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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1894)
11 Blue Bibbon School Shoes Have No Equal. 1 You Can Wiggle, You Can Struggle, But we’ve Got You in our Eye; And You’ll Buy ’em, yes You’ll Buy ’em, You'll Buy Them bye and bye. tSfne Ri^on . , . . Softool Sftoes. r c)Cai>e 9Io factual” Blue Ribbon School Shoes Have No Equal. Mixed Paints 90e a gallon at MeMillen’sj drug store. Mixed Paint $1.00 a gallon. I.. W. McConnell & Co. Gome in early and often and see the flue line of meats at the B. & M. Meat Market. Leave your orders with us fo<- paint ing and paper-hanging. L. W. McConnell & Co. Special prices on White Lead at A. Mc Millen’s. HARD TIMES PRICES. Wall Paper—3 cents a roil. L. W. McConnell & C<>. To Whom it May Concern: I pro pose to carry a finer line of meats than any other house in the city. F. S. WILCOX. White Lead $5.50 per hundred. L. VV. McConsei.l <fc (’<■ We invite inspection and defy com petition in quality and price of Meat at the B. £ M. Meat Market. HARD TIMES PRICES. Wall Paper—3 cents a roll. L. W. McConnell & Co. Try the Cream Pork Sausago at the B. £ M. Meat Market. White Lead $5.50 per hundred. L. W. McConnell & Co. BEWARE.—Do not buy poor truck, but go straight to the B. & M. Meat Market and get as choice a cut of meat as can be produced. DANBURY NEWS. Somewhat stormy, last week. Spelling out at Shiloh, last Tuesday night. Mrs. .lames Marshall was visiting her folks, last week. Our printer is here and will print the first paper, this week. C. L. East started for Indian Terri tory, last Monday night. Wm. F. Everist spent last week at his farm near Driftwood. Sunday school commences out at Shiloh next Sunday at 3. p. in. M. E. Duff was over last Wednesday looking up matters of his elevator. Surprise party on Mary Cann last Monday night; all had a good time. S. \V\ Stilgebouer and f amily are ex pected home from California this week. Win. Sauaou and Fred Miller made a trip to Lebanon on their wheels, last Sunday. Danbury Union Sunday .school has purchased a fine organ for the benefit of their Sunday school George B. Morgan, C. Ii Oman and >V. A. Miuuiear weie over at the funer al id A H. Barnes at Indianola, Wedn esday aftercoon. Dr. Gage was over on the Beaver, Sunday, and operated on Steve Boyer's •jaiigter, who has been suffering from a abscess on her face and neck. HARD TIMES PRICKS. Wall Paper—3 cents a roll. L. W McConnell & Co. Wall Paper, 3c per roll at A. McMillen’s drug store. Leave your orders with us for paint ing and paper-hanging. L. W. MoC*NNKLI. & Co. A farmer living near Shenandoah has discovered how to make “pure maple syrup” out of corn cohs The directions are as follows: Take a lot of red corn cobs, pour on some water aud boil them; tl en pour off the cob juice, add a pint of C sugar and boil a little more until it reaches the consist ency of syrup. Thu entire cost is about 15 cents a gallou aud the imita tion of maple syrup is so perfect that it deceives every person. For harness warranted to be first class in material as well as in work manship; also the most complete aud best stock of saddlery, see L. Penner. second door south of A. O. IT. W. temple. Knipple is making very reason able prices on flour. He is selling an extra fine high patent flour for only §1.20 a sack. Nothing finer. Remember that Knipple fully warrants every sack of flour that he sells. You are sure of receiv ing a good article every' time. You can get a sack of Straight [latent flour at Knipple’s for Sl-00. No better value for the money can be secured in the city. A sack of Snowflake flour will only cost you 85 cents at Knipple’s grocery store. It’s worth a dollar. Fine irrigated potatoes at Knip ple’s for 85 cents a bushels. They j are the finest in the market. j Don’t you want a fanning mill? j