Preston, Tdano, Dec. 26, *93. Gentlemen:—I have taken twelve bottles of Four Nervine and it has done me much good. can do now in a day what used to take me a week. 1 am a music teacher and used to suf fer from brain fatigue after protracted work, out now that has entirely left me, and in stead of sleepless nights I can sleep soundly lor eight or ten hours. For this great relief I gire the sole credit to Dr. Miles’ Nervine. Yours truly, PROF. L. D. EDWARDS. Mrs. Henry Zorn, of 106 Rosette St., New Havon, Ct., writes:— “I feel it my duty to tell what your Nervine has done for me. I had suffered nearly 3 years with my head. First I had severe head aches and during the last year dizziness, pressure and throbbing in the brain. I have taken three bottles of Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine, and my head is nearly well. .... . ' ' “Last February I felt very 111. Consulting our home physicians, they pronounced it womb trouble of long standing. The doc tor said I must go to the hospital and have an operation performed—it was all that would help me. They performed the opera tion, but I was no better mentally when I re turned home. One morning a friend told me of your remedies. I had no faith, but thought I would try them. My husband got me a bot tle of Dr. Miles* Nervine, and that night I slept well and commenced to get better right along." MRS. T. C. SALT, Osseo, Wis. ' -,y» '3s?:5 Dr. Miles Medical Co.: My heart was so deranged that at times my pulse would get so very weak that it was very difficult to keep up circulation. I could not sleep well. Was subject to distressing pains in back of head. My physician treated me for sympathetic heart trouble, doing me no good whatever. In fact he plainly told me lie could not cure me. I have used 3 bot tles of Nervine and am thankful to say I have been relieved of all my bad symptoms. Fargo, Ind. ARTHUR CRITCHFIELD. Specht, Ohio, Sept. 18, *93. Gentlemen:—I have waited to see it my old trouble would return, before writing you concerning your medicine. I have taken 1!4 bottles of hiervine and think the other Vt bottle will cure me entirely. Sly arms, that were once so painful, are now quite well. I would not have them the way they were for any money. I recommend the medicine to all who are afflicted as I was, for I am great ly relieved. You can publish 11;is if you wish. Yours truly, SIRS. SI. J. TOPE. Gentlemen:—You know more about the horrible distressed feeling of a nervous per son than my pen can describe, but I desire to say that about, four weeks ago I could not walk across the floor, I was so weak. My brother got me a bottle of your Nervine and after taking a few doses I felt better. When tlie bottle was all used I was able to be at my work again. Yours truly, b A. E. CRAWFORD. Anderson, Ind., Aug. 8 1893. Gentlemen:—For8 years I suff ered from nervous prostration, sleeplessness, nervous debility, headache, in fact, life was miserable. One bottle of Dr. Miles’ Nervine cured me. It is a wonderful remedy. Mrs. AjM.Hanna. Mrs. J. Gardner, of Vistula, Ind., wrote us 8 years ago:—For eight years 1 was subject to spasms. Home days I would have from forty to fifty and would remain unconscious for hours and my joints would become stiff. I was long subject to severe headaches, dizziness, back ache and palpitation of the heart, and was unfit for work. Afler taking Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine a while I was entirely Cured. The same lady writes from Goshen, Ind., June 3, ’93:—I have not had a spasm since being cured five years ago. GentlemenI cannot describe the numb, creepy sensation that existed In my arms, hands and legs. In addition I had a strange weakness in my back and around my waist. Physicians said It was creeping paralysis. I procured a bottle of Dr. Miles’Restorative Nervine and began using It. Marvelous as it may seem, but a few days had passed before every bit of that creepy feeling had left me, and there has not been even the slightest in dication of Its return. LaRuc, Ohio. JAMES KANE. Last year extreme nervousness manifested Itself In my condition. I kept growing worse from day to day until I lost my speech and all control of myself. I knew what was going on about me, Dut was helpless. I began to recover my speech and power to walk, ow ing entirely to the use of Ur. Miles’ Restora tive Nervine, and after using this wonderful remedy several months I was perfectly well, greatly to the astonishment of those who knew of my case. „ MISS GENA HULL, Waukesha, Wls. It is well to bear in mind that Dr. Miies was the first to place before the public a scientific remedy for the treatment of nervous diseases—a reme dy that was the result of years of careful study and patient investigation. The remarkable success of the Restorative Nervine has attracted much attention, and as a consequence to-day Dr. Miles has many imitators, who advertise remedies to cure nervous diseases. A careful investigation of the advertisements of these imitators will show that they are attempting to sell their medicines by means of a great flourish of trumpets rather than upon their merits as scientific and reliable remedies. “Be ye not deceived." The following list of affections will give those persons