The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 09, 1894, Image 5

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J. H. Dwyer is doing missionary work,
for the coming order, in Arapahoe this
^ week.
A. J. Bump announces that he expects
to have ninety charter members in
A lodge will be organized in Danbury,
Saturday night, with a membership
of at least twenty-five.
A. J. Clute and W. H. Davis are in
Cambridge to organize a lodge, going
down on Wednesday morning.
“The Star of Jupiter” now has ten
regularly commissioned organizers in
the field; and there are more coming.
Elmer Rowell and Cal. Throne went
down to Blue Hill Wednesday morning
to work up a lodge of “The Star of Ju
The title of our new mutual benefic
iary society—“The Star of Jupiter”—
frequently may be found in our local ex
A. F. Moore and Mike Reiswick are in
Franklin county in the interest of “The
Star of Jupiter.” They went down on
Wednesday morning.
Supreme Lecturer McBride addressed
the people of Danbury Tuesday night on
the advantages of the order. They ex
pect soon to organize there.
F. Bert Risley was down from Trenton
Tuesday evening. Bert is arranging to
go on the road for the coming benefic
iary order, and will likely interview the
people of Palisade and vicinity on that
question, close of this week.
They are working up a lodge in the
Mt. Zion neighborhood, about fifteen
miles north-west of here, aud expect to
start soon with a goodly membership.
Supreme Lecturer McBride started the
ball a-rolling on Monday night.
Frank Strout came down from Cul
bertson,Tuesday night,to enter up on the
work of organizer for “The Star of Ju
piter.” He left for Arapahoe, Wednes
day evening in compauy with J. H.
Dwyer. Frank is an experienced insur
ance man and regards the Star as a sure
Wedding bells again in Alma, and
never did they chime more sweetly, nor
under auspices more happy. At the
home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. B. Moore, the ceremony took
place. Presiding Elder Hale officiated,
assisted by Rev. Messrs. Baker and Ric
ker. The principals to the solemn com
pact were Rev. N. J. Chrysler of Frank
lin and Miss Grace Moore of this city.
Miss Hattie Hale was maid of honor,
and Miss Alta Slawson played the wed
ding march. The happy occasion, and
the abundant repast, were heartily en
joyed by a concourse of relatives and in
timate friends. Rev. and Mrs. Chrysler
will return at once to their future home
in Franklin.—Alma Record.
The farmers of Nebraska must be fully
awake to the danger and disaster which
confronts them in the spreading of the
Russian thistle. Some counties in
South Dakota have been practically
abandoned to the sheep on account of
the wide-spread of the pesky thistle.
The thistle is already well seeded in
Nebraska. Its spread will be fast, un
less the work of extermination is
promptly commenced and persistently
followed. While its presence is but
slightly felt in Red Willow county, it
should be remembered that eternal
vigilance may be required to keep the
thistle from over-running our fair fields.
The spacious Temple hall was the
scene of a brilliant and felicitous gath
ering Tuesday evening, the occasion of
the second annual ball by Ruthven di
vision, No. 95, Knights of Pythias. The
Knights and their friends were present
in large number, the former in full uni
form. One of the features of the even
ing was an exhibition drill by a com
pany of Knights. Prof. Reisenstein’s
orchestra furnished the music for the
ball, which was in every essential fea
ture one of the most entrancing of the
winter. The ladies of the Episcopal
guild served a supper in the south room
of the building.
They have deep snow in the moun
tains this winter and that means full riv
ers and abundance of water for irrigating
purposes in those streams flowing through
and near to Nebraska. It also means
plentiful rains for this state next sum
mer when this snow melts. It further
more means that there well be plenty of
water for the Meeker canal.
S. W. Stilgebouer of Danbury raised
220 bushels of alfalfa seed on forty
acres. His son S. H. brought 186 bush
els of it to Bartley this week and it is all
sold to fanners who live near here.
Considering the hard times, $930 is
Considerable for the farmers to invest in
seed.—Bartley Inter-Ocean.
The participants in the late poverty
ball were so delighted thetewith that
there is considerable talk of holding a
calico ball in the near future.
Some people make the fatal mistake of
trying to bore a 12 inch hole with a 6
inch auger.
Dress or Neglige* Large line
of samples to select from. We
take your MEASURE aud WE
The Directors Meet.
Tlie directors of the Red Willow
County Agricultural Society held their
meeting in the court house at Iudianola,
last Saturday. The premium list was
revised for the coming fair, the date for
holding which was designated as the
week before the holding of the State
fair. The executive committee was or
dered to secure the needed stationery.
