The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 29, 1893, Image 5

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    Primary Education.
One of the first lessons impressed upon
me during my first years of teaching,
(was that of patience. The child's mind
on entering school is impressive, but
owing to the fact that an entirely new
a world is opening to him, he is not as re
L tentive as older children. ’.Vhat attracts
him he remembers until something new
drives away the first picture, consequent
ly the same thought, idea or word must
be presented over and over again until it
becomes a part of himself. The word
system, as we know it now, has been
slowly evolved out of the cruder system
of twenty years ago. When I first began
to teach, it was opposed by parents, as
well as by educators, who, themselves
were products of an earlier day. I started
into the unknown field with 60 children,
averaging 6 years of age, in a town of j
2,000 inhabitants. Words alone were i
taught, not sentences, until a vocabulary j
of so words was mastered, when we pro- j
ceeded to sentences. Printing instead of
writing was taught as it was considered
too difficult for the child to master
script at sight, as well as the printed
word. One class would read, while the
other would go to the board and print
the lesson. Nobody knows what a mis
ery those crooked a’s were to me. I
could not make them, yet the children
must be taught to make them. I don’t
know by what process it was accom
plished, but I remember that at the
end of the year I turned out a fair pro
portion of neat printers, fair readers, and
with a certain amount of arithmetic, for
know ye all, that each teacher in that
day had printed directions of the number
of pages to be learned, figures to be
taught to one hundred, combinations to
ten, and multiplication table to the 6’s.
So much must be done, and if more
could be done, well and good. It was in
this school that I had daily encounters
with parents. Once a burly blacksmith
came and threatened me with most ter
rible vengeance if I persisted in turning
learning upside down for his little girls.
It was necessary to call the principal,
who stood by while I told the gentleman
that when I came to teach him how to
shoe horses, it would be his turn to give
me lessons in teaching. After that I was
allowed to go on my way unmolested,
but if I had not succeeded in turning out
a class much better than former classes,
my fate as a teacher would have been
sealed. As it was, the word method be
came popular in that town thencefor
ward. A great deal has been said for
and against the word and sentence sys
tem of teaching primary pupils, and it
would seem that everybody is so familiar
with it that no longer would we hear a
disparaging word; but such is not the
case, and many of you are aware that
there are parents still living, who advo
cate the old way, simply on the ground
-that they learned their letters first, and
can read and spell, therefore it is the
only rational way. The opposition now,
however, seldom reaches so high a point
as in those days. The old way made bad
readers, hesitating, halting, sing-song
readers, therefore it was bad. But the
new way has a fault which must be met
and conquered; it does not make good
spellers, at least so we are told. Now the
question arises where is the flaw, and
---hat must be done to remove it, aud
uoes it remain with primary work alone,
or does it extend through the whole sys
tem? Last year I discovered a curious
thing about the spelling lesson. I had
placed six words on the board to be cop
ied and learned. At class time the
words were erased and given out to be
written. I soon found that if I pro
nounced them in the order in which they
stood on the board very few words were
missed, but if I changed the order in the
least the reverse was the case. The
children had formed the picture of the
words just as they were written, and by
copying them many times had so deep
ened and strengthened that picture, that
any change produced confusion. Now, \
here was a problem, and I have been
experimenting ou it ever since. Be sure,
that I never pronouce them in the order
written now. Here is an argument for
the advocates of the strict phonic sy-s
tem. The discouraging part of primary
work lies in just such incidents as the
above. You imagine that things are go
ing smoothly, when the conceit is taken
out of you by such a failure, and your
work must be done over. You take the
beginner and faithfully teach him a word
to-day. He knows it, can write it, can
find it on the printed page, and can read
it on the board. Now, you think there
is so much done; but wait till to-morrow.
You attempt to review yesterday’s work,
and find, instead of a gleam of intelli
gence in the face of the child, only a
blank look. You try to recall by various
means the last lesson. You tell stories,
you illustrate, all in vain. Your work of
yesterday seems to have been thrown
' away, and you must begin again. You
go over the ground again with a trifle
less enthusiasm than before, and perhaps
again find yourself defeated, but it is the
only way. Again and again you must
go over the same work. Even the bright
ones will puzzle you by their periodical
knownothingism. It is indeed hard to
be interesting in your way of presenting
the same word, say for the 25th time.
