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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1894)
The JftCook I’riknf*. By F. M. KIMMELL. $1.60 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. aLlThome print. The house has passed the in come tax. Ten cents a gallon has been put on whisky by the house. Maj J. D. Klutcsh of the Lin coln Freie Presse died Sunday morning. The Braxilian insurgents will bo better able to know “old glory” in future. The Burlington system controls in Iowa enough it seems to have John H. Gear elected United States senator. Charles E. Reed of the Ara pahoe Mirror was appointed post master at Arapahoe on Tuesday of this week. Congratulations. The World-Herald chronicles the recent death of a little boy, in Omaha, by starvation; and within a stone throw of the great smelt ers. The Nebraska dailies each and all of them have the exclusive world’s fair portfolios and the weeklies all and singular have tbe largest circulation. The December school apportion ment was finally seut out, tbe close of last week. We hope this is not a sample of the state treas urer’s promptness. Haish manual training school, a'highly prized adjunct of the Wesleyan University at Lincoln, was destroyed by fire Sunday night. It will be a sad loss to the Wesleyan. The seventeenth annual encamp ment of the department of Nebras ka will convene at Lincoln on Wednesday, the 21st day of Feb ruary', at 2 o’clock, in the house of representatives. The secretary of the treasury has already received bids for two hundred million dollars worth of the fifty million dollars worth of bonds advertised to be sold by the government. First come, first served. The issuing of $50,000,000 bonds will receive no endorsement or encouragement in the west- It may suit bankers, but it wont suit the common people and tax pay ers. There are ways of settle ment without giving the money power au additional grip on the U. S. treasury. The township organization law for the government of counties has not proven au unmixed blessing in Nebraska. To saddle a small leg islature upon tbe tax-payers of a county in which three commission ers could do the work as efficiently and as honestly is of doubtful ex {>ediency.-—Omaha Bee. The State Journal occasionally lapses into making statements which startle one by their frank ness. The following is not with out the possibility of truthful ap plication in Nebraska, too! ilTlie growth of the opposition to the republican machine in New York is beginning to startle the old time politicians. The outlook for a general over-hauling of the poli tics of the Empire state is flatter ing. It will be a good thing to have a revivified and renovated re publican party on hand to take care of the responsibilities that will come with the offices that the party is to capture in coming elec tions.” (PUBLISHKD BY AUTHORITY.) Commissioners’ Proceedings. Indlanola. Nebraska, January 22.1H94. Hoard of county commissioners met pursu ant ti adjournment. Full board present. The following claim was audited and allow ed and clerk directed to draw a warrant on the county general fund levy of 1893 as follows: Sidney Dodge, livery hire. I8 60 The board made an examination of the ac counts of E. R. Ranks, sheriff, and from his fee book find that he received In fees from January 1st, 1893, to December 31st, 1893, six teen hundred fifty-seven and ninety-eight one hundredth dollars. Board continued examination of accounts of W.T. Henton during the day. Board ad journed to meet January 24th, 1894. Attest: 8amcbl Youns, Geo. W. llouer. Clerk. Chairman. January “Ath, 1891. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Full board present. Tbe following claims were audited and al lowed and clerk directed to draw warrants on general fnnd levy of 1893: John Whittaker, overseer, annual settle ment district No. 8.$10.00 W. T. Henton, postage and express paid.. 57.16 W. O. Bond, cop) log bar docket. 13 00 Barnett Lumber Co., coal and lumber.... 59.64 And on county bridge fund levy as follows: James K. McDowell, work on bridges....$ 2.26 Tbe following claim was rejeoted: J. O. Oakley, hoard of E G. Smith.$17.15 Petition of M. M. Monsel, W. H. Olmstead et al., asking for tbe location of a public road, read and considered. Tbe board find that all owners of land along line of proposed road have given their consent In writing thereto. On motion same is granted establishing a pub lic road as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner ef sec tion 10, thence south on section line to south east corner of said section 10, terminating thereat, all in township 4, range 26. . Petition of R. P. High. Charles A. Johnson, Jr., el al. asking for the location of a public road, read and considered. The board And that all the requirements of law have been fully complied with. On motion petition is granted establishing a public road as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of sec tion 35. running thence north on the section line il/t miles, terminating at the southeast corner of the northeast quarter of section 11, all in township 4. range 26. Clerk directed to draw warrants on county general fund as follows: C. Crabtree, commissioner of road 285_(5 80 E. R. Banks, serving notices. 