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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1893)
JVcw yorl\ Weefilij Tribune ....AND.... THE McCOOK TRIBUNE ONE YEAR ^“Address all orders to THE McCOOK TRIBUNE. W. C. BULLARD & CO. ■—;ot RED CEDAR AND OAK POSTS. STU. J. WARRRN. Manager. B. & M. Meat Market. FRESH AND SALT MEATS. BACON, BOLOGNA, i CHICKENS, TURKEYS, Ac., Ac. 1_ — F. S. WILCOX, Prop, F. D. BURGESS, PLUMBERf STEAM FITTER NORTH MAIN AVE.. McCOOK, NEB. Stock of Iron, Lead and Sewer Pipe, Brass Goods, Pumps, and Boiler Trimmings. Agent for Halliday, Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mills. CABLED FIELD and HOG FENCING, 24 inches to 38 inches high; the h/sst -purpose fence made. Also STEEL WEB PICKET FENCE for yards and lawns, and STEEL WIRE FENCE BOARD and ORNAMENTAL STRIP for horses and cattle. The most complete line of wire fencing of any factory in the country. W—ite for circulars. DE KALB FENCE CO., De Kalb, 111. * UNTIL JANUARY 1, 1895, 25 CENTS. if you are not already a JOURNAL subscriber that is all you will have to pay us for the ^stfiUWseftJg Journal from uow until January 1, 189o, if you will at the same time pay a year's subscription in advance to the Tribune. The Semi-Weekly Journal is the greatest paper in the west, pub lished Tuesday and Friday, giving two complete papers each week, with markets and telegraphic news of the world. Send in your orders at once to the 'PRIBUIMF^.. DO YOU RE«D ! The Leading Weekly in West ern Nebraska. $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. THE SONG OF SHIPS. The sky muds ", whip of the winds and lashed the sea into foam. And the keen blowing gales tore the flags an the sails of the ships that were plunging home; Of the ships that were tossing home on the black and billowy deep, But who shall reach to the w recks, the wrecks, where the ships and their captains sleep? Oh, wrecks by the black seas tossed. In the desolate ocean nights! Lost, lost in the darkness! Lost In sight o’ the harbor lights! The sky made a veilo' the clouds and ascourge o’ the lightning red. And the blasts bowed the masts of theshiplhat fared where love and the sea gulls led; Of the ships that were faring home with love for the waiting breast. But where is the love that can reach to the wrecks where the ships and their cap. tains rest? Oh, ships of our love, wave tossed. In the fathomless ocean nights! Lost, lost in the blackness! Lost In sight o’ tile harbor lights! There was once a ship of my bouI that tossed o’er a stormy sea. And this was my prayer, when the nights gloomed drear: “Send my soul's ship safe to me! Send my soul’s ship safely home from billows and blackened skies!’’ But where is the soul that can reach to the depth, the depths where my Bout's ship lies? Oh, ship of my soul, storm tossed. In the far and the fearful nights! Lost, lost, iu the blackness! lost In sight o’ the harbor lights! —Frank L. Stanton in Atlanta Constitution. THE TABLES TURNED “A dura dude!” snorted Joe Dalzey contemptuously. That was the general verdict from all the boys when Phil Ames made his appearance among them at Middleton’s ranch. Della Middleton had returned home from the city, and Phil had come with her to the ranch, where her father wel comed him as the son of one of his friends and companions of other days. It was soon whispered also that Phil was a suitor for Della’s hand, and that alone was sufficient for him to be watch ed closely and criticised by the cow boys, who, every one of them, were ready to swear by and to do anything in their power to please the queen of the ranch, Miss Della Middleton. Phil Ames, at a first glance, looked rather effeminate, but upon closer ob servation he proved to be quite other wise. There was not a surplus ounce of flesh about him anywhere, and his frame was well knit and strong. More over, Phil was a pleasant, easy going fellow whom nothing seemed to disturb, and whose temper was the sunniest in the world. Therefore a couple of weeks at the ranch was sufficient for Phil to gain the good will of everybody around the place. Even Joe Dalzey, the most crit ical among them all, had to admit that he was not half so bad as he looked and might improve into a right good fel low if he staid at the ranch long enough. In the rough play among the cowboys Phil held his own easily and