The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 09, 1894, Image 1

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Don’t be misled by the statements of merchants
_claiming that they can....
I am selling first-class groceries right along as low
as those who claim they can save yon money it yon
will trade with them. Below we give a few items.
Pickels, per bottle, - $ .10
Onions, per bottle, - .10
Chow Chow, per bottle, .10
Catsup, per bottle, - .20
Raisins, per pound, - .05
Best Tea in McCook, lb, .50
Syrup, per pail, - - .65
Jell, per pail, - - .65
Mince Meat, per package. .10
Clothes Pins, per dozen, .02
Peas, per can, - - - .10
Corn, per can, ... .10
Alaska Salmon, per can, .12i
Everything else in proportion.
Always the Lowest and Best
Values Can be Found at
000 0 000000000000 o o o ooooooooooooooo
Goods Were
Never So Cheap
As at the Present Time.
We have a full
. . . stock of . .
CLOTHING, Etc., Etc.,
all marked to suit the
. . Hard Times. . .
We will not make any quotations, but simply
ask a comparison of prices. We have the lar
gest stock and will make the lowest prices.
• ’ ' *
j la gain ouse.
oooooooooooooooo o o o ooooooooooooooo
No. 8, through passenger. 6:40 A. 14.
No. 4. local passenger. 9:10 P. M.
No. 76, freight.6:46 A. M.
No. 64. freight.4:80 A.M.
No. 80. freight.10:00 A. M.
No. 148, freight, made up here. 6:00 A. M.
No. 3, through passenger.11:35 P.M.
No. 5. local pasascnger.0:85 P.M.
No. 63. freight. 5:00 P.M.
No. 77. freight.4:81 P.M.
No. 149, freight, made up here.6:00 A. M.
No. 176, leaves at.8:00 A. M.
No. 176. arrives at..5:40 P. M.
HP*Note:—No. 63 carries passengers for
Stratton, Denkelman and Baigier.
Ail trains run daily excepting 148,149 and
176. which run daily except Sunday.
No. 3 stops-at Benkelman and Wray.
No. 2 stops at Indianola, Cambridge and Ar
No. 80 will carry passengers for Indianola,
Cambridge and Arapahoe.
Nos. 4. 5,148,149 and 176 carry passengers for
all stations.
Tou can purchase at this office tickets to all
principal points in the United States and Can
ada and baggage checked through to destina
tion without extra charge of transfer. For
information regarding rates, etc. call on or
address C. E MAGNER, Agent.
Another opportunity of visiting Texas at
nominal cost.
On March 13th the Burlington Route will
sell round-trip tickets at the one-way rate.
Ask the company’s local agent for full in
formation and make sure your ticket reads
“via the Burlington.” the best line to all
southern points. J. Francis, General Passen
ger & Ticket Agent, Omaha, Neb.
The Burlington Route is now selling round
trip tickets to San Francisco at $35.50. 0>ne
way $20.
Think of it! Four thousand miles for less
than forty dollars.
See the company’s local agent and get full
information, or write to J. Francis, General
Passenger agent, Omaha, Neb.
Sam. Dulaney’s child has the measles.
Mrs. R. L. Tinker is among those on the
sick bst.
Jim Chambers left for Newcastle, to-day, to
work for the company.
Engineer B. H. Douglass’ green house is
about finished on his river bank estate.
Engineer Holliday is making some more
improvements on his cosy dwelling, this week.
There is quite an encouraging improvement
in railroad business, and it will continue and
grow for some time.
It is reported that important railway
changes looking to the restoration of the old
order of thmgs will take place about the first
of May. Here’s hoping for their consumma
There was a small fire at the depot, Monday,
possibly caused by a cigar stub throan into a
hole in the sidewalk. Prompt action saved
the building. The damage was slight, but it
was a close call.—Palisade Times.
E. A. Sprague moved his household goods
to Wilsonville this week from Republican
City, and has moved upon his place south of
town. Until their new dwelling is completed
they will live in the sod house now upon the
place.—Wilsonville Review.