4.50 On motion the following precinct officers were appointed to fill vacancies: Andy Barber, assessor Fritsch. Andy Barber, overseer road district 28. John w. Randal, overseer road district 38. James Doyle, overseer road district 40. William Scarson, overseer road district 41. John Kaiser, overseer road district 42. Frank Brown, overseer road district 43. Frank Schmoldt, overseer road district 13. On due investigation the board find that cer tain road districts are too large and should be subdivided, and cn motion the following changes were made: Road district 19, west half of township 4, range 30. to be known as road district 19. Road district 38, east half of township 4. in range 30 to be known as road district 38. Road dlstrict26. west half of township 3, in range30. to be known as road district 26. Road district 40, east half of township 3, in range 30. to be known as road district 40. Road district 41, west half of township 1, in range 27, to be known ns road district 41. Road district 24. east half of township 1, in range 27. to be known as road district 24. Road district 18. west half of township 1, in range 26. to be known as road district 18. Road district 41, east half of township 1, in range 26, to be known as road district 42. Road district 43. west half of township 2, in range 27, to be known as road district 43. Road district 13, east half of township 2, in range 27, to be known as road district 13. Application of J. H. Bayston, county super intendent of public instruction, asking for an increase in salary, read and considered and on motion granted, fixing the salary of county superin'endent of public instruction at nine hundred dollars per annum. Petitions of the various county officers ask ing for deputy and clerk hire for the year 1894 were read and considered. On motion granted fixing the number and compensation for deputies and assistants as follows, to-wit: E. R. Banks, sheriff, is allowed one deputy at (700.00 per annum. A. H. Barnes, treasurer, is allowed one dep uty at (700.00 per annum. Geo. W. Roper, county clerk, is allowed one deputy at $700 00. and two or more assistants at salary not to exceed (600 00 per annum for both or more. Mr. Thomas voting "no.” In the matter of the estimate of the neces sary expenses during the ensuing year. On motion the estimate for the same for the year 1894 was fixed upon as follows: County general fund.(15,000 County bridge fund. 8,000 County road fund. 5.000 County bond fund. 1,000 Indianola predinct bond. 200 North Valley precinct bond. 900 East Valley precinct bond. 200 Willow Grove precinct bond. 1,500 Bartley village bond. 400 Soldiers’ relief. 500 On motion the following official bonds were examined and approved: Andy Barber, assessor Fritsch precinct. Andy Barber, overseer district No. 28. J. F. Rollins, overseer district No. 10. Board adjourned to meet January 25th, 1894. Attest: Samuel Foubg, Geo. W. Roper,Clerk. Chairman. January 25th. 1894. Hoard met pursuant to adjournment. Full board present. The board having examined the accounts of Charles W. Beck, county judge, find that he has received in fees from January 1st. 1893. to January 1st. 1894. six hundred rorty-eight and eighty-five one hundredths dollars. On motion the following claims were audit ed and allowed: J. C. Shumaker & Co., merchandise for W.H. Kussell.$ 3.70 C. W. Beck, court fees in state versus John Doe. -. 3.40 C. W. Beck, court fees in state versus McClung. 5.45 H. Crabtree, constable's fees in state vs. McClung. 6.20 Frank Kellogg, witness's fee in state vs. McClung. 2.00 W. B. Wolfe, witness’s fee In state vs. McClung. 1.50 Cliff. Paley,witness's fee in state versus McClung. 1.10 W. H. Campbell, witness's fee in state versus McClung. 1.60 Agent B. & M. K. H. Co., freight on car of scrapers. 134 00 Adam Briggle, repairing chimney of jail 13.55 W. 0. Bond, Insanity fees Wm. Divine.. 7.25 F. W.Kskey, M. D., insanity fees William Divine. 8.00 J. H. Berge, insanity fees Wm. Divine.. 3.00 G. K. Banks, insanity fees Wm. Divine 63.83 John Divine, Insanity fees Win. Divine rej. Charles 9. Squires, insanity fees In ease of William Divine. rej. WiillHm Uymer. Insanity fees in cose of William Divine. rej. A. 0 Modi, Insanity fees in case of Wm. Divine. rej. Mary L. Divine, Insanity fees In ease of Wiillam Divine. rej. II. H. Merry, court fees state vs. Lesser rej. J. H. Dwyer, court fees state vs. Lesser rej C.J. Kyan, services as commissioner. . 