often turn ed their rude jokes so that they lost their sting, or fastened the laugh on him who had expected to see Phil made ridiculous. Joe Dalzey considered himself the leader among the boys on the ranch, and they seldom ventured to differ with him in his opinions, which he never failed to express with all the decision and emphasis he could master. One evening after Phil had been at the ranch nearly a month Mr. Middle ton came into the house where he and Della were together. ” I have to send a squad of the boys over to Bald prairie tomorrow, and I don't know where in thunder I’m going to find a cook to go with them,” he said. “What is the matter with Edmunds, papa?” asked Della. “He is down with the chills, and that puts him out of the question. There is Andrews, too, gone off to town and won’t be back for a week,’’said Mr. Middleton. “Can’t you get one of the others to cook?” asked Della. “Why, there isn’t one of them can ma_e a biscuit that wouldn’t choke a dog.” “Suppose you send Dinah and my self with them ? We could manage, I reckon,” said Della, laughing. “But what would become of us who have to stay at home?” “Do your own cooking or starve,” laughed Della. “I’m afraid it would be the latter most of the time,” said Mr. Middleton. “No, I’ve cooked for a camping outfit before now, and if the worst comes to the worst I can do it again, only I can hardly spare the time.” “I’ll go and cook for them, Mr. Mid dleton,’’said Phil. “I suppose it is only coffee, bacon, biscuits and a batch of combread occasionally.” “You cook!” exclaimed Mr. Middle ton. “Why, my boy, they’d mob you at the first meal.” “Why do you think so?” “Your cookery would drive them to it. They would have to do it in self defense, you know—kill you or starve to death themselves.” “They would have to do neither, I assure you, ” protested Phil, laughing. “I am a better cook than you think. I hope you have not forgotten that 1 staid in the mountains of Colorado nearly the whole of last year? I did the most of the cooking for the three of us there, and, if I say it myself, there was no one ever turned up his nose at what I placed on the table.” For awhile there was a lively discus sion about Phil going as cook with the cowboys, but he finally gained the con sent from both Mr. Middleton and Del la, and it was decided that he could go, provided he would .not blame them if anything went wrong. The next day therefore he drove away in the wagon containing the raw materials on which he was to display his art as a firift class cook for a cowboy camp. “If Phil comes out on top in this es capade,” laughed Mr. Middleton, look ing at Della, "I shall have no objection to him as a son-in-law.” “He’ll do it, papa,” said Della, blushing prettily. The cowboys had Btruck camp and pitched their tents at the first branding pen. They had eaten the first supper Phil had cooked for them, and they had en joyed it, praising it in unequivocal terms. One of the boys had occasion to go to the wagon for something after supper and saw something white, neatly fold ed, lying to one side. He picked it up to see what it was and found it to be a white shirt with a highly glossed front. “A boiled shirt!” he exclaimed. For a moment he hesitated, then he rolled the shirt ap carefully and took it to where his companions where sitting or lounging around their tent. There was a whispered consultation. “Some of you kindle a fire,’’said Dalzey. “I'll get the branding irons. A couple of you fellows had better go over to where Phil is busy and keep him there as long as you can.” The fire was kindled. The branding irons were put into the fire, and when they were sufficiently heated the boys went to work and “run” every brand they knew upon the white shirt spread out upon the ground before them. There were numbers and letters and combinations of both. There were the “rail fence,” the "bull’s head,” the “antlers” and the “jug.” There were circles and semicircles, bars and double bars, with all their variations, and lines straight and crooked in every possible position and curve. Altogether it was an artistic piece of woik, covering every inch from hem to neckband and outward to both ends of the sleeves. The next morning when Phil got up before daylight to prepare breakfast he found the shirt spread out, fastened to the hind end of the wagon. He looked