S. M. Cochran & Co. keep them. Extra fine, firm cabbage for 4 cents a pound at Kmpple's. Parsnips only 3 cents a pound at Knipple’s grocery store. Onions, extra fine, at Kuipple’s for 35 cents peck. Cochran & Co. have on display j a large line of carriages, phajtons, buggies, road carts, spring wag ons, etc. Completest stock in Red Willow county. Inspect them if you want anything in that line. — Well Digging. If you want a well put down in fine shape see Frank Nichols. He guaran tees his work. Leave orders at 8. M. Cochran & Co.'s. A nice coffee at Knipple’s for 25 cents a pound. Try a pound. 18 pounds of granulated sugar j for One Dollar at Knipplt’s. McMillen Bros, have a splendid as- ! sortment of Robes and Horse Blankets. Their stock of Harness and Saddlery is unequalled in western Nebraska. Sewing machines on the installment plan at Fade & Son’s. We don’t sell pack ing house lard, but our own make. F. S. Wilcox. HARD TIMES PRICES. Wall Paper—3 cents a roll. L. W. McConnell & Co. Gilt Wall Paper, 6c a roll at McMillen’s | drug store. Dr. A. J. Thomas. Dentist, office in Union block, over ,1. F. Ganschow’s. Wanted: —Fat and stock hogs at the B. & M. Meat Market. Mixed Paint $1.00 a gallon. L. W. McConnell & Co. I I i — ■ . -— ' ■■ . MONEY TO LOAN. S. H. COLVIN. Mrs. M. E. Barger is now re ceiving her spring goods, which embrace the latest styles in mil linery, hats, bonnets, etc. Give her a call on west Dennison st, and inspect her goods and get her “hard times” prices. She carries a nice and complete stock in her line. — The Tariff, Financial, Hawaiian and other questions of the day do not interest the people hereabout: as much as the question where can I get the most and best groceries for the money. C. M. Noble can answer the question to the satis faction of all. By trading at Knipple’s grocery store you are certain of receiving the best and purest goods the mar ket affords and at the lowest prices consistent with safe business. Alfalfa seed at §5 to $7 per bushel; clover, timothy, red top and blue grass seeds. McCook Commission Co. Seed oats, wheat and corn of the varieties best adapted to this climate and soil. McCook Com mission Co. , Buckwheat flour, oat meal, corn meal, flour, feed, and baled hay, for sale bv McCook Commission Co. J_ Machinery repairs of all kinds kept in stock by S. M. Cochran & Co. Also the best brauds of oils. All kinds of garden and field seeds fresh, and true to name and variety. McCook Commission Co. S. M. Cochran & Co. have a few tons of baled hay on hand which they will sell at $7 per ton From 1 to 10 Acre traces adjoining this city, or under ditch, for sale by S. H. Colvin. The Arlington House. Kates $1.00 Per Day. Refurnished and Refitted JST'First-ctass Accommodations. J. S. CULBERTSON, Proprietor A. ICITTENHOL'SK. C. H. BOYLE. RITTENHOUSE & BOYLE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. McCOOK. NBB. J. E. KELLEY, ATTORNEY AT ],AW, AGENT LINCOLN L^NO CO. McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. Office: In rear of First National Bank. J. A. GUNN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON MCCOOK.NEBRASKA. office—Fiont rooms over Lowraaa & Sou's store. Rrsidf.nor-402. McFarland gt. two blooks north of McKniee hotel. Prompt attention to all calls. R. A. COLL, -LEADING MERCHANT - TAILOR CF MCCOOK. lias just received a new stock of CLOTHS and TRIMMINGS. If you waul a good fitting suit made at the very lowest prices for good work, call on him. Shop first door west of Barnett's Lumber Office, on Dennison stseel. . PATKONIZE . FRANK ALLEN’S DRAYS. ▼ -*v □raying in all its Branches. tSIP’Sand Hauling. Safe Moving a Specialty. KO ETTSA 5ZAS3S FOS HA0LM3 TB7VS3 AI W3ST GSTLeave orders at coal yards, and at res ■deuce. No. 206 Madison street, between Dennison and Dodge streets, McCook. For farm loanscail on C. J. Ryan.