The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 23, 1894, Image 2

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When he died, though tie had not been
•n hour, It seemed as If ho had tlh-da. groat
Whlls age, roch a difference there is betwut
ufe and death.—“Essays of Ella.”
"Dead but a men (hi Vet bis smile Is gay:
His laughter light on of yoni.
How frail is love!" 80 the Idlers say,
“How soon is his sorrow o'er!"
Dead but a month! Nay, the time has Sown,
it is Btiroly many a year
Since 1 left my dear dead love alone.
All alone, on the hillside here.
Oh, love, my love, how can mortals speak
Of “lately" or "long ago?”
Let them mete out life by tho day or week.
Our love is not measured so.
And what Is the difference now to me.
If the moment you went away
Fell ten years since, or one or three.
Or, as men count it, yesterday?
The hours pass, but 1 care not now
How' swift or how slow they glide.
For to me all time fell dead, I trow.
The day that my darling died.
—Mary Mac lead in Chambers* Journal.
Hotv Captain Bellamy’s life was saved
at Tsi-Chun has never yet been told.
Every officer and man who belonged
to the Chrysolite on that disastrous night
recollects, of course, that, while endeav
oring in the darkness to storm the fort,
the captain fell, and that when onr peo
ple were driven back headlong to the
boats he, with many others, was miss
ing. Every one remembers also that
when on the following morning the Chi
namen were shelled ont of the place and
the blnejackets and marines again land
ed Captain Bellamy was found lying,
not where he had fallen, but a couple
of hundred yards to the right, sheltered
on the side of the enemy by a thick stone
His left leg was smashed at the knee
by a jingal ball, bnt around his thigh
was a bluejacket’s silk handkerchief,
neatly applied in such a way that a nickel
tobacco box placed beneath it effectively
compressed the femoral artery and
stopped the bleeding. It was well known
that both box and handkerchief had be
longed to James Larch, the captain’s
coxswain, whose dead body, with half a
dozen bullets through it, was found on
the enemy’s side of the same wall. Cap
tain Bellamy himself acknowledged from
the first that he owed his life solely to
Larch's devotion and skill. Yet the
whole story has never yet been told.
Captain Bellamy’s recent death puts me
in possession of his private journal, and
so enables me to tell the tale.
When the Chrysolite was commission
ed at Portsmouth for the China station.
Captain Bellamy took a house at Hong
Eong, and in due course Mrs. Bellamy
and her only daughter, Violet, followed
him thither. In the second year of the
commission the Chrysolite was at Hong
Eong for several successive months, and
during that period the ladies came on
board nearly every day. There were
picnics on shore and water parties afloat,
and if not on the Chrysolite then in the
house, or in the boats, or on the various
expeditions. James Larch, the captain's
coxswain, was in continual attendance
upon Miss Violet and her mother. Vio
let Bellamy was then barely. 18. In
England she had led a somewhat dull
life, and at Hong-Eong she lost no time
in redressing the balance of her exist
ence, which was by no mea^s dull there.
it was not pernaps Her rauit tnat ev
ery officer of the garrison and of the
squadron was either in love with her or
was prepared to be, for she gave no spe
cial encouragement to any one. On the
other hand, she discouraged no one. The
larger the number of bar admirers the
greater was the enjoyment which she de
rived from the situation. Among them
she was like a child in a room full of
toys. Some she damaged, some she
smashed irretrievably, bat without the
slightest malioe or wickedness. She sim
ply had never realized the powers and
responsibilities of a vpry pretty face and
figure, supplemented by high spirits, un
tiring activity and abundant health, and
although she spread ruin around her she
never for an instant intended to do harm
to anybody.
