The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 16, 1894, Image 7

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    Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report
Chamberlain's Eye & Skin Ointment
A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes, Tetter,
Salt Khentn. Scald Head. Old Chronic Sores.
Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch, Prslrle Scratches.
Sore Nipples uml Plies. It 18 cooling sod
soothing. Hundreds of cases hsteheen cured
by it alter all other treatment bad failed. It
iB put up in 25 and 51) cent boxes. For sale by
George M. Cheuery. NovJJO-lyear.
Don’t Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your
Lite away is the truthful and startling title of
a little book that tells all altout No-tn-hao,
the wonderful, lot tin I ess guaranteed tobacco
habit cure. The cost istritbng and the man
who wants to quit and ctrn’t runs no pb> sieal
or tltinncial risk In using Ntt-tti liar—Sold tty
all druggists Hook at drug stores or by mail
free. The Sterling Kemedy Co., Indiana Min
eral Springs, Indiana. Aug. 25—1 yr.
More serious sieknvss is produced by
allowing the bowels to remain in a tor
pi'l or partially constipated condition
than from any other cause. In many
Instances diseases are produced from
which people never wholly recover.
Dyspepsia piles and nervous disorders
are three of the most, common and most
serious. 'I hey are caused bv neglect
ing the bowels, and can lie prevented
by an occasional dose of St. Patrick’s
pills, which always produce a pleasant
cathartic effect, and not only physic,
but cleanse the whole system and regu
late the liver and bowels. 25 cents per
box for sale by McConnell & Co.
/ Give it
To suffering humanity to tell the
great benefit my wife has received from
Parks’ Sure Cure, ihe truly great liver
and kidney cure. She has been con
stitutionally wrecked for several years.
Tried everything fruitlessly. After a
large amount of persuasion from my
druggist, backed by bis guarantee, 1
bought a bottle of Parks Sure Cure ana
the results are more than wonderful.
W. P. Bayes, Omaha, Nebraska. Sold
by McMillen.
Will Make Hens Lay.
Wells’ Hoosier Poultry Powder is
the greatest egg producer known. A
small sum expended for it will pay one
hundred per cent on the cost in an in
creased amount of eggs, as it furnishes
all the material necessary for their con
ctructinn, and keeps the hen in a good,
healthy condition. Price 25 cents. Sold
by McConnell.
One Lady Says
She had been troubled tor years with
a hacking cough. Had many doctors
and tried fifty cough cures, but grew
worse all the time. She finally tried
Parks’ Cough Syrup and found imme
diate relief. It begins at the bottom
of the disease and is the best cough
remedy on the market Refer any suf
ferer to Mrs. W. J. Fahey, Le Roy, N
Y. Sold by McMillen.
To Horse Owners.
For putting a horse in a fine and
healthy condition use Morris’ English
Stable Powders. They tone up the
system, aid in digestion, cure loss of
aDpetite, relieve constipation, correct
kidney disoiders and destroy worms,
giving new life to an old or over-worked
horse. 25 cents per package, 5 for $1.
Sold by McConnell.
Pneumonia Preventive.
Humphreys’ Specifics No. 1 and No.
7, cure coughs and colds, and prevent
pneumonia and consbmption. Price,
25 cents each. For sale by all drug
gists. _
All Ills That Pills
Are good for are treated more suc
cessfully by Parks’Tea. It is not a
cathartic, no griping or pain, yet moves
the bowels every day. Guaranteed by
The Lircoln Call, always one of the
very foremost of newspaper dailies,con
tinues to improve. It has recently add
ed Walt Mason, the best known of
western humorists and authors, to its
staff. Its condensation of the news of
the world and its “Fresh Nebraska
News’’ are features of especial excel
lence, and these, with its increased As
sociated Press reports, makes it in
every sense a complete newspaper. Its
price, $5 per year, is little over half
that of the other dailies, and it is not
to be wondered at that its list is mak
ing a wonderful growth. The Weekly
Call is $1 a year.
Two Papers for the Price of One.
