The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 06, 1894, Image 4
By Fi M. K1MMELL. $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE ALL HOME PRINT. Genial Calhoun of the Lincoln Herald goes to Tampa, Florida, for a year at least, if not for aye. You can drive a four-in-hand through the rent in the Democratic party made by the president's veto of the Bland seigniorage bill. Great is Grover and his veto. President Manseelde has sent out notices that the date of the meeting of the StateNebraska Med ical association has been changed from May 8 to May 1. Whether the successor of Gov ernor Orouuse shall be a republi can depends solely upon the action of the republican state convention in placing in nomination a man who will command the united re publican support. The elation of the fusion democrats is considera bly premature.—Bee. After the slap administered to the attorney geueral by the su preme court in the decission upon the state depository law, it might have been expected that that func tionary would do all he could to expedite the suit that was insti tuted to determine the legality of the law requiring the investment of state school money in the outstand ing interest-bearing state warrants. Perhaps the attorney general is waiting to be again admonished by the court as to the performance of his duties.—Bee. Another decision has been rendered ip the United States courts in Louisiana against the insurance department of the Knight of Pythias, which will probably end all future efforts to defeat the collection of policies upon the lives of persons who com mit suicide. All policies contain a clause declaring them void in case the person insured shall com mit suicide. The courts have re peatedly decided that suicide is an evidence of insanity, and as in sanity cannot be set up as a de fense neither can its manifestation or development—suicide. In the death of George Tichnor Curtis the United States loses one of the most eminent constitutional lawyers and one who has taken active part in the various move ments for political reform since the war. Mr. Curtis’ great legal ability was doubtless traceable to a legal bent in the Curtis family, his brother Benjamin having at tained a place upon the supreme court of the United States, while he himself held several positions requiring a high order of legal tal ent. Fortunately he has left a con siderable literary legacy to perpet uate the work which secured for him his extensive reputation as an expounder of constitutional law. It now looks as though W. E. Andrews would receive the con gressional nomination again in the Fifth district. The Gazette be lieves he is the logical candidate of his party, and is perhaps as strong a candidate, if not the strongest, who could be selected. His campaign two years ago was a clean, manly and able one, and in defeat he left the party in a condition which has required no apologies or a regret except the single one of his defeat He is stronger today than he was two years ago. and nothing but the intrigues of the'j&liticians will de feat his nominatipn.if he wants it, for the masses are for Andrews.— Minden Gazette. Abstract of Votes Cast at the City Election, 1894. IM t» * 2 JO -• 50 *-i MW 5®w M U> MV- L« " M £- ,> P °»- 2 „ nss 2 -a 2 v? CANDIDATES: y< •* < % > a > £ g 3g Sg 3g 3g r 3 I« • B - .M ‘ B' • For Mayor: J. E. Kelley. 104 95 62 97 358 136 1 W. T. Coleman. -. 53 56 51 62 222 For Clerk: E. J. Wilcox. 105 108 68 107 388 213 G. h. Etter. 5i 35 41 48 175 For Treasurer: C. B. Gray. 75 82 56 91 304 33 E. h. haycock. 82 65 57 67 271 For Police Judge: H. H. Berry. 94 92 82 114 282 89 A. A. Hackman. 63 55 32 43 193 I For Engineer-. C. A.Yont. 93 78 62 98 331 117 C. H. Meeker. 62 53 48 51 214. For Councilman—First Ward: I H. P. Sutton. i°5 93 198 102 G. E. Johnston. 51 45 96 For Councilman—Second Ward: J. H. Me ore. 47 82 129 C. E. Pope. 66 64 130 1 For Members or Shcool Board: James Ritchie. 97 7° 73 61 301 C. M. Noble. 7° 62 69 71 272 C. J. Ryan . 52 31 3» 29 150 F. C. Stuby. 7 8 2 Z. h. Kay. 32 15 12 11 ■ -- — - - 1 ,rT= I TYRONE NEWS. Frank Mooie is building a new milk house. There is a rumor of a wedding in West Tyrone. Anna Flura is very sick, and doctors say she cannot get well. Born—To Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Blair, last Sunday, a daughter. Homer Smith and Birdie Davis have joined the Epworth League. W. C. McFaggart’s father is here from Crete, visiting his rela tives. Mrs. Richmond conducted the missionary meeting at the church, Sunday. §12 was raised for mis sions. A. J. Sawyer of Lincoln is the new district attorney for Nebraska. It is regarded as a good appoint ment — Some one who is trying to play a practical joke on Mayor Brewer gives it out that he is laying the wires for the congressional nomina tion. This, too, in the face of last Tuesday’s Waterloo. “The Hon. Silicia S. Coxey,” say8 the New York Sun pleasantly, “is a compound crank of 82,000 ass power dragging an advertising cart, and the Hon. Carl Brown’s head is a shell without partition.” At the solicitation of friends, M. J. Abbot, editor of the Hayes Centre Republican, will be a can didate for the nomination on the Republican ticket for the office of Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings. The newspaper fraternity has never had a repre sentative on a state ticket, and if the Judge were placed thereon the “boys” would have a staunch friend at the front. He is an able worker and a capable man, who “never turns his back on a friend nor to an enemy.” He is now serving his second term as county judge. Southwestern Nebraska is entitled to recognition on the state ticket, and no worthier candidate can be presented than Judge M. J. Abbot. —Beaver City Tribune. Organized labor has risen slow ly, but with a calm, steady rise like that of a leviathan who, when risen, is not to be easily overthrown. It has not risen with a precipitancy that would argue that its basis was unstable and was not likely to endure the siege of capital and capital’s minions. It has arisen out of the very hearts and brains of the best and most earnest work ers in the cause of labor that the world has ever produced. It is not a vision or an erratic scheme. It is not a mirage in the desert of social freedom and brotherhood, but a reality that will bear good fruit and bring fresh, cool water to the lips of the wayfarers in the social half-world.