The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 26, 1894, Image 5
“The Star of Jupiter” beamed with ex ceptional brilliancy in the A. O. U. W. hall last Saturday night. A large com pany gathered to hear what was said. A brief lecture was delivered by the Su preme Lecturer, D. L. McBride, after which, in the neighborhood of fifty were obligated as members of the order. The prospects are good for a lodge of over 200 members, beforejthe charter closes. After the obligation was administered, four parties—two ladies and two gentlemen— were initiated, showing the working of the new ritual by a selected team. The ritual gave the best of satisfaction to those who witnessed it. Then followed the election of officers for the ensuing year. The following ladies and gentle men were elected to fill the offices of the lodge: W. M. Eaton, President; Mrs. J. A. Wilcox, Vice President; C. A. Ward, P. President-J. H. Yarger,Chaplain; Miss Minnie Stroud, Secretary; Mrs. G. A. Noren, Treasurer; A. G. Bump, Con ductor; P. A. Wells, Collector; ConJ. Ryan, Inside Guard; L. W. Cox, Outside Guard; Z. L. Kay, Lodge Physician. After the closing ceremonies the people dispersed, well pleased with the even ing’s work. A public installation of the officers above named, will occur next Saturday night. “The McCook building association,” said Bank Examiner Cline after his rec ent and thorough examination, “ranks as one of the two best conditioned asso ciations in the state." Under the cir cumstances of general business depres sion, this statement coming from one who is certainly in a position to know where of he speaks, is highly gratifying indeed. And the indications now point to an ear ly improvement in the business of the association. Borrowers are becoming more numerous and the rate of premium has somewhat increased accordingly'. $1,250 were loaned at the last meeting. With the early approach of spring the association confidently expects an active demand for their surplus money. Be sides disposing of the routine business, an auditing committee composed of J. E. Kelley, R. B. Simmonds and E. F. Harmon was appointed to audit the Secretary’s books. Some of the people who have been laboring for what is known as road 282, cr the Andrew Carson road, for the past six years, are as mad as a whole coop full of wet hens over the recent action of the commissioners, in reconsidering their action of December 28 in opening that road to the public, and in n o w ordering the closing of that road, after considerable trouble, treasure and labor have already been expended on the road. One of the prime movers in securing the road informs the writer that the road will be kept open at all hazards, inti mating with a business sparkle in his eyes, that the people of that locality proposed to have a road to town if wire fence cutters and shot-guns and earnest men could do it. The principal bone of contention seems to be the fact that the road runs through the Hirsch ranch. It is to be regretted that this troublesome question has been re-opened. Wednesday of last week, while shell ing corn on the Hatfield ranch, Will Wright, eldest son of James Wright of Danbury precinct, met with a frightful accident, which will sadly cripple him for life. While oiling the power in mo tion he slipped and fell, his left hand being horribly crushed in the gearing. Dr. Gunn was quickly summoned and the injured member was amputated at the wrist. The young man is getting along nicely. He was endeavoring to shell 16,000 bushels of corn within six days, hence did not stop to oil up, to gain time. His misfortune is greatly deplored by his many friends. The recent report from the Nebraska experiment station shows that the Rus sian thistle, one of the rankest and most dangerous of tumble weeds, has gained quite a foot hold in Nebraska, being es pecially- thick in those counties having a considerable Russian settlement. Bull etin No. 31 gives a complete description of this noxious weed, with illustrations, and any interested farmer can secure a copy by sending to the experimental station of the Nebraska university at Lincoln. One-fourth of this state i s more or less infected, Red Willow county but very slightly. Farmers should be on guard, however. As a number of indignant citizens on the hill have loaded their shot guns with buckshot, and are on the lookout for the j scamp, there is an encouraging probabil ity that the Peeping Tom who has late ly been frightening people in that part of the city will come to grief. If the fellow should get a hand full of cold, unsympathetic lead in his oreide carcass, the