The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 19, 1894, Image 6

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    for infants and Children.
' ‘ Custorla is ho well adapted to children that
C recommend it os superior to any proscription
known to mo.” JL A. Aacii::a, II. 1).,
Ill Co. Oxford Ct., Ilrooklyu, N. Y.
" The use ct ‘Castoria is so universal and
its merits so well known that it seems a work
of Kuiiereroijation to endorse it. Few are the
intelligent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy roach."
Cabuos Mabtyn, I). D.,
New York City.
Castorla cures Colic, Constipation,
Sour Stomach, Diarrhcoa, Eructation,
Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di
Without injurious medication.
“For several years I have recommended
your ‘Castoria,’ and jhall always continue t«»
do so as it has invariably produced benefici al
Edwin F. Pardee, M. D.,
125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City.
The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, New York City.
Wee^lg Triftt
.... AND....
^Address all orders to THE McCOOK TRIBUNE.
mam—w—rir—■rranariMf.rmjrm.,• -• inm i ■ !■■■—hhhiibinn—i—mairiiiTi—
BTU. J. WARREN, Manager.
B. & M. Meat Market.
F. S. WILCOX, Prop.
Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria.
Stock of Iron, Lead and Sewer Pipe, Brass Goods,
Pumps, and Boiler Trimmings. Agent for Halliday,
Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mills.
CABLED FIELD and HOG FENCING, 24 inches to 88 inches high; the best
ui. -purpose fence made. Also STEEL WEB PICKET PENCE for yards and lawns,
The most complete line of wire fencing of any factory in the country.
V’'rite for circulars. f
DE KALB FENCE CO., De Kalb, 111.
MANHOOD RESTORED! ThiflwoMterfQ?Kun5df
guaranteed to c ure al»nervous diseases, such as Weak Memory, Loss of Brala
ower, Headache, Wakefulness, Lost Manhood, Nightly Emissions, Nervous*
ness,all drains and loss of power in Generative Organs of either sex caused
by overexertion, ynuthfnl errors, excessive use of tobacco, opium or slim*
ulants, which Jpiva to IntSrmUy,Consumption or Insanity. Can be carrledftn
, vest pocket. ©1 p?r box.« for ©3, by mnil prepaid. With a ©3 order we
^rlvfi a vrrl-tengaa:-;*; r •*<-! o cure or refund the money. Sold by all
drc-. /-'viwi* V’rfte for free Medina I Book sent sealed
l. / VFiMEEt) CO., ;\!us(>i:lcTtfmple,Chicago.
--• ..t:.\-, ... «/. .'typnnell &. Co., Ii
He Sends an Illustrated Apology to All
Disappointed Children.
Hello! Hello! This is the North
Pole and I am Mr. Claus—Santa Claus,
you know. Have I got the United
States? 1 have? Well, that's what 1
want, for 1 wish to tell the children all
about something. What’s that? 1 can
not hear you. Please do not yell so in
the ’phone. There, that’s better.
What I wish to tell the children is that
I am very, very sorry they did not find
in their stockings all the presents they
asked me for before Christmas. I remem
bered every one of them and had them
all down in my books. Have you got
all that? All right. I made the most
careful preparations so that not a sin
■ gle child should be disappointed. 1
had 20,000,000 of little birds distrib
uted through every town to report to
me what presents the children were
wishing for, and my books up here at
the pole were kept by 10,000 of the best
polar bear bookkeepers in the arctic
But you know accidents will happen
even in the very best regulated Santa
Claus family. I came zipping down
from the pole in my sledge drawn by
50 reindeer, and was making very good
time—about 20 miles a minute—when
the forty-seventh reindeer cast a shoe,
and I had to drop down into the Maine
woods to have the shoe put on again.
I left my reindeer tied to a big tree
and was walking through the forest tor
a blacksmith when something dreadful
happened. It would take too long to
tell you about it, .and as my artist
friend, Frank Ver Beck, has made a
picture showing just what happened, 1
! send it to you by telephone.
