The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 02, 1894, Image 5
Notice to County Treasurers. In notilying county treasurers of his plan to reduce the state warrant indebt edness, State Treasurer Bartley sent out this notice: Dear Sir: Your attention is respect fully called to section 165 of the revenue laws, page 617, compiled statutes, 1887, which authorizes the state treasurer to call for state funds when needed. Funds now being needed, you will please remit all state moneys in your possession belonging to the state general and institute for feeble minded funds on March 1, 1894. Desiring to reduce the warrant indebt edness of the state as fast as possible, I have concluded to issue the above call for all general and institute for feeble minded fund money in your hands March 1, 1894. I am aware that this has not been the practice in the past, but as long as the warrant indebtedness against the state exists I feel it my duty to collect all moneys due these funds as fast as possible. Requesting jour hearty co-operation in this matter, I am respectfully yours, J. S. Barixby. State Treasurer. Business will soon liven up now. • Be prepared for it. Advertise. The northern lights visible, Friday evening, were of unusual beauty. The new residence of Charles Holmes on north Manchester street is well under way. _ The McCook Commission Co. report a heavy sale of alfalfa seed so far this season. __ We might mention several who have forgotten to contribute what is due this mighty engine of good government. He Insists—Colonel Mitchell insists that Attorney Smith laid those eggs on his table. And we must submit. We do. The Tribune extends a special invi tation to those who desires to write upon local issues. The people’s paper is open to all. An exchange says that with calico at three cents a yard and advertising at five cents per line, there is no excuse for any man remaining single. During a game of cards played in Mc Cook, last week, there were $1,600 in cash on the gambling table. And they say these are hard times. Rotation in crops is a thing that will bear special study and lots of it. It is a subject with two or three prongs to it, and happy is the fanner that makes most of it in his business. The projectors of the new beneficiary order at McCook, the Star of Jupiter,are making of it a success. They evidently understand their business, from the way they are advertising.—Hayes Centre Re publican. _ A Model Farm—R. L. Hileman will sow forty acres to alfalfa, this season. He has one of the choicest farms under the ditch, and has the plans laid for a model farm: A promising orchard and small fruits, alfalfa andsoforth. Now that Colonel Davis of the Wilson ville Review has added his valuable tes timony to Colonel Peterson’s, to the ef fect that the Times-Democrat is the leading newspaper of the two hemis pheres, the “amusing little colonel" can die happy._ Nearly every high school in the state is giving a good entertainment of some kind, aside from the routine recitation, oration, etc. A good sensible drama is very popular, those recently given at McCook attracting immense audiences. —Culbertson Era. By an amusing coincidence every new , “specialist” that comes into this news paper vineyard to toil, falls into the “habit” of trying to raise the wind by lifting up his voice constantly and vocif erously for the same multitudinous and impracticable projects. They wear them selves out and the patience of practical people by threshing over and over again old straw; and patting themselves on the back for their imaginary enterprise. At most they only succeed in raising a smile. _ It is not generally known what a vast plant it requires to publish and circulate a metropolitan newspaper. The Chi cago Inter Ocean has in its circulating department alone, nearly one hundred men and women, not to mention the carriers, who deliver the papers to all parts of the city before breakfast every morning. It may be mentioned that no kind of weather, however severe, is per mitted to interfere with this delivery in any way. Of this large force, about one half of them work through the day at ordinary office or clerical work and the other half begin late at night and work until about daylight, preparing and ad dressing the wrappers, “routing” and mailing the bundles. Their work is of th? ' jst difficult nature and is done in the quickest possible manner, and yet is it so well done that it- seldom happens that a single bundle or paper of its im mense edition of nearly 100,000 reaches its destination on other than the right train and at the right time, unless delayed by accident. The system is wonderful and its operation almost per fect. FOR SALK--The C- W. Paine residence- Seven rooms, corner lot. Price, only $1,050 COLVIN k BEGOS. A Small Grist. , The city fathers met in regular session, Wednesday evening, full board present. The following bills were allowed: S. M. Cochran & Co.