There were many who suffered. Com
mander Corcoran of the flagship, Major
Browleigh of the Royal Bucks, Staff
Surgeon Bennett of the Bridport, Lien
tenant Maplin in command of the Borer,
and at least half a dozen sublieutenants
and midshipmen, besides army subal
terns and civilians, were turned upside
down by Violet Bellamy. And if these,
who only encountered her at social func
tions, were so seriously upset, it is little
to be wondered at—when we recollect
that human nature is not oonfined to the
classes—that James Larch was also over
His associations with her were, though,
in one sense, more distant and more
purely conventional than those of any
gentleman in the colony, of a privileged
character. He helped her to mount when
she went for a ride, he wrapped her
cloak around her when she left the ball
room, he carried her a hundred times
from the ship’s boat to the shore, or vice
versa, lest she might wet her feet. Her
breath had fanned his face, her light
form had rested in his arms, and while
he never by word and seldom even by
look betrayed his feelings he neverthe
less steadfastly, and with all his being,
worshiped her.
Larch was a young and smart petty
officer. As such he had a promising ca
reer before him, and no donbt he would
have been wise had he strictly minded
his own business and endeavored to be
content with the sphere in which it had
pleased Providence to place him. But,
like many of his betters, he went down
before Violet Bellamy.
It was at the beginning of the third
year of the commission that the Chryso
lite was suddenly dispatched to Tsi
Chau. There ted been a riot Mid a mas
sacre there, and Captain Bellamy was
ordered to teach the local mandarins a
severe lesson.
One morning the Chrysolite arrived
off the place and jpnt in certain de
mands, which, anises complied with in
three hoars. Were to he enforced by
means of the resources of civilization.
The three hours elapsed, the demands
were not granted, and with absolute
punctuality t'm^'iirysolite began to shell
the fort from net 6 inch B. L. guns.
The Chinamen bid low and did not re
ply with so much as a sing*) shot. Mis
led by their silence. Captain Bellamy
after dusk had fallen led ashore a much
weaker lauding party than he wonld
have employed had he anticipated re
sistance. Not nntil the men had tum
bled out of the boats did the enemy open
fire, and then the captain knew he had
made a mistake. He still hoped that he
might avert disaster by rushing the fort,
and he made the attempt; bnt, as has
been already shown, he failed and fell.
His men surged past him for a few
yards, but were then repulsed and driv
en back pellutell. In the confusion and
darkness they missed him, and he was
left lying, with his left knee mangled,
to bleed to death or to get a speedier
quietus from one of the many ballets
that were whistling after the retreating
It is astonishing that he escaped being
hit a second time, for not only were the
Chinamen firing with rifles from the fort,
but the men in the boats were using their
machine guns. In five minutes, though,
the worst of the storm had passed away,
and with the lull Captain Bellamy saw
a dark figure slowly drawing near him
from the right. He fully expected to
find that his visitor was one of the ene
my armed with a mission to pat an end
to him, or perhaps drag him into the
fort, where death might be administered
a little at a time, and though a brave
man he was much relieved when he was
able to distinguish that the newcomer
was one of his own people.
‘•Beg pardon, sir, I hoped it was you,”
whispered a voice, which the captain at
once recognized at that of his coxswain.
“Hoped?” growled the captain. “What
do you mean by hoping, yon scoundrel?
Here I am with my knee smashed, bleed
ing to death!”
“Sad news for Miss Violet,” muttered
“Confound Miss Violet and you tool
Bear a hand here and pull me out of this
if you can. The beggars will be blazing
away again in a minute.”
“Mustn’t move you, sir, till I’ve tied up
your leg,” said Larch, who had already
taken off his handkerchief and was sat
isfying himself as to the position of the
wound and the quantity of blood that
was being lost. “It’s that big artery on
the inside of your leg, sir, that’s got to
be attended to. If you won’t mind my
using my ’baccy box and my handker
chief—so—now, m twist it close.”
“Hang it! You’re twisting, my leg off,”
cried the captain.
“Never mind, sir,” said Larch. “I’ve
stopped the”
At that moment the Chinese in the fort
opened fire again.
“What the dickens is the matter with
you, Larch?” demanded the captain.
For an instant the coxswain, who had
drawn back with a shudder, was silent.