The following superintendents of classes
were elected:
1. Joseph Benka.
2. Samuel Ball.
3. J F. Black.
4. E. A. Sexson.
5. Mrs. Wm. Windhurst.
6. Stephen Bolles.
7. A. M. Anderson.
8. Mrs. J. I. Grundy.
9. J. H. Bayston.
10. Mrs. E. A. Sexson.
11. Taylor F. Wei born.
12. Mrs. I. A. Sheridan.
13. Mrs. C. D. Cramer.
14. Horace Taylor.
15. Frank Fritscli.
16. W. A. McCool.
17. George Younger.
If Colonel Peterson could only organ
ize himself, and had a lever of sufficient
length, and a proper fulcrum, and a few
more ifs, he could move the earth—may
be! If he had water enough, money
enough, and ifs enough, he might give
us a waterpower, the rival of the bound
less and tremendous Niagara, perhaps!
If he could just organize the right sort
of a compact board of trade, with pull
enough, and himself in the “push,” of
course, he would have the multitude
falling over themselves to get to McCook
and Red Willow county, possibly! In
fact if he could annihilate the subjunct
ive mood entirely there is no measuring
the possibilities of the future. But—!
How about a wind mill manufactory?
The Chicage Inter Ocean has just
made an announcement which for liber
ality is not likely to be duplicated soon.
This offer makes it possible for every
one to begin now and secure the entire
series of that wonderful set of World’s
Fair pictures everybody is talking about,
and this without the Coupon Certificate
heretofore used. A new subscriber has
to pay no more than a regular reader
and besides gets them nearly all at once.
However there is too much detail to ex
plain here, but the system is certainly a
good one for new subscribers.
The ladies of the Episcopal church
should not be held responsible for the
misapprehension of the amount to be
charged for the supper at the Pythian
ball, Tuesdaj- night. The fact that oys
ters were to be extr'a was to have been
announced at the sale of ticket, but was
forgotten, lienee a regretable misunder
Married—Monday evening, Squire
Berry united in marrige Albert J. Hardy
and Carrie M. Clarkston, both of Pali
sade. The ceremony was performed at
the residence of J. J. Garrard. The
groom was formerly in the employ of W.
M. Anderson, of our city, and is well
and favorably known here.
Stockmen will do well to see W. N.
Rogers,the Hereford breeder,when seek
ing to improve their herds. The Shade
land Stock Farm herd has no equal in
south-western Nebraska, and few in the
entire state. See his advertisement in
in this issue.
From and after February ist all ac
counts must be paid monthly. No credit
will be given any one who does not com
ply with this rule. This is final.
M. E. Knipple.
The esteemed Times has the Indianola
correspondence under the caption,
“Among the Farmers.” Will Colonel
Peterson please arise and explain what
the people of Indianola farm?
The Pythian band of our city has been
ppo inted as the brigade band of Ne
biaska uniformed rank, Knights of
Pythias. The boys will fill the position
proudly, too.
The reception and ball by the L. O. T.
M., Washington's birthday, promises to
be a unique affair of interesting and de
lightful particulars.
The new meat market of Stone &
Henning will be open for business to
morrow. First door east of S. M. Coch
ran & Co.
Are you prepared for tile coming
prairie fires? They are shortly due.
Are your guards plowed? Don’t neglect
A number of land-seekers in town,
this W’eek. Real estate values, by the
way, are very firm and steady.
Red Willow county’s roads have been
vastly improved during the past year or
two. Agitation, you know.
Farm Loans.
We are prepared to make loans on a
few choice farms. Colvin & Beggs.
Services in the Masonic hall, Sunday
moring and evening, by Rev. Erank
Services by Elder McBride in the
Lutheran church, Sunday morning and
Elder D. L. McBride immersed
eleven persons in Spring creek, north
west of the city, last Saturday.
Rev. H. L. Preston of Rico, Colorado,
will occupy the Congregational pulpit,
Sunday morning and evening.
Chas. Heber will act as Assistant
Librarian in the Baptist church for Bible
study, commencing next Sunday. An
average of forty books per Sunday are
taken from this library by the scholars.
Second quarterly meeting will be held
in the Methodist church on February
10th and nth. Preaching on Saturday
night at 7:30 by Presiding Elder C. A.
Hale. Quarterly conference at close of
sermon. Communion at close of Sun
day morning sermon. Evening services
and Epworth League at usual hours.