Mr. and Mrs. A. McG. Robb came in from
Omaha, Tuesday night, and have been the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Stiles a few days.
Mr. Robb was formerly Supt. Campbell’s
private secretary here, but is now in the com
pany’s general offices at Omaha.
Ernest McConnell, an engineer on the Bur
lington before the 1886 strike, arrived in the
city, Friday evening, on a visit to relatives in
this section. He was the guest of his sister,
Mrs. Albert McMillen, during his short stay.
Ernest is now running out of Toronto, Cana
da, and is wearing diamonds, or words to that
Charles Deitrich, who was a Burlington
engineer in the ante-strike days, spent Satur
day in the city, visiting old-time friends. He
was on his way home to Texas from a busi
ness visit to Holyoke, Colorado, where he has
property. He is now running an engine down
in the Lone Star state, and is prospering. He
continued on his jumey, Saturday night
L. C. Wolff and S. L. Moench have pur
chased fifteen acres of land from John Whit
taker and will conduct a hog ranch on the
same. The parcel is located just south of the
west river bridge, and besides having a fine
water front, embraces a good patch of the
priceless alfalfa. The hogs will be moved
down from the Frenchman valley, as soon as
the fencing is completed.
Railroad employes, as well as all persons
interested in the observance of the Sabbeth,
will hail with joy the recent action of several
eastern roads relative to the cessation of labor
on Sunday. It indicates that there are at
least a few companies that are not entirely
indifferent to the interests of their employes,
and encourages the hope that a brighter day
is dawning when railway corporations will
acknowledge the divine right of all to devote
one day in the week to physical and mental
Mrs. A. M. Laidley died, on Tuesday night
of this week, of pneumonia. The deceased
arrived here a week or two since from Oxford,
and has been keeping house for her son E.
W. Laidley, who is in the train service of the
company. She was 52 years of age. The
remains were shipped to Oxford, Wednesday
night, for burial. This is the second fatality
that has overtaken this family in our city,
within about a year, a married daughter hav
ing died over in West McCook shortly after
her arrival in the city from Oxford. The son
here has the profound sympathy of all in the
overwhelming affliction that has come upon
The State Pair.
The management of the Nebraska state
board of agricnlture is arranging for an ex
traordinary fair and exposition at Lincoln in
September next. While the association was
organized almost exclusively as an agricultural
developing medium, and at first, and for many
years following, acted and worked in that line
principally because our own people, as a rule,
regarded the state as peculiarly and almost
exclusively agricultural in its characteristics,
of late years there has been most gratifying
tendencies in the direction of manufacturing
industries. As a result there has been organ
ized a state manufacturers' and consumer's as
sociation. Last year a large portion of the
agricultural hall on the state fair grounds was
given this association for its annual exhibit, at
the same time, on the same grounds, and in
connection with the state fair, as a part of the
great state exposition, and with most agreea
ble and satisfactory results. This year the
manufacturers’ association is to occupy all of
the large hall on the fair grouds erected for
and known as merchants’ hall. This will in
sure a grand exhibit of both the agricultural
and manufacturing resources of the state.
In asking bids for the relocation of the state
fair and exposition for the coming five years,
one of the prominent specifications will be for
a manufacturers’ hall of sufficient capacity to
accommodate the growing demands of the
Nebraska manufacturing factors.
The art demands of the state are of such
rapid growth that more space is required for
this department and will be furnished in due
The superintendents of agricultural and
horticultural halls are already impoi tuning
the management for more space. Also the
poultry, honey and fish departments.
Columbian year seems to have stimulated
to fair work all over the state. County organ
izations are early in the field and already ac
tively at work for the coming fall campaign.
All in all the outlook for fairs in 1894 is most
promising, and the climax will come in the
final state grand round up on the days of Sep
tember 7 to 14 next.
