The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 09, 1894, Image 2

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Wh«n the Besieged Had Lost AH Hope,
the Scotchwoman Heard the Slogan
Wbleh Announced That the High landers
Were Coming to the Beeene.
In conversation between a distinguish
ed jndge of this state and an editor the
article of Mark Twain’s on telepathy cas
ually cauie into talk. Many cases were
cited, and the judge alluded to the re
markable story of Jessie Brown. It will
be new to many, and it is given here
with as it appeared in a letter to the
London Times, the letter being written
by a lady who was the wife of an officer
at Lucknow:
“On every side death stared ns in the
face. No human skill could avert it any
longer. We saw the moment approach
when we must bid farewell to earth, yet
without feeling that unutterable horror
which must have been experienced by
the unhappy victims at Cawnpnr. We
were resolved rather to die than to yield
and were fully persuaded that in 24 hours
all would be over. The engineer had
said so, and all knew the worst. We
women strove to enconrage each other
and to perform the light duties which
were assigned to ns, such as conveying
orders to the batteries, supplying the
men with provisions, especially caps of
coffee, which we prepared day and night.
“I had gone out to try to^make myself
useful in company with Jessie Brown,
the wife of a corporal in my husband’s
regiment. Poor Jessie had been in a
state of restless excitement all through
the siege and had fallen away visibly
during the last few days. A constant
fever consumed her, and her mind wan
aerea occasionally, especially that day,
when the recollections of home seemed
powerfully present to her. At last, over
come with fatigue, she lay down on the
ground, wrapped in her plaid. I sat be
side her, promising to awake her when,
as she said, her ‘father should return
from the plowing.’
“She fell at length into a profound
slumber, motionless and apparently
breathless, her head resting in my lap.
“I myself could no longer resist the in
clination to sleep, in spite of the con
tinual roar of the cannon. Suddenly I
was aroused by a wild, unearthly scream
close to my ear. My companion stood
upright beside me, her arms raised and
her head bent forward in the attitude of
“A look of intense delight broke over
her countenance. She grasped my hand,
drew me toward her and exclaimed:
‘Dinna ye hear it? Dinna ye hear it?
Aye, I’m no dreamingl It’s the slogan
o’ the highlanders! We’re saved! We’re
saved!’ Then flinging herself on her
knees she thanked God with passionate
fervor. I felt utterly bewildered.
“My English ears heard only the roar
of artillery, and I thought my poor Jes
sie was still raving, but she darted to
the batteries, and I heard her cry inces
santly to the men: ‘Courage 1 Courage!
Hark to the slogan—the Macgregor, the
grandest of them all! Here’s help at
“To describe the effect of these words
upon the soldiers would be impossible.
For a moment they ceased firing, and
every soul listened with intense anxiety.
Gradually, however, there arose a mur
mur of bitter disappointment, and the
wailing of women who had flocked to
the spot burst out anew as the colonel
shook his head. Our dull lowland ears
heard only the roar of the musketry.
“A few moments more of this death
like suspense, of this agonizing hope, and
Jessie, who had again sunk on the ground,
sprang to her feet and cried in a voice so
clear and piercing that it was heard
along the whole line: ‘Will ye no believe
it noo?. The slogan has ceased indeed,
but the Campbells are coming. D’ye
faeari’ uye near/
“At that moment all seemed, indeed,
to hear the voice of God in the distance,
when the pibroch of the highlanders
brought us tidings of deliverance, for
now there was no longer any doubt of
the fact. That shrill, penetrating, cease
less sound, which rose above all other
sounds, could come neither from the ad
vance of the enemy nor from the work
of the sappers. No, it was indeed the blast
of the Scottish bagpipes, now shrill and
harsh, as threatening vengeance on the
foe, then in softer tones seeming to prom
ise succor to their friends in need.
“Never, surely, was there such a scene
as that which followed. Not a heart in
the residency of Lucknow but bowed it
self before God. All by one simultaneous
impulse fell upon their knees, and noth
ing was heard but bursting sobs and
murmured voice of prayer. Then all
arose, and there rang out from a thou
sand lips a great shont of joy, which re
sounded far and wide and lent new vigor
to that blessed pibroch.