When he spoke, it was with an altered
voice. “They’ve hit me, sir, I think,” he
“Then run, man, and take shelter,”
urged the captain. “Fm all safe now for
an hour or two, if they don’t come out to
look for me.”
“There’s a wall a little to the right,
sir,” said the coxswain, who paid no at
tention to his chiefs orders, “and I think
I can get you behind it if you can drag
yourself on to my back as I crawl. Only
don’t disturb the bandage, sir.”
Captain Bellamy, with a great effort,
managed by degrees to work himself on
to the man’s back- and to clasp Larch
round the neck. “I hope, Larch, that
you’re not risking too much, but if we
get through this there’ll be a Victoria
cross for yon as certainly as there’ll be a
wooden leg for me.”
“Beg pardon, sir,” muttered Larch,
who was now crawling slowly with his
burden toward the wall, “but I don’t
want any Victoria cross. Would they
promote me, do you think, sir?”
“I don’t doubt it, Larch. Ton’ll get
your warrant”
The coxswain stopped suddenly.
“What’s the matter?” cried the captain.
Larch resumed his laborious crawl.
“I was only thinking,” he explained.
“Won’t you be wiser to defer your
thinking until we are under the lee of
that wall?” growled the captain. “If
those fellows fire any more, we’re done
The coxswain made no reply, bat
dragged himself on, yard by yard, until
at length he gently deposited his load be
hind the thick stone shelter. As he made
a motion as if to return whence he had
come the rip tain cried: “Stay in here,
yon idiot. Where the dickens are you
Larch sank down by the captain’s side.
“Beg pardon, sir,” he said after a pause,
“bnt may I speak my mind ont to yon
just for this once as between man and
“Certainly yon may,” replied the cap
tain, somewhat astonished at the ques
Having got permission, Larch neither
hesitated nor attempted to restrain him
self. His confession came with a rush.
“I’ve been a fool,” he said. “I knew it
all along, only I wouldn’t see it. I’ve
had mad dreams of promotion, not to a
warrant only, bnt to a commission. I’ve
thought of nothing but her. I’ve kissed
the earth she has trodden upon. I’ve
hoped; I’ve prayed. Look in that ’baccy
box when they take off your bandage,
and yon’ll find a hit of her hair that I
begged from her maid. Tet I know
quite well that it can’t be. For her sake
I wouldn’t have it to be if it could be.
And there’B only one end to it. She
mustn’t know, bnt I can tell you, sir,
that, though you are my captain, it
wasn’t for that that I went out to look
for you tonight, It waa because yon are
her father—Miss Violet's—and may God
bless her and forgive met”
He stipend to toe feet, and without
another word heat his head and dashed
toward the fort, firing Ws revolver wild
ly aa he wppt.
The enemy answered with a volley,
lobanulii Down ■ Bon an Booking 1
Hone* to Decide » Wager.
There is do knowing what an Eng- \
lishtnan will not do to decide a bet. '
Men have jumped across dining tables,
mounted npon (intractable steeds—yea,
and even kissed their own motbers-in
law—in order to settle a wager. In fine,
it onght to be an established maxim
among ns by this time that, given a cer
tain number of impossibilities and an
eqnal number of young Englishmen,
those impossibilities will not long re
main such, provided they be made the j
subjects of bets.
One of those incidents which go a |
long way toward justifying the reputa
tion which aa a nation of madmen we
have earned among foreigners occurred
at SL Moritz when, “in order to settle
a bet,” Lord William Manners and the
Hon. fl. Gibson agreed to go down the
village “run” mounted on rocking
horses in place of. ordinary toboggans.
A feature of the race was that both
competitors were “attired in full hunt
ing kit,” and sa elaborate preparations
had been made for the contest and ru
mor of the affair had been indnstrionsly
noised abroad the crowd which had as
sembled to witness it was both large
and distinguished.
