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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1894)
J. E. KELLEY WINS Chosen Mayor by 0 Large Majority. -)HE REPUBLICAN TICKET Successful With the Exception of Two Nominees. A FKW NoTLBTS. Tuesday’s city election was one of the most warmly contested in the history of McCook. While the election of almost the entire Republican ticket was quite! generally expected, the majorities re-j ccived by a number of nominees exceed-1 ed tbe expectations of all. For a city election and taking into account the disagreeableness of the weather, the vote cast was pretty fair for numbers, and in dicated ati unusual degree of interest manifest among the business men and citizens generally. Indeed the quite overwhelming result may with propriety be taken as an evidence of a strong de sire for a change, for a new deal, rather than as showing any ill will toward the nominees of the Citizens ticket. We believe that the new administration will be one that the people of our city will be able to take a good deal of pride in— that an effort will he directed toward the substantial upbuilding of the best and true interests of the city. That some of the abuses of the present regime will be corrected, and that withal we may reasonably expect substantial im provement, if nothing radical along the line of reform. To this effect we will j take pleasure in upholding their hands. “I believe that.” There were just about t>oo ballots cast. There will be a new deal in municipal affairs, anyhow. “Little Russia" sent in a practically solid Republican vot-e. Many failed to register. Forty-two votes being sworn in bj' the city clerk. Clarence Gray isn’t much on speech making, but he will look after the bus iness of city treasurer O. K. Ed Wilcox ran like a wild hare for the city clerkship, receiving by far the largest majority of any candidate. Russians take quite naturally to some Republican institutions at least. Beef and beer and boodle and such like. Tuesday’s election must be regarded largely as a rebuke to Mayor Brewer and his administration of municipal affairs. Pope wishes that Moore had received the one majority. Nevertheless, he will make a business councilman for the sec ond ward. From a business standpoint much im provement may probably be expected from the new administration, in the way of morals some at least. The Tribune hopes that Mayor Kel ley’s plea, made Tuesdas night, for har mony and united work for McCook,during the coming year, will meet with a ready and unanimous response. Let us all work together for the city’s best interests. Mayor Brewer comes out of the scrim mage pretty badly disfigured, but like the thorough sport he is, still in the ring. It is thought, however, that his chances for securing the nomination for repre sentative are somewhat impaired, now. Mayor Kelley made a very clever hit in his brief speech Tuesday night, at the jollification, in proposing three cheers and a tiger for “United Russia." It took the crowd by storm. Indeed the little mayor’s big head was working nicely. Member of board of edneation Richie made two heroic efforts to escape making a speech, but he wasn’t in the best of sprinting form. He was finally hauled home on a railroad express truck by the wildly enthusiastic, but good natured crowd. Mayor-elect Kelley has been the recip ient of many congratulations. Among them being telegrams from Peter Camb bell of Laird, Colorado, and Supt. Phe lan of Alliance. Johnny finds no diffi culty in wearing his "Bismarck” capas usual, however. The crowd had some difficulty in pull ing Harv. Sutton from his horn long enough to have him express thanks for the honor conferred upon him. He promises to look after the interests of the Big First with the same devotion he leads the finest band in southwestern Nebraska. That was the most enthusiastic demon stration ever witnessed in McCook, after the result became known, Tuesday night. With both the Pythian and the Work man bands discoursing their liveliest airs, and hundreds of people each trying to out-yell the other, it was a stirring in cident in which both sides participated. Ad Bates’ child has joined the measles ' brigade. - H. T. Carey’s baby is ill with an attack of the fever. Ole Laudgren’s little girl is in a serious state from a relapse from the measles. Mrs. A. H. Sprague living southwest of the city has been