The St Louis Globe-Democrat —Semi
Weekly—Tuesday and Friday—Eight
Pages each issue—Sixteen Pages every
week—only one dollar a year, is unques
tionably the biggest, best and cheapest
national news journal published in the
United States, Strictly Republican in
politics, it still gives all the news, and
gives it at least three days earlier than
it can be had from any werkly paper
published anywhere. The Farmer, mer
chant or professional man who desires
to keep promptly and thoroughly posted
but has not time to read a large daily
paper, will find it indispensable. Re
member the price, only one dollar a year.
Sample copies free.
Address, Globe Printing Co.,
St. Louis, Mo.
Two Lives Seved.
Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction
City, III. was told by her doctors she
had Consumption and that there was
no nope for her, but two bottles of Dr.
King's New Discovery completely
cure her and she says it saved her life.
Mr. Thus Eggars, 139 Florida St,
San Fransiseo, suffered from a dread
ful cold, approaching Consumption,
tried without result everylhing else,
then bought one bottle of Dr. King’s
New Discovery and in two weeks was
eur>d. Me is naturally thankful It
is such results, of which these are sam
i les, that prove the wonderful efficacy
of this medicine in Coughs and Colds.
Free trial bottles at A McMillen’s
drug store. Regular sizes 50c and $1.
The editor of the Lewis, Iowa, Inde
pendent, relates his experience for the
benefit of the public, as follows: “We
have advertised a great many different
patent medicines, but have never tak
en the pains to editorially “puff” one.
We are going to do so now for the first
time. Chamberlain & Co., Des Moines,
Iowa, manufacture a cough remedy
which is absolutely the best thing we
have ever seen. We have used it in
our family for the past year and con
sider it indispensable. Its effects are
almost instantaneous, and there is no
use talking, it is a dead shot on a
cough or cold. We don’t say this for
pay, blit because we consider Cham
berlain’s Cough Remedy the best made
and we want the people to know it and
use it.” For sale by L. W. McConnell
& Co.
Morris’ English Worm Powder,
A specific remedy for worms; warrant
ed to cure the worst case of worms
known, or money refunded. Knocks
pin worms in horses every time. Also
good for all kinds of worms in horses,
sheep and dogs. Price 50 cents at all
drug stores, or postpaid by mail. The
Wells Medicine Co., LaFayette, In
diana. Sept. 8—1 yr.
Distemper—Cause and Treatment
Is the title of our little book which
tells all about one of the most loath
some and dangerous diseaaec affecting
horses, sheep, and dogs, with unques
tionable proof of the merits of Craft’s
Distemper and Cough Cure in the treat
ment of the same. Sent free by ad
dressing The Wells Medicine Co., La
Fayette Ind. The remedy is sold by
Liver and Kidney Cure.
Parks’ Sure Core is the only guaran
teed remedy. Its action is quick and
positive. Will stop that back-ache and
sick head-ache. A positive specific for
all diseases of women. Why suffer
when it will cure you? Sold by McMil
len, the druggist.
How’s Your Horse?
Morris’ English Stable Liniment will
positively cure his lameness, sprains,
bunches, sweeney, galls, puffs, pool evil,
scratches, callouses, barbed-wire cuts,
and flesh wounds of every description.
No other preparation epuals it for
promptness, safety and economy. Price
50 cents and $1. Sold by McConnell
We are printing the date to which
each subscriber has paid his subscrip
tion to The Tribune along with the
address. Watch the date and you will
know if you are in arrears. If you are
please come and see us.
Awarded Highest Honors World’s Fair.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia; No Altun.
Used in Millions of Homes—40 Years the Standard.
Improvements in Machinery and
Large Volumes of Business
There never was a time when news
papers were so good and so cheap a
they are uow When The State
Journal began issuing their paper
twice a week at the same old price ol
One Doiiar, the enterprise was hailed
with delight, and tens or' thousands of
new names have been added to the list.
The Semi-Weekly Journal has
made a contract with The Chicago
Weekly Inter Ocean whereby it can
send both papers a whole year for $1.25
This gives readers three papers a
week—Two Journals and one Inter
Ocean. It is simply wonderful the
way orders are rolling in for this offer.