A. W. Coffman, Pastor.
The thirteenth anniversary of the
Christian Endeavor Society was cele
brated on last Sunday evening in the
Lutheran church with appropriate and
interesting exercises. The services were
union in character and were participated
in by the Congregational, Episcopal and
Baptist brethren, and the attendance
was so large that the seating capacity of
the church was not sufficient to accommo
date many. The programme embraced
music by the Endeavor choir and or
chestra, addresses, etc. “Inter-denomi
national Christianity’ ’ was the topic upon
which Mr. H. L. Preston, of Rico, Colo
rado, spoke showing how the movement
stood for good among the denomina
tions. Rev. Frank Durant followed with
an excellent and thoughtful sermon on
“Self-culture and Self-sacrifice.” Elder
D. L. McBride closing with one of his
characteristic and interesting talks on
“The History of the Movement and a
look into the Future.” The bccasion
was a memorable one, and the commem
oration was of a type entirely creditable
to the young people, who are a promi
nent and powerful factor in the religious
life and progress of this city.
An expulsion this week, which is a
rare occurrence in the McCook schools.
L. W. Stayner is now holding the ses
sion of his short-hand class in the east
ward building.
The Lantern class expect to entertain
another school from the country at their
exercises tonight.
The teachers’ institute for Red Wil
low county will be held in McCook. It
will begin July 9th and continue four
weeks. A prospectus will be sent out
soon to all the teachers, giving a de
tailed plan of the work. A four weeks
institute will give all an opportunity to
prepare for better work in the school
room. J. H. BaysTON,
County Superintendent.
The following from the Washington
Post concerning a former McCook pub
lic school student will be read with
great interest by her many admiring
friends here: Mrs. Frances Hodgson
Burnett is looking very well this winter
in spite cf the injury to her arm from a
fall on the steamer coming over. Ev
ery morning since her return she may be
seen walking out Massachusetts avenue
and taking the anti-breakfast constitu
tional which is so necessary to her health
as the nearest approach to the open air
life which she loves so much and which
is such an inspiration to her work. Al
though still in half mourning, she has
been going out this winter more than
for many years. At her pleasant Tues
day afternoon receptions she is always
assisted by her sister, Mrs. Jordan, who
will make her home here in future and
who is the Edith in ‘ ‘The One I Knew
the Best of All.” Visitors this winter
have been introduced to a shy, modest
looking little girl as Miss Davis, but ve
ry few have associated this little lady,
who looks like a school girl, although
she is twenty years old, with the author
of some charming verses which have ap
peared lately in Kate Field’s Washing
ton under the signature of Bertha Gar
naux Davis. Miss Davis was a High
School girl and was associated last year
with Vivian Burnett on the editorial staff
of the Review, in which many of her po
ems were published. Mrs. Burnett, who
is keenly sympathetic with her son’s in
terests, always reads the Review’, and
being struck by the mertits of Miss Da
vis’ work, with her usual kindness and
interest in budding talent made her ac
quaintance and has given her much in
courageuient. Miss Davis’ poems have
been accepted and will soon appear in
other papers. They are singularly fin
ished in technique, sweet and fresh with
the breath of nature and the love of
flowers and out-of-door life. By the by,
Vivian Burnett may be said to have be
gun his literary career, an article of his
having just been accepted by McClure’s
Live Pigeons Wanted.
$1.00 per dozen paid for live pigeons,
if delivered on or before February 12th.
W. C. LaTourETTE.
The Shooting Tournament.
The McCook Gun club have arranged
for a shooting tournament to be held in
this city on Wednesday, February 14th,
1894. Following we give the program
and rules:
Shoot No. 1. Ten Blue Rocks, un
known angles. Three monies.
Shoot No. 2. Ten Blue Rocks, un
known angles. Three monies.
Shoot No. 3. Miss and out at Blue
Rocks, unknown angles. 25c entrance;
for pair $5.00 Shoes donated by The
Boston Shoe Store, E. L. haycock, Pro
Shoot No. 4. Seven live birds. Three
Shoot No. 5. Ten Blue Rocks, un
known angles. $1.00 entrance. First,
60 per cent; second, 40 per cent; third,
one set Rogers Brothers’ silver plated
Knives and Forks, donated by H. P.
Sutton, The Leading Jeweler.
Shoot No. 6. Miss and out at Blue
Rocks. 25c entrance; for box Cigars,
donated by W. M. Lewis.
Shoot No. 7. Seven live birds. $2.40
entrance. Three monies.
Shoot No. 8. Miss and out. 25c en
trance. One hundred nitro powder
loaded shells, donated by W. C. La
All shootiug to be under American
Shooting Association Rules, except that
one trap only will be used.
Targets Nos. one, two and five 2c each.
No charges for targets in Nos. three,
six and eight.
Live birds in Nos. four and six $1.00.