00 30 Samuel as cpmmlssloner 68 90 J. W. Thomas, services as commissioner 55.90 The board having made a careful examina tion of the accounts of W. T. Hunton, county treasurer, find that the following statement Is a true and correct account of all monies col lected, disbursed and remaining on hand at the close of business on January 3d, 1894, in eaub and all of the several funds from Janua ry 1st, 1893, to January 3d, 1894, both inclusive: (See statement) January 25th, 1894. Received of board of county commissioners of Red Willow county, Nebraska, thirty thou sand eight hundred thirty-one and forty-six one hundredths dollars as funds of Red W illow county. >30.831.46. A. H. Barnes. County Treasurer. On motion board adjourned to meet Janua ry 27th, 1894. Attest: Bamuel Young, Qeo. W. Roper. Clerk. Chairman. Indianola, Nebraska. January 27th, 1894. Board or count}-commissioners met pursu ant to adjournment. Full board present. On motion A. H. Barnes, county treasurer, was ordered to give an additional bond of $40. 000.00 to Red Willow county, and have same on file in county clerk's (Bice wltbin 10 days from this date as provided by section 2.998 of statutes or !»93. The county treasurer having designated the First National bank of McCook, Nebraska, as the bank in which to deposit tbe county mon ey the board on motion approved tbe followin g bond: Know All Men by These Presents: That we. The First National bank of McCook, county of Red Willow, state of Nebraska, as principal, and Geo. Hocknell, A.Campbell.W F. Lawson, V. Franklin, Sam Strasser, C. L. DeGroff, J. A. Wilcox, as sureties, are held and firmly bound unto the people of tbe county of Red Willow, state of Nebraska, in the just and full sum of forty thousand dollars for the payment of which well aud truly to be made we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and ad ministrators jointly aud severally by these presents. Sealed with our seals and dated this 25th day of January, A. D„ 1894. Whereas, Tbe said bank in consideration of said deposit of certain of the monies of the county of Red Willow county for safe keeping with and iu The First National bank of Mc Cook, county of Red Willow, state of Nebras ka, the amount of which shall be subject to withdrawal or diminution by said treasurer as the requirements of the county shall demand and which amount may be increased or de creased as the said treasurer may determine; and whereas, Tbe said bank in consideration of said deposit and for the privilege of keep ing the same has agreed to and will pay to tbe people of the county of Red Willow. In the state of Nebraska, the sum of 3 per cent, per annum on account ot said deposit, the same shall be paid quarterly upon tbe daily average of tbo sum of such amount as the said bank shall have on deposit to the credit of said county, or any of the funds thereof, for the quarteror any fraction thereof, next preced ing the payment of said per centum, which shall be computed and credited to the account of fund or funds so deposited and as a part of the said county funds, and tbe county treas urer to be at once notified of said credit and the amount thereof. Now, therefore. If the said First National bank of McCook, county of Red Willow, state of Nebraska, shall at tbe end of every month renderto tbe county treasurer a statement in duplicate showing the daily balauceof county funds held by it during the mouth next pre ceding and the accretions thereof and now tbe same had been considered, aud shall well and truly keep said sums of money so depos ited or to be deposited as aforesaid subject to tbe check or order of the county treasurer as aforesaid, and sha'I pay over the same and each and every part thereof upon the written demand of the county treasurer, aud shall estimate, calculate and pay said per centum as aforesaid, and to him as shall be by him demanded, and shall in all respects save and keep the people of tbe county of Red Willow and tbe said county treasurer harmless and indemnified for and by reason of the making of said deposit or deposits, then this obi igation shall be void and of no effect, otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue. First National Bank of McCook, By Geo. Hocknell, Piesident. Geo. Hocknell. (Seal.) A. Campbell. (Seal.) W. F. Lawson. (Seal.) V. Franklin. (Seal.) Sam. Strasser. (Seal.) C. L. DeGroff. (Seal.) J. A. Wilcox. (Seal.) On motion board adjourned to meet Febru ary 9th,1894. Attest: Samuel Youhg, Geo. W. Roper, Chairman. County Clerk. Stockholders’ Meeting. Notice is hereby given that the annual meet ing ot the stockholders of The McCook Irri gation and Water Power Co. will be held at the secretary’s office in McCook on Wednes day, Feb. 7th, 1894, for the purpose of electing directors and transacting such other business as may come before said meeting. McCook, Neb., Jan. 3d, 1894. Charles A. Hanna, President. Charles H. Meeker, Secretary. 33-5ts. TYRONE NEWS. The chinook has abated. There is some good laud yet for rent. Tyrone attended the farmer's institut almost en-masse. Mr. Everett Moore is to move onto his land here shortly. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Kimpton, a girl. This is their first child. Mr. C. S. Blair deserves much praise for getting his children to school every day of the four mouths term just ended. Our Epworth League, with J. C. Moore president, is progressing finely. A reading course has been taken up by the League members. Established 1886. Strictly One Price. .. \_/ rrrrr.