The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 16, 1894, Image 2

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Tliu nun Millies on the chamber wall.
Tho sun hlilneh ill rough the tree;
No , though uiihliaken by the wind.
Tho leavea fall iia.-elcsMy;
Tho bellh from Wood6tock’s steeple
Shake Blenheim's fading bough.
"Tills ilay you won Malplaquet"—
"Aye, homctlilng then, but now!”
They load the old man to a chair.
Wandering pale and weak:
His thin lips move: so faint the hound
You scarce can hear him apeak.
They lilt a picture from the wall.
Bold cyoa and awelllng brow.
“The day you won Malplaquet’’—
“Aye, something then, but now!”
They reach him down a ruaty sword
In faded velvet sheath;
The old man drops the heavy blade
And mutters ’tween his teeth.
There’s sorrow in Ills fading eye
And pain upon Ills brow.
"With this you won Malplaquet”—
"Aye, something then, but now!”
Another year; a stream of lights
Flows down the avenue:
A mile of mourners, sable clad.
Walk weeping two by two;
Tho steward looks into tho grave
With sad and downcast brow.
"This day he won Malplaquet”—
“Aye, somelhing then, but now!"
—Walter Tliornbury in New York Ledger.
Feter Cooper on Interest.
Peter Cooper was always a careful
and prudent business man. He was al
ways opposed to the methods of many
merchants, who launched out in extrav
agant enterprises on borrowed money,
for which they paid exorbitant rates of
interest. Once while talking about a
project with an acquaintance tho latter
said be would have to borrow the money
for six months, paying interest at the
rate of 3 per cent. ’’ Why do you bor
row for so short a time?” Mr. Cooper
asked. “Because the brokers will not
negotiate bills for longer.” “Well, if
you w’ish, ” said Mr. Cooper, “I will
discount your note at that rate for three
years.” “Are you in earnest?” asked
the would be borrower. “Certainly I
am. 1 will discount your note for $10,
000 for three years at that rate. Will
yon do it?” "Of course I will,” said
the merchant. “Very well,” said Mr.
Cooper, “just sign this note for $10,
000, payable in three years, and give me
your check for $800, and the transac
tion is complete. ” “But where is the
money for me?” asked the astonished
merchant. “You don’t get any money, ”
was the reply. "Your interest for 36
months at 3 per cent per month amounts
to 108 per cent, or $10,800. Therefore
your check for $800 just makes us even. ”
The force of this practical illustration
of the folly of paying such an exorbi
tant price for the use of money was
such that the merchant determined nev
er to borrow at such ruinous rates, and
he frequently used to say that nothing
could have so fully convinced him as
this rather humorous proposal by Mr.
Cooper.—New York Post.
An Evening: With Andrew Lang.
The spelling of the name of Miss Agnes
Repplier and her singular felicity in
epigram and phrase inevitably suggest
her familiar nameiu Philadelphia, where
she lives. This is the “replier.” Her
dinner conversation in this respect is cel
ebrated among her friends. Miss Rep
plier, as is well known, worships at one
particular shrine, that of Andrew Lang.
Last summer Miss Repplier was in Eng
land and had the anticipated good for
tune to be asked to meet Andrew Lang
at dinner. It would not have been hu
man for Miss Repplier not to have made
a mental toilet as she adorned her body
to meet Mr. Lang. But a dinner, we are
told, in England is a serious matter.
Course after course passed unseasoned
by joke, nnspiced by epigram and with
out the grace of felicitous allusion. It at
length came to an end. Nor did thecon
versation have any future The great
Andrew sat down on the flour and played
for the rest of the evening with a kitten.
—New York Sun.
With proper care a flagpole ought to
last a great many years in spite of the
incessant exposure to the elements. Of
course the best preservative of wocd is
paint, and a man who has a flagstaff
which has cost him a good sum of
money should see that it is painted at
least once every 12 months. Flagpoles
generally rot at the bottom first, and
then have to be taken down to prevent
them from falling of their own weight.
The nsnal length of a pole on top of a
high building is from 50 to 75 feet. It
is not difficult to get a pole in one piece
50 feet long, but when a man wants to
add 25 feet to that he has to do it by
means of splicing.—Boston Herald.