Just take a good long look at the
picture and then you will understand
why that horn, and that drum, and that
sled, and those mittens, and that candy,
and all the other presents you wished
for were not in your stockings Christ
ianas morning. Goodby! Ting-ling-ling!
i Earle H. Eaton.
A Simple Trick.
Cut out a narrow strip of pasteboard
and join the ends together to form a
hoop. On the inner side of the hoop
fasten a small weight, such as a metal
button or a bit of sealing wax. Con
struct an inclined plane by placing a
| flat ruler on a table, with one end rest
! ing on a slight elevation, such as a pile
of books. Place the hoop on the incline
in such a position that the weight may
be slightly in front of the highest point
of the hoop, in the direction of the top
of the incline.
On releasing the hoop it will be found
to at once roll up the incline, in seem
ing defiance of the law of gravity. It
will increase the mystery if instead of
a hoop a round pasteboard box is used,
having a similar weight on the inside.
—Once a Week.
Tadpoles, Toads and Frogs.
When frogs and toads are verj’ young,
they are called tadpoles. They first ap
pear to be nothing but head and tail;
then, in a few days, four legs appear,
and then the tail disappears and the
little creature becomes a perfect frog.
In the tadpole state they live under wa
ter, but when they become frogs they can
only stay under the water a short time.
The Little Peer of Ireland.
The late Duke of Leinser, who died
of typhoid fever on Dec. 1, at Carton,
near Maynooth, is succeeded by his eld
est son, Maurice, marquis of Kildare,
who was born on March 1, 1887. There
are three other children—a daughter
and two sons. The new dnke succeeds
to the position of premier duke, mar
quis and earl in the peerage of Ire
land. For the beuefit of our little read
ers we present herewith a full length
picture of the young peer.
Dolly’s lovely hair
Floats toward her feet,
Dolly's girlish skirt
Shows her ankles neat:
She will always taste
Sorrow in her cnp.
Till her skirt is down
And her hair is npl
Dolly waits and waits.
With impatient pain.
Till she sees herself
Glorying in a train:
Till the happy hour
Fills with joy her cup.
When her skirt is down
And her hair Is up!
—New York Tribuna
How Their Franchise Came About and
How They Will He Likely to t:so It.
Stump speakers can now say “Fellow
citizens” in Colorado instead of "La
dies and gentlemen,” for, asaColorado
woman writes to the Chicago Tribune:
“We women of Colorado have equal
suffrage, or equal suffrage lias us. I
haven’t quite figured out which. The
women who came out of the dust and
smoke of battle with the light of vic
tory on their faces say we have suffrage
—and they ought to know, for they
studied it all up beforehand and knew
what it meant—and talk about prima
ries and polls with an easy familiarity
that is awe inspiring. But as for the
rest of us—well, we have lots to learn.
Of course we expected to get the right
to vote, but we find that carries a
great many other rights that we thought
the men would he good enough to at
tend to just as we wanted them to with
out leaving us any bother.
“It’s all the other way. First of all,
in the cities we have to register under
the Australian ballot Jaw, get under a
measuring machine, have the color of
our eyes determined and our weight
noted, and otherwise contribute to the
answering of 20 odd questions, among
which is the plump, point blank conun
drum, 'How old are yon?’ Distinguish
ing physical characteristics also go
down in the book. One woman naively
told the clerk she was a twin and has
not recovered her good temper yet. I
don’t know what awful result will fol
low if a couple of thousand women are
challenged a week or so before election
by the political machines.