it over carefully and smiled. “1 forgot to put it back in the valise yesterday evening, ” he mused to him self as he was hurrying with his work. “I was somewhat surprised when 1 found it among the other clothes, but in the hurrv of packing it must have slipped in somehow accidentally.” During the time he was cooking breakfast he chuckled to himself fre quently, and once or twice laughed out loud as he thought of the plan he was forming to pay the boys back in the same coin they had given him. From day to day pieces were cut from the branded shirt, which Phil had left hanging to the end of the wagon where he had found it. The boys watched the pieces disappear, until on the even ing before they were ready to break up camp and return home there was noth ing left of it but the seams and wrist bands. “What’s become of your boiled shirt, Phil?” one of them asked. Phil looked around and viewed the remains of it. “It looks like somebody has been eat ing it, ” he said laughingly. “At any rate, there are only the tough parts of it left.” That was all they could get out of him just then. They returned to the ranch the next day, and the boys, with one voice, praised Phil’s cooking very highly to Mr. Middleton. “Bulliest cook we ever had,” cried Dalzey. “And he takes a joke like a man, ” put in another. Then they told Mr. Middleton and Della, who had just joined them, how they had treated Phil’s white shirt, and how he had apparently enjoyed the joke as much as any of them. “Let us have a look at it,” cried Della, laughing and clapping her hands. Phil went to the wagon and held up before them what remained of the shirt. “But what became of the rest of it?” Della asked. “I fed it to the boys,” replied Phil, laughing now. “They thought they didn’t like boiled shirt, but I noticed that they devoured a good piece of it every day. Every morning I cut off a good slice, chopped it up fine, fried it, browned it, scorched it and ground it up and put it into everything I set be fore them. You have their own words for it that they liked my cookery—boil ed shirt a la Phil Ames. ’ ’ For a moment there were some low ering brows, but when Dalzey stepped forward and gave his hand to Phil the clouds vanished. “Phil,” he said, “you’re a brickl Hope you will stay at the ranch always, and when the day comes, dum my pic ture if I don’t wear a boiled shirt and dance at the wedding.” Della and Phil looked at each other and blushed, and Mr. Middleton laugh ed heartily.—John P. Sjolander. Snow In Switzerland. Some of the mountain railroads in Switzerland find it advantageous to open long before the snow melts on their upper parts, and to do this an enorrnoug amount of snow has to be shoveled away. One May, when the road from Glion, on Lake Geneva, up to Rocher de Naye was opened, the cars ran for some distance between walls of solid compressed snow 12 to 20 feet high. When the work began, one of the up per stations had disappeared, and it was i supposed that it had been swept away , by the winter storms. A rounded ele- i vation was recognized as the site of a water tank, and from this the position of the station was determined, and ex cavations were begun. After digging down six feet the shovelers struck not the foundation, but the roof of the sta tion, which was in its place intact. The Origin of Tariff. Tariff was originally the name of a Moorish chief, who, having a port in Spain, near Gibraltar, was accustomed to levy toll on passing vessels. His toll became a regularly understood thing, and the amount was added to the price of the goods. H. THOMPSON & CO. FLOUR, Feed and Baled Hay. OUR PRICES TODAY: PATENTS. 84.$1.20 Wauneta High Patent. . 1.10 Our Best. 1.10 Pure Gold. 1.00 STRAIGHT grade. Lion Patent.$1.00 White Fawn. 1.00 Eagle.00 bakers’ grade. Legal Tender.$ .00 Pride of Wauneta.85 Choice.75 Eureka.70 l3F"Mi)l feed of all kinds. Baled hay cheaper than you can buy the same grade loose. West Room A. 0. U. W. Building. Believing it to be to the interest of every body concerned I will adopt the Cash Sys tem, Jan 1st, 1894. Wm. M. Anderson. Wliat is rarer or richer than a set of cut glass tumbers? Noble has some handsome ones, artistic ally cut and tasteful in design. Noble’s stock of Christmas can dies is unusually fine, this season. Leach, the jeweler, has an ele gant line of watches at all prices. BEWARE.