Graduated From Heidelberg.
The daughter of the late Professor
Windscheid, the famous German au
thority on Roman law, has been gradu
ated from the University of Heidelberg
with the degree of Ph. D. Fraulein
Windscheid is the first woman to be ad
mitted to the old seat of learning with
the privilege of taking her degree. She
■passed a brilliant examination. The
university, it is said, will probably soon
be opened to women.—Exchange.
J. Hippisley says that he has looked
upon the whole range of the Swiss Alps
while removed from them by a distance
of 200 iniies, and Sir W. Jones affirms
that tho Himalayas appeared to his
view from a distance of 224 miles.
The “Cardiff Giant,” the famous
stone man hoax of 20 years ago, was 10
feet 2>4 inches in length; had a nose
6 inches long, a mouth 4 inches wide
and a foot 15*4 inches from toe to heel.
Eleven million six hundred and
twenty thousand families, with an av
erage income of $908, pay 90 per cent
of the taxes in the United States.
. According to a decree rendered by
the British courts of law, payment can
not legally be enforced for any order
given to a debtor on Sunday.
The first man to succeed in welding
aluminium to glass was Bradford Aic
Gregor, a mechanical expert of Cincin
No Good Rfiuon T«t Advanced Why It
Should Not Be Done.
In one of his essays in a book en
titled •• Brushwood, ” the late Janies T.
Fields wrote: “ If I were a boy again, I
think I would learn to use my left hand
just as freely as my right one. so that
if anything happened to lame either of
them the other would be all ready to
write and handle things just as freely
as if nothing had occurred.” And un
doubtedly a great many of us would
learn to use both hands alike if we had
our lives to live over again. Of all the
young women who came under my in
struction while in charge of the School
of Domestic Economy of the Iowa Ag
ricultural college, not more than one in
twenty-five could sweep properly. The
ratio in this respect of those who came
under my instruction at Purdue univer
sity was about the same. And as far
as my observation extends this ratio
will hold in regard to women generally.
As a rule, women, old and young, do
not know how to handles broom. Their
right hands only have been trained.
Their left hands have been neglected.
When a women takes hold of a broom
it is with the right hand near the top
of the handle and the left hand toward
the corn, and instead of changing and
reversing them as occasi n demands
she always keeps them in the same po
sition. Whether she sweeps to the right
or to the left, the position of her hands
remains unchanged. And her body is
contorted and her muscles strained in
the performance of an operation that
would exercise these organs harmonious
ly, if the hands were so trained that
they could be used at will and were
changed as demanded by the changes in
the position of the sweeper.
1 refer to women sweeping merely to
illustrate my point. The same can be
said concerning the training of the
hands in numerous other branches of
women’s work that it is unnecessary to
mention, and so far as the use of the
left hand is concerned men are in no
better condition than women. Men and
women are in this respect maimed and
handicapped alike. Why should such
a state of things exist? Why, in this
age of manual training, should weover
j look and neglect the education of the
| left hand and continue to train the
right hand at the expense of the left?
No physician or physiologist has ever
given a sensible reason for so doing,
| and we seem to adhere to the custom
| merely because it has been carried down
to ns by our ancestors.—Jenuess Miller
A Smuggling Scheme.
Passing through Hudson street with
a friend, I chanced to pass the establish
ment of a firm of “folders and repacfe
[ ers’" of drygoods. Before the door were
j a hundred or more little bales of goods,
I bearing odd markings, but showing that
! they were destined for a firm in Texas,
doing business in a town near the Mex
ican line.
“Do you know,” asked my compan
! ion, “why those goods are put up in
such small packages?”
! Upon replying in the negative he con
: tinued:"They are to be smuggled across
the Mexican line. The goods are pur
chased in their original packages and
1 delivered here. The wooden boxes are
discarded, and the goods subjected to
; hydraulic pressure and baled. Each
; bale contains about 30 pieces, or half the
i number of an ordinary dry goods case.
I “The goods are then shipped to Tex
i as, and all marks removed. When all
is arranged, some night the little bales
are slung across the backs of males,
two bales to each animal, and with an
armed escort the train proceeds over the
border to some distributing point in
Mexico, where the goods are sold to Mex
ican traders at a good profit.