—New Bra. COLEMAN PRECINCT. H- B. Wales is rolling the sod over. Lee Taylor has plowed over 100 acres already. The county surveyor was in this town, this week. From one to three teams in most of the fields now. J. Randall has fenced his farm and is breaking it out. A. Prentis has his well com pleted and a wiudmill erected. A letter from Dallas county, Iowa, says: “It is very dry here.” A letter from Richardson coun ty, Nebraska, says it is very dry there. W. S. Hamilton has broken up quite a tract on the farm of W. J. Hills. Col. H. H. Easterday, who stray ed away from McCook, was seen in this town., Wednesday. Since the first of January Wm. Coleman has received over 260 letters from home-seekers. Tuesday evening, at the resi dence of A. Sampson, the young folks had a real nice time. It looks ns though everybody was trying to excell everybody else in putting out crops. Oh, my! what a close call, girls. It is lucky you were not in the carriage when Bert’s team started. The teacher in district 58 has profusely distributed to her pupils by her presence. Her presents— measles. A letter from Buena Y i s t a county, Iowa, of April 2d, says: “It is so dry here that the wells have give out.” At the basket supper at the Coleman school house, about $5 was realized which was handed to Rev. H. H. Berry. The young people up here are j full of fuu. One evening, not j long since, they “swooped down” j on Miss Hattie Wales and had a splendid time. While standing by the wagon, Bert Wales’ team became frighten ed and ran away, throwing him ■ under the wheel, which ran over his ! arm, but fortunately no bones were ! broken. Pretty close shave, Bert,' wasn't it? I You see it was this way: The girls all got a piece of ribbon, no ! two pieces the same color. They 1 cut the ribbon in two and made a bow with one piece and pinned it i on—on—where the breastpin goes.1 They made a bow with the other piece and put it in an envelope. The boys bought the en velopes and of all the hunting for the ribbon that exactly matched the particular piece in the envelopes. The boys hunted as though they were hung ry. When they found their girls. Established 18SG. • Strictly One Price. SPRING OF 1894. Call and See Our New Line of AND BOYS’ and MEN’S CLOTHING. Don’t Fail to Look Through Our Stock Before Buying. JONAS ENGEL, Ei^_Manager. the girls found baskets of goodies that would make an editor slobber. The girls would not allow a mar ried man to buy an envelope; they bought a number and a corres ponding number was found in some married lady’s basket. Officers of the Sabbath school at the Coleman school house were elected last Sabbath. Wm. Cole man, superintendent; J. W. Corner, assistant; Miss Hattie Wales, sec retary ; Miss Grace Cole, treasurer; Miss Alice Cole, chorister; Miss Priscilla Nicklas, librarian. This school runs winter and summer. School at 10 o’clock a. m., fast time. According to a decision of Judge Caldwell the United States govern ment will run no railroads at a loss. It has no surplus funds to devote to tlmt sort of philanthropy. Those who are so anxious to see the government take hold of the railroads and run them all might as well take notice of this decision. Under it if the government had all the railroads in the hands of the receivers a good many of them would cease running trains at once. A general line of farm machin ery of the very best manufacture at S. M.Cochran & Co.’s. Remember that S. M. Cochran & Co. have a complete line of shelf and heavy hardware. Don’t you want a fanning mill? S. M. Cochran & Co. keep them. *s >“ t _ %-J 0C 3 1 to < ' 1 > Q 3 U i > Ll! 5 i 1 ■c0 s O j J! n , S ■”■ M o. o fit CO to s I o J 1° >- d ° - s- ^ ! 1 CO ^ 2 ^ O ^ ] 1 ""™^V -*-> zz \ CO I § to SPEEDY and LASTING RESULTS. ~ FATPEOPLE/TX No inconvenience. Simple, me. Asaoumr from any injurious substance* \ Oa M mm AEOOSOS EXODCZB. We GUARANTEE a CURE or refund year areaey. Price »3.oo per bottle. Send de. lor treatise. TKEBONT MJEDICAX, CO,, Belles, Nm WALL PAPER. About 200 Patterns in Stock at “Hard Times Prices”—From 3 cents up to 30 cents per roll. Our Prices Guaranteed. L. W. McConnell & Co. To J. A. WILCOX & SON’S. Where They Are Offering Goods At Unheard-of Prices. Below is a Partial List ****** Of the Many . . . BARGAINS. Seven Spools Coates’ Thread, only.30.25 One Hundred Yard Spool Silk, only.07 Fifty Yard Spool Silk, only.01 Twist, per spool.02 Steel River Fancy and Cambric Prints, per yard.05 Dress Cambric, all colors, per yard.05 Indigo Blue Prints.00 German Blue Prints.10 Outing Shirts, wortli 50 cents each, reduced to.25 White Carpet Warp, per pound.30 Colored Carpet Warp, per pound.12}^ Large Boxes Anchor Matches.19 Export Matches.„.OS Twenty five boxes Mule Matches.25' Tooth Picks, per bunch.03 Twenty-five pounds New Currants. 1.00 Twenty pounds of Rice. 1.00 California Evaporated Peaches.12>£ Six Cans California Peaches .1.00 Two 3-pound cans of heavy Syrup Peaches.25 Pie peaches, per can.. Corn, 10c. Pumpkin, 10c. Oyster and Soda Crackers, .07 JSgrAisk for prices on all-wool Henriettas and Cashmeres. Doing a strictly cash business and needing money has reduced the price on all onr goods. Come and see us. IT WILL PAY TO INVESTIGATE! E*s 3 § £ a B Q WILCOX & SON.