$ 5-25 C. W. Barnes. *-5° The Boyd Hook and Ladder Co. pre sented the following names as members of the company. The council approved the list: H. T. Carey, foremaif; R. J. Predmore, first assistant; M. R. Wickwire, second assistant; Fred Haight, secretary; Frank Huntington, treasurer; C. G. Coglizer, H. Thole, Frank Heard, William Shep herd, J. M. Starr. A proposition from N. Costenborder asking for an electric light franchise was read, but no action was taken, same be ing referred to ordinance committee un til next meeting. O. M. Peterson inquired if any action had ever been taken in regard to the payment of the $50 balance on the sou venir fake. There being no money on hand to pay same, no action was taken. Adjourned._ Brig. Gen. H. S. Hotchkiss and Col. Harry Shaefer of the uniform rank K. of P. are figuring on railroad rates to the Pythian encampment, which is to be held in Washington in August, and are expecting a very reasonable rate. Ten coaches will probably be needed to ac commodate the Nebraska visitors. The first proposition was received yesterday by the knights. It comes from the B. & M. and gives a round trip rate of $37.00 from Lincoln, with the understanding that a sleeper and baggage car will be used. Stops of one day at St. Louis, seven at Washington, two at New York, one at Rochester, one at Niagara Falls, two at Chicago, are included in this offer, making a total of fourteen days on the trip. Lincoln knights expect a large attendance from this city and other places in the state. They believe that the round trip rate from Chicago will be less than the fare from Chicago to Washington.—Lincoln Journal. Says the Red Cloud Golden Belt: Al low us to prophesy just once. There will be as fine a crop of winter wheat harvest ed in the Republican valley this year as has ever been garnered. While the rec ent fall of the “poor man’s manure” has drifted some, it covers the ground every where and renders it certain that the crop will be in fine condition until well toward harvest. Think of it; a good Crop predicted by us, and $1.25 per bush el, predicted by you know who. We shall need to be lariated to keep us from going upward. Poets and Poetry of Nebraska.— The American Publishers’ Association, 78-80 Dearborn street, Chicago, are just completing a very fine work entitled "Poets and Poetry of Nebraska.” If you are a writer of poetry send to them one or more of your favorite poems and you will be given representation in the work. It will be profusely illustrated with one hundred full page engravings, vignettes and life-like portraits. Do not fail to send poems as the publishers are anxious to have the work include all the local poets of the state. The March number of the Chicago Magazine of current topics is replete with timely articles covering wide range of subjects. The contributors include some of the most popular magazine writers in the country, whose work will insure a cordial reception for the March number. This magazine has been mak ing giant strides in popular favor, by reason of its high character and wide range of its matter, and the popular sub scription price of the publication—$1.50 a year, 15c a copy. Colonel Peterson admits that ms ex chequer will not admit of his being a patriot. Hence he claims that munici pal salaries should not be reduced, for the reason that good men will not serve the city without being well paid,—as though a patriotic citizen’s duty to his adopted home should be weighed by dol lars and cents. For shame! Cut the salary list. The times demand retrench ment! _ The poor man, who has good health and a paying situation, is the one who is most interested in the cash system. It is high time that he should stop pay ing his proportion of the debts made by swindlers, dead beats and sharks. So long as he buys on credit so long must he do this. Stop it. Pay as you go and reap the benefits due cash purchasers. A citizen reports at this office having been worked by an advertising -fakir, giving the name of