very ill for past two weeks. _ Charlie Noble sent three wagons loaded with groceries up into Frontier county, Wednesday. }. I. Grundy has just completed threshing out about a thousand bushels of wheat of the vintage of 1892. John Rummer is building an addition to his house on the farm, and besides is making other improvements thereon. Farmer Frank Stillman hail a small ! prairie fire on his place, Sunday evening. The timber on his east line and fencing were damaged. i The city authorities should take active ■ steps toward abating the tramp nuisance. The city is overrun by these fellows. They should be encouraged to walk. C. T. Brewer shipped six ears of cattle to the Omaha market, yesterday. The stock was purchased by him from Messrs. Doyle, Boles and others of the Willow. The A. O. U. W. band treated James Starr to an enjoyable surprise, close of last week, it being the occasion of Mr. Starr's birthday anniversary. The hoys had a royal good time. Complete anil official district court proceedings on the inside pages of this issue. Remember that the Tribune is all printed at home. There is always something of local interest on the inside pages. A small twister passed through the southeastern part of the city, Monday, overturning outbuildings etc. in a very lively manner. Howe Smith’s barn moved a few inches and other minor damages were caused. In Hayes county. Nebraska, according to the American Newspaper Directory for 1894, now in press, the Hayes Centre Republican has a larger regular issue than any other paper. Advertising rates made known on application. The police judge desires it to be known that the ordinance against burning rub bish within the city limits will be strictly enforced in the future. So the people of McCook who have been fracturing that city Jaw should govern their actions accordingly. Patronize the draymen. The wind and dust storm, Monday evening and night, was a perfect terror; ami made the average citizen doubtful whether life is worth living or not. While the house wives are frantic. If the weather clerk, doesn’t repent of such work, he is liable to be mobbed by an enraged populace. The prairie fire that got away from those breaking prairie on the Hatfield ranch, Monday evening, is said to have gone clear to the Beaver creek before it was stopped. It is not thought to have caused much damage, although it is said that one fanner lost some hogs, and some fencing was burned. The election of officers of St. John Commanderv, last Friday evening, re sulted as follows: G. S. Bishop, eminent commander; G. R. Johnson, generalis simo; H. IT. Easterday, captain general; E. C. Ballew, prelate; W’illiam Smith, senior warden; S. E. Green, junior warden; j. D. Robb, treasurer; E. E. Lowman, recorder. Two tramps stole three pairs of shoes at Ganscbow’s shoe store, Wednesday, and subsequently attempted to sell them to workman down in the company’s shops. They were promptly arrested and the shoes recovered. Police Judge Berry gave them thirty minutes to leave the city, and they improved the time promptly. The genus tramp is becoming too numerous, anyhow. Monday evening's incident should teach the people of McCook a valuable lesson, namely, to refrain from burning up the rubbish about their premises. Drop a few nickles in the slot and the draymen will do the rest. And you will not endanger your own property or that of your neighbor. High winds come suddenly in the spring time, making fires a souce of danger. Patronize the drayman. Taboo the fire, and we will all rest more easily and safely. The county of Red Willow has refused to pay the bill of this county for the keeping of Ben Stoddard, the gav young man with wheels in his head, who was cuttiug up his didoes here a year since. A law suit will no doubt be the result. ... Mr. Austin, who has been connected with the McCook electric light plant, was in the city last Saturday to spring the electric lighting question upon the unsuspecting and guileless public. The opinion prevails here that anything brighter than lamp light would be too strong for our eyes.