“Smuggling in this manner is quite
extensively carried on between this
country and Mexico, the United States
getting in return for its dry goods,
which are the most easily handled, cheap
Mexican coffee and cigars. ’’—New York
America’s Only Frostless Belt.
What is supposed to be the only frost
less belt in the United States lies be
tween the city of Los Angeles and the
Pacific ocean. It traverses the foothills
of the Cahuenga range and has an ele
vation of between 200 and 400 feet. In
breadth it is perhaps three miles. The
waters of the Pacific are visible from
it, and the proximity of the ocean has
of course something to do with banish
ing frosts. During the winter season
this tract produces tomatoes, peas,
beans and other tender vegetables, and
here the lemon flourishes, a tree that is
peculiarly susceptible to cold. Tropical
trees may be also cultivated with suc
cess, and in connection with this fact it
is interesting to know that a part of the
! favored territory has been acquired by
j Los Angeles for park purposes, and it
is only a question of time when the city
will have the unique distinction of pos
i sessing the only tropical park in the
United States. Strange to say, only
the midway region of the Cahuenga
range is free from trost, the lower part
of the valley being occasionally visited.
—New York Evening Post.
Oscar Wilde’s tatest.
The way of the wit is hard. Oscar
Wilde, moved by the ready appreciation
of the English people, has been led to
make some remarks which even his ad
mirers are not applauding. He has
been making some observations on the
subject of Puritans and the theater.
After devoutly hoping that he would
not "be offered a bishopric,”Mr.Wilde
added, “1 quite expect to see any day
in the evening papers, ‘Great Discovery
In Egypt. Ten rnoro commandments
by Oscar Wilde.’ ”—Exchange.
Making a Sure Thing of It.
"Whet in the name of Jupiter have
you sewed up all the pockets of my
overcoat for?” asked Mr. Wilson.
“My dear,” said Mrs. Wilson, “X
have an important letter to my milliner
that I want you to post.”—Boston Home
A CaM Where Their Application Furnishes
Food For the Superstitious.
Do you lmllevo in the supcrstiti' s
connected with the house of d^aiu?
The contributor confesses th it ho has
always been skeptical about them, but
here are three old si ns which propl
sied death in a Wat ..ury ho.u ■, w..j .
are almost retnurkablo in th ir coi”,
dence, if not in supernatural sign,
A group of people were sitting in a
pleasant room one evening in onecf tlx
suburbs of Watetbury. where neighbor
ly intercourse is often freer than in the
city itself. There was a knock at the
door, and another neighbor came in on
an errand. Another knock and another
neighbor, and then a third. Then some
one remarked: “Three knocks and three
callers. .The next will come in without
knocking, and death will come in aft r
him." The next incomer opened the
door without a knock, and it was a
neighbor’s boy, as strong and healthy a
lad as one is likely to see anywhere.
And death was behind him, though
they did ”ot see him nor think much of
what h.. i.een said.
This boy’s mother has always been
disturbed by an extraordinaiy anxiety
and restlessnes at the approach ot d ath
to any of her relatives. It has happen
ed several times that she has been pur
sued, as it seemed, through the h nisr.
from garret to cellar and through all
the rooms, by an incorporeal something
which she tried to escape. No one
could stop her or quiet her for a long
time. A day or two after the myster
ious fourth call at the neighbor's dcor,
this mother, who had heard nothing
about that incident, was seized with
this intangible fear and began her per
plexed wanderings through the house.
In and out, up and down, she walked,
with a frightened air, trying to escape
—what? She did not know, but they
agreed that death was pursuing some
member of the family.
One day not long after, the boy who
was the fourth caller and whose moth* r
had had this premonition was sick.
Not very, but a little. His father was
sent for in the city to come home. He
was detained and walked home in the
early evening. A strange cat followed
him home, crossing his track and wind
ing its way in and out ot his along the
road. At home was another strange cat
which had followed a sister home.
They were stopped at the door and soon
were joined by two more. The four
stood there on guard all night and all
next day with a dreadful patience and
persistence, craving admittance with
signs of horrid appetite, dodging into
the house whenever the door was open
ed, and kept at a distance only by great
difficulty. They might have been
stoned or shot, but that is not the way
the old superstition reads. The boy in
side grew worse and died the next day.