A. J. Albert, this week, to the tune of two big iron dollars. Moral—let fakirs alone, and patronize home industries and business men. The Mayor has this week reiterated the statement that he wil not be a can didate for re-nomination. Is or is there not a string attached to the Mayor’s declination? A. M. Drew of the“Fair” has purchas ed the McCracken residence over on Melvin street. Consideration $1,100, a very cheap property. RELIGIOUS MATTERS. Rev. Durant is doing misaionery work this week, up the valley of the French man. The Christian Endeavor choir is pre paring to give a concert in the near fu ture. Services in the Masonic hall, Sunday moring and evening, by Rev. Erank Durant. Services by Elder McBride in the Lutheran church, Sunday morning and evening. Services in the Congregational church, Sunday morning and evening, by Rev. H. L. Preston of Rico, Colorado. There will be the* usual morning ser vice of the Episcopal church in Masonic hall, next Sunday. Rev. Durant will hold services in Trenton in the evening. At the M. E. church, Sunday, March 4th: Sunday school, ioa. m. Preach ing, ii a. m., by H. H. Berry. There will be no preaching at night. The box social by the Baptist ladies in the Lutheran church, Tuesday evening, was well attended, and withal a success ful and enjoyable affair. Besides the re freshments, which were brought in shoe boxes for two, the gentlemen each buy ing a box for a quarter, and eating with the lady whose card was in the box .there was rendered a brief programme. Coffee and pop corn rounded off the treat. We are glad to see that farmers are paying some attention to raising alfalfa out in the Republican valley. Ever since this writer examined the growth of this plant in Colorado and Utah, he was convinced that it would be a good thing for Nebraska, especially in uplands, and in the drier portions of the state. It is hard to start, must have a wet spring to get rooted, and perhaps that has dis couraged a great many. The seed is rather expensive, too, if you have to buy it away from home, but start a little patch first in some lower ground, or where you can water it, and vou’l soon have seed. Once rooted it laughs at dry weather, produces abundantly, two or more crops a year, is excellent fodder for cattle, hogs and sheep, and helps out on horses, too, but should be fed carefully at first. It is simply a kind ofbig clover that’s all; and has the same effect that old fashioned red clover used to have on the cows when they broke the bar down and got in the “paster” and ate too much. They were “hove” the Yankee used to say; well it won’t kill them, and you must be careful at first, for it looks so bright and green,and smells so sweet, any heifer would be a fool not to eat plenty till the novelty wore off. It’s just like candy to children. Once fairly started and “wanted” to the soil it is almost indestructible. This will be an elegant spring to try alfalfa—so much snow the ground is sure to be moist.—Ex change. _ GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Nothing risked nothing won. Money matters are reported some eas ier, locally. Note the various changes of advertise ments, this issue. A. F. Moore is attending court in Franklin county, this week. Farmers are already in the field plow ing and sowing spring wheat. The Union House sports a fine ’bus and two handsome black horses. The Commercial was well filled with “Knights of the Grip,” Tuesday even ing. The municipal salary list should be re duced an even thousand dollars, next year. Babcock & Troxel keep a little“rusty” wheat on tap constantly for their hungry visitors. Mike Reiswick has the nursery busi ness well under way, and is meeting with success. The Easter edition of The Tribune will be covered with Golden Glory. Look out for it! Nimrods report plenty of wild fowl, seeking their northward passage, at the mouth of the Willow. A strong sentiment is forming in favor of J. E. Kelley for mayor. John would make a good one, too. There is some talk of running a re publican city ticket, this spring. Quite a number of republicans favor the idea. Postmaster Troth, in his official capac ity, is doing duty on borrowed time— his commission having expired Monday last. Two or«three parlies have been looking over the city, lately, seeking a location for engaging in the general merchandise business. If you will excuse the remark, there is just a little too much confounded schem ing going on, in this community for its commercial