—Beaver City Tri bune. The post office department has issued an order that hereafter mail will not be received at railroad mail cars unless through the local post office. Putting letters on the cars adds to the labor of the railroad mail clerk and takes up time that is needed for his regular work. This will also be a protection to the country postmaster whose salary de pends on the number of stamps can celed at their office. At nearly all of the country offices along the railways the people get in the habit of carrying their letters to the trains. Many do this because they want to spite the post master and cut down his income. As a protection to the country postmaster the order is a good one and as The Tribune believes in the principle of protection we favor protecting even | democratic postmasters. RELIGIOUS MATTERS. Rev. Frank Durant is entertaining a classmate. Rev. Fillmore. Rev. P'illmore will occupy the Episco pal pulpit on next Sunday. Usual morning and evening services by Elder McBride in the Lutheran ehuch, next Sunday. All are cordially invited to these services. The ladies of the Baptist church will give a ten cent social, consisting of pumpkin pie, doughnuts and coffee, at Mrs. D. Magner’s, next Thursday even ing the 12th. It is to be repeated once every month. The Protestant churches of the city joined in a union temperance meeting at the Lutheran church, last Sunday evening. Rev. Preston of the Congre gational church and others addressed the meeting. The Epwortli league announces a social in the Methodist church on next Tues day evening. There will be a musical programme and light refreshments. An admission fee of 15 cents will be charged, which will cover all expenses. Every body cordially invited. The Openings. -- . ; One of the functions for which elab orate preparations are semi-annually made by dry goods men and milliners and which are anxiously anticipated by the ladies of McCook and vicinity, are the spring and fall openings. This spring was no exception to the rule, and viewed from the standpoint of attend ance, interest and pleasure exhibited by the ladies, the openings, yesterday after noon and evening, were distinctly suc cessful aud highly gratifying to the mer chants. L. BOWMAN & SON Doubtless eclipsed any and all previous efforts at their opening. Their stock of dry goods, notions, millinery, carpets, etc., has no equal in this section of Ne braska. Their purchases, this spring, were unusually full and elegant. But the millinery department was the chief centre of attraction. This depart ment, this season, is under the manage ment of Miss Van Fleet, a tasteful art ist in her line. The display in this de partment was everything the feminine heart could desire, and was praised with out stint. Kach visitor carried home with her a unique souvenir of the event in the form of a branch of apple blossoms. MISS FURBUSri’S Display', while not so elaborate, was tasteful, complete and fashionable, and her bazar attracted a large and delight ful attendance. Many visited Miss Cory’s establish ment, although it was not her opening occasion. Altogether the affairs were very at tractive and highly creditable. George Caldwell of the Denver News was in town, yesterday, gathering data for an irrigation write up, intended to stimulate interest in the irrigation con vention to be held here on May 2d and 3rd. The article will appear in an early issue of the great populist daily. It takes a stout political heart to stand two knock-outs in one week; but Mc Cook has a few such politicians. They are genuine chrysanthemums. Always blooming most charmingly when its coldest. The individual who is running that private saloon on the school section near Cambridge, but in Red Willow county, has recently been fined by gov ernment officials. Now let the authori ties do their duty. The order of the Eastern Star had a delightful meeting, Wednesday night. There were a number of invitations and a superb spread of refreshments later in the session. The attendance was large. The order is a rapid and a strong grower. There are a thoughtless few politicians in Red Willow county, found working within the Republican party, who don’t know enough to quit fighting after the battle is over. If they will place their ear to the ground they will hear some thing for their immediate and future benefit. Lebanon has a new doctor, Robert Campbell. Commissioners’ proceedings on the in side pages, this week. Keep in mind McCook’s irrigation convention, May 3 and 4. Irrigation is to be a factor in the pro gress of western Nebraska. Ben Olcott and family have moved out onto his farm in Perry precinct. Before you start out to wash other people’s faces, go look in the mirror. Indianola