This is not a very remarkable story,
but it made a good deal of an impres
sion on the contributor as it was told to
him by a member of the family who
knew that those things had happened in
just this way, that they were old super
stitions which still live, and who asked
him if he believed there was anything
in it.—Waterbury (Conn.) Republican.
A Workingman's Discovery.
Some years ago a tobacconist discov
ered the utility of tinfoil for wrapping
tobaccos. Theretofore paper had been
exclusively used for the purpose, but it
did not serve to keep the moisture of
the atmosphere away from the tobacco
nor preserve the natural moisture of the
tobacco from the effects of a dry or
heated atmosphere. Paper also ab
sorbed the aroma of the weed and was
not sufficiently lasting. Therefore tin
foil was used for wrappers. But it be
came costly and could only be rolled to
a certain thickness or thinness, beyond
which the ingenuity of man seemed to
find it impossible to go. The fact was
that no rollers could be made to sustain
the pressure necessary to mashing the
tinfoil to a leaf sufficiently thin to suit
the manufacturer.
Many ingenious inventors struggled
with the proposition for months and
gave up the problem as unsolvable, when
a simple workman about the shop one
day, after rolling two sheets to the cus
tomary thickness, put the two sheets to
gether into the rollers and made both
halves as thin as they were before. Thie
was as simple as standing an egg on end,
but it created a revolution in the manu
facture of tinfoil for tobacconists’ use
! and made a mint of money for the dis
1 coverer.—Philadelphia Press.
The Lamp Rock of Asia.
| On the shores of Lake Rangkul, in
! the Cashgar mountains, in centra]
Asia, stands the famous Lamp Rock of
\ Asia, Which is so called from a cavo in
its side from which a constant stream
1 of pale, greenish light is emitted. Ney
1 Elias, the English adventurer, who pass
ed it in 1885, thinks it possible that the
! light is due to some phosphorescent
I mineral in the sides of tho cavern neai
I its opening. The natives of that section
have never attempted to investigate the
1 matter, each seeming content with the
i story told by his father, which is this:
| “The cave is the dwelling place of a
demon, who guards vast treasures stored
, there, and the light is from a diamond
, worn in a band around liis forehead.’’
Elias’ explanation of the mystery is
i probably the true one.—St. Louis Re
Helping; Her Out.
Mr. Way hack—Great Scott! What
, you got the hired man plowin up the
( front yard for?
Mrs. Wayback—Our darter says that
the first pictur’ she takes with her new
camera will be the house, and her book
of instinction says she must break up
the foreground, but of course she can’t
do that herself.—Lowell Times.
Record Breakers.
Jagson says if horsemen could trot
their horses as fast around the track as
they can around the hotel radiator there
■ would be a record broken every day.—
Elmira Gazette.
artists of the roundup.
<>ld Tim* Texas Cowboys Vastly Different
Fr.«m Those of the Present Day.
Tho ol<l timo cowboy is no more. Ho
passed n bis checks with tho tree grass
custom. The big pasture has intro
duced a new order of cowboy, who sleeps
in a house and “obeys orders" or quits.
The old cowboy was the companion of
bis boss and shared his pleasures and
his hardships.
No manager in this big headquarter
rockhouse reminded him of is inferior
rank in society, nor did any of the mod
ern ranch accessories mar the common
dangers, the pleasures and the freedom
and equality of tho whilom cowboy and
cowman. But tho ranch in the olden
time was a cottonwood loghouse to
cook in, and for roof and protection
from the weather the slicker was used,
and mother earth supplied their beds.
The broad range and the overhanging
sky answered for house aud home. A
roundup in 1807-80 was not bounded
by wire fences, but the boys galloped out
of camp after breakfast, made a wide
sweep, and all then drove toward a
common center, and lo! directly at that
point was g .thcred a herd of stock cat
tle of all brands, ready for tho cut to
The high toned man was tabooed. I
remember such a man appeared at the
ranch of J. T., in Shackleford county,
in 1 '.",0. He was a city fellow, and
would say "Thankyou” and such like.
His inti use politeness and high toned
nonsense aggravated the boys mightily.
