The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 02, 1894, Image 4
n» ittiDok jVttm*. By F. M. KIHMELL. *1.80 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. ALL HOME PRINT. Hastings’ canal project has gone glimmering for the present at least. It is of doubtful utility anyhow. The Burlington promptly met the Santa Fe’s $35 rate to Cali fornia. The Burlington managers are something on the fight them selves. Pushing the price of wheat up now will not help farmers much. They have long ago had to sell their wheat to pay current bills and live. Wheat and flour in the United States were never so cheap, and yet under these good “old demo cratic times” there were never so many unable to buy bread. Galusha A. Grow entered congress first as the youngest man in that body. In his old age he goes back by the largest majority ever given to a congressman from any state. Fob twenty days in February the expenses of the United States Treasury exceeded its receipts by over $4,000,000. At that rate another $50,000,000 bonds will soon be needed. When “Old Berks county,” Pa., joins the republican column, as it has, the end of Colonel Watter son’s prophecy has been reached— “marching through a slaughter house to an open grave.” An Inter-State Irrigation con vention will be Jheld in Omaha, March 21 and 22, under auspices of the Omaha Commercial Club. Many prominent speakers will be present. Bed Willow county should by all means be represented in the sessions of the convention. Becent conferences of the lead ing republicans in the Fifth con gressional district develop the fact that Prof. W. E. Andrews •will have practically no opposition in his party, for the congressional nomination. Men who have been aspirants for the nomination rec osmize the fact that Mr. Andrews is the best able to cope with Cong ressman McKeighan. Party lead ers have decided, as far as they can, that Mr. Andrews is better able to give Billy McKeighan the “dressing down,” they want ad ministered, than any other can didate, hence they will unite on him. What barrels of fun we’ll have this congressional campaign. —Hastings Democrat A careful perusal of the col umns of Nebraska daily and week ly papers shows that many public and private enterprises are await ing the opening of spring, when they will be launched and carried to success. Bonds will fce voted in a number of counties for irriga tion ditches, court houses and branch railroads. Towns will vote bonds for water works and sewerage systems. Local capitalists are asking for bids upon projected business blocks and residences. Several churches are soon to be built In fact there appears to be an onward move throughout the state, more noticeable than here tofore. This does not seem to be compatible with the song of des pair and business depression that has held sway the past six months. It is evidence of the native strength of Nebraska and her ability to re cover from temporary business troubles. Thebe is no law against hunting cuckoos the year around. So there is a lot of amusement ahead for the republican press. What a terrible load of grief that little Wilson bill has to carry. All the political crimes of the century are fastened upon it. Gboveb Cleveland started his political toboggan when he with drew the treaty with Hawaii and sent Paramount “to pull down the flag.” He and his party have been on the slide ever Bince. Democbats in this vicinity are praying that Grover may return to the white house with the big gest bag of game that ever paid homage to a sportsman’s gun. This is the only thing that will put him in good humor and persuade him to go cheerfully to the work of sending nominations to the senate. Bad luck with the ducks will doubtless mean back luck for the office seekers. A TOUCHING story is told of a young bride in New York, who hesitated to go on with the cere mony because she did not wish to vow obedience to her husband. The girl was very young and very foolish, or she would have known that no woman nowadays considers the obedience clause in the cere mony as anything more than an idle and inoperative form. It was only when two or three married women placed the matter before her in the proper light that she consented to allow the service to proceed. In six. months she will blush at the memory of her cow ardice and ignorance. There was great emotion in Boss McKane’s Sunday School when the assistant superintendent re ferred to the trouble that has overtaken “the good, kind-hearted gentleman.” There was a noise of “half-stifled sobs” at the sug gestion that he has been “greatly encompassed by his enemies,” and sigh of relief and affirmation at the request “above all, don’t for get to pray every night for him whom we miss so much.” That was an excellent suggestion, for while the prayers may not serve him temporarily they may do much for his spiritual nature. From the Boss’ record, however, it will require a loDg and special season of intercessory petition. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Mrs. Mullen moved into her new home yesterday. C. B. Gray and wife are home from their visit to Indianola relatives. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Flitcraft, Thursday morning. Rev. J. W. Kimmel is preparing to give McCook a write up in his Lutheran Era. The goods and fixtures of George E. Thompson’s store are being packed for shipment to Iowa. About the isth“The Fair” will occupy the entire Babcock store room, and the stock will be largely increased. A recent arrival from Iowa states that he saw 26 cars of emigrant movables on track at Ottumwa, ready for shipment to Western Nebraska. Easter will soon be here, and to prop erly celebrate the occasion The Tribune will appear with a colored cover. See that you get a copy. To Trade—160 acres in Hitchcock county—running water—clear of incum brance. To trade for McCook property. Inquire at this office. If you have a corn, bind it with a soft rag and saturate the rag with linseed oil for a few nights and the com can be easily removed. Fact, it’s said. W. D. Percy, a reporter of the Omaha Bee, was in the city, Tuesday and Wed nesday, looking after some testimony in the Bennett-Rosewater libel suit. Michael O’Leary took charge of the McEntee House, yesterday. The hotel name has been changed to “The Union House.’’ The new proprietor and man ager is running the house in first-class style in every particular. WEALTH CANNOT BUY THEM. Mrs. Ijynn T.inton Enumerates a Few ef Ufa’s Cupurohsssbles. WLtn Mrs. Lynn Linton forgets to be original and radical, she is capable of saying soma fairly pleasant things. The idea that many things of value cannot be bought, and that those things which can be bought are only of secondary im portance in the world, is not strikingly new. Two or three people had hit upon it before Mrs. Linton. But what she says about the unpurchasable things is not the less interesting and timely be cause they have been said ever since the deluge. There is happiness, she tells us, that gold may not buy. “When the woman you love deceives you, and the 'portrait gem clasped’ worn over her heart shows another face than yours—when the hus band you were unconventional enough to love in the fearless old fashion lies dead in your arms, and your whole fu ture is darkened and storm riven—when your son has disgraced his name and by his own lack of honor has slandered and cast doubt on his mother’s do your Claudes and Turners, your Limoges en amels and old Venetian glass ease the smart? Does your splendid collection of first editions in their perfect bindings dry the tears which come to men’s eyes as well as to women’s, when the bitter ness is full and by its very fullness per force wells over? What do your fields and farms, your balance at the banker’s, your carriages and horses do for you when your favorite daughter runs ofi with the groom, and her sister drowns herself in despair? Not Happiness is not to be bought.” Then there are love and honor and youth that the gold of the Indies will not purchase. And in these days when creams and lotions, dietings and exercises claim to put off the evil hour of age it is well to read what this very level headed woman says about youth. “You may buy fashion cosmetics,” she says, “artful enhancements, subtle dyes that look almost as good as the real thing, but you cannot buy youth nor beauty. In spite of all your care, and though you give 10 shillings for the val ue of a penny, you cannot put back the hands of the clock nor blunt the scythe of time. “That enamel is cleverly done; that dyed, frizzed hair is a veritable work of art; those painted cheek3 simulate the carnations of youth more creditably than in 99 of your competitors, but—the cruel fact remains untouched—youth cannot be purchased and old age cannot be bought off. The poor old shriveled skin gradually grows more and more like parchment. The fading eyes lose their brightness, and not belladonna it self can bring back that dark line around the iris which age and weakened vitali ty replace by that all eloquent ‘arcus senilis.’ ” None of it is very new. It is not nearly so striking as her views on the “wild woman,” but still it is good to recall a few of these interesting facts in these days of dancing grandmammas and eli gible bachelors of 60 or so.—New York World. Branding a Maverick. In a dell in the forest we espied some “mavericks,” or unbranded stock. The punchers are ever alert for a beef with out half its ears gone and a big HF burned in its flank, and immediately they perceive one they tighten their cincha, slip the rope from the pommel, put their hats on the back of their heads and “light out.” A cow was soon caught, after desperate riding over rocks and fallen timber, thrown down and “hog tied,” which means all four feet togeth er. A little fire is built, and one side of a cincha ring is heated redhot, with which a rawhide artist paints HF in the sizzling flesh, while the cow kicks and bawls. She is then unbound, and when she gets back on her feet the vaqueros stand about, serape in hand, after the bull fighter fashion, and provoke her to charge. She charges, while they avoid her by agile springs and a flaunting of their rags. They laugh and cry, “Bravo toro!” until she, having overcome her in dignation at their rudeness, sets forth down the canyon with her tail in the air. —From “In the Sierra Madre With the Punchers.” by Frederic Remington, in Harper’s Magazine. The Largest Cities of Antiquity. The greatest cities of ancient times were Babylon and Rome. The former is said to have had an area of 100 to 200 square miles. Its houses were three or four stories high, but palaces and gar dens occupied much of the vast area, so that the population was not what these figures would seem to indicate. In fact, it is said by one historian that nine tenths of this area were taken up by gar dens and orchards. The total popula tion of the city under Nebuchadnezzar and his son Evil-Merodach is estimated at upward of 2,000,000. Rome reached its greatest size during the fourth cen tury of our era, and its population was then about 2,500,000.