who have paid little attention to the subject an idea of the number and variety of nervous diseases, for which Dr. Miles’ great Restorative Nervine, a brain and nerve food as well as medicine, is a new and remarkable remedy. As a very general rule nervons troubles are not well understood* Most people imagine that to have a nervous disorder one must be nervous-shaky. This is a great error. A large proportion of people afflicted with this class of diseases are not at all nervous. Nervous diseases include all affections of the brain spinal cord or nerves. "Thus all head troubles, such as fits, headache, dizziness, dullness, pressure, the blues, mania, melancholy and insanity are n'ervous disorders, no matter how caused; pain or congestion in the spinal cord, which constitutes most backaches, tenderness of back, etc., are spi nal or nervous diseases; Neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, Cramps, etc.,are nervous troubles. So, too, is a large class of disorders which arise from a weak ness of the nerves of an organ or part, as weak lungs, heart, stomach, kidneys, bladder, eyes, etc. Apoplexy.— Dr. Wright says; “In advanc ing life there is associated with headache, dizzi ness, dullness, etc., a great danger of a far more serious disease, namely, apoplexy, and it is fortu nate if it affords you timely warning before the blood vessels give way and the effusion of blood takes place.” Backache—Is usually caused by an irritable or congested state of the spinal cord. It is of the same nature as headache, differing only in loca tion. Dr. Miles has met with many cases in his private practice in which headache would ex tend to the back, while in many others the pain would entirely leave the head and go to the back. Not a few people have a weak back for several days after headache. Bilious Attacks.—Biliousness is of two kinds, one being caused by malarial germs in the system,which disturb the stomach and liver; the other form is purely nervous, and is due, like sick headache, to an irritable condition of the brain and upper portion of the spinal cord which derange the nerves going from the upper part of the cord to these organs. See Sick Headache. If the Restorative Nervine is taken in three tea spoonful doses at the very beginning of the at tack, before the stomach is much disturbed, the attack will almost always be prevented. Blues, Melancholy.—These are not imag inary complaints, as some uncharitable and not well-posted people believe. They are as distinct diseases as headache or neuralgia, with which they.are often associated. They are the result of an irritable and exhausted condition of the brain. Nervous Prostration-Nervousness,Ner vous Exhaustion.—Nervousness is really a nervelessness, a weakness. It is the same as nervous prostration, only of a less degree. It is often caused by such forms of nervous irrita tions as headache, dizziness, sleeplessness, care, anxiety, weakness of the heart, stomach, etc. Cramps—Are always caused by au irritation of fhe nerves. They are local spasms. The ner vous system should be treated. Use the Restor ative Nervine with confidence. It has performed many wonderful cures. Delirium Tremens,-Drunkenness, Dipsomania. Alcoholic beverages act pow erfully upon the brain and nervous system. Many persons inherit a love of drink, which may be so strong as to constitute a form of mania. Delirium tremens is an acute form of insanity caused by*the excessive use of alcoholics. Neu ralgic pains in the bowels, limbs, etc., frequent ly attend the habitual use of liquors. The liver commonly becomes diseased and the whole ner vous system impaired. Dizziness.—Dullness, Vertigo, Heavi ness, Pressure in the head and many other disagreeable brain symptoms, wear out the brain and nerves. Causes and treatment the same as for headache. Fits.—There are two varieties of this dis order, the first or severe form is characterized by convulsions and complete loss of consciousness, The attack usually begins with a cry. The pa tient falls insensible, the face becomes pale, the head is drawn backward or sidewise, the mouth froths; the teeth are ground together, the tongue is often bitten. The convulsion lasts from two to five minutes, when it gradually subsides and consciousness returns, the patient falls into a deep sleep, from which he awakes with a feeling of exhaustion and confusion of the mind. In the second or lighter form, known as epileptic vertigo or petitmal, the person suddenly stops; then goes on as usual. Headache.