Jim B. in particular—poor fellow—
was especially fretted by his nonsense,
as he called it, and tried to ridicule it
out of him. but in vain. At last his
resentment ripened into genuine hatred
and it was hard to keep the peace be
tween them, for the city fellow bad
giit too.
Well, one morning in 1869, at Moun
tain pass, in Taylor county, long before
any one lived in that section, Jim got
awfully mad and gave the city fellow a
cussing, whereupon a row resulted and
blodshecl was barely prevented there
and then. We got tho city fellow to ride
off, and it looked like peace had return
ed, but one hour later Jim B. aud his
amiable enemy met off at one side of
tho roundup. I happened to bo near. In
a dash the city chap ran before Jim,
dismounted, leveled his gun on him and
demanded an apology or death.
Jim jerked out two six shooters, but
said nothing, and instantly the city
fellow fired. Poor Jim rolled off his
horse a dead man. I got to them just
as Jim fell. He died instantly, shot
through the heart. His slayer mounted
his horse and "lit out." Wo buried
Jim and went on with our herd, two
men short, but with no discordant ele
ment among us.
Such was the old way. Tho boys were
courteous and kind, they were gener
ous and brave, industrious and honest,
but they would uot stand any high toned
nonsense. A new era has set in. Which
is tho better wo cannot say, but one
thing is sure—with all his faults, and
they wero many, the old time cowboy
was a man to be trusted in peace or
war and was tho very soul of honor.—
Dallas News.
An Armenian Legend.
Ararat, on© of tho most majestic
mountains in the world, rises 17,000
feet above tho vast flat plain which
bears its name and reigns over the sur
rounding mountains. Early in the morn
ing, while all tho valleys of Ararat and
the neighboring mountains arc buried
in shadow, tho white top of the Scrip
tural mountain gleams beautiful in the
first beams of the sun.
The Armenian people tell this story
about the inhabitants of Pharbee:
Once the devil and a Pharbee man
laid a wager as to which should first
see the sun. The one who saw it first
was to box the other’s ears. “Very
well,” said the Armenian, and he lay
down and slept sweetly, while tho dev
il, itching to punish his enemy, stood
looking eastward, and with eager eyes
watched the whole night for the sunrise.
Early in the morning, the Pharbee man
rose, and pointing to the top of Ararat,
which was already shining in the sun,
cried joyfully, "I see it!” The devil
was vanquished. The Pharbee man.
with his strong hand, boxed the devil’s
ears. Ever since that time, the devil
has been afraid of the people of the Ar
menian village of Pharbee. — Woman’s
Congress Water.
How many people know that out by
the Greenough statue of Washington,
east of the capitol, is a vast and cav
ernous reservoir? Not one in a thou
sand, but there it is, down in the bow
els of the earth, and covered deep be
neath the smooth surface of asphaltum.
Away hack in the thirties congress pur
chased a spring over east of the present
site of Howard university. It is now
at the bottom of the unused distribut
ing reservoir. From it pijies were laid
I to the capitol, and in a pond east of the
building tlie water flowed anil was held
for the use of the early Solons of the
hill. In 1870 the reservoir was arched
over and covered in, hut thero it is, and
if congress has been neglectful of the
i city’s interests as to a water supply,
the reason is not hard to find. Congress
1 has its own private tap. Pipes run into
I the capitol, furnishing the boilers, ccol
! ers and water for cleaning purposes.
| There is an overflow pipe that runs into
j tho pretty little grotto below the senate
wing at one side of tiie main sidewalk
and tinkles over the mossy hank in a
miniature cascade.—Washington Post.
Hose of Ohlen Time.
In the very long ago hose were not
; stockings as now worn, but made long,
! and were often drawn up even to the
j waist, and, oddly enough, had pockets
! in their sides. We read, moreover, that
in the time of the Tudors and Stuarts
: they were of great variety, both of ma
terial and color, and for such as conld
I command the luxury were richly trim
1 rued and costly: they were often called
! “nether stocks ’’ -Harper's Bazar.
(Regular Graduates.)
.re the lending and most snccesoful specialists and
•’111 give you help.
Young and mid
die aged men.
Remarkable re
suits have follow
ed our treatment.