has no saloon; but there are seven government licenses in the town. The Odd Fellows moved their property and effects into the Temple, Monday. The assessors will begin their regular rounds nest Monday. There is no use to hide. The man who gives you a nickel’s worth of taffy is after a dollar’s worth of boosting. The ordinance of the city distinctly prohibit the burning of mbbish within the city limits. Obey it. Contemptible Work. Some one in tliis community evident ly has it in liis small soul to ctjuse the McCook Electric Light Co. as ni u c h trouble and annoyance as p o 8 s i b 1 e. Wires bave been cut lately aDd other means used to hamper and inconven ience the operation of the plant. Last Saturday night trouble was again experienced with the arc circuit. After a long and tedious search the difficulty was finally located at the Maddux barn, where the wire had been cut with pliers. The wire was then separated an inch or so, and the break in the connection very cleverly covered by wrapping the wire with tape moistened with some sticky material. Ordinarily such a break would not be discovered in a coon’s age; and the work was doubtless performed b y one posted in the business. There is some clue to the perpetrators of these low tricks, and a probability that justice may yet overtake them. The company is doing its utmost to ferret out the matter, and all law-abiding citizens wish them success. A Hard Run. During the terrible wind storm of Monday evening a fire alarm was sent in from the northeastern portion of the city. Both hose carts and the hook and ladder wagon made a laborious run to the seat of the trouble, with great diffi culty, as the wind blew a perfect gale and the dust was dense and cutting. It was found that smouldering rubbish at the home of George J. Burgess h a d been fanned into a blaze by the high wind and that his barn and house, as well as neighboring properties were in imminent danger. Quick and hard work by the department and citizens controlled what promised to be an ugly fire, as the gale tossed burning rubbish in all directions with marvelous rapidity. "Home Ties,” Which was put on the boards, last Friday night, by the McCook amateur club, will be repeated by request on next Thursday evening, April 12. The attend ance, last F'riday night was small on ac count of the limited advertising given the piay. It is hoped that a large audi ence will greet the performance on next Thursday evening. Reizenstein’s sup erb orchestra will again render some of their choicest music. The Star of Jupiter. Bodge No. 1 of our city’ will give an Alpha entertainment in the lodge rooms in the Temple building on next Saturday evening to the members of the lodge. All members of the order are invited to be present. The entertainment and re freshments will be free to members. Brethren, there is plenty time yet for the rainy season. "Home Ties” at the opera house, next Thursday evening, April 12th. There are sixteen teams at work break ing out prairie on the Hatfield ranch. The fruit of the hen has reached an unprecidented low figure, in this market. One of the finest signs in the city was put up at R. A. Cole’s tailor shop, this week. Mrs. Rebecca Vore, of Bondville pre cinct, has been granted a pension, says the Courier. There is some inquiry for land. S. H. Colvin reports the receipt of seventeen letters in one day, from eastern parties. A child of Mr. Beyern’s of Trenton was brought down on Wednesday after noon’s freight for interment in St. Pat rick’s cemetery here. Two young couples, in an intoxicated condition, made spectacles of themselves by racing horses in the city, last Sunday. We understand that the young men in the case temporarily left the city, Mon day morning. Two of our citizens made out each about forty vouchers for pensions, Wed nesday, calling for about $2,400. About $3,600 are paid to pensioners who receive their mail at this office, each quarter. This places in immediate circulation quite a sum of money through the old veterans. Tobias Brown, who lives north of the city in Frontier county, had a narrow escape, last Monday, from losing his im provements on the farm by fire. It is thought his bam caught fire from sparks .blown from his hired man's pipe. The prompt help ol neighbors alone saved the barn from total destruction. As it was the roof was partially burned. Lighted pipes, careless hired