The Journal and the New York
Weekly Tribune are also $1.25 per
Gov. Furnas has charge of The
Journal’s agricultural department,
and I. L. Lyman is the poultry editor,
which makes it unnecessary for JOUR
NAL readers to take farm or poultry
papers. Its news features are away
ahead of the old-fashioned weeklies,
giving telegraphic news and market
reports several days ^head of the week
|ies. Annin’s Washington correspou
deuce is a big feature. There is no
question about your getting a big Dol
lar’s worth.
The Journal’s $1 90 offer is a hum
mer: The Journal, Inter Ocean,
Nebraska lit fender, Womankind, and
American Farm News, live papers a
year for $1.90.
lo any one who will send The
Journal three new subscribers with
$3.00, the paper will be sent a whole
year free. Sample copies and premi
um list sent free to any address. Send
your orders to
Nebraska State Journal,
Lincoln, Neb.
Electric Bitters.
This remedy is becoming so well
known and so popular as to need no
special mention. All who have used
Electric Bitters sing the same song of
praise.— A purer medicine does not
exist and it is guarranteed to do all
that is claimed. Electric Bitters will
cure all diseases of the Liver and Kid
neys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Salt
Rheum and other affections caused by
impure blood—VVill drive Malaria
from the system and prevent as well
as cure all Malaria fevers.—For cure
of Headache, Consumption and Indi
gestiou try Electric Bitters—Eutire
satisfaction guaranteed, or money re
funded. Price only 50 cents for large
bottle. At A. McMillen’s drug store.
No one afflicted with a throat or
lung trouble, can use Chamberlain’s
Cough Remedy without a beneficial
effect. It will loosen and relieve a
severe cold in less time than any other
There is no danger in giving it to
children, as it contains no injurious
substance. It will prevent croup if
used as soon as the child becomes
hoarse. 50 cents a bottle. For sale
by L. W. McConnell & Co.
Is not swearing, but when you say, “if
the old cow dont stop choking, she’ll
coffer dam head off,” is all wrong; bet
ter give the old cow a dose of Haller’s
Sure Cure Cough Syrup and join the
church. For sale by McConnell & Co.
From North Carolina.
We uns want you-uns to know that
we-uns tuck three bottles uv Haller’s
Sarsaparilla an' got clear cured of
biles. We-uns live at Hill’s Korners,
Fort Caralin, and we-uns don’t Reer if
you-uns no if we-uns did hev biles.
For sale by McConnell & Co.
I bought a fifty cent bottle of Cham
berlain’s Pain Balm and applied it to
my limbs, that had been afflicted with
rheumatism at intervals for one year
At the time I bought the Pain Balm l
was unable to walk. I can truthfully
say, “that Pain Balm has completely
cured me.” II. H. Farr, Holywood,
Kansas. Fifty cent bottles for sale by
L. W. McConnell & Co.
W. I. Church, of Staunton Post, G.
A. R., says: “l have tried nearly every
cough remedy but have found nothing
to compare with Parks’ Cough Syrup.
There is nothing on earth like it for
bronchitis. I have suffered ever since
my discharge from the army and Parks’
Cough Syrup is the only remedy that
has ever helped me. ’*—Sold by A. Mc
Mrs. N. Weyette, the Genesee coun
ty treasurer of the W. C. T. U. and a
very influential worker in the cause of
women, says: “ 1 have used Parks’
Tea, and find it is the best remedy I
have ever tried for constipation. It re
quires smaller doses and is more
thorough. I shall use nothing else in
future.” Sold by A. McMilien.
Parks’ Sure Cure is a positive speci
fic for women who are all “run down”
and at certain times are troubled by
backaches, headaches, etc. Sold by A.
Incorporated Under State Laws.
Paid Up Capital $50,000. Surplus $10,000.
lifting - lousiness.
Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn ob
principal cities of Europe. Taxes paid
for non-residents.
Tickets for Sale to and from Europe.