Many yeuri of
varied and success- ,
fui experience
In the us- of cura
tive methods that
wc aloneownand
control for all dls
Iorders oi men who
have weak, unde
veloped or dis
eased organs, or
who are suffering
lrom errors of
youth and excess
or who are nervous
and Impotent,
the scorn of their
fellows and the
contempt of their
friends and com
panions, leads us
giniranice 10 ail paueut*. 11 nicy tau punmuiy
■ rcvtored, our own exclusive treatment
111 afford a cure.
WOMEN! Don’t you want to get cored of that
eakne«H with a treatment that you can use at
*ine without Instruments? Our wonderful treat
ent has cured others. Why not you? Try It.
CATARRH, and diseases of the Skin, Blood,
cart, Liver and Kidneys.
I*'EPHIT..I8—The most rapid, safe and effective
•medy. A complete Cnre Guaranteed.
DISEASES of all kinds cured where
ujy odieis have failed.
ured In a few days. Quick, sure and safe. This
acludes Gleet and Gonorhcea.
We have cured cases of Chronic Diseases that
lave failed to g< t. cured at the hands of other epecial
st3and medical Institutes.
—- K EM EMBER that there is hope
tor You. Consult no other, as you may waste valuable
ime. Obtain our treatment at once.
Beware of free and cheap treatments. We give
Lite best and most scientific treatment at. moderate
prices—as low as can be done for safe at.d skillful
treatment. FREE consultation at the cilice or
by mall. Thorough examination and careful dlag
nosls. A home treatment can be given In a majority
of cases. Send for Symntom Blank No. 1 for Men;
No. 2 for Women; No. 3for Skin Diseases. All com*,
spondence answered promptly. Business strictly con
fldcntlal. Entire treatment sent free from observa
Jon. liefer to our patients, bunks and business men.
Address or call on
N. E. Comer Sixth and Felix St*., Rooms 1 and
(lip Stairs.) ST JOSEPH. MO.
| IpansTabules.
• Ripans Tabutes are com
| pounded from a prescription :
• widely used by the best medi- j
i cal authorities and are pre- :
t sented in a form that is be- :
l coming the fashion every- j
j where. ♦
I -
— :
Ripans Tabules act gently •
\ but promptly upon the liver, :
j stomach and intestines; cure :
r dyspepsia, habitual constipa- j
i tion, offensive breath and head- :
l ache. One tabule taken at the :
: first symptom of indigestion, *
: biliousness, dizziness, distress l
: after eating, or depression of :
: spirits, will surely and quickly *
| remove the whole difficulty. :
._ l
; Ripans Tabules may be ob- *
j tained of nearest druggist.
j - j
t Ripans Tabules
• are easy to take, \
? quick to act, and 1 \
■ save many a doc
' or’s bill. _ |
X.. ...,,,...,,,,,,.d
SALESMEN to repre
sent us in ihe sale of our
well known hardy and
choice Nursery Stock for
ihe North and West. Local or traveling-. Work
every day in the year Special inducements to
beginners. Stock guaranteed. Good nav week
ly. Apply quick, stating age. and obtain good
territory. ST PAUL NUKSEKY TO..
Dec l-8ts. Sr. Paul. Minn.
Mark Twain
i'ays that you can always cure a mule
of kicking if you cut off his tail just
behind the ear. Use Haller’s Barb
Wire Liniment and it will do just as
well. Fir sale by McConnell & Co.
Angels don’t have piles, but piles of
people would like to be ar.gels but
can’t cause they’ve got piles, so loe
Haller’s Australian Salve and cure the
pilej and be angels. For sale by Mc
Connell & Co.
What is it? It is a bottle. What
is in the bottle? Syrup. Why do 1
see it in so many houses? Because
everybody likes it. What is it for?
For coughs, coids, croup, whooping
cough and consumption. What is Us
name? Parks’ Cough Syrup.
It Cures.
Parks’ Cough Syrup will cure colds,
I coughs, croup and whooping cough.
The standard home remedy in thousands
| of families for all iung diseases. Guar
: anteed by McMillen.
! When Baby was sick, we gave her Carr oria.
j yvhen she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
I yvhen she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
yvhen she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
A cup of Parks' Tea at night moves
the poyvels in the morning without pain
or discomfort. Sold by A. McMillen.