The start was fixed for 12 o’clock,
and shortly before that hour the shouts
of the spectators announced that the
horses were off. Unlike the custom in
toboggan races, both started at the same
time. In the first course Lord William
Manners led as far as a certain angle of
the “run” called Casper’s Corners, from
the fact that a hotel of that name is
situated close by, but “taking it rather
high Mr. Gibson passed cleverly on the
inside, which be maintained to the fin
ish,” Lord William being summarily
dismissed from his fractious steed’s
back some distance to the bad from the
winning post.
in tne second course L<ord William
Manners again had the advantage as far
as Casper’s Corners, where Mr. Gibson
again tried to pass him on the inside,
but being jockeyed by his opponent his
horse swung round and proceeded down
the run tail foremost, but leading. The
merriment of the spectators at this
stage of the proceedings may be more
easily imagined than described, nor did
it abate in the least when Mr. Gibson,
dismounting, seized it unceremoniously
by the nose and turned it into the way
it should go.
Meanwhile Lord William Manners
had suffered disappointment a second
time, for in attempting to “take”—to
use a true hunting term—a paticularly
awkward part of the “run” called Bel
vedere Corner his horse refused to re
spond to its rider’s exertions to get it
successfully over the obstacle, and horse
and jockey came down to the ground in
one tumultuous somersault together.
Lord William’s discomfiture proved
to be Mr. Gibson’s opportunity. The
time and ground that the former had
lost by his involuntary flight through
the air were never recovered. Mr. Gib
son, with the position of his horse re
versed and his legs thrust scientifically
in front of him, rode easily and trium
phantly forward and eventually reached
the winning post some seconds in ad
vanoe of his opponent.—Alpine Post.
HU "Lot*" Text.
The story is related of a bishop who
came to one of oar state prisons and
was told: “No need of yon here, sir.
We have eight preachers safely locked
np who are brought out each Sabbath
to minister to their fellow prisoners. ”
If thiB appear a donbtfnl tale, it can he
varied with the following about a yoong
lady Sunday school teacher who has a
class of rather bright boys averaging
between 7 and 9 years.
Receptly she requested each pnpil to
come on the following Sunday with
some passage of Scripture bearing upon
love. The lads heeded the request and
te turn recited their verses bearing npon
that popular subject, such as “Love
yonr enemies,” “Little children, love
one another," etc. The teacher said tp
the boy whose torn came last, ‘ Well,
Robbie, what is yonr verse?” Raising
himself np he responded: “Song of Sol
omon, second chapter, fifth verse, ‘Stay
me with flagons, comfort me with ap
ples, for I am auric ot love. —Ex
change- _
Color and Warmth.
The color of materials has some in
fluence on the warmth of the clothing.
Black and bine absorb beat freely from
without, bat white and light shades of
rpUow, etc., are far less absorbent.
This difference can be demonstrated by
axperiment. The same material, when
iyed with different colors, will absorb
different amounts of heat. In hot conn
tries white coverings are universally
worn, and sailors and others wear white
clothing in hot weather.
With regard, however, to heat given
aff from the body the oolor of the ma
terials used as clothing makes little if
kny difference. Red flannel is popu
larly supposed to be warm, though it is
no better in this respect than similar
materials of equal substance, bnt white
n* gray in color. Dark clothing is beet
for cold weather, because it more freely
sbsorbs any heat that is obtainable.—
Fortnightly Review.
Must Pass la Hard Taok.
In examining men deairons of join
tig the royal marines recruiting offi
»rs are directed to pay special atten
aon to the condition of the teeth of a
sandidate. Seven defective teeth, or
rven less if they impair the biting or
{rinding capacity, will render a candi
late ineligible, and the examining med
cal officer is directed to take into apo
dal consideration the probability of the
eeth lasting.—London Quart Journal.
▲ correspondent writes to a medical
wview to claim that mopt of man’s
iiaeases are dne to the clothing he
gears. There fnajr be aometiiihg in
jmk, The ballet gtrta never die.—Ohi
aigjo Dtapa ch.
Dr. Moor Tell* How He Mode the DUoov
trjr Hud of HI* Experiment*.