—Western Mail. — The Dictionary Habit. “Yes, it’s a good thing for a man to refer to the dictionary, but this practice can often be carried to excess,” said a well known magazine writer. “Why, I’ve seen a man get so much addicted to this habit,” he continued, “that he could not write an ordinary letter without turning to the dictionary three or four times in order to ascertain some big words that he could use. This, I think, is a very great waste of time, as he does not express his meanings bit better than if he had used some shorter and really English words.” The Baby a* m Trait. The people of Burmah believe that the ruby is a kind of fruit which will ripen if you give it time. They say that most rubies do not ripen simply because tfey are not allowed to do so. If you wanTto “ripen” the ruby in your ring, according to the Burmese idea, you must take your ring and lay it in the sun for one month without disturbing it at all, and at the rad of that time it will be “ripe" and l ood to eat.—New York Journal. Established 1880. Strictly One Price. iTTTTTTTm _ /" .. ‘ , > 'f ' '* ■ * ■ ' ' * <^-4Uv^V . SPRING OF 1894. mbits mo oitcIts mo cm «• We Have Just Received the Latest Styles in Mens and Boy’s Stiff and Soft Hats and Caps, and want you to call and See Them. Prices and Styles Will Suit You. McS^kTNie89a48ka’ JON AS ENGEL, e^_Manager. S. H. COLVIN. C. T. BEGGS. NOTARIES PUBLIC. COLVIN & BEGGS, Real Estate, Collections, Loans and Insurance. McCook. Niauru. —"W. Y. GAGE,— Physician & Surgeon, MCCOOK, NEBRASKA. IS^Orrics Hours : 9 to 11. a. m., 2 to 5 and 7 to 9. p. m Rooms over First National bank. ISVNight calls answered at office. Order of Hearing. STATE OF NEBRASKA, i Red Willow County. 5 At a County Court, held at the county court room, in and for said county, March I, 1894. Present, Charles W. Beck, County Judge. In the matter of the estate of Timothy Han nan, Sr., deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Tim othy Hannan, praying that administration of said estate may be granted to him as admin istrator. Ordered, that March 26th, a. d. 1894, at one o’clock p. m., is assigned for hearing said pe tition, when all persons interested in said mat ter may appear at a county court to be held in and for said county, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted jand that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof, be given to all per sons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this orderin The McCook Tribune a weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing. Charles W. Beck, (A true copy.) 4i-3t County Judge. Two Papers for the Price of One. The St Louis Globe-Democrat — Semi Weekly—Tuesday and Friday—Eight Pages each issue—Sixteen Pages every week—only one dollar a year, is unques tionably the biggest, best and cheapest national news journal published in the United States, Strictly Republican in politics, it still gives all the news, and gives it at least three days earlier than it can be had from any weekly paper published anywhere. The farmer, mer chant or professional man who desires to keep promptly and thoroughly posted but has not time to read a large daily paper, will find it indispensable. Re member the price, only one dollar a year. Sample copies free. Address, Globe Printing Co., St. Louis, Mo. The Tariff, Financial, Hawaiian and other questions of the day do not interest the people hereabout as much as the question where can I get the most and best groceries for the money. C. M. Noble can answer the question to the satis faction of all. By trading at Knipple’s grocery store you are certain of - receiving the best and purest goods the mar ket affords and at the lowest prices consistent with safe business. All kinds of garden and field seeds fresh, and true to name and variety. McCook Commission Co. A nice coffee at Knipple’s for 25 cents a pound. Try a pound. Crane’s writing paper for sale at The Tbibune stationery dept. Extra fine, firm cabbage for 4 cents a pound at Knipple’s. 18 pounds of granulated sugar for One Dollar at Knipple’s. Parsnips only 8 cents a pound at Knipple’s grocery store. Waff Paper ♦.. Remnants VERY CHEAP. ! • | We can sell you a very Good Paper for | what you will pay for a Cheap One. I L. W. McConnell & Co. TARIFF OR NO TARIFF! We offer Goods in all departments at Lower Prices than any other house in the Republican Valley. Below we give a list of a few of the many bargains we are offering: 12 papers of pins for.f .10 Best 100-yard spool silk for. .07 Any and all kinds of dress stays, per set. .10 Best ginghams, twelve yards for. 1.00 Best apron check gingham, sixteen yards for 1.00 Common apron check gingham, twenty-five yards for 1.00 The very best calicos, twenty yards for. 1.00 Shirting, Ticking, all lines of Dress Goods. Notions, etc., at lower prices than they have ever before been sold for anywhere. Visit our store and get our prices on our entire line of Canned Goods, a choicer line of which are not to be found in this country east of California. Call on us at once. Our Grocery Stock Is complete in every department at unheard-of prices. Se us before purchasing. It will pay you to come and see our line of Ladies’, Misses’, Children’s and Gents’ Shoes, even if you have to come one hundred miles just for that purpose. 5=P”Prompt attention to mail orders. J. A. WILCOX & SON.