men, high winds and bams with their highly inflammable contents, are a strong combination. There is a gang of small boys in this city that will certainly make their par ents’ hearts ache before many moons, if they continue in their present course. Some of them crawled under S. H. Col vin’s office, this week, broke into some boxes, extracting about a thousand cashed checks and other papers. This disposition exhibited by these boys to be continually pilfering will doubtless get them into trouble—the house of correc tion, if not worse. They should be taken in hand. i PEOPLE YOU KNOW. i H. C. Jacobs is down from Hayes county, today. C. T. BEGGS was in Jndianola, Mon day, on abstract business. J. W. Shabata came up from Crete on loan business, yesterday. A. M. JDrkw moved into his lately purchased home, yesterday. C. Armstrong was a first-of-lhe-week visitor of the valley’s finest. Judge Abbott of Hayes Centre spent the night in the city, Monday. Ernest Rathbun, late with Curtis & Bates, has gone to Platlsmouth. Bank Examiner Clink was here, Wednesday: in his official capacity. T. G. Ruf.s was a guest at the Wind sor hotel, Lincoln, first of the week. W. Q. Bell, a Lincoln lawyer, was among our business guests, Saturday. Georgs K. Prichett, the Omaha lawyer, was a business visitor, yesterday. Rev. George E. Taylor oflndian ola was a village guest, Monday evening. WII.UAM Kelley, father of the may or-elect, is hack trom his visit in llast ings. James Rice has returned from Wau neta and will make this his home lur the present. W. S. Morlan went down to Lincoln, Monday night, on business before the supreme court. Mrs. IT. G. Moser is entertaining her parents who arrived from Iowa, last Saturday night. George Leach is with his brother Charles again, coining in from the east on Tuesday night. Lawyer McCrary of Hastings was one of our city visitors, yesterday, and a caller at this office. E. E. Lowman is up at Norfolk, this week, attending the session of the Neb raska grand commandery. Sir Knights Eskey, Lamboru,Peter man and Bishop of Indianola visited this asylum, last Saturday night. W. C. BuLLAiyj was out from Omaha, first of the week, on business of bis ex tensive lumber interests up the valley. Walter HicklinG is back from New Mexico, and is putting in a big crop on his half section north of the city. Mrs. N. J. BurTlKSS, Mr. and Mrs. George Gowing arrived home, Monday, from the mid-winter fair at San Francis co. Judge Beck and son were up, last Friday, on business of the Albrecht and Frederick estates. His son accompan ied him. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Holmes moved into their cosy and pretty cottage On cor ner of Macfarland and Dolan streets,last Saturday, Miss Clara Hanlein will enlighten the youthful mind during the spring term of school up in district ;oo,in Fron tier count)'. Clyde Hoffman, brother of Mrs. E. J. Maddux, arrived in the city, Wednesday night, from Dennison, Iowa, on a visit. Mrs. Fee came in from Milo, Iowa, last Friday night, and will be the guest of her daughter, Mrs. C. L. DeGroff, for some time. J. H. Yarger has been appointed one of the aids-de-camp on the staff of Church Howe, commander of the Ne braska G. A. R. James Fraser came up from Blue Hill, Saturday night, and was the guest of his sister, Mrs. J. A. Cordeal.the early days of this week. Mr. and Mrs. C.S.Quick and daugh ter, Mrs. II. W. Keyes and Mrs. E. R. Banks of the county-seat took in the openings on Thursday. Miss Selma Norkn came up from Lincoln, last Saturday night, visiting et home until Wednesday morning, when she returned to her university work. C. H. GOULD of Lincoln, representing Keenan &. Martin, live stock commiss ion merchants of Kansas City, was a business visitor of the valley’s finest, Saturday. There’s a land far away in summer ! sea, where indolent mortal most gladly would be, where citizens never hustle or push, but feed on bananas and camp under a hush. There no factory chim neys pour soot in the air, there the fes tive steam boiler ne’er goes on a tear; there, there is no strike, lockout or riot, there always an essential, eternal quiet, in that beautiful, beautiful beauti ful land, where the most active man is too lazy to stand, where the birds never fly and the flies never bite, and a motion uncalled for is a wonderful sight. There no dealer is hustling to find folks to bny, and no maker his new-fangled inventions doth try. In that beautiful land even steam loses it grip and water’s too lazy down the mountain to slip. No buyers nor sellers in that land do abound, and competition itself is killed in one ronr.d. O, where is the way to that beautiful shore? ’Tis yonder; O, seeker; go ques tion no more. Just follow pour nose and just open your eyes—that land is the land-where the-.