Any shooter in a tie for a cash prize
may withdraw his portion without a
shoot off.
Tie shooting, miss and out, winner to
pay for tie birds or targets.
Shooting will commence at 9:30 a. m.
sharp, central time.
Shooters from neighboring towns cor
dially invited and a pleasant time guar
anteed. W. C. LaTourette,
A good audience greeted the perfor
mance of “The Old Homestead” at
the Menard, Saturday evening. All
things considered, the performance was
fairly meritorious. The only disagree
able feature of the evening being the re
peated interruptions of the players by
one or two individuals, who were evi
dently laboring under a “load.” Be
sides the merited “roast” received they
should have been ejected from the hall.
Better order should be preserved in the
future. Too much hoodlumery lately.
The rate of taxation is rapidly ap
proaching practical confiscation in this
city. With the greater portion of $6,
ooo derived from saloons, and the limit
of taxation reached, if not over reached,
for school purposes, we are now con
fronted with an empty school treasury.
This, with the problem of the erection
of another school building in the near
future is calculated to appall the thought
ful tax payer.
An energetic effort should be made in
the direction of decreasing the expenses
of our municipal government. For a
starter the salaries of city officials
should be cut right in twain. We are
too metropolitan in that respect any
how. _
We were misinformed, last week, con
cerning the false fire alarm. Jack Stein
metz was not burning rubbish contrary
to ordinance made and provided, but a
bucket of hot and burning tar being pre
pared for repairing the opera house
roof caused the commotion.
Mrs. Laura Allington has applied for a
divorce from her husband, Eli J. Al
lington, a former county commissioner
of our county, on the grounds of aban
donment. She prays for the custody of
the children.
The change from yesterday’s sunshine
and warmth to the snow and blow of to
day is neither unexpected nor undesir
able. This weather is more becoming
the month, and more of it will be hailed
with joy.
M. C. Solliday has arrived from Hall
county and rented a farm down in Dan
bury precinct. He is staying with J. B.
Miller for the present, and is a nephew of
Jas. Wright, a rustler of the tribe of Eli.
Advertisers who really desire to reach
the people who are the people, must
stick close to every issue of The Tri
bune. This issue for instance will go
into many new homes.
We understand that an effort is being
made to start a newspaper in Danbury.
Such an enterprise can hardly succeed
in so small a field as is presented by
Danbury and vicinity.
Two parties purchased 40 extra copies
of last week’s Tribune. And it wasn’t
a large week for extras either.
There is a rumor of the discovery of a
three feet vein of coal at Palisade, which
lacks confirmation.
Remember The Tribune is the offic
ial paper of Red Willow county. It is
reliable. _
McCook’s social activity is chiefly
confined to the heel, so far this winter.
Mrs. C. T. II eggs is visiting her par
ents up in Stockville.
Sidney Dodge went down to Lincoln
Wednesday on business.
Mrs. J. E. Allen has been in Hol
drege part of the week.
Mrs. E. N. Lewis is in the city, ply
ing her art as dressmaker.
R. H. Williams was down from Wau
neta, yesterday, on business.
Fred Kneeland was down from
from Benkelman Saturday night.
G. W. KAlMEleft this morning for the
Arkansas Hot Springs for treatment.
Mrs. S. E. Hager of Indianola was a
guest of McCook relatives, yesterday.
John Cooper is here from Evanston,
Illinois, on a hunt for some real estate.
Treasurer Barnes, we regret to
learn, has been quite under the weather
President Hocknell arrived home
Sunday night from his business visit to
Mrs. M. A. Northrup is here from
Chicago, guest of her daughter, Mrs. C.
H. Boyle.
W. H ALLEN and family were up
from Indianola, Tuesday, on a shopping
and business trip.
J. P. Lindsay was over at BeaverCity,
fore part of the week, looking after his
interests in that city.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Sharer of In
dianola spent the early days of the week
in the valley’s finest.
Mrs. B. F. Troxel arrived home,
Wednesday night, from her visit to
Kansas City and Beatrice.
J. P. Squire came up from Beatrice,
Wednesday night, to look after his busi
ness interests in this section.
John Kummer, who residts a few
miles east of the city, left for Iowa this
week on an extended business trip.
W. C. Randel was up from Red Wil
low', Wednesday. He reports the fine
milling property at that place as fast
going to ruin.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McKenna ar
rived home, Tuesday night, and at once
went to housekeeping in their cozy home
on North Madison.
Miss Watson of Grand Island is now
employed in the office of the Nebraska
Loan and Banking Company as ste
nographer and type-writist.
