Here Is a Sale That Is a Sale. I3if~83 pairs of Men’s Fine Calf Lace Shoes, all size 7, worth from $3.50 to $4.25. We make the price $2.00 For your choice. Lot 2. 60 pairs Men’s Congress Shoes, New Staple Ooods, all sizes, per pair $1.00. Come Everybody. ■ A.... Catastrophe kj For Us— A Chance For Yon. fW” 59 pairs of Men’s Fine Calf & Kangaroo Congress Shoes, all sizes, slightly damaged. Former Price $4 to $6. We will sacrifice this lot at $2.50 per pair. These will not last long. Don’t You Kick If You Buy Boots Before seeing oars and find your self disappointed. We sell.... Men’s Best Chicago Kip Boots, worth $3.50, for. .$2.50 Men’s igh Grade Calf Boots, for which other dealers get $3.00, for_$2.50 Men’s Split Boots, solid.... $1.25 Boys’ and Youths’ Boots at proportionote prices. The Weather These Days Is as Uncertain As Congress or a jury—Warm to day and cold to-morrow. Prepare for sudden changes. Arties, Strictly first quality. Men’s. $1.50 Women’s. 1.15 Misses’.95 ISlT’Cheap Arties, such as some dealers sell for firsts: Men’s.90 Women’s.75 Here They Are! Prices That Will Interest You. pg^Ladies’ Fine French Kip Button Boots, top or plain, $3.50 Warranted Genuine Hand Sewed Turns. Little Giant School Shoes, For Misses and Boys, regu lar price $2.00, our price, $1.50 Post Yourself m i f On The Best Place To buy Boots and Shoes, and you will find the street and number agrees with the location *f Our Store. We do not handle Job Lot, Auction or Backet Goods. We guarantee all Goods to be as represented. We sew all rips in our shoes free of charge. We have a First-class repair department in our stole. We also make Shoes to order. Try our Uncolored Japan, English Break fast, Gunpowder and Basket-Fired JAPAN Tea at C. O. D. Store. Our prices defy Com petition. A valuable 64-page medical ref erence book for men and women will be sent free to any address on receipt of two 2-cent stamps and mentioning this, paper,by address ing Dr. Hathaway & Co., St Joe, Missouri. _ Come ih early and often and see the fine line of meats at the B. & M. Meat Market. You can buy stationery right at The McCook Tribune Office. Special prices on White Lead at A. Mc Millen’s. A few cents will buy a nice box of good writing paper at this office. _ I To Whom it Hay Concern: / pro pose to carry a finer line of meats than any other house in the city. F. S. WILCOX. We carry a complete line of the latest revised legal blanks for sale at this office. ' We invito inspection and defy com petition in quality and price of Heat at the B. A H. Heat Harket. HARD TIMES PRICES. Wall Paper—3 cents a roll. L. W. McConnell & Co. Mixed Paints 90c a gallon at McMillen’s drug store. DANBURY NEWS. Nice weather we are having. Mr. Leisure is building a store south ofS. S. Cass’. Powell Bros, shipped four car loads of stock from here, last week. William F. Everist has laid in a good supply of ice for the coming season. The Danbury school gave an enter tainment, last Saturday night, which was very good. The snow has about all disappeared and has left the ground in splendid condition for spring work. The good people of Danbury and vi einity organized a union Sunday school, last Sunday. Everybody is cordially invited to attend. C. A. N. HARD TIMES PRICES. Wall Paper—3 cents a roll. L. W. McConnell & Co. TYRONE MEWS. Dr. Reno has moved into Wm. Smith’s house. Wm. Walker is boring a well for Ed. Richmond. W.C. McTaggart of Crete has moved his place near Tyrone. J. C. Moore has leased his farm near Wilsonville to Nels Lundstrnm. Frank Moore has commenced a sing ing school in the district east of us. Mrs. F. R. Sprague of Wilsonville is visiting a few days with Mrs. Moore. John Morgan has rented 140 aores of W. H. Moore’s land south of Tyrone for a period of three years. Leave your orders with us for paint ing and paper-hanging. L. W. McConnell & Co. Try the Cream Pork Sautago at the B. A M. Meat Market. White Lead $5.50 per hundred. L. W. McConnell & Co. BEWARE.