- don't advertise. i Look Us Over. I have for rale, in addition to all lots in McCook owned hv the Lincoln Land ! Company, a number of choice residences and business lots, among others: No. bl—5 roomed residence on Man Chester Avenue. No. 62—iS roomed residence on Main Avenue. No. 63—Two choice east front lots on Melvin street, opposite high school. No. 64—Small residence on McDowi 11 street, only £350.00, a bargain. No. 65—8 roomed residence on Monroe street, first class property; close in. No. 66—The Dr. Davis residence, cor ner Marshall and Dolan streets. No. 67—S roomed residence corner Douglass and Monmouth streets. All bargains. Prices and terms made known on application. j. 1;.'Kelley, Office First National flank liuilding, ground floor. The New County Treasurer. Ity the votes of Commissioners Ryan and Thomas, last Friday forenoon, J. II. Meserve of Valley Orange precinct was appointed county treasurer till the next general election to succeed A. II. Barnes, deceased. J. II llerge of Imlianola will be the new deputy county treasurer. Mr. Mcs. rve has his bond ready and will qualify in the m ar future. The Horne Market. Oats .30 Wheat. ..35 to .45 Corn .... 23 1'otatoes..go Hogs . . .$4.25 Hay. . $6 to jfi Steers, .f&to&j.^o Cows, $ 1.75 to $2.00 Butter.15 Kggs.15 Flour .80 to $1.50 Feed . .70 to .80 Wyandotte Eggs for Sale. Kggs of the celebrated S. JWyan dotte chickens for sale—$r for sitling of fifteen. Six sittings for $5. heave orders at C. M. Noble’s or Tim Tri BUNK office. RkNJ. IlAKIiK. Irrigated Garden Tracts. 1 have for sale, on easy terms,5 and I • acre tracts, one mile from McCook, with permanent water rights. Just the tiling for market gardening. J. K., Office First National Bank Building. A Card of Thanks. I wish to return my sincere thanks to the neighbors and Cre department for tlieprompt and effectual services render ed me at the fire, Monday evening. George J. Burgess. Farm For Sale. North half N. K-X Sec. 31, township 4, range 29; lying about four miles north of McCook, Nebraska; price $10 per acre. Address, J. W., No. 43-3T Indianola, Neb. Fine Printinfr. We make a specialty of fine job print ing. Our samples of fashionable and ele gant stationery for invitations, programs etc., is not excelled in Nebraska. Abstracts of title will be furnished promptly and accurate by e. x. beggs. "It won’t be long before the man Who, with an awful frown, bast fall put up the parlor stove Must take the blamed thing down. Customary services in the Methodist church, Sunday. For sale cheap, for cash, an extra good milch cow. Apply at this office. In the county treasurer appointment Commissioner Ryan stood by his friends nobly. The 4th and 5th pages of this week’s Indianola Independent are superb spec! mens of the modern newspaper. That soft stone crossing over Main Av enue, between Dodge and Dennison streets, should be taken out. It 1 nuisance. We understand that Mr. Hocknell will return from California about the 15th. We regret deeply that his improvement is not as fast as was hoped for. Hen of the honesty, integrity and fix ity of purpose of Commissioner J. M. Thomas are refreshing exceptions in this age of duplicity and boodle. There is quite a favorable sentiment in the city for the retention of Alex McManigal on the police force. He has made an excellent and satisfactory of ficer, ’tis true. A. G. Bump, Jack Dwire and Tom DcviH are mentioned in connection with the police force. Jack and Tom have been on the force under the present regime. On account of the failure to send certain records from the district to the supreme court, as ordered by the latter, the county seat case did not come up in supreme court, this week. But will be called up in about two weeks. Jerrj- Hammond and George Bishop were nominees for city clerk at Indian ola. Election day some friend persua ded Jerry of the impropriety of voting for himself. Oeooge was elected by one vote. Now Jerry wishes he had not | drawn it so fine, and his friends are (mildlr roasting him.