S. R. Messner, the Republican war
horse, of Beaver precinct, w'as in the
city Saturday, on his way home from a
visit of some length in the east.
Michael O’Leary and family are
now residents of our city, living at the
McEntee until March first, w'hen he as
sumes charge of the property as owner.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Moser are
taking great pride and pleasure in their
new household treasure—a five pound
sou—that came into their home and
affections on last Saturday morning.
J. E. Kelley went up to Alliance
Monday morning to participate in the
banquet and ball in Phelan opera house
there, Monday night, in honor of the
consolidation of the Chadron with the
Alliance U. S. land office.
The Home Market.
Oats.30 Wheat_35 to 45
Corn.20 Potatoes.90
Hogs.$4.50 Hay.$6 to $8
Steers.$3 to $4 Cows, $1.75 to $2.00
Butter.15 Eggs.12'/2
Flour .. ..80 to $1.50 Feed.70 to .80
Reception and Ball.
The Lady Maccabees will give a re
ception and ball in honor of George and
Martha Washington in the A. O. U. W.
temple hall, February 22nd, 1894.
Farm Wanted From Owner.
One hundred and sixty to 200 acres of
land wTith some improvements, inside of
three to five miles of McCook, at lowest
price for cash. Address, “E. L.,” care
McCook Tribune.
Bills Must be Paid.
All bills must be paid on the 1st and
15th of each month Otherwise no
credit will be given.
Ed. F. Flitcraft. :
Fine Printing.
We make a specialty of fine job print
ing. Our samples of fashionable and ele
gant stationery for invitations, programs,
etc., is not excelled in Nebraska.
Residence Lot for Sale.
A desirable residence lot on Melvin
street for sale. Price, very low, $225.00.
Call at this office for particulars.
A woman with two children wants a
situation as housekeeper. For particu
lars enquire at this office.
A few cutters are out today taking ad
vantage of the fleeting snow.
Shrewd farmers forecast their
Many repairs are now in order
and will be until spring comes.
If you want to see how much
wheat can shrink, just hold it over
The comfort of stock at this
time of year is money in the own
er’s pocket.
Every farm should have a good
tool house and good tools and then
keep them in the house when not
in use.
A sharp tool saves strength and
the expense of getting them in
shape now is less than it will be
later on.
P. J. Farrell has disposed of his
land to Herr M. Moehler. We
have not heard what the con
sideration was.
H. K. Bixler expects to dispose
of a great many of his forest trees
this year, but his ad. does not ap
pear in The McCook Tribune.
The busy howling of the hun
gry coyote creates no ill feeling
with us as the hen roosts are emp
ty and have been since the last
Study proposed far m i ap
provements and sow “that patch”
to alfalfa. To run a farm is one
thing, to run it successfully is
The experienced farmer can
read the character of the soil at
the ridges along the road, and
that of North Divide shows up
pretty well.
The mortgage never sleeps and
any number of Red Willow county
farmers are going to do away
with this mortgage business the
coming season.
“When the farmers suffer all
suffer,” was clearly demonstrated
during the three or four weeks,
which the writer spent casting
about in Colorado.
Do you know where your farm
tools are? If we were to judge
from our own experience some of
them ought to have been left
where they were made.
A. F. Reeves has filled his ice
house, having stored away about
twenty-five tons. Such an
amount seems to be enough to sup
ply the whole community, but sev
eral others are arranging to put
up various amounts of this summer
The lending out of- any and all
sorts of implements to whoever
happens along, is a costly habit
that should be discouraged, as too
many people find it more conven
ient to “bowl up” regular than to
keep themselves supplied with
tools of any kind.
Not a few of the more impatient
people are demanding snow or
moisture of some sort which we
are sure to have in due time.
Nothing perhaps would be more
severe on stock at this time if we
were to have much snow. The
year of ’90 compares favorably
with the present condition of
After a number of hilarious
meetings, the Box Elder literary
society have about given up the
idea of meeting any longer. It is
regretable that a certain rogue
element are not content with their
own kind, but delight in showing
their rowdy nature with each op
Keep the best room open at all
times to the boys and girls and
let there be books and papers
ia abundance, from which
they may educate themselves.
This would seem to be far better
than to have the young folks
spending so much valuable time
in preparation for “the next dance/'
There are more good farm
houses iu the laud than ever be
fore and they are better furnished,
have more musical instruments,
more tasteful furniture, more to
please the cultivated tastes, and
more to minister to personal com
fort. And all this is increasing.
Of course there are farms and
farmers that must be excepted
but generally speaking farming
certainly pays as well here as
in a great many other places,
whose people and surroundings
are not to be compared with those
of Bed Willowr county.