—Sick, Nervous or Bilious, Dizziness, Dullness, Pressure, Etc. That repeated or prolonged attacks of these dis orders of the brain predispose it to many forms of disease can be proven by quotations from a large number of eminent medical writers. The poor memory, excessive irritability and nervous ness which so frequently result from repeated attacks of headache, indicate in an unmistaka ble manner that the nutrition of the brain, and consequently its power of resisting disease, is impaired. In almost every case of apoplexy, paralysis, insanity, epileptic convulsions, sun stroke, inflammation of the brain, etc., there has previously been much headache. It is well known to oculists that persons hav ing weak eyes, which are always more or less congested, are much more liable to have inflam mation of these organs than those who have strong ones. In like manner it can readily be seen that persons subject to headache are much more liable to disease of the brain, as it is an easy matter for the congestion, which accom panies all headaches, to be fanned into inflam mation. Sick Headache, Bilious Headache, Bil ious Attacks, Sick Giddiness. We speak of sick headache more at length, than any other form of this affection, as it is a typical nervous disorder, and the one with which the majority of people are most familiar. Not only are the masses in almost entire ignorance as to its true nature, but also physicians. It is commonly supposed that sick headache is caused by some derangement of the stomach or liver. This the ory is unscientific and not sustained by facts. Everybody knows that injuries and diseases of the brain often produce vomiting; that the men tal impression resulting from the sight of a dis gusting object will cause sickness of the stomach in many persons. Dr. Miles has demonstrated that sick headache is also due to a disturbance of the brain. Out of 632 cases of this order, of which he has kept careful record during the last few years, every patient stated that the first symptoms of an attack were always felt in the head, and in somacases hours elapsed before the stomach became deranged. Sick headache after a few years usually changes into the nervous form. Hot Flashes—Rush of Blood to the Head, Nervous Chills, Numbness, Ten derness of the Scalp, Irritability of Temper, Foot Memory. These are symp toms frequently met with in persons of a weak nervous system; they are due to nervous irrita bility or exhaustion. For them the Restorative Nervine is a good remedy. Hysteria.—Excessive Nervousness. There are many more hysterical persons than is usually supposed. There are all degrees of it, from impulsiveness to convulsions. Hysterical people act in haste to repent at leisure. They are easily elated or depressed, owing to a defect in the nerve centers. Some will cry one moment and laugh the next. Their feelings are often stronger than their will. Hysteria is, in reality, like many other weak diseases—not a disease it self, but the effect of one or more derangements of the nervous system. Insanity—Mania, Melancholy. In ex treme cases these maladies can best be treated by some specialist, or in an institution for that purpose, where special treatment can be given. In mild cases, or where the services of an expert cannot be had, few remedies will act better than the Nervine. It should be taken in large doses, that sleep and quiet may be produced. Monthly Pains,—And Too Frequent or Profuse Menses,—These are always due to an irritable state of the uterine nerves. The Restorative Nervine seldom fails to cure them. Nervous Dyspepsia.—At least fi ve-sixths of the cases of dyspepsia arise, not from an in flamed stomach, but from a weakened, debilitat ed, overworked condition of the nerves which control the action of this organ. The brain has a remarkable influence over the nerves of the stomach. Care, anxiety, headache, dizziness etc., greatly weaken these nerves. Thus bad news destroys the appetite. Merchants during panics are noted for being a class of dyspeptics. No people in the world use their brains so exces sively as Americans, and none are so subject to this complaint. The Restorative Nervine soon soothes the brain, strengthens the nerves and cures the dyspepsia or indigestion. Opium and Morphine Habits are affec tions of the nervous system. Those drugs, like alcoholics, act in small quantities as stimulants to the brain and nerves. After being taken for a time the effect upon the nervous system is such that it becomes a habit that is very difficult to break. But by the aid of the soothing quali ties of the Restorative Nervine anyone possess ing a little resolution can break off this disagree able, expensive and soul-destroying habit. Palpitation or Fluttering: ol the Heart is always an indication of a weak heart, and is due to weakness of the cardiac nerves. It is not the harmless affection usually regarded by the phy sicians. Rheumatism was formerly believed to origi nate in the blood,but is now known to be a nervous disease, like neuralgia, headache, etc, This ex plains why it may go from one part of the body to another so readily, like neuralgia. Were it a blood trouble every joint would be affected at the same time. By soothing and strengthening the nervous system, Dr. Miles* Restorative Ner vine, when taken as directed, is a remarkable remedy for this obstinate and painful disorder. Sleeplessness is due to an irritation or con gested condition of the brain, the same as head ache. It soon causes nervous prostration and usually precedes insanity. Spasms, Convulsions, Ftc.—No remedy has ever been discovered that cures a larger propor tion of cases of this frightful disease than the Restorative Nervine. If a child or adult shows any signs of going into spasms a dose or two will prevent it. If necessary the dose may be repeated often, Spinal Irritation.