V. FRANKLIN, President. A. C. EBERT, Cashier
The First National Bank, Lincoln, Nebraska.
The Chemical National Bank, New York City.
Tfie first JYatioiia] I3ati(?.
_ ... 4
GEORGE HOCKNELL, President. B. M. FREES. Vice President. W F. LAWSON, Cashier
Sheriff’s Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the district court of Red Willow county,
Nebraska, on a judgment obtained before
Hon. T. D. Welty, Judge of the district court
of Red Willow county, Nebraska, on the 20th
day of October,1892, in favor of George Hock
nell as plaintiff, and against James W. Speer,
et al., as defendants, for the sum of One Hun
dred Three [S103.17J Dollars, and Seventeen
Cents, and costs taxed at $51.73, and accruing
costs. I have levied upon the following real
estate taken as the property ol said defendant
to satisfy said judgment, to-wit: The south
west quarter of the south east quarter, and the
south east quarter of the southwest quarter, of
section 18, and the north east quarter of the
north west quarter, and the north west quarter
of the north east quarter, of section 19, all in
township 2 north, range 30 west, 6 P. M., in
Red Willow county, Nebraska. And will offer
the same for sale to the highest bidder, for
cash in hand, on the 26th day of February, A.
D., 1894, in front of the south door of the court
house, in Indianola, Nebraska, that being the
building wherein the last term of court was
held, at the hour of I o’clock p. M., of said day,
when and where due attendance will be given
by the undersigned. Dated January 24th, 1S94.
E. R. Banks, Sheriff of said county.
W. S. Moklan, Attorney. Jan. 26.5-t
Notice for Bids.
County clerk’s estimate of books, blanks
and stationery required for tlie Ked Willow
county officers during the year 1894, and
which by law are not required to be furnish
ed by the state, this 27tn day of January, a.
d., 1894.
3 8-quire canvas cover, patent back, mort
gage records.
3 8-quire canvas cover, patent back, deed
1 S-quire canvas cover, patent back, miscel
laneous record.
1 8-quire canvas cover, printed, official bond
3 8-quire complete records.
I 8-quire printed, indexed, trial docket,
1 8-quire printed, canvas cover, appearance
docket and lee book.
1 8-quire printed execution docket,
200 court wrappers, clerk of district court.
200 transcript of judgment wrappers, clerk
of district court.
100 insanity blanks, clerk of district court.
1000 full sheet blanks, indorsed, clerk of the
district court.
1000 half sheet blanks, indorsed, clerk of the
district court.
500 full sheet appraisals, sheriff.
500 half sheet petit jury, sheriff.
500 summons, sheriff.
500 subpoenas, sheriff.
1000 No. 10 envelopes, rag xxx, sheriff.
1000 No. 6 envelopes, rag xxx, sheriff.
3000 noteheads, Tibs., clerk oi district court.
1000 No. 10 envelopes, rag xxx, clerk of the
district court.
2 letter tiles, clerk of the district court.
2000 No. G envelopes, rag xxx, clerk of the
district court.
500 No. 10 envelopes, rag xxx, superintend
500 No. 9envelopes, rag xxx,superintendent.
500 No. G envoi opes, rag xxx.superintendent.
500 noteheads, Tibs., superintendent.
2000 letterheads, 12lbs., county clerk.
3000 No. 10 envelopes, rag xxx, county clerk.
2000 No. 6 envelopes, rag xxx, county clerk.
G reams liiipn legal cap.
1 gross Faber No. 2 lead pencils.
2 quarts of mucilage.
12 quarts Arnold’s ink.
G gross of Gillot.t’s pens.
3 boxes Arnold’s assorted rubber bands.
2 dozen enrk tipped penholders.
1 quart Carmine ink.
Tlie furnishing of the foregoing books, j
blanks and stationery will be let in separate
contracts, to the lowest competent bidder, i
who shall give bonds for the failluul perfor
mance of his contract, with at least two good j
and sufficient sureties, residents of the state, \
Said bond to be approved by the county j
board. Separate sealed bids will be received
at the office of the county clerk up to one j
o'clock, p. M., March 20th. 1894. Bids to be
endorsed upon covering “bids for blanks,” :
“bids for hooks,” as the case may be. and tlie
bidder’s name. Tlie right to reject any and .
all bids is reserved.