prosperity. Blessed is the merchant with sufficient nerve to advertise, these quiet times. Verily, he shall take on the sheckles. And he has a right to! “Give me a compactly organized hoard of trade or give me death,” is Colonel Peterson’s expiring gasp. Won’t some one give the Colonel a tin rattle. A Sad Death. One of the saddest deaths it has been our pain to record in this city was that of Mrs. Albert O’Neil,which occurred on Sunday morning at nine o'clock. The deceased was universally esteemed for her rare qualities of heart, and her death in the bloom of young womanhood, with in a few weeks after motherhood, was a profound and severe shock to this com munity. Funeral services were conduct ed in St. Patrick’s church, Tuesday morning at ten o’clock by Rev. Father Hickey, the obsequies being very largely attended. Interment in the parish cem etery. She leaves a husband, and infant of very tender age and health. The be reaved husband and relatives are the ob jects of the deepest symyathy of this community, in the expression of which Thb Tribune joins most sincerely. Elbert A. Hall, M. D., surgeon and occulist, McCook, Neb. Office first door south of Commercial hotel. Residence north frame high school. Annin states that there is such a bit ter fight over the McCook postoffice that the probabilities are that the appoint ment will not soon be made. Messrs. H. P. Sutton, E. L. Laycock, C. R. McConnell and W. C. LaTourette are among the local sportsmen who par ticipated in the shoot at Culbertson, Wednesday. George Leland has purchased a parcel of lot one in block twenty-seven and is putting up a shed in rear of building oc cupied by Colvin & Beggs. He expects to engage in the feed business. The Porttr bridge over the Willow and the hill just north of the bridge, are said to need attention. The bridge is not considered safe for a heavy load, and the hill is in bad shape. The proper author ities should aid the people of that neigh borhood, if necessary, in placing both in condition and safety. Supt. Valentine and Misses Frances Morton, Edna Meserve, Augusta Hunt; Messrs. J. H. Fowler and Clarence Whit taker of his teacher corps attended the sessions of the county teachers’ associa tion at Indianola, Saturday, and report an enjoyable and profitable time. Married—Tuesday afternoon, at the residence of the bride’s parents in Ger ver precinct, Thomas N. Saunders and Eliza J. Updegraft, were made husband and wife, Squire Berry of our city per forming the ceremony. A fine wedding dinner was afterwards served to the guests. Frank Nichols and Mamie Stroud of our city stood up with the young couple. _ Some noisy dogs frightened Nick Plu ssard’s team, last Saturday evening, as he was on his way home, and the result was a runaway, Mr. Flussard being de tained in town until late while horsemen sought after the runaways and gathered things together again. It would be a large undertaking to enumerate all the dogs there are in McCook which would be better for the dying. The procession of sympathetic friends that followed the remains of Mrs. Albert O’Neil to St. Patrick’s cemetery, Tues day morning, was perhaps the largest ever seen in McCook. In addition to the floral offerings on the casket and be fore the altar, there was a large and beautiful floral cross, at the base of which was the word “Maggie,” the giv en name of the departed; whose death is one of unspeakable sadness. The Republican valley poultry asso ciation which met recently in Indianola with a large attendance .completed perm anent organization, with the following officers for the ensuing year: S. R. Smith, president; L. C. Hahn, vice-pres ident; J. H. Bayston, secretary; Mrs. Phcebe J. Taylor, treasurer. All the stock for incorporation has been sub scribed and the association starts out under favorable circumstances. Supreme Lecturer McBride has con tracted with the supreme lodge of the “Star of Jupiter” for the organization of lodges of that order in Douglas, Lancas ter, Gage, Pawnee, Otoe, Richardson, Cass, Johnson, Nemaha, Saunders and Sarpy counties. The work is to be ac complished within the next five years, and he will at once enter the field. The supreme lecturer is a host within himself when he buckles right down to work, and efficient, and successful efforts and results may confidently be expected,and good lodges of the order will in due sea son be twinkling all over that territory. — The patterns and paper models issued by the house of