“The next thing is that if women do
not take an interest in conventions and
primaries and all that, you know, they
will find their choice restricted to two
or three men with whose selection they
had nothing to do, and that does not
seein right. We must join in the push,
my husband says, while he chuckles
away. Unless some of the dear sisters
are belied, just the same, the men will
find out a thing or two. The very day
after election, when it was certain we
had won, the discovery was made that
the wives of several politicians, one
of them actually under an assumed
name, were members of the suffrage as
sociation and had begun to swing it for
their parties and incidentally, no doubt,
their husbands. Several offers of clerk
ships under the new county officers
were made, but to the honor of the
women who did the campaign work not
an offer was accepted, and the attempt
at influencing was exposed at the next
meeting. The association adopted a de
cisive 1:0 political plank and took meas
ures for the blackballing of political
women. We’re traveling on a high
plane, I tell you. I don't know how it
will work at the primaries, but it’s
Right after election the newspapers
took a wicked delight in pointing out
that since we had become voting citi
zens we were amenable to all the duties
of citizens and voters and would have
to do jury duty and militia duty and 1
don’t know how many other kinds of
duty. Then arose Attorney General
Engley—a very Solomon—and dug into
his books and found that, while the
state constitution made no distinction of
sex, various laws regarding jurors and
the militia contain the word male, which
lets us out of the work and leaves us all
the fun. Anyway, I’m sure we’ll get
along very nicely, even at the prima
ries, though I’m certain the men won’t
think conventions are conventions at
all if they can’t smoke and fight and
raise Old Ned. They have always had a
good deal more row in Denver at the
convention than on election day, and a
squad of deputy sheriffs usually sit on
the bench of the elect.
"How did we carry the election?
Well, 1 am blessed if I know that
either—whether we carried it at all or
not. I’m honestly inclined to believe
that the men gave us suffrage because
they thought there was no good argu
ment against it and that we ought to
have it. The men of this part of the
world are big, broad minded fellows,
and hold, too, much of that old time
western chivalry which made the lone
woman the safest of all the creatures in
a rough frontier town—the spirit which
to this day makes the toughest old
miner ready to fight at a moment’s no
tice for a woman in distress. The great
bulk of the vote against suffrage was
cast by men who were not opposed to
having women vote, but who do not
feel that women should mingle in poli
tics as politics has been. We say, and it
is on our knowledge of the man that we
base our saying, that politics in Colo
rado will hereafter be other than it has
been, and we will be safe in politics as
it will be. No Colorado assemblage
will tolerate ruffians who will insult
women directly or indirectly. You
will find the future showing that 1
know whereof 1 speak. The suffrage
machinery during the campaign was
not very powerful, and if the agitation
really accomplished anything the val
uable engine of its work was the press.
There was only one newspaper man in
the state who openly opposed suffrage, j
Some were a little lukewarm and many
said nothing, but the large dailies,
without exception, favored suffrage ed
A Dainty Room.
Dainty bedroom papers are much in
demand, and wonderfully beautiful
some of them are. The one fault in
rooms of any size is lack of character
and a eoni< what faded ensemble, but
even that has been obviated by a clever
device. In the home of a recent bride
of artistic tastes the walls of the guest
room are papered with a design of pale
pink upon creamy white ground, and
the defect of too pale tints is entirely
overcome by a bordering of olive car
tridge paper. Each of the four wails
b is become a panel, and the plain tint
r .ns around all sides, so that the sweet,
tender pinks are inclosed in a frame
an l the room as a whole gains the dig
nity that it desires.—American Uphol
stery Trade.
Wii'.dul Table DreMera.
English wov/,en are gradually nlisorb
ing the entire trade of shop window
dressing, an occupation still in the
hands of men here, as is the business of
table decoration, which in London is
usually ibowork of a woman in the
employ of the florist who provides the
greens and blossoms necessary. The
London decorator finds her efforts very
much assisted by the electric light,
which is now used instead of gas in
nearly all the better dwelling houses in
the English capital. A very much ad
mired decoration for a ducal dinner
party lately was made with a long,
low, gilded basket heaped with maiden
hair ferns and lilac eatfelayas; a great
lilac Basil was tied around the basket,
the ends straying far down the long
table, and the purple orchids overflowed
the basket and trailed among the rib
The table, of beautiful old oak. very
black and polished, had no tablecloth,
as is the fancy now, being veiled only
with two long strips of old lace. But
the unique feature of the decoration
was made possible by the electric chan
delier over the table. This had been
tapped by six electric wires, which
were wound with lilac silk floss, and
they furnished the illumination to six
little globes of delicate frosted lilac
glass that reared their heads among the
orchids and gave them the most beauti
ful unearthly sort of transparent bril
liancy.—American Woman’s World.