—Do not buy poor truck, but go straight to the B. & M. Meat Market and get as choice a cut of meat as can be produced. MoMillen Bros, have a splendid as sortment of Robes and Horse Blankets. Their stock of Harness and Saddlery is uneqGalled in western Nebraska. Sewing machines at $5.00 per month on the installment plan at Fade & Son’s. Nice assortment of writing papers for sale at Thh Tribune stationery department. Wall Paper, 3c per roll at A. McMillen’s drug store. "— Ink, pens, pencils school tablets, etc., at The Tribune stationery department. Wanted:--Fat and stock hogs at the B. & M. Meat Market. HARD TIMES PRICES. Wall Paper—3 cents a roll. L. W. McConnell & Co. Leave your orders with us for paint ing and paper-hanging. L. W. McConnelu & Co. ■ ----- ! We don’t sell pack ing house lard, but our own make. F. S. Wilcox. Dr. A. J. Thomas, Dentist, office in Union block, over J. F. Ganschow’s. __ Seventy-five cents buys a scale book of 500 tickets at this office. Gilt Wall Paper, 6c a roll at McMillen’s drug store. RED WILLOW. Several farmers were plowing, last Saturday. Mrs. Longnecker has been quite sick for some time. Bob Thomas’ sale was well attended and fair prices were paid for everything sold. Rev. Mather has returned from his eastern sojourn, looking quite hale and hearty. We heard that Clinton Black had the good luck to shoot a wolf, the other day. Charles By field and Jacob Long necker attended the convention of the Y. P. S. C. E. at Lebanon, Saturday. Mr. Loomis has advertised his sale for next Tuesday. He expects to move to Oregon to engage in fruit growing. Mr. M. P. Mulford is expecting a visit, this week, from a brother-in-law who resides in Eugene City, in the Willamette valley, Oregon. Lewis Longnecker has been very successful as a trapper, having trapped five skunks in a few days. Poultry raisers should now tender him a vote of thanks. Mr. Holland says that alfalfa can be profitably produced on the divide, or upland, by carefully preparing the soil. He speaks both from observation and experience. Four persons united with the Christ ian church during the revival meetings Their names are, Lulu Mulford, Katie Longnecker, Nellie Canaga and Walter Sly. They were baptized in the Wil low, last Saturday. Well Digging. If you want a well put down in fine shape see Frank Nichols. He guaran tees his work. Leave orders at S. M. Cochran & Co.’s. Mixed Paint $1.00 a gallon. L. W. McConnell & Co. Mrs. M. E. Barger is now re ceiving her spring goods, which embrace the latest styles in mil linery, hats, bonnets, etc. Give her a call on west Dennison st., and inspect her goods and get her “hard times” prices. She carries a nice and complete stock in her line. Knipple is making very reason able prices on flour. He is selling an extra fine high patent flour for only $1.20 a sack. Nothing finer. Remember that Knipple fully warrants every sack of flour that he sells. You are sure of receiv ing a good article every time. You can get a sack of Straight patent flour at Knipple’s for $1.00. No better value for the money can be secured in the city. Alfalfa seed at $5 to $7 per bushel; clover, timothy, red top and blue grass seeds. McCook Commission Co. Seed oats, wheat and corn of the varieties best adapted to this climate and soil. McCook Com mission Co. Buckwheat flour, oat meal, corn meal, flour, feed, and baled hay, for sale by McCook Commission Co. _ A sack of Snowflake flour will only cost you 85 cents at Knipple’s grocery store. It's worth a dollar. Fine irrigated potatoes at Knip ple’s for 85 cents a bushels. They are the finest in the market. Onions, extra fine, at Knipple’s for 85 cents a peck. The Arlington House. Rates $1.00 Per Day. Refurnished and Refitted ^^"First-class Accommodations. J. S. CULBERTSON, Proprietor. A. J. BITTENHOU8E. C. H. BOYLE, RITTENHOUSE & BOYLE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. MoCOOK, NBB. J. E. KELLEY, ATTORNEY -:- AT LAW, AGENT LINCOLN LAND CO. McCOOK, - - NEBRASKA. Qrrica: In rear of First National Bank. J. A. GUNN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON McCOOK.NEBRASKA. a ®"Omci—Front rooms over Lowman & “2“ ? «t?re- Basipancn 402, McFarland at., two blocks north of McBntee hotel. Prompt attention to all calls. R. A. COLE, -LEADING MERCHANT - TAILOR OF MCCOOK, Has just received his fall and win ter stock of Cloths and Trimmings which will be made up as reason able as possible. Shop first door west of Barnett Lumber Co.’s of fice, on Dennison ftreet. . PATRONIZE . FRANK ALLEN’S DRAYS. * □raying in ail its Branches. CiPSand Hauling. Safe Moving * r a Specialty. HO HTBA CEA20Z FOB BAOUHO TBTOXS Af HIOHT . taTneave orders at coal yards, and at res ■dence. No. 206 Madison street, betwwn Dennison and Dodge streets, McCook/ 6®” For farmrioauscafi on C. J. Ryan.