“To onr cheer of ‘God Save the Queen’
they replied by the well known strain
that moves every Scot to tears, 'Should
Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot?’ After
that nothing else made any impression
on me. I scarcely remember what fol
lowed. Jessie was presented to the gen
eral on his entrance to the fort, and at
the officers' banquet her health was
drunk by all present, while the pipers
marched around the table playing once
more the familiar air of ‘Anld« Lang
Whittier's poem, “The Pipes at Luck
now,” and Robert T. S. Lowell's “The
Relief of Lucknow” are descriptive of
this same incident!—Baltimore Ameri
can. _
Matrimonial Item.
Chumly—-How the mischief did yon
come to marry that old widow? Why
didn't you marry the daughter?
Benedict—I thought over,the matter
carefully. If I had the daugh
ter, I’d have had the^UBKher on my
hands anyhow. Then SS'ifcve had both
on my hinds, but as ilSflfcow that her
mother is provided for, vraatlikely some
body else will -marry the UJtgghter, and
then I’ll'only b^yAjBne of^mm to pro
vide for.—TaxaajKftinga. ^
Ha Had the Begalatlon Fan, Including Ar
rest and a Swelled Head.
Two policemen conducting a drunken
monkey to jail was one of the unusual
rights seen Sunday. The monkey is a
member of Dod Backer’s circus, but has
been occupying winter quarters as a
ride attraction at Elston’s saloon on
East Water street, and was left chained
during the temporary absence of the
proprietor. He managed, however, to
free himself and walked over behind
the bar. He glanced in the big looking
glass back of the row of colored bot
tles, and seeing another fellow of bis
own size picked up a decanter and let
it go with his right, and Mr. Elston's
|200 glass was a wreck. His opponent
having been got rid of, the monkey
proceeded to te6t the various liquid re
freshments on hand. He turned on the
beer and took a long, deep draft. Then
he sampled the whisky, gin, wine and
various kinds of bitters. It wasn’t long
until he was roaring drunk. Then 'he
tackled the cigar case and demolished
that, throwing the cigars about the
room in handfuls.
The monkey’s screams and the noise
of shattered glass attracted a crowd
about the front of the saloon, but the
door was locked, and there was no way
to get in. Finally two policemen came
and boosted a bold young fellow through
the transom. After a lively tussle he
managed to get a rope around the drunk
en monkey, and he was hoisted through
the window and escorted by the two po
licemen, one on each side, to jail, and
lodged in a cell. The next morning the
prisoner was very sick and held his head
between his paws. Although it was his
second ofiense, the recorder suspended
sentence, and he waa led back to the
saloon and chained ,.p. The next time
he gets drunk the owner will send him
to the Keeleycureat Binghamton.—El
mira Despatch.
A Temperance Agitator In Austria Has to
Fight the Liqnor Men and Governor.
American temperance agitators would
Dot enjoy themselves in Austria. A na
tive of a small village after a long cat
aleptic trance a year ago declared that
he had been to heaven and had been
commissioned by the Almighty to re
turn and teach the peasants the wicked
ness of drinking spirits. Soon the en
tire village took an oath of total absti
nence. The district governor commit
ted the man to the madhouse, where
the doctors kept him for six months and
then declared him sane. He resumed
his agitation, and in a short time seven
villages had taken vows of abstinence.
The result was that a number of liq
uor dealers to whom the government
had granted licenses refused to keep
their contracts. The district judge
gave orders that the dangerous agitator
be arrested if caught preaching absti
nence. The man has not left his house
for weeks. Deputations come to him
from far and wide to bear his words
and to repeat them when they return
home. The authorities are consoling
the dealers by declaring that the peas
ants must soon drink again.—Vienna
Heirs Apparent and Matrimony.
There are few ladies whom an heir
apparent can marry. At present the
heirs to the thrones of Austria, Bussia
and Italy, not to speak of the heir to
the throne of Belgium, the king of Ser
via, and the crown prince of Montene
gro, are all of a marriageable age, but
have not yet made their choice. With
out a change of creed on the part of a
princess the choice of the Russian crown
prince, outside the Romanoff family, is
limited to Princess Marie oj. Greece and
one of the daughters of the Prince of
Montenegro. Similarly the young Ser
vian King Alexander has only the Rus
sian and Montenegrin princesses to
choose from. Only 23 Roman Catholic
princesses, born not later than 1877, are
now open to engagements. Five of
these belong to the royal and ducal
houses of Bavaria, three to Belgium,
three to the Spanish Bourbons, two to
the Bourbons of the two Sicilies, four
to the house of Parma, one to the house
of Orleans and one to the line of Cba
tres, making altog^her 11 belonging to
the Bourbons.—San Francisco Argo
A Reminiscence of Napoleon.