mourners would be few. At the late state fireman’s meeting in Beatrice the McCook fire department was recognized by the election of Chief Bennett as second vice president of the state association. Colonel Sutton is disconsolate and in consolable over the death of his highly prized hunting dog, the close of last week. __ Contractor John Shepherd is building a house 14x22 feet in dimension for G. A. Noren on his farm four miles north east of the city. SHIRTS TO ORDER. Dress or negligee. Large line of sam ples to select from. We take your meas ure and guarantee fit and prices. Famous Clothing Co. The city council did not meet Wed nesday night, because of the illness of his honor, the mayor. The old settler who was fearful that we wouldn't have any winter, disappear ed in Tuesday’s blizzard. — Two of the Frederick dwellings in West McCook have been purchased by C. L. Miller, the restaurant man. The children of the primary grades had a half day session of school, Tues day, on account of the storm and severe cold. __ A. P. Sharp has received notice from the pension department, that his pension has been increased, entitling him to $12 per month._ On account of the cold the upper grades of the east ward building were dismissed, Tuesday morning. Insufficient radiation is given as the cause of the inability to properly heat the building. The thermometer remained lower all day, Tuesday, than during any day this winter. It averaged ten degrees below zero, and with the high wind that pre vailed made bitter, cutting weather. Deputy Collector Ballew is in receipt of a personal letter from Collector North warmly commending and congratulat ing him upon the neatness and correct ness of his report rendered recently. Ed. is a model of neatness and accuracy. An article in one of the Harper publi cations, by Mrs. Theodore Thomas, ad vocates the organization of school orches tras. Perhaps she has heard of McCook’s promisiug orchestra. The idea is a good one, anyhow, and has the sanction of the wife of one of the world’s most fam ous directors of orchestras. If some of ou^country contemporaries would spend less space on headlines, in imitation of the cities dailies, it seems to us they would come nearer giving their patrons the worth of their money. We frequently pick up country weeklies about one eighth of each page of which is taken np by head lines. County Superintendent Bayston's sal ary has properly been raised by the com missioners from $Soo to $900 per annum, the sum to which he is entitled under the law. Mr. Bayston has made Red Willow county a faithful and efficient superintendent, and is entitled to t h e salary. He is a level-headed, earnest and indefatigable worker. The Tribune is really mellowed to tears over the disinterested concern ex pressed for us over our possible losses in securing the countyr printing, by Colonels Peterson and Mitchell. But we will sus pend our lachrymose demonstrations at any time long enough at least to take jSioo,000.00 more of the same business at the same profit. So, boys, sorrow no more. _____ Mesdames A. Campbell, Z. h. Kay,W. C. LaTourette and Samuel Strasser, gave a most delightful dancing party, Mon day evening, in the south rooms of the A. O. U. W. temple, to a large company of young folks of the city. Thirty-five couples enjoyed the open and bountiful hospitality of the ladies. A lavish spread of refreshments was made early in the evening, which was appreciated by all. After which dancing occupied the rest of the evening. Prof. Radtke’s orchestra provided the music. The affair is described as being one of the most clever and charming of the season. Superintendent J. M. C. Jones, of the Beatrice Canning factory, has leased fifty acres ofland on the Eccles’ farm bot toms, just below the Chautatuqua grounds, and will make the experiment of irrigating the same for tomato grow ing purpcses. The intention is to steam pump the water from the river to the crest of the hill above the tract into a big ditch, and then run lateral ditches down through the tract. Mr. Jones is thorough ly acquainted with the question of irri gation and will make a practical demon stration of its utility in this section. He expects to raise about twenty tons of to matoes to the acre on this tract, which at $7 per ton will net him a very snug sum of money, and will more than re pay any outlay for the experiment, as he has already contracted with the can ning company for all the tomatoes he can raise. The experiment will be watch ed with the utmost interest by the can ning company and Beatrice citizens gen erally. The product per acre of tomatoes throughout this county, ordinarily is from eight to ten tons, and sometimes in off seasons, like last year the supply of tomatoes for the season’s pack has not met with the demand by any means. About February ist, the canning com pany will begin making contracts with Gage county farmers for the season. To matoes will average $7 per ton and sweet corn $5 per ton. The green corn crop will average in ordinary years about three tons per acre, for which $5 is paid by the canning company, hence it will be observed that the outlook for produce growers is extremely encouraging in this immediate locality.