—Do not buy poor truck, hut go straight to the B. & M. Meat Market and get as choice a cut of meat as can he produced. Noble is distinctly in the holi day trade. Call and see his hand some and elegant assortment of china, queensware. glassware, etc. Nothing like it for richness and variety and reasonableness in cost in cCook. The burning question with house wives of all lands, all creeds, and all ages is: “Which is the best Cooking Stove?’’ S. M. Cochran & Co. answer this question today by proclaiming the “Charter Oak Stoves” to be the best in every conceivable shape. knipple is official headquarters for S. Claus, this year. Vases, pretty and useful and or namental at Noble’s. And a thou sand other things to please the old and the young. Dont close your holiday purchases until you have seen his stock of presents. Noble carries a large and complete stock of the best brands of canned goods of all kinds. Perfumes and Toilet Articles at Chenery’s City Drug Store. We don’t sell pack ing house lard, but| our own make. F. S. Wilcox. If you are looking for a fine and ornamental lamp of any descrip tion, don’t waste any time running around town, but go right to head quarters. Noble’s assortment is > simply out of sight. S. M. Cochran & Co. have an im-j uiense stock of farm implements on j hand. See them before buying else where. Log cabin maple syrup, finest in the market, at Anderson’s groeery. Hecker’s self-rising Buck-wheat at Anderson’s grocery. Try a package. i I Try how far a dol lar wil go for holiday presents at knipple’s UK. yv. muokk, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON (Lath or Colo.; TRENTON. NEBRASKA. t*r-DHj or iiiKiil call*. any place in the v»i; <ey. promptly intended to. Office— Di.lliomaa ilnur Htoye. _ . IMPERIAL EGG FOOD. (lr»Jo Muk.) B. & M. Flour and Feed Store. price list: Pilfsburys Best,.$1.50 per sack. Boss, granulated H. P... 1.35 per sack. Monogram “ “ 1.20 per sack. Charm “ “ 1.15 per sack. 91 “ “ 1.15 per sack. Jack Frost, winter. 1.00 per sack. Faultless.90 per sack. Favorite.90 per sack. Pride of McCook.80 per sack. Rye Flour, Graham, Buckwheat, Flour and Corn Meal. Bran, Shorts, Chop Feed, Grain and Hay. All goods delivered free. J. J. Garrarp, 211 Main street. Manager. We invite inspection and defy com petition in quality and price of Meat at the B. & M. Meat Market. Put your $ $ $ where they will do the most good, where they will secure the best and the most groceries for in stance. You will make no mistake if Noble's is the place of deposit. He gives the limit iri quantity, quality and value,and his stock cannot be duplicat ed in Western Nebraska. Pots of nice toys at Knipple’s. You can’t afford to disappoint the little ones, even though the times are close, while presents can he had for so lit tle money. I?. M. Cochran & Co. carry a large line of buggies in stock. See them if you want a good vehicle cheap. Sewing- machines at $5.00 per month on the installment plan at Pade & Son’s. Well Digging. If you want a well put down in fine shape see Frank Nichols. He guaran tees his work. Leave orders at S. M. Cochran & Co.’s. Come in early and often and see the fine line of meats at the B. & M. Meat Market. IN QUEENSWARE Noble carries the largest assortment and the richest designs of the season. His prices are reasonable. Make Noble your family grocer and many other blessings will fall to your lot, besides having the best groceries on your table that the market affords. Try the Cream Pork Sausago at the B. & M. Meat Market. Ink, pens, pencils school tablets, etc., at The Tribune stationery department. Club House cheese, nothing finer, for sale at Anderson’s grocery. Pure Buckwheat at 5c per pound at the B. & M. Flour and Feed store. Itemember that S. M. Cochran & Co. now carry in stock a full and complete stock of builders’ hardware supplies. Wanted : — Fat and stock hogs at the B. & M. Meat Market. J. H. Ludwiek is buying and selling second-hand goods at the old stand oa west Dennison street. Give him a call or drop a postal card. To Whom it May Concern: / pro oose to carry a finer line of meats than any other house in the city. F. S. WILCOX. Leach, the jeweler, has some of the Latest Novelties in Silverware. See the display of Fine Jewelrv and get prices. Chas. A. Leach. Dainty and fashionable water sets at Noble's. Buy a set.