A series of unpublished letters of the
first Napoleon appeared in Paris week
before last. In one characteristic epis
tle the autocrat tells the minister of po
lice to arrest Mr. Kuhn, the American
consul at Genoa, as a wearer of the cross
of Malta given by an agent of the Brit
ish government. The emperor adds:
“This individual, having received a
foreign decoration,is no longer an Amer
ican. I am sorry, moreover, that you
communicated with the United States
embassy. My police must not recognize
embassies. I am master chez moi, and
when I suspect a man I cause him to be
arrested. I would even canse the em
bassador of Austria to be arrested if be
plotted against the state.’’
The Overworked Lords.
At yesterday’s meeting of the house
of lords there were seven peers present,
of whom one. Lord Kensington, occu
pied the woolsack. In the upper house
three peers make a quorum. The only
business was the first reading of the lo
cal government bill, a formality that
occupied barely half a minute. Lord
Ripon then briefly announced that the
honse would meet again on Friday, and
that ho would then be prepared to name
a day forthe second reading.—St. James
Hake the Punishment Fit the Crime.
A Swabian living at Rottweil, in Ger
many, has just committed an offense
against the law. The crime with which
the man has been charged is conveyed in
the title appearing in the German law
books as “Hansirgewerbebetriebsaus
dehsangsahgabegefsebrdang” (Article I
af the Law .of May 23, 1890).—London
A Bride’* Salutation to Her Hubud Elect
and Hi* Reafonae.
A Chinese paper descri bes some am Ru
ing marriage customs. In a small
mountain village between Kaga and
Etcha the bride comes to the bride
groom’s gate and bawls out to him,
“Hello, brother! I’ve come.”
To which the other replies, “Glad
You’ve come.”
The bride then appeals to him,
“You’ll never forsake me?”
And the bridegroom answers her,
“We’ll earn our living together.”
With these assurances the bride comes
into the bouse, followed by a long pro
cession of well wishers, old and young.
Cheap, muddy sake is distributed to
them, and they commence dancing and
are not content until the floor gives way,
when they clap their hands, crying,
“How auspicious!” and take their
At Kuiita, in Echizen, the betrothal
takes place when the parties are 8 or 9.
The boy’s parents and a deputation,
numbering from five to fifteen, proceed
to the girl’s family, who, anticipating
their coming, spread mats before the
houses and await them. After the nsnal
salutation the deputation present as a
betrothal present pieces of hand woven
cloth for cushions and at the same time
praises the girl’s family, who return
the compliment with interest. Here
the ceremony ends, and the deputation
take their departure.
When the boy is 15 or thereabouts,
he goes to stay with his betrothed’s
family and works like a menial at the
honse for a year, after which he is sent
home in fine apparel. Soon after the
girl comes to her lover’s house, accom
panied with rustic music and songs.
The noise and hustle are as great as on
the festival day of the tutelary god.
When the girl comes to the house,
cushions made of the cloth given by her
parents are piled one npon another for
her to sit npon. On these cushions the
thrice repeated exchange of the triple
wine cups, the most important cere
mony at a wedding, takes place.
Stringing Pictures.
The one thing that is unforgivable in
picture hanging is to string them along
the walls in a line. Their loneliness is
pitiable. Next to that crime is the one
of arranging exactly symmetrical
groups, suggestive of nothing so much
as a lesson in geometry. Group pic
tures, group them gracefully, but don't,
when one has succeeded in making a
graceful bunch on one side of the fire
place, reproduce it exactly on the other
According to one who speaks with
the emphasis of authority, delicately
framed water colors are the only proper
things for the drawing room, magnifi
cent oils for the library and hall, and
etchings and engravings for the dining
room. Meantime those who do as they
please will continue to hang their etch
ings, water colors and oils exactly where
they will gain most pleasure from them,
taking care only not to place side by
side ridiculously inharmonious things.