—Beatrice Express. Eastern Star. A chapter of the order of the Eastern Star was instituted under dispensation in this city, Tuesday evening, by W. G. P., Dr. H. A. Turton, and W. G. M., Mrs. Anna F. Musselman. The following are the officers of the chapter: E. E. Low man, worthy patron; Mrs. Thomas Wilkinson, worthy matron: Mrs. David Magner, assistant matron; Mrs. C. M. Noble, conductress; Mrs. Z. L. Kay, as sistant conductress; J.D.Robb, secretary; Mrs. Sylvester Cordeal, treasurer; Mrs. E. C. Ballew, Ada; Mrs. A. Snyder,Ruth; Mrs. C. W. Bronson, Esther; Mrs. Will Smith, Martha; Mrs. H. H. Easterday, Electa; Mrs. C. W. Keim, warder; Mrs. J. E. Kelley, organist; W. H. Boecke, tyler. The banquet served during the evening was a marvelous collection of substantials and delicacies. The chapter starts out with a member ship of forty, and promises to soon grow into one of the foremost in the state. Charley Younce has charge of W. C. Bullard’s lumber yard, at Culbertson. John Tonelson, deputy U. S. Marshal, Red Cloud, was in the city yesterday. First of the week, George E. Thomp son disposed of his safe to Dr. A. P. Welles. __ Charley Knights is out an even V, be cause of Mitchell’s inability to knock out Corbett. The Knights of Pythias moved their headquarters into the A. O. U. W. tem ple, this week. Menard's delivery team took a spin up Dennison street yesterday forenoon. No serious results, however. Tuesday's cold snap was general, and the coal dealer’s smile reached almost ocean to ocean, pole to pole. Coleman precinct has been divided into two road districts. Mr. Randell is the overseer of the eastern district. A good many housewives mourn the loss of their choicest flowers as a result of Jack Frost’s chilly visitation. Tuesday night. _ The Uniform Rank K. P. will give a ball, forepart of the coming month, date of which will be given iu next week’s Tribune. __ McCook will have a cabinet officer in Major McKinley’s cabinet. Just think of the honor that will be subjunctively thrust upon us! M. Altshuler vs. Snyder and Brewer is the title of a petition in error filed in the supreme court from Red Willow county, yesterday, involving an attachment, says Wednesday’s Journal. Early Wednesday morning, the ther mometer registered from 18 to 28 degrees below zero, the difference being due to location, exposure and accuracy of the thermometers, no doubt. A strong lodge of the new order of “Star of Jupiter” will soon be instituted in Culbertson. One is also being work ed up in Danbury and vicinity. By Jupi ter the Star is a go and a winner. Just watch its growth. Eli Perkins got there before quite a fair-sized audience, in the opera house, Tuesday evening, considering the sever ity of the weather. Eli handled his new topic, “Fun and Fact in China and Japan.” in his same old interesting way. This week, James Wright of Danbury precinct purchased of John Calkins the west half of section 18 in township 1, range 28, for $3,200. Every foot of the half section is tillable. This gives Mr. Wright five quarter sections of land on the fertile Beaver slope. So little concern was felt iu this city over the outcome of the Corbett-Mitchell fight that the Western Union experienc ed considerable difficulty in securing the $20 asked for the detailed account of the fight by rounds. Civilized people have less use for such brutal exhibitions each recurring year. Wednesday evening, Mr. Orville S. Burnett of our city and Miss Grace Elder Anderson of Hastings were united in marriage. They will be at home in this city after February first. The Tribune extends its congratulations to the happy, couple. May their married life be one of prosperity and contentment. They are figuring on voting bonds for a new school house out in the Houlihan district, but we understand that a deed will have to be secured for the land on which the building is to be erected, be fore bonds can be secured. Mr. Hock nell’s school section 16 is the proposed and present location of their school