—An irritable or congested condition of the spinal cord commonly causes tenderness of the spine, crawling, creeping and burning sensations and backache. The Restora tive Nervine is a reliable medicine for them. For all these diseases Dr. Miles’ Nervine is the best remedy. It is obtainable at any drug store at $1 per bottle, or will be sent, prepaid, on re ceipt of price by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elk hart, Ind. Dr. Miles* Nervine is sold on a positive guaran tee that the first bottle will give relief. Should it not do so, return it to your druggist and obtain your money. This offer applies to those who have never used this medicine and to the first bottle only. i Gentlemen:—I had been sinking in health for some time and was not able to work but a few hours daily. Accidentally I heard of Dr. Miles’ Nervine and bought a bottle. Be fore I had taken half of it I could work a full day and since I have regained my former health my friends have expressed much as tonishment. They told me they thought I would lie dead before this. Perhaps 1 might be had I not used your Nervine. You are at liberty to use this if you wish. Green town, Ind. H. C. APPLEGATE. Fairbanks, Maine, Oct. 20,1893, Gentlemen:—I tried the first bottle of your medicine about a year ago, and have waited to see the results before writing you. I hon estly think it has saved my life. I had a pain around the heart and in my shoulders, side and arms. When I commenced taking the medicine I could do no work, but now I work every day. I had employed two of the best doctors in the country and they did me no good, but your medicine sertalnly did. Yours truly, E. S. BRAGG. ^ 1 I LM^ Pate, Ohio Co., Ind., Oct. 8, ’93. The Dr. Miles Medical C^.: Gentlemen:—I will have to say a good word for your Nervine. I have been a sufferer from dyspepsia for over eight years, and tried a good many doctors and different med icines in hope or being cured, but I was un successful until I tried your remedy. I used three bottles of Nervine and now feel as well as I ever did. Have gained twelve pounds since I began using it. I remain Yours respectfully, J. R. CONLEY. Rlngwood, 111.. Oct. 17 1883 Gentlemen:—I have been taking your Re storative Nervine for tho past throe months and I cannot say enough by way of praise. 1 am satisfied that It lias saved my life, for I had almost given up hope of ever being well again. I wasachronlcsufferer from nervous ness, and could not sleep at nights. I was also troubled with nervous headache an d had tried doctors in vain, until I triod your Ner vine. Wishing you every success. __ ____ Yours truly, UBS. U. WOOD. I had bean afflicted with epilepsy nineteen years In very severe form. An acquaintance, who had used your Nervine with excellent results, recommended It to mo, and 1 pur chased a bottle, the only one I have used so far. Its effect has been wonderful, as, since beginning Its use, I have had but two spells. I shall continue the Nervine until completely cured. My general health Is now excellent, and I sleep well. If my statement can do hu manity any good 1 am pleased to givo It. WILLIAM IIEAKKLESS. Kennard, Ind., Feb. 15. 1HS3. ’V," > Gentlemen:—Your Restorative Nervine has worked wonders for our daughter Blanche, now 15 years of age. She had been terribly afflicted wit h nervousness, and had lost the u e of her right arm. She was in such a con dition we feared St. Vitus dance, and are pos it ive that but for your invaluable remedy she would have had that affliction. She took three bottles of Nervine and has recovered complete use of her arm, her appetite is splendid, and no money could procure for our daughter the health I>r. Miles’ Restora tive Nervine has brought her. MRS. K. BULLOCK, Brighton, N. Y. Gentlemen:— I cannot give you and your medicines praise enough, they nave done mo so much good. The doctors here are surprised that I have been at work all spring, for they thought I would never be able to work again. Your curing me has given you a great name here. I was troubled for many years with a severe affection of the heart and was unable to get relief in any way, until I-began to use Dr. Miles’Nervine. This remedy has restored me to my former good health and I therefore cheerfully recommend it. DANIEL WOOD. South Muscatine, Iowa. Greenwood, N. C., Oct. 11892. Dr. Miles Medical Co.: Gentlemen:—My condition was such that I could not rest nor sleep, day or night. My terrible sufferings were caused by a nervous disease. In all I have taken six bottles of your Nervine. I took it as directed and now I can eat and sleep as good as ever. I cheer fully testify that your medicines are safe and effectual. Yours truly, MRS. I. WICKER. Gentlemen:—As I have been greatly bene fitted by the use of your Nervine, I send you this testimonial, which you are at liberty to use where and when you please. I was trou bled with severe headache, indigestion, con stipation and general debility, with pains in left side, between shoulders, and sore spot on stomach for the last 22 years. I have tried some of our best physicians during that time, but never received any but temporary re lief. Five years ago X took treatment for three months from Dr. Miles him self, and found preat relief. My wife was also ailinp for over a Sear, but a few doses of your ervine soon cured her. MR. & MRS. D. CRAIG. Imlay City, Mich. ^_