His Second Wife
Told him the secret of her very good
j health. She used Parks tea every
night. Sold by McMillen.
6. W. Williamson, H. D.
Rend ns a two-cent stamp for full particu
lars, which aro mulled iu n plain envelope,
All correspondence done In the utmont pri
vacy. Advice free. Don’t delay, but write
to urtto-day.
Atudy of their particular trouble. That
iiiaii^-nHUt blood diNeane permanently cured
without the us»o of Mercury. We alwaye
guarantee a cure.
■one* branded os left hip or left ibouldeet.
P. O. address, Imperial,
Chase County, and Beat*
| rice. Neb Kange, Stiofe
ling Water and Frenob*
F man creeks, Chase Co*
1 Nebraska.
i Brand as cut on side o|
1 nme animals, on blp an4
sides of some, or aoj^
where on tne a rmui.
^nbjectsneed fear no lonper from this Klnpf of
ferrors, for by a most wonderful discovery In
medicine, cancer on nny part of tho body can bo
permanently cured without the use of
Ihc knife.
Mus II. D. Colby, 2307 Indiana Ave., Chicago,
lays “ Was cured of cancer of tho breast in six
weeks by your method of treatment.** Send for
treatise. Dr. XI. CJ. D»lc, 3*i5 H4tii 8t., Chicago.
Work Guaranteed. Teeth extracted in tho
morning, new ones inserted evening ol
same day. Teeth iiilcrl without pain, latent
method. Finest parlors ii. the west. Paxton
leu.-str^u- OB. R„ w. BAILEY.
tranc-f. U‘V(y"ri ™ - . “1 rr !.5
► Mall os ft pond rhnjn, a wlrte \ new or old I Silk lland-^
k kerchief. willi n 1*. O. < r l.«pri*.s Money Onirrfor #1,4
L and we will I'hn'ocr;' -.h tin- p. nri- mi t In* Ileautl-i
. ful effect. n:aa 4 i n; I»tc.VILE SOT FADE nr
, x V4 ■‘.Jl nut, I .-alii fur«*er, ev rjuodf
t photo »Ar«M,o.a.
k . A 7?TT^Tuq'p313-51;17 s m aH#gj
nothing new when we state that it pays to engage
in a permanent, most healthy and pleasant busi
ness, that returns a protit i r every day’s work.
Such is the business we offer the* working class.
We teach them how to make money rapidly, and
guarantee every one who follows our instructions
faithfully the making of $300.00 a month.
Every one who takes hold now and work- will
surely and speedily increase their earnings: there
can be no question about it; others now ui work
are doing it, and von, reader, can do the same.
This is the best paying business that you have
ever had the chance to secure. You v. ill make a
grave mistake if you fail to give it a trial at once.
If you grasp the situation, and act quickly, you
will directly lind yourself in a mo t prosperous
business, at which you can surely make and save
large sums of money, l.c r w.:- of only a few
hours’ work will often equal a week’s wages.
Whether you are old '*r young, man or woman, it
makes no differeu : — do as vw tell you, and suc
cess will meet you at the very start. Neither
experience or capr tl necessary. Those who work
for us are rewarded. Why nor write to day for
full particulars, free ? K. C. AI-EK.N A; CO.,
liox Mo. 430, Augusta, >Ie.
The Great English Remedy.
I'rcmpuy ar.a permanent
ly cares ail forms of .Vert*>u.«
IvV'eakness, 1 mission*, Sperm
atorrhea. Impotcncy and all
effects of Abuse or Excesses.
Been pn scribed over &>
years in thousands of cases;
is the only Eeliuble a nd Hon
est Xedicins knou-n. Ask
I- Jur v> UU»S i'HOS
• iiTtd Jlftrr puodijte; If he offers sum®
J * worthless medicine lnplac®
’< nvp hn fMsh on eat store. Inclose price In
i •* o will send by return mall. Price, on®
, 'It. ? . Cve trill plcntc, tix will curt*
i » i in d "n^oinoe. •* <• -imrs.
The Wood Chemical Co. '
•* *1 ward Av« . Detroit. Mich.
For sale by L. W. McConnell & Co., G. M.
Chenery, Albert McMilien in McCook and
by druggists everywhere.