List of Patents
Received at the McCook United States land
office on March 5th, 1894:
Bump, Elijah. Murdock, Willard C.
Cook, Mary S. Olm, Herman F.
Chase, Aaron. Ophardt, Gerhardt.
Glasson, Benjamin. Piedalue, Hector.
Heisay, Emanuel, Robinson, Jand W.
Hogue, A.L., heirs of. Shaver, William P.
Head, Thomas. Smith, Elizabeth M.
Harnoff, Aaron J. Wolf, Wilber G.
Kidder, Almon P. Weeks, William.
Kendall, Louisa A.
C. J. Ryan arrived home, Wednesday night,
from a visit to Grafton, Sutton and Fairmont.
Henry Anderson of Box Elder precinct
suffered an accidental shoulder dislocation,
Saturday last.
Dr. Gage is having his suite of rooms over
the First National bank repapered and reno
vated, and upon completion will have delight
ful and convenient apartments, both office and
Charles Stewart, son of the owner of the
Stewart ranch on Dry creek, came in from
Los Angeles, California, last Thursday even
ing, to look after their Nebraska ranch inter
ests. He left on Saturday evening, for Nuck
olls county, where they have another ranch
and cattle. He expects shortly to return and
give the ranch near here his personal super
vision. A new ranch house may be built and
he may be joined later by his wife from Penn
sylvania. _
The children of Phil. Blatt and Max Way
son are down with the measles.
There are but two indications for the use of
spectacles: The relief of discomfort and pain
in the use of the eyes, and the improvement of
vision. Dr. E. A. Hall, surgery and diseases
of the eye and throat, McCook, Nebraska.
The Odd Fellows will hold a district con
vention at Indianola on March 20th, afternoon
and evening. Grand Master O’Neill will be
present. All Odd Fellows are invited. Come
and have a good time. C.W. Beck, D.D.G.M.
Mrs. Felix Kennedy is np from Wy
more visiting her mother.
Rev. Durant spent a portion of this
week visiting in Kearney and Hastings.
John Eskerson is re-painting the old
McEntee sign so that it will read the
“St. Charles Hotel. ”
Marriage will not be a failure if you
get one of those lovely certificates at
The Tribune stationery depnrtment.
We are informed that R. D. Tate of
the Palisade Milling Co., and Miss
Maude Graves, of Palisade, were united
in marriage last Saturday. If the report
is true, congratulations are in order.
—Hayes Centre Times.
While fooling with a pistol, last Sat
urday morning, Fred Billings shot him
self in the forefinger of the left hand,
making a painful though not dangerous
wound. Of course the pistol was not
loaded.—Indianola Courier.
A heavy wind storm accompanied the
rain, Saturday evening. The roof of
Charles Colling’s barn was blown off and
the new house which Peter Gillen is
building on his place, south of town, was
blown down. The windmill at Daniel
Lehn's was blown from the tower.—
Indianola Conner.
A Full and Complete
Dry Goods, Millinery
L. Lowman & Son,
If yon are not already a JOURNAL subscriber that is all you will
have to pay us for the
from now until January 1, 1895, if you will at the same time pay a
year's subscription in advance to the Tribune.
The Semi-Weekly Journal is the greatest paper in the west, pub
lished Tuesday and Friday, giving two complete papers each week
with markets and telegraphic news of the world.
Send in your orders at once to the TRIBITNR.
Do You Know That
We Do The Fine Printing *
; Noteheads, Envelopes, Calling Cards, Sale Bills,
Bill Heads, Statements, Business Cards, Posters, ;
! Letter Heads, All kinds of Wedding Cards, Dodgers. '
ri * ¥ » * * * w * ¥ w v v v*:r * * ^ ntfTi ^i"Tr*r"V^r m * f f « W'W** r
I still have a few good young Bulls that
I will sell very cheap, if taken soon. All
in want of anything of this kind will do
well to call and examine my stock.
W. N. ROGERS, proprietor
Shadeland. Stock Farm.