Dr. William Moor, whose discovery
of permanganate of potassium as an an
tidote for morphine poisoning has made
him famono, has written a paper npon
the subject which has been published in
a well know i medical periodical. In
this be treats the subject almost al
together, as might be expected, in a
technical manner. He tells, however,
of the investigations that led to his dis
covery in the following words:
'* After some trials I found that the
best way of administering it was to
have it made up in pills with cacao
butter and talcum of kaolin, and to di
rect the patient to drink very slowly a
glassful of water just one minute after
taking the pill, for the latter begins to
disintegrate in one minute at the tem
perature of the body. By using this
method 1 successfully combated the ex
tremely disagreeable odor in a case of
cancer of the stomach.
“About that time I treated a well
known actor suffering from acute pleu
risy. This gentleman was addicted to
morphine, and as I had taken much in
terest in him I earnestly sought the best
plan to break his habit. The idea oc
curred to me that perhaps permanga
nate of potash might decompose mor
phine, the latter being an organic sub
stance, and that by making use of a
certain method I could eventually break
bis habit without restricting him from
taking big morphine. My patient, how
ever, gtarted on a professional tour just
when I began to put my idea to a test.
This circumstance did not prevent me
from continuing my researches as to
the effect of permanganate of potassium
on morphine, and today I am permitted
to offer to the profession what I consider
to be the antidote ‘par excellence’ for
Then considering in detail the pecul
iar effects of the antidote when differ
ently administered Dr. Aloor continues:
“Having gained the knowledge ot
these facts, it is not surprising that I
could swallow with impunity toxic
doses of sulphate of morphine followed
in a few moments by a corresponding
amount of the chemical body which
1 was justified to consider the antidote
par excellence for morphine. Thus on
one occasion four hours after a full din
ner, at a time when the stomach must
have contained a great amount of solu
ble peptones and other oiganic matter,
1 took two grains of the sulphate of
morphine in about half of an ounce of
water, followed in one minute by three
grains of its antidote—for safety’s sake
one grain more than necessary—dis
solved in four ounces of water. In an
other instance three hours after a light
supper I took in the presence of several
colleagues belonging to the staff of the
West Side German clinic of this city
three grains of the sulphate of mor
phine, followed in about 30 seconds by
four grains of permanganate of potas
sium, both in aqueous solution. I was
perfectly confident that the antidote pos
sessed such a wonderful infinity for the
morphine that it would select it instan
taneously from among the contents of
the stomach.
“In case of poisoning by any of the
salts of mcrphia 10 to 15 grains of the
antidote dissolved in six or eight ounces
of water should be administered at once
and repeated at intervals of 30 minutes
three or fonr times, or eveD more often.
Permanganate of potassium as well as
the salts of manganese are compara
tively harmless, even if given in large
Dr. Moor continues: “In cases of
poisoning by the alkaloid itself or by
tincture of opium (laudanum), also by
opinm, it is advisable to acidulate the
antidotal solution with diluted sul
phuric acid, or in the absence of this
with some white vinegar—not red vine
gar—by which the insoluble morphia
will be at once converted into the solu
ble sulphate of acetate. I have strong
reason to believe that the administra
tion of permanganate will be of bene
ficial effect even after absorption of the
morphine has taken place.”
Ages of Stone and of Bronse.
The transition from the stone age to
the bronse age can be read in the dis
closuresof the lake dwellers of Switzer
land. This wonderful people lived
through the stone age and for long ages
continued on nntil they lapped over
into the bronze age. Some of tbeir set
tlements disclose only stone implements,
while others of a later date show the
bronze chisel, the bronze winged hatch
et, the bronse knife, the hexagonal ham
mer, the tanged knife of ornamental de
sign, the socket kuife and the bronze
sickle. They show also the bronze fish
hook, barbed and in exact similitude of
our present device. The ornamental
hatpin as now used, together with other
articles of utility and ornamentation,
is plentiful. The stone mold for cast
ing the copper or bronze hatchet is of
sxceedingly ancient date, but probably
tbe use of sand was far more common,
and hence we have less traces of that
The Height of Obliviousness.