Feo.2-4ts. County Clerk.
Notice of Estimate of Expenses.
On consideration of the estimate of tlie
necessary expenses during the ensuing year.
On motion the estimate for same for the year
'S94 was fixed upon as follows:
County General Fund. $15,000
County Bridge Fund. 8.000
County Road Fond. 5.000
Comity Bond Interest Fund. 1,000
lndianola Precinct Bond. 200 i
North Valley Bond. 900
East Valley 'Bond. 200 ]
Willow Grove Bond. 1,500
Bartley Village Bond. 400 :
Soldiers’Relief Fund. 500
Aetion of board of comity commissioners
of Red Willow county, Nebraska, January
24th. 1894. Samuel Young,
Geo. W. Roper, chairman.
County Clerk. Jan.2G 4ts.
11 •"" - ..- --
If you are not already a JOURNAL subscriber that is all you will
have to pay us for the
5eifii4Veelijij journal
from now until January 1, 1895, if you will at the same time pay a
year's subscription in advance to the Tribune.
The Semi-Weekly Journal is the greatest paper in the west, pub
lished Tuesday and Friday, giving two complete papers each week,
with markets and telegraphic news of the world.
Send in your orders at once to the *T F? IE3 U N R..
is; — a>y.
Are you at all Weak-chested or inclined to be Consumptive, with just a touch (it
Cough now and then ? “Try this Wonderful Medicine.” The Cough ami Weakness will
disappear as if by magic, and you will feel a strength and power never had before.
HAVE YOU A COLD ? A Doss at Bedtime wi!! Remove it.
HAVE YOU A COUGH? A Dose will Relieve it.
Bronchitis and Asthma it relieves instantly. The Spasms of Coughing so dreadful fp
Whooping Cough become less with each dose of medicine. It is an old adage, “T.Bt
forewarned is to be forearmed.” So let it, he in your case, who read this and keep dh
hand Allen’s Lung Balsam. Directions accompany each bottle.
Do You Know That ^
We Do The Fine Printing * :
; * j
; | Noteheads, Envelopes, Calling Cards, Sale Bills,
11 Bill Heads, Statements, Business Cards, Posters,
■ Letter Heads, All kinds of Wedding Cards, Dodgers.
M * M r * * S TTTTS-. S S S * . . iTtTi T V W V V T . f . 1 * « , , , ,, , ,1 ,
J. S. McBrayek. Mutton Osborn, j
*rfR*ER & osso%_
Proprietors of the
McCook Transfer Line.
Bus, Baggage and Express.
....In the City....
Leat e orders for Hus ('alls at Commercial
Hotel or our office opposite depot.
J. S. McBrayer also lias a first
class house-moving outfit.
For First-Class
Laundry Work.
McCook. - - - Nebraska.
—W. A . GAGE,—
Physician & Surgeon,
C©^Office Hours: 9 to 11, a. m.. 2 to 5 and
7 to 9, p. m Rooms over First National bank.
C^"Nigbt calls answered at office.
The Drovers Journal
Largest, Brightest, Cheapest and
Best. Send For Free
Sample Copy.
The leading live stock newspaper anil
market reporter of the west. A paper
for stock raisers, farmers, fine stoek
breeders and grain dealers. Verv latest
and correct market reports by telegraph
from all the principal stock markets.
Daily.$4.00 per year,
Semi-Weekly.. 2.00 per year.
Weekly. 1.50 per year.
Union Stock Yards, South Omaha.
. ." 1 — ~
Veterinary Surgeon.
^' Horse Dentistry a Specialty.
Castrating and Spaying. Lear#
i orders at residence over Strasser'g
! Liquor Store.
'Late of Denver, Colo.)
B^Day or nijrht calls, any p.act* in this
ley. promptly attended to. Office—Dr.TUom^
drujr store.