McDowell & Co., are widely known and justly praised for their accuracy, and their artistic, as well as practical excellence. “La Mode de Paris" and “Paris Album of Fashion” cost only $3.50 a year or 35 cents each per copy. “The French Dressmaker" is $3.00 per annum or 30 cents per copy. “La Mode,” which is the best family fashion magazine in existence, is offered to subscribers at the exceedingly low price of $1.50 a year or 15 cents a copy. If you are unable to procure any of these publications from your newsdealer do not take a substitute from him but apply by mail to Messrs. A. McDowell & Co., 20 West 14th street, New York. PEOPLE YOU KNOW. C. P. Hubbard of Broken Bow, was a city visitor, Tuesday. A. A. Bates visited Oberlin friends, fore part of the week. E. J. Wilcox followed the crowd to Culbertson, Wednesday. P. A. Wells went in to Qmaha on business, Sunday night. J. W. Hupp drove over to Lebanon, Wednesday, on business. Mrs. S. L. Green arrived home from California, this morning. . Vbrlib Berry is assisting Dr. Green in the book store again. F. I. Foss of Crete viewed the metro polis of the valley, Tuesday. Mrs. W. H. Davis has been visiting friends in Trenton, this week. Charles Younce is back in the Bul lard lumber yard at this place. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Rees are spend ing the winter in Atlanta, Ga. Rev. Frances Lawson was the guest of his son Will, first of the week. M. Y. Starbuck is just home from a business trip to Des Moines, Iowa. Louis Probst came down from More field, Tuesday night, on business. H. W. Cole arrived home, Saturday night, from his extended visit in Illi nois. • KroTTER, the Wauueta-Trenton-Pali sade lumberman, was a business visitor, Tuesday. Mrs. C. F. Babcock went down to Cambridge, last evening, on a visit to relatives. John K ummer is back from his Iowa trip. He found everything quiet across the Muddy. F. H. Heard arrived home, Tuesday evening, after a business absence o f about a month. B. A. Atjsmus was down from Brush, Colo., this week, to have Dr. Gage oper ate on his nose. Sheriff and Mrs. Banks came up from the county capital, Tuesday, on pleasure and business. E. C. BalLEw went into Omaha, Wed nesday night, to make his monthly re port to Collector North. Miss Ellington Wilson, on account of illness, has been unable to attend to her school duties this week. Mrs. H. P. Sutton, Mrs. W. C. La Tourette, Mrs. C. T. Brewer and Miss Pearl were in Culbertson, Wednesday. Mrs. Millie Snow resumed her duties in the public schools Monday, after two weeks absence, owing to ill ness. George Sollers, who “shot ham’’ over Wilcox’s meat counter for sometime, is holding down a job in Pueblo, Colo rado. Miss Aimee Menard, who recently returned from a long residence in Chi cago, has quite grown into young woman hood. Mr. Watt, who has been visiting the family of George J. Burgess, returned latter part of last week to his home in Chicago. A. C. Pence, J. W. McClelland, and Deacon Fisher were down from Wauneta, Tuesday night, on their way to the Cul bertson shoot. rev. J. w. KiaaEL came in trom Tekamah, Wednesday night, on business connected with the Lutheran church, of which he was formerly pastor. • D. L. McBride and W. H. Davis de parted Tuesday for Holbrook, where they will organize a “Star of Jnpiter” lodge sometime during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Odell of Brooklyn, Iowa, who have been in the city for past two or three months, guests ofB. F. Olcott, left for home on last Friday morning. Miss L. R. Lyon, well and favorably k nown to many McCook people, is now Mrs. James Zeller, and Bagley, Iowa, is her home. The Tribune offers its congratulations. Rev. McBride will go to Lincoln first of the coming week, where he will organ ize the second lodge “Star of Jupiter,” the first having been “borned” in the capital city last week. REV. J. N. LENKER of Grand Island, secretary of the board of church exten sion, was in the city, Monday, on busi-j ness connected with the McCook Luth- > eran church building, which is in litiga-; tion. Joe and John Crocker, who pur chased the James Lyon place in Red Willow precinct, last summer, through 1 C. F. Babcock,arrived from near Wilcox, ! this week. They shipped in six carloads | of implements, household goods, stock, etc., besides driving through with a number of wagon loads. Mrs. Cora Kelley gave a pleasant surprise card party, Wednesday evening, in honor of the anniversary of her