Yesterday I met a worthy gentleman
whom years ago I used to see in the
Paris salons. A few rapid words of
greeting were exchanged between us.
“Madame is quite well, I hope?”
“Quite well, thanks.”
Here my old acquaintance suddenly
dethought himself and added:
“Beg pardon, no—nothing of the
kind. I forgot for the moment that 1
lost her six months back.”—Gtoile.
In Baslnew.
Housekeeper—You are in business,
tie you?
Tramp—Yes, mum. I’m a specula
tor, mum, but I ain’t no Wall street
ihark, no indeed, mum. My business is
“You don’t look it.”
“It's true though, mum. I’ve put
twfy a 2 cent Columbian stamp, and
low I’m waitin fer a rise. ”—New York
(Rcprolar Gruduutea.) '
»re the leading and meat ancceaaf ul apeclallata and
Will trive vou hclo.
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Bulls have follow
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WOMEIT! Don’t you want to get cured of that
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CATARRH, and diseases of the Skin, Blood,
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I Ripans Tabules are com- J
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; Ripans Tabules act gently
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Ripans Tabules may be ob
| tained of nearest druggist.
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The Best Season of the Year to
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Notwithstanding that a great num
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As a spring medicine Pe-rn-na is a
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larity that Pe-ru-oa has is due to the
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corrects digestive derangements and en
riches the blood by purifying this very
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Send for free book on spring medicines
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The city of Wilber has oontraoted
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The kick of a cow is not the most ac
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IV plillls completely removed from tha sys
tem by our latest and Improved vskctalil >
remedies at one-trnth the cost of a shot’: t'. the Hot Springs. Cures permanent.
Advice frcc.r Send Sc stamp for particulars.
1 real inent by Mall.f.
■one* branded on left hip or left ehonldea
where on the animal
r. u. Bournes, imperial,
Cbaae County, and Beat
rice. Neb Hange, Btinfe
Ing Water and FrenelK
man oreeka, Cbaae 0e_
Brand aa eat on aide of
aome animal*, on hip ana
aide* of aome, or any
Subjects need fear no longer from this King of
Terrors, for by a most wonderful discovery In
medicine, cancer on any part of the body can be
permanently cured without the use of
the knife.
Mbs 11. D. Colby, 2307 Indiana Ave., Chicago,
'ays 44 Was cured of cancer of the breast ia six
weeks by your method of treatment-'' 8end for
treatise. Hr. 11. C. Hale. 305 34th tit., Chicago,
Work Guaranteed. Teeth extracted in the
morning, new ones inserted evening of
same day. Teeth filled without pain, latest
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_ OMaHa, - - - Nfcri. 4+
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V Mall ai a good Photo, awhile faeweroid; Silk Haod-Ji
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1 aad we will Photograph the pieiareoa the allk. KeaaO-1
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the distinguished artist, Maud Humphrey. It u
2 feet long and 14 Inches wide and will be sent
free If yon tell rear friend*. It Is called
“Out Visiting,” and shows a beautiful, dimpled
darling clad in a warm, rich, for-lined cloak,
basket and umbrella in hand; she pulls the
snow covered latch, while her golden hair shim
mers in the sunshine, her cheeks blush with
health and vigor and her roguish eyes sparkle
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sent free, postpaid, if you promise to tell yoor
friends and send 14 cents 1n stamps or silver roc a
three months* trial subscription to
aa illustrated monthly magazine with stories,
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Russell Pub. Co, 196 Summer St, Boston, Haas.
J. S. McBraykr. Mit/ton Osborn.
Proprietors of the
McCook Transfer Line.
' " . c’S
Bus, Baggage and Express.
....In the City....
Leave orders for Bus Calls at Ooatmereial
Hotel or our offloe opposite depot.
J. S. McBrayer also has a first
class house-moving outfit.