Helps In Fancy Work.
For some time past manufacturers
have made it their constant endeavor
to reduce the difficulties of fancy work,
especially those soils requiring the
threads and stitches to he counted.
Thanks to modern inventions, the work
er has scarcely to try her eyes and
need only follow tho course of a ready
marked pattern. Wo have wool work
with colored threads over the canvas,
indicative of every shade and figure
and small stencils for cross stitch
work. But a still greater novelty
eclipses all these workers’ aids, and
further facilitates both cross and other
fancy stitches. We refer to fully print
ed geometrical patterns, alike applica
ble to various styles of work, and as
such certain to find many friends. For
cross stitch we have not only lines, hut
regularly drawn stitches, clearly show
ing outlines, filling and ground, and de
spite all the saving of time and trouble
in counting, etc., these printed covers
cost very little more than plain mate
rial. Although fine enough to be fully
covered by the thread, the printed blue
marks do not rub off while working,
and every trace disappears after the
first washing or cleaning.—Season.
Kins’* Daughters <»!' Damascus.
Straying through the Turkish bazaar
ono afternoon last sunnm r was a sweet
faced woman wearing upon !: r breast a
silver cross tied with a bit of purple
ribbon. Suddenly one of the Turkish
girls at a booth leaned forward and
touched the silver cross and said "Hul
loa, sister,” in quaint adaptation of the
American greeting, and then in sweet
and broken English she added, “I’m
the King’s Daughter, too, but I only
wear the cross on Sundays for fear I
should lose it.” And “Where are you
from?” eagerly questioned the woman
with the silver cross. “From Damas
cus, the oldest city in the world,” an
swered the Turkish girl.
And ‘' How long have you been here?”
still questioned the lady. "Four
months.” ”Are you homesick?” said
the lady softly. And the girl answered,
“lam very tired.”
Further inquiry developed the fact
that there were among the people in the
Damascus village several members of
the order of King’s Daughters from
Dr. Jessup’s school in the far orient.—
Chicago Correspondent.
Brazil Known Her Worth,
Mies Marcia P. Brown, formerly
principal of tlie Maplewood school, in
Malden, Mass., came heme last Sep
tember, from a live years’ absence in
Brazil. She was appointed by the Bra
zilian government to examine the school
exhibition at the World’s fair and to
inquire thoroughly iuto the workings of
the school systems in the United States,
Germany, France and Portugal. The
purpose of the Brazilian government is
to institute a model system of schools
in Rio Sao Paulo. Miss Brown is a
member of the state board of education
of Sao Paulo, the only lady that lias
ever served on the committee. She is
the principal of the teachers in the
training school at Sao Paulo, appoint
ed by the government when Brazil be
came a republic in 1889, and while she
was interested in missionary work.
After two years she gave the missionary
work up and accepted the position at
the training schools, which she still
fills.—Boston Woman’s Journal.
Belle Boyd.
Belle Boyd, the rebel spy, famous
during the war, has gone on the lecture
platform. She is now past :"0, and her
reddish blond hair has become almost
white. She has three children and is
divorced from her third husband. She
is chiefly remembered from her scheme
by which she caused Lieutenant Hard
ing of the Federal army to permit a
Confederate officer to escape, after
which Harding deserted the Union
aimy and fled to England, where he
married Miss Boyd. Afterward both
returned and became spies in the Con
federate service.—Exchange.
Mrs. Livermore’s Disappointment.
Mrs. Livermore gave up a §200 lec
ture engagement and traveled all night
in order to reach home in time for the
recent celebration of the one hundred
and twentieth anniversary of the Bos
ton tea party by the friends of woman
suffrage, but sbe was too ill to be pres
ent. Colonel Higginson. in making
this announcement at the meeting, said
the incident illustrated not only a
woman's self sacrifice, but the value
Bometimes placed upon a woman's serv
ices.—Boston Correspondent.