house. The member from Podunk having called the one from Oskosh an ass, he was vigorously called to order by the speaker. Of course he at once apolo gized, withdrew the offensive term, etc., “but,” he added, pointing the slow mov ing finger of scorn, “the gentleman from Oskosh is himself out of order.” “How am I out of order?” demanded the in dignant and hitherto silent member. “I don’t know—possibly the veterinary sur geon could tell you.” RELIGIOUS MATTERS. Services in the Lutheran church, Sun day morning and evening, by Elder Mc Bride. Episcopal services, morning and even ing Sunday, in Masonic hall, by Rector Durant. Services will be held morning and evening, Sunday next, at the M. E. church. Rector Frank Durant has been absent, this week, in Trenton, Haigler and Im perial, on church work. Rev. George Taylor of Indianola, will preach in the Congregational church on next Sunday, morning and evening. The trustees of the M. E. church met Monday evening, and elected the follow ing officers: Dr. A. P. Welles, president; J. A. Wilcox, secretary; M. W. Eaton, treasurer. We understand that a member of our Benevolent society recently made diligent inquiry throughout the city, but was un able to find any family that would take public charity. We may have, and doubtless do have, some poor people. But they have sufficient pride to make them rustle for their living. Which fact is a matter of pride to us. Labor is always honorable. PROGRAMME Of Red Willow County Teachers’ Asso ciation, to be held in Indianolaon Satur day, February 24th, 1894. TEN O’CLOCK, A. M. The First Reading Mind..Vivian Gossard Paper.Tilla Hotze Drawing in the Public School, Alice J.Dye Relation Between Book Knowledge and Education.Lena Hill Classification in Country Schools. . . .Addie Hanlein The Foreigner in Our Schools. .Clarence Whittaker 1:30 O’CLOCK, P. M. Corporal Punishment.Belle Taylor Things not Taught in Books,Morley Piper The Use of Pictures in Education . .Mrs. Wood How I Regard Whispering. .Lindley Grisell Writing.Mrs. Teal The New Education.Charles Yont The Difference Between Order and Discipline.Margaret Underwood Speech.William Valentine Inasmuch as the value of an association meeting comes very largely from the dis cussions of papers it is very earnestly de sired that those in attendance will have previously considered the subjects pre sented and be prepared to express opin ions thereon. Those expecting to be present at this meeting will please drop Supt. Bayston a card to that effect. Sam Pinkerton, 1 Anna Holland, [- Com. E. E. Hayes, ) A Sad and Fatal Accident. Word reached this city, last night, of the instant and tragic death of Frank Albrecht, manager of the Stewart ranch on Dry creek, a few miles south of the city. The deceased was engaged in fell ing a tree, which in falling lodged against the bank of the creek. When a limb that was holding the tree was cut off the tree fell back across the unfortunate man’s body. As the swaying tree lurch ed again, his companion succeeded in pulling his body from under the tree, Mr. Albrecht immediately expiring. The deceased leaves a wife and seven young children to mourn his early and sudden death. He was a member of the A. O. U.W. lodge of this city, in which he car ried $2,000 insurance. He was a fine citi zen, a loving husband and father. His tragic death is generally and most sin cerely deplored. Accommodation for Teachers. County superintendent Bayston will hold a four weeks institute in McCook, beginning July 9th. He wishes to ar range for board and lodging for the teachers and others who will attend. He requests that persons interested consider the following conditions, and communi cate with Miss Rachel Berry, principal of the high school, as soon as possible,in order that the plans may be perfected. How many ladies or gentlemen can you lodge? How many can you board? To how many can you furnish both board and lodging? Please state terms distinct ly. It is hoped that ample accommoda tion can be secured at reasonable rates for all who desire to attend. The Danbury Budget. Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Mart Scarrow, a son. Little Johnny Ruby is very sick with lung fever. Mr. Leisure is having the foundation laid for his new store building. Mr. Al. Andrus died at his home north west of this place, Monday, January 22d. Mr. Andrus has been a sufferer from con sumption for many months. He leaves a wife and four little children, who have the sincere sympathy of this community. Cards are out announcing the approach ing nuptials of Mr. James W. McKenna and Miss Louise Ignatius Hickey. This happy event will be duly solemnized in St. Patrick’s church of our city on the morning of Wednesday, January 31st, at ten o’clock. They will be at home to their many friends after April first. PEOPLE YOU KNOW. L. W. Snow of Lincoln visited his wife, the latter part of past week. W. S. Morlan was in Lincoln, Wed nesday, on supreme court business. J. A. Cordkal spent the closing days of last week in Broken Bow on business. Mrs. N. L. Cronkiiite came up from Hastings, Saturday night, on business matters. W. H.Gartside and family,who have been visiting John Shepherd, returned to Bartley, Sunday. James McNeny, the well known Red Cloud lawyer, was among the elect, Friday and Saturday last. Ex-Commissioner Graham was up from the Beaver, yesterday, on business before the local land officers. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carrutk came up from Plattsmouth, Saturday night, on a visit to the family here. Mose Stern of Hastings and Harry Stern of Holdrege were business guests of the best town in the valley, Monday. George E. Thompson is in Omaha, | looking after his business interests there. Mrs. Thompson accompanied him,where she will remain. Miss Ella Boyd, who has been a guest of C. L. DeGrofFs family for a few weeks, departed for her home on last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Custer and fam ily and Mr. Al. Custer of our city, are visiting relatives in the vicinity of Bine Springs, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Burnett went down to Hastings, Wednesday morning, to witness the marriage of their so« Orville S. on the evening of that day. Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey, parents of Mrs. A. Probst, are here from Inde pendence, Missouri, on a visit of a week or two. This is Mr. Probst’s first sight of his father-in-law. H. H. Berry goes to Lincoln, tomor row night, to organize a lodge, Star of Jupiter, among the colored people of the state capital. The Star of Jupiter shines for all, independent of color. Howard Finity was called down to Lincoln, close of last week, by the death of his sister Belle, who is well known to many of our young folks here. Diphthe ria, we understand, was the cause of death. Howaid and the family at Lin coln have the sympathy of many friends and acquaintances, in this city and vicin ity. Chicago newspapers have lately gone into merchandising in connection with their efforts to increase their circulation, to such an extent as to involve them in some difficulty with their large adver tisers who object to the low prices and good values offered. The most notable instance of this is the Inter Ocean, which was compelled to dispense with its very popular book department for no other reason. It continues its World’s Fair Portfolio Department, however,which is delivering about n,ooo per day at pres ent and has just added a comprehensive series of “Views of the World,’’ and a book'of music called “Harmonized Mel odies” on the same plan. They are sold at a certain price provided the purchaser presents a certain number of cupons cat from the paper. Chloride of lime, carbolic acid and other disagreeable things are to be driven out, so we are informed, by a new variety of disinfectants that are gifted with the most delightful odors. A French physi cian adds to the cheerfulness brought by this announcement by stating that deep inhalations from a handkerchief saturat ed in cologne water will check the most obstinate cold. If the cold is in the head the inhalation should be through the nose, if in the chest, through the mouth. It should be so vigorous that a burning sensation is felt. This soon passes away, however, and the cold goes with it. The boys who had their money up on Mitchell are now quite unanimously of the opinion that the lusty and brawny negro Jackson, can “lick” Corbett. But evidently Mitchell could not. And per haps Jackson can not. “The Lightning Rod Agent” drew out a fair house, last night. The perform ance is generally considered as having been good. “The Old Homestead" will soon be placed on the board? by the same company. Treasurer Barnes came up from In dianola, last night, to fix up his bond, which the commissioners have increased to $75,000, under the new law. We hear it stated that the I. O. O. F. people are thinking of moving their lodge headquarters into the Phillips Meeker building. Morris Corbett, sheriff of Saguache co un ty, Colorado, was in the city Wednesday night, on a visit to Commissioner Ryan. The annual election of m embers of the board of directors of the building asso ciation occurs early next month. The