An Illinois principal was wont to say
that 50 repetitions were often necessary.
It may be. I have never taken the trouble
to disprove his theory, fearing that it
might only confirm it, and sink me in
everlasting dispair; but I have found
that after the first few days the child
himself may be brought to recall and re
peat former lessons by pictures or ob
jects, then I keep them constantly before
him; for example, after teaching him
the word “boy,” I never let the word
out of his sight until I am sure he knows
it, both the printed and written word
must be there. Every day I add new
words, and change their positions every
day,reveiwing the words already learned.
After a dozen words have been learned
I drop from the board the first words,
using them in the written stories. One
thing must be guarded against, the ex
clusive use of the written word. I find
at the end of a month of school that I
have pupils who can read much more
readily from the board the written lesson
than the printed lesson in the book,
therefore I give them the printed word
first, then the written one, then require
him to hunt on the book or chart all
words of the same kind before showing
him how to write it.
Of late I am not an innovator, and
when I find that work can be success
fully done in one way, I am slow to
adopt anything new, yet, in order to in
troduce variety and keep up interest, I
often try everything within reach, and
seldom conduct two days’ exercises ex
actly alike. I often find in this way
something valuable, especially in num
ber work. In this I use no one method
exclusively, but parts of many, or one
method one day and another the next.
Numbers by sight to ten, and then their
values come first, after which combina
nations may be taught in a thousand
ways. We do not always give a child
credit for what he can do. We find some
dull ones, who seem incapable of grasp
ing the simplest facts unless clothed in
the most alluring forms, therefore our
colored sticks, charts, beans, shoe pegs,
etc. Bat the bright ones will very soon
tire of the old and demand something
new, which you must give them, or they
w'" amuse themselves in their own way.
For this class I arrange numbers in puz
zles, or give them cards with figures on,
telling them to make them into tables in
every possible way. For busy work I
also teach them to make figures as far as
1,000. You do not realize how hard
theyT will work when they think they
are doing something. If told to play
with sticks, or anything else, without
some definite end to be realized, they
soon tire of it.
I suppose it is our aim to do what we
can (carrying out our metaphor) to make
the promising plant of youth a healthy
tree, by careful pruning, watering and
cultivation, not one with leaves only,
but like the orange tree, with fragrant
blossoms and luscious frait.some bearing
sixty and some an hundred fold.
The days have commenced to lengthen
and the cold to strengthen.
Live Pigeons—Cash paid for Live
Pigeons. Enquire of A. G. Bump.
$100.00 Story & Clark organ for $60.00
cash. Used only two months. At
Sutton’s, The Leading Jeweler.
The cash in the city treasury is very
low on account of slowness with which
taxes are being paid just now,—a condi
tion largely due to the close times.
In order to reduce my stock of organs,
I will until January first, close out this
line at prices that defy competition.
H. P. Sutton, Jeweler.
Times never become so hard that they
interfere with the consumption of liquors
and tobaccos. In 1893 the sum of $1,
641,903,460 were spent for these two
items alone.
Trendies are being dug for additional
water mains for West McCook. This part
of the city ought to take on quite a fine
healthy growth in the spring on account
of the advent of the water works.
You can get a Story & Clark organ
until January first at about your own
price. Call at H. P. Sutton’s, the jeweler.
This make was given first prize at Chi
cago, Columbian Exposition, 1893.
Mrs. Kennedy of Gerver precinct died
on last Friday, and was buried in Fair
view cemetery, Valley Grange precinct,
Sunday. She was in her 83rd year, and
a dear old woman who will be missed in
that community greatly.
Mrs. Mullen is planning to make a 2
story, 8-room addition to her dwelling on
corner of Marshall and Dearborn streets,
thus giving her a 12-room property in
which she will open a boarding house.