The smaller the picture, or the more
full of detail, the nearer the level of
the eye it should hang. Sometimes two
parallel wires are brought straight up
to separate hooks on the picture mold
ing, but generally the old fashioned an
gle of wire is made. Gold and silver
wires are generally used, but it is said
that small steel and iron chains are to
be used this winter for hanging dark
framed engravings and etchings. Some
of the daintier pictures, instead of be
ing hung from the moldings, have wires
stretched tightly across the back and
are caught invisibly on small screws.—
New York Journal.
A Servant’s Instructions.
The following rules of conduct for
servants are said to tie fonnd in a Liv
srpool household:
Servants who have the good fortune
to reside in my house must co-operate
with the following rules:
They must be up punctually at 6.
Have all meals punctually to time.
Must be clean and tidy in their per
sons, and at their work must not he
spoken to.
Must not speak at the doors to any
of the tradespeople.
Mnst not sing.
Most not wear heavy boots.
Mnst close doors quietly.
Must stand meekly wbile being re
Must not answer back.
Must be obliging and cheerful.
Must be willing to stay in any Sun
Say or day out when required, and when
aBked to do anything to do it quickly
and well and show no impatience or ill
temper, as Mr.-hates that.
Must put up with fault finding and
complaining whenever Mr.-wishes
to fault find or complain.
Mr. - likes to be called at 7.
Takes tea at 20 past 7, towel at 20 to 8
and breakfast at 8 prompt, and will not
wait a minnte, and no nonsense.
By order, Mr. ——.
—London Million.
Fact and Fiction.
Burglars recently broke into a jewel
ry store in New York and stole among
ether things a gold snuffbox that oDce
oelonged to Queen Isabella of Spain.
The newspapers seriously announced
that the snuffbox was given to Queen
Isabella by KiDg Ferdinand in 1462.
The longer we live the more we unlearn.
We imagined that tobacco had some
:hing to do with snuff, and, as school
ooys were taught, that tobacco was not
mown in Europe till many years after
Ferdinand presented this snuffbox to
sis queen.—Jewelers’ Circular.
A Pleasant Position.
Gazzam—What made you lend Bilker
i dollar? You’ll never get it back.
Harduppe—No, but it puts me in a
position I’ve been trying for years to
“What’s that?’'
"I’m somebody's creditor now!’’—
Boston Traveller.
The Tngie Dimer Prepared bp m Demerit
ed KoMim Officer.
A shocking tragedy of a most remark
able character is reported from Vilna.
Ivan Klakwitz, a cnstome officer of
highly respectable connection, became
convinced that his wife was in league
with a neighbor to aid the latter in a
lawsuit which was pending against him.
There was apparently no justification
for the charge. The lawsuit was tried
in the local courts last week, and Klak
witz lost the case. He addressed the
judge in an excited manner, and after
making a rambling statement implicat
ing bis wife in an intrigue against him
he left the courtroom. ■
Later in the day, however, he pro
fessed regret to bis wife for his baseless
insinuations and hasty temper, and
asked his neighbor and his wife to dine
with him en famille. Thinking it bet
ter that a conciliation shonld take place,
the neighbor accepted, and a social
evening was arranged for. At dinner
there were present Klakwitz, his wife,
his two daughters, aged 19 and 17 years
respectively; a young son, aged 11; bis
wife’s mother and his neighbor and his
The dinner passed off very pleasantly
until the third course, when Klakwitz
rose, and ordering some more cham
pagne to he opened said that he wished
all present to drink a toast to a special
dish he had prepared as a surprise for
I this agreeable occasion. He then left
the room, and within two minutes re
turned bearing in hiB arms a large dish
covered with a dinner cover, and plac
ing it quickly on the table he lifted his
glass on high and shouted, “To our
next meeting.”
He had scarcely spoken these words
when a dynamite bomb, which had been
hidden under the cover, exploded, and
instantly killed every one In the room
with the exception of the servant girl
and the youngest daughter—the latter
living, however, only long enough to
tell exactly what happened. The serv
ant died within two hours.
The unfortunate people who were the
victims of this insane frolic were sim
ply blown to pieces, and the walla of
the room in which they wero sitting
were partly blown out. The explosion
was heard for half a mile.—St. Peters
burg Cor. London Telegraph.