-;# THK Famous Clothing Co. We Continue this Our Fifteenth .of. WINTER COOPS Liberal Discounts in Prices to Make Them Move Rapidly. “4“’ JONAS ENGEL, &__Manager. The Arlington House. Rates $1.00 Per Day. Refurnished and Refitted. f3jr°First-class Accommodations. J. S. CULBERTSON, Proprietor. A. J. KITTENHOUSE. C. H. BOYLE. KITTEN HOUSE & BOYLE, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW McOOOK. NBB. IT K. KELLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. AGENT LINCOLN LAND CO. MCCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. Office: In rear of First National Bank. R. A. COLE, -LEADING MERCHANT - TAILOR OF MCCOOK. Has just received his fall and win ter stock of Cloths and Trimmings which will be made up as reason able as possible. Shop first door west of Barnett Lumber Co.’s of fice, on Dennison ftreet. J. A. GUNN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON MCCOOK.NEBRASKA. JSS^Offici—Fiont rooms over Lowman & Son's store. Residence 402, McKarlaud st., two blocks north of McEmee hotel. Prompt attention to all calls. Notice for Bids. County clerk’s estimate of books, blanks and stationery required for the Red Willow county officers during the year 1894, and which by law are not required to be furnish ed by the state, this 27th day of January, a. d„ 1894. BOOKS. 3 8-quire canvas cover, patent back, mort gage records. 2 8-quire canvas cover, patent back, deed records. 1 8-quire canvas cover, patent back, miscel laneous record. 1 8-quire canvas cover, printed, official bond record. 3 8-quire complete records. I 8-quire printed, indexed, trial docket. 1 8-quire printed, canvas cover, appearance docket and fee book. 1 8-quire printed execution docket. BLANKS. 200 court wrappers, clerk of district court. 200 transcript of judgment wrappers, clerk of district court. 100 insanity blanks, clerk of district court. 1000 full sheet blanks, indorsed, clerk of the district court. 1000 half sheet blanks, indorsed, clerk of the district court. 500 full sheet appraisals, sheriff. 500 half sheet petit jury, sheriff. 500 summons, sheriff. 500 subpoenas, sheriff. Wa ff Paper . * ♦ Remnants VERY CHEAP. We can sell you a very Good Paper for what you will pay for a Cheap One. L. W. McConnell & Co. TARIFF OR NO TARIFF! We offer Goods in all departments at Lower Prices than any other house in the Republican Valley. Below we give a list of a few of the many bargains we are offering: 12 papers of pins for..$ .10 Best 100-yard spool silk for.07 Any and all kinds of dress stays, per set.10 Best ginghams, twelve yards for. 1.00 Best apron check gingham, sixteen yards for. 1.00 Common apron check gingham, twenty-five yards for 1.00 The very best calicos, twenty yards for. 1.00 Shirting, Ticking, all lines of Dress Goods, Notions, etc., at lower prices than they have ever before been sold for anywhere. Visit our store and get our prices on our entire line of Canned Goods, a choicer line of which are not to be found in this country east of California. Call on us at once. STATIONERY. 1000 No. 10 envelopes, rag xxx, sheriff. 1000 No. 6 envelopes, rag xxx, sheriff. 3000 noteheads, Tibs., clerk of district court. 1000 No. 10 envelopes, rag xxx, clerk of the district court. 2 letter files, clerk of the district court. 2000 No. 6 envelopes, rag xxx, clerk of the district court. 500 No. 10 envelopes, rag xxx, superintend ent. 500 No. 9 envelopes, ragxxx.superinteiident. 500 No. t> envelopes,rag xxx,superintendent. 500 noteheads. Tills., superintendent. 2000 letterheads, 12lbs., comity clerk. 3000 No. 10 envelopes, rag xxx, county clerk. 2090 No. 0 envelopes, rag xxx, county clerk. 6 reams linen legal cap. 1 gross Faber No. 2 lead pencils. 2 quarts of mucilage. 12 quarts Arnold’s ink. 6 gross of Gillott’s pens. 3 boxes Arnold’s assorted robber bauds. 2 dozen cork tipped penholders. 1 quart Carmine ink. The furnishing of the foregoing books, blanks and stationery will be let in separate contracts, to the lowest competent bidder, who shall give bonds for the faithful perfor mance of his contract with at least two good and sufficient sureties, residents of the stat°. Said bond to be approved by the county board. Separate sealed bids will be received at the office of the comity clerk up to one o’clock, p. m„ March 20th, 1894. Bids to be endorsed upon covering “bids for blanks,” “bids for books,” as the case may be. and the bidder’s name. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. QEO w . ROPER, Feo.2-4ts. County Clerk. Our Grocery Stock Is complete in every department at unheard-of prices. Se us before purchasing. It will pay you to come and see our line of Ladies’, Misses’, Children’s and Gents’ Shoes, even if you have to come one hundred miles just for that purpose. J3r”Prompt attention to mail orders. J. A. WILCOX & SON.