father, Dr. S. L. Green. The guests were: Mr. | and Mrs. A. Campbell, Z. L. Kay, Geo. Hocknell, C. M. Noble, W. S. Perry and F. S. Wilcox. The doctor received a comfortable token of the occasion in the form of an oak spring rocker A Card. Having for some years devoted my time largely to the practice of surgery, and diseases of women, will also in the futnre devote special attention to diseas es of the eye, ear and throat. Those who are suffering from any disease of the eye, defective vision or painful vision, with headache or defective vision, requiring glasses to afford relief, will ap preciate the opportunities, and consult their own interest by calling on me and having their eyes examined and treated at home. X have recently secured every appliance and instrument necessary for the successful treatment of all diseases of the eye, ear and throat, and also will in a few days receive a large and fine selection of spec tacles and eye glasses, of first quality of lenses, including the finest quality of Brazilian pebbles. Those of you who have been compelled to go east, to the city oculist every one or two years, may now receive the benefit at home. Thank ing you all for past favors, X hope to merit your favors and patronage in the future. Respectfully yours, Elbert A. Hall, M. D. Look Us Over. I have for sale, in addition to all lots in McCook owned by the Lincoln Land Company, a number of choice residences and business lots, among others: No. 61—5 roomed residence on Man chester Avenue. No. 62—8 roomed residence on Main Avenue. No. 63—Two choice east front lots on Melvin street, opposite high school. No. 64—Small residence on McDowell street, only $350.00, a bargain. No. 65—8 roomed residence on Monroe street, first class property; close in. No. 66—The Dr. Davis residence, cor ner Marshall and Dolan streets. No. 67—8 roomed residence corner Douglass and Monmouth streets. All bargains. Prices and terms made known on application. J. E. Kelley, Office First National Bank Building, ground floor. It Makes a Difference. Have you ever noticed how anxious people are as a rule to have the names o offenders published, and yet with what rapidity some of these same people change front on that question, when the offender turns out to be a black sheep of their own flock, in which case they are quite certain public good will be best conserved by suppression. If you never have made this observation you never have been engaged in the newspaper business any length of time. To the People of McCook ancf. Vicinity. I would respectfully call your atten tion to the fact that I have purchased the Chaudet Art Co’s photograph gallery and have remodeled and refitted it throughout. I am prepared to do all work in my line in the very latest style All work guaranteed to be first class. We also make a specialty of large work. Call and see our work. Respectfully, F. E. Alexander. Over Famous clothing store. Hunt Up The new real estate firm of Cordeal & Fane, over the Farmers and Mer chants Bank, and list your farms or city property with them for sale or trade. They are rustlers, and have a large line of eastern correspondents. 4°-4t. The Home Market. Oats.30 Wheat . .35 to .45 Com.23 Potatoes.90 Hogs.$4-25 Hay.$6 to $8 Steers $3to$ Cows, $1.75 to $2.00 Batter.15 Eggs.15 Float . . .80 to $1.50 Feed.70 to .80 Irrigated Garden Tracts. I have for sale, on easy terms, 5 and 10 acre tracts, one mile from McCook, with permanent water rights. Just the thing for market gardening. J. E. Keeeey, Office First National Bank Building. Must Have the Cash. From and after February 1st all ac counts must be paid monthly. No credit will be given any one who does not com ply with this rule. This is final. M. E. Knippee. Bills Must be Paid. All bills must be paid on the 1st and 15th of each month. Otherwise no credit will be given. Ed. F. Feitcraft. Fine Printing. We make a specialty of fine job print ing. Our samples of fashionable and ele gant stationery for invitations, programs, etc., is not excelled in Nebraska. Residence Lot for Sale. A desirable residence lot on Melvin street for sale. Price, very low, $225.*o. Call at this office for particulars. Sidney Dodge went down to Oxford, this morning, to institute a lodge of the Star of Jupiter. A lodge of the order will also be instituted at Holbrook, first of the coming week. Mrs. Howard Thompson gave a party to about thirty little folks, last evening. It was a joyous, mirthful oc casion for the young folks.