Recent Investigations Which Have Opened
a New Field In Medicine.
About 10 years ago a medical scien
tist advanced the theory that, in its nor
mal condition, blood contained an ele
ment that instantly killed many forms
of bacteria. In this healthy state blood
has been injected into the veins of dis
eased persons for this purpose and has
begun the work of destruction. The re
sults had not beer, satisfactory, as the
amonnt of blood required was so great
as to make continued experiments un
Recent investigations have confirmed
the original idea, and a series of exper
iments of late conducted at the Univer
sity of Michigan reveal most interest
ing possibilities. The destroying prin
ciple has been separated from the blood,
and with it germs of cholera and an
thrax have been killed. This element,
to which the name of neuclin has been
given, is colorless and transparent. The
vital essence of it seems tenacions of
life, as high degrees of heat, even to
the boiling point, do not seem to dimin
ish its activity. If this discovery does
all that it promises, it marks an incal
culable advance in medical science. In
jected into the veins of persons suffer
ing from many forms of germ poison
ing, it immediately begins its benefi
cent task of ridding the system of the
enemy. Thus a new field in medicine
is opened, the ultimate results of which
even the most comprehensive mind can
scarcely estimate.—New York Ledger.
The New Chicago Religion.
We learn from Chicago that the new
Chicago religion is nearly ready for the
market. One of the doctors engaged
in compounding it says it is made of
the choice elements of Mosaism, Chris
tianity, Buddhism, ethical culturism,
Mohammedanism, Renanism, Confu
cianism and other beliefs, both ancient
and modern. Assurance of its solidity
is given by its compounders, among
whom are a Universalist, a Populite,
two liberal rabbis, a Unitarian, a Hin
doo and an agnostic. The extracts have
been made with care, so that it shall be
suitable to every mind in all parts of
the world. It has not yet been mar
keted, on account of the difficulty of
getting a good name for it, a descrip
tive name that shall convey some idea
of its elementary principles, and that
shall be attractive to mankind. Why
not end the trouble and struggle at once
and give the new religion a boom by
calling it Chicagoism ?—New York Sun.
Nut a Devoted Husband.
Onr strangest mistakes are due to of
ficial red tape. A story was told in a
London district court last week of a
man who was unable to support his in
valid wife at homp. He secured for her
admission to an infirmary seven years
ago and paid 5 shillings weekly main
tenance till a few weeks ago, when ho
learned that the woman died a few
days after entering the infirmary, and
he had been a widower seven years.
Instead of finishing his conjugal neg
lect by losing seven years’ contribu
tions, the magistrate ordered the au
thorities to repay the fnll sum.
Saved by an Ironing Board.
Smoke from the hallway of 210 East
Eighty-ninth street at 4 a. m. yester
day woke Feligo Caruego, who lives
with his family on the ground floor.
The flames prevented egress by the door.
Carnego rose to the occasion and passed
his wife’s ironing board from the win
dow across tho area to the iron railing.
Over thiB improvised bridge his own
and several other families reached the
sidewalk in safety. Others escaped by
the roof.—New York World.
(Regular OraduatH.)
ore the leading and most saocesefnl specialists and
will give yon heir*
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Remarkable re
mits have follow
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Many years of
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*o guarantee to all patient*. If they can possibly
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WOMEN! Don’t yon want to get cored of that
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CATARRH, and diseases of the Skin, Blood,
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SYPHILIS-The most rapid, safe and effective
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j xipansTabules.
? Ripans Tabules are com- J
’* pounded from a prescription \
* widely used by the best medi- j
. cal authorities and are pre- j
| sented in a form that is be- ;
j coming the fashion every- •
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— t
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; Ripans Tabules act gently *
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Ripans Tabules may be ob- \
tained of nearest druggist. j
i Ripans Tabules
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: save many a doc
• tor’s bill.
J. S. McBrayer. Mu.ton* Osborn.
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Proprietors of the
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....In the City....
Lea* e orders for Bus Calls at Commercial
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J. S. McBrayer also has a first
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Syphilis completely removed from tho «; -
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■habjectsnoed fear no longer from this King of
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Mrs II. D. Cor,nr, 2307 Indiana Ave.. Chicago,
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A FULL TEE YU ON . . . for
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