TWELFTH YEAR. McCOOK, RED WILLOW COUNTY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY EVENING. MARCH 3& 1894. NUMBER DON’T BE IMPOSED -UPON! Don't be misled by the statements of merchants .... claiming that the; can- • SAVE YOU MONEY! I am selling first-class groceries right along as low as those who claim the; can save ;ou money it you will trade with them. Below we give a few items. Pickels, per bottle, - $ .10 Onions, per bottle, - - .10 Chow Chow, per bottle, .10 Catsup, per bottle, - .20 Raisins, per pound, - .05 Best Tea in McCook, lb, .50 Syrup, per pail, - - .65 Jell, per pail, - - .65 Mince Meat, per package, .10 Clothes Pins, per dozen, .02 Peas, per can, - - - .10 Corn, per can, - - - .10 Alaska Salmon, per can, .12i Everything else in proportion. Always the Lowest and Best Values Can be Found at C. M. NOBLE’S. 1 AFTERNOON AND EVENING. WE WILL BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU THE MOST ATTRACTIVE STOCK OF Dry Goods, Millinery AND CARPETS. The Finest that has Ever Been Shown in McCook EVERYBODY CORDIALLY WELCOMED. . . WE WILL BE . . Pleased to See the Ladies From out of Town. I. Lowman & Son, DRY GOODS, CARPETS, MILLINERY. RINGS! RINGS! Ad odd time to Advertise Rings, I know it is, but I want to call Your attention to * * * * Made by the oldest ring makers in America. Eight hundred Patterns. A Nice Assortment. .Carried by. CHAS. A. LEACH. - JEWELER - ' • »TTT - REPAIRING Promptly attended to. SAVE MONEY! Wall Paper, per roll - 3c. Gilts, per roll, - - - 6c. Mixed Paint, - - - 90c. White Lead, - - - $5.50 Linseed Oil, - - - - .05 Other Goods at Reduced Price. Painting and Papenag a>. Especially I >ow Price* Leave > - -r, v. >h the painters and paper hangers Dcn’t give middie men a crofit. McCook Paint and Waii Paper House, CORNER Or MAIN AND OOOGtASS. GEORGE ELBERT \y i; C0J,E STOCKMEN dttsfitiou! I still have a few good young Bulls that I will sell very cheap, if taken soon. All in want of anything of this kind will do well to call and examine my stock, W. N. ROGERS, proprietor Shadeland Stock Farm.