M. Reed, Ex., vs James McCotter et al, sale confirmed. John A. Hamilton vs Ance Shrater et al,sale confirmed. Frederick W. Warner administrator, vs Enoch M. Watson et al, sale confirmed. Thomas Lonergan vs Mary M. Cox et al, sale confirmed. Thomas Lonergan vs Frank L. McCracken etal, sale confirmed. Sandwich Enterprise Co., vs E. F. confirmed. Charles H. Hall 2 vs Rufus M, Snavely, sale confirmed. Bank of Commerce vs Samuel Pollock, sale confirmed. Barnett Lumber Co., vs John Kelley,sale con firmed. W. B. Gould vs James B. Jacobs, continued. Edward S. Ogden vs Stephen Brown, con tinued. Elizabeth B.Crosbey vs Patrick McDonnell, sale confirmed. j. E. Seeley vs James H. Goodrich jr, con tinued. Henry Parmelee vs Lucy j. Cramer.continu ed. j. E. Seeley vs Antoine Deitsch, sale con firmed. F. A. Hotchkiss, vs Albert E. Lang, sale confirmed. Willman Mercantile Co. vs Eli Collette, con* tinued. The Barnett Lumber Co. vs John confirmed. Newton Hart vs George Weill, continued. ^ illiam H. Lockwood et al, vs Thomas Clark, continued. \ Mary T. Hyde vs James A. Lyon, continued. J. Loolidge Hills, vs William J. Portety sale confirmed. Kate A. L. Chapin vs Henry Voges, confirmed. Charles T. Stetson vs William H. Sprague, sale confirmed. Iowa Mortgage Co., vs Abraham Williams, sale confirmed. J. Lowell Moore vs Sarah E. Gerver, sale confirmed. Hartford Theological Seminary vs Joseph Albrecht, sale confirmed. Lucy H. Alford as Executrix vs John R. Topper, sale confirmed. Oliver M. Hyde vs Charles H.Cook, sate con firmed.