tariff question is now the bone of contention in the country debating so cieties and lyceums. A Startling Accident in Valley Grange Precinct. Last Thursday evening, just as the sun was lowering in the west, our quiet little neighborhood was startled by the report of a gun, followed by horrible screams. Dr. Critser knowing his only son Will had gone hunting a few minutes before, mounted his pony, never stopping to bridle her, and departed in the direction from whence came the report; at the same time, Ed. Benjamin hearing the scream, thinking something unusual must have happened, also started, ami when they reached the spot there he lay insensible—the coyote, usual sire ami beauty—Will’s face; well, it was some thing unusual to behold. Now if you want to see a smile as seldom eversmole. just ask Will if he ever shot a coyote. Court Calendar. Chasb.—February 19, December 3. Juries, February 20, December 4. Dundy.—April 9, December 10. Juries, April 10, December 11. Furnas.—February 5, September 17. Juries, February 6, September 18. Frontier.—March 5, October 15th Juries, March 6, October 16th. GospER.—April 23, November ntli. Juries, April 24, November 13. HayES.—April 30, Octolier 8. June-,, May r, October 9. Hitchcock.—May 14, October 29th Juries, May 15, October 30. Red Willow,—March 19, December 17 Juries, March 20, December 18. STILL SELLINC. For tire few days remaining you can buy Dry Goods very cheap at my store. I don’t want to pack a single piece of Dress Goods, Flannel, Linen, Outing, Lace or Embroidery, nor any other goods in the stock, ami if prices can induce they shall be sold. All Notions, Millin ery, Hats and Caps, and Furnishing Goods are being slaughtered to make a clean sweep. Remember, you can buy as wholesale and less every day. George E. Thompson, Store in the Land Office Building. The Home Market. Oat, .30 Wheat . .35 to .43 Corn . 20 Potatoes.80 Hogs $4.50 Hay. J6 to >8 Steers $3 to $4 Cows, $ 1.75 to $2.00 Butter. .15 Eggs..i2j< Flour .80 to $1.50 Feed.70 to .80 Farm Wanted From Owner. One hundred and sixty to 200 acres of land with some improvements, inside ol three to five miles of McCook, at lowest price for cash. Address, “E. L.," care McCook Tribune Fine Printing. We make a specialty of fine job print ing. Our samples of fashionable and ele gant stationery for invitations, programs, etc , is not excelled in Nebraska. Residence Lot for Sale. A desirable residence lot on Melvin street for sale. Price, very low, $225.00. Call at this office for particulars. This has been a disastrous week on the attendance per centage in oitr public schools. _ While butchering, yesterday, Bert Hewitt cut one of his hands severely 1 The present county treasurer went into office over $30 ,000 cash on hand. The county funds brought the county $199.00 in interest, last year. Richard Johnston of Valley Grange. :s on the sick list. A quiet weddmg occurred, this tWednes day) evening, at the home of the bride’:, mother, Mrs. H. H. Anderson, 815 Lexington avenue. Miss Grace E. Andersou was united to Mr. Orville Burnett of McCook. The cere mony was performed by Rev. H. O. Scott, of the Presbyterian church, in the presence of tie immediate relatives of the contracting parties. The happy couple left at 9 o’clock over toe Burlington for Denver, Salt Lake and other western points. They were accompanied a: far as McCook by Mr. and Mrs. J. Burnett, parents of the groom.—Hastings Correspon 1 ent of Lincoln Journal, Thursday. The Alliance Grip states that Train master J. C. Birdse". is visiting in Denver and Me r"rv*lr [ Mesdaraes C. A. Dixon and H. h. Lrc'.'i i will go to Denver, tonight, on a visit. Mrs. I-It. Wysong is down from Indian Creek precinct, Dundy county, receiving med ica! treatment Eider McBride commenced a serie.-. pro tracted meetings in the I rederick .- ! house on Monday evening There’s a new washee shop in town V, i' - f.ung is the celestial’s name, and sou*h Main avenue the location of the joint. Notice of Estimate of Expenses ; Ou consideration of the estimate of the ! necessary expenses during the ensuing year j On motion the estimate for same for the yeai 1394 was fixed upon as follows: County General Fund.$ 15,000 County Bridge Fund . 8.000 County Road Fund.. . 5,009 County Bond Interest Fund. 1,000 lndianola Precinct Bond.. 200 North Valley Bond. 900 East Valley Bond. . 200 Willow Grove Bond . 1,500 Bartley Village Bond. . . 400 Soldiers’ Relief Fund. 500 Action of board of county commissioner of Red Willow county, Nebraska, January 24th, 1894. Samuel, Young, Geo. W. Ro: Eli, Chairraai County Clerk Jan.20 4ts. I