The Keystone Watch
Case Co. of Philadelphia,
tile largest watch case manufactur
ing concern in the world, is now
putting upon Hie Jas. Boss Filled
md other cases made by it, a how
t ring) which cannot be twisted or
pulled off the watch.
11 is a r-ure protection against the
pickpocket and the many accidents
that Befall watches fitted with the
old-style bow, which is simply held
in by friction and can be twisted off
with the fingers. It is called the
Sold only through watch dealers,
without extra charge.
Ask any jeweler for pamphlet,
or send to the manufacturers.
Failing Eyesight
j Oregon Kidney Tea.
Tlrnt tiio diseases of domratic ani
mals, Horses, Cattle, Sheet, Doom,
Hog;;, and Poultry, are cun <1 by
Humphreys' Veterinary Speci
es, Is as true as that people ride on railroads,
;nd messages by telegraph, or sew with sewing
.achincs. It is as irrational to bottle, ball and
eed animals in order to cure them, as it is to
•ke passage in a sloop from Hew York to Albany.
Used in the best stables and recommended by
ic U. S. Army Cavalry Officers.
^“500 PAGE BOOK on treatment and careoft
Domestic Animals, and stable chart
mounted on rollers, sent free.
res j Fevers, Congestions, I (inanimation.
.A. I Spinal .Meningitis, Milk Fever*
. B.—Strains, Lameness, Klieunmt ism
• C.—Distemper, Nasal Discharges.
. D.-Bots or Grub** Worms.
. E.—Coughs, Heaves, Pneumonia.
F. —Colic or Gripes, Bellyache.
G. —Miscarriage* Hemorrhages.
I.H.—Urinary and Kidney Diseases,
i. I. —Eruptive Discuses* Muuge.
i. K.— Diseases of Digestion,
tuble Case, with Specifics, Manual,
Vet. Cure Oil and Medicator, $7*00
’rice, Single Bottle (over 50 dosesX - .60
Sold by Druggists; or Sent Prepaid anywhert
nd in any quantity on Receipt of Price.
Horner William and John Sts., New York.
In use 30 years. The only successful remedy for
Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness,
ind Prostration, from over-work or other causes.
$l per vial, or 5 vials and large vial powder, for $5.
Sold by DniTirlxfx. or M*nt postpaid on rorript of prle«.
Comer William and John Sts.. New York.
_ _ ____________
How an Enemy was Foiled.
The following graphic statement will be
r. . ici with intense interest: “I can not describe
the numb, creepy sensation that existed in my
; r.. hands ana legs. I had to rub and beat
ikin' parts until they were sore, to overcome
in a measure the dead feeling that had taken
po^xCNsion of them. In addition, 1 had a
' * range weakness in my back and around my
wai-i, together with an Indescribable ‘gone'
feeling in my stomach. Physicians said il
was creeping paraiv^is, from which, accord
ing io their universal conclusion, there is no
relief. Once it fastens upon a person, they
‘• continues its insidious progress until
it reaches a vital point and the sufferer dies.
Such was my prospect. I had been doctoring
a year and a half steadily, hut with no par
ticular tienefit, when I saw an advertisement
of I>r Miles’ Restorative Nervine, procured a
bottle arid began using it. Marvelous as it
may seem, but a few days had passed before
every bit of that creepy feeling had left me,
and there has not been even the slightest
indication of its return. I now feel as
well as I ever did, and have gained ten
pounds in weight, though I had run down
from 170 to 137. Four others have used Dr.
Miles'Restorative Nervine on my recomen
dation. and it has been as satisfactory in their
case-as in mine.”—James Kane, La line, O.
Dr. Miles* Restorative Nervine is sold by alt
druggists on a positive guarantee, or sent
direct by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart,
Did., on receipt of price, 81 per bottle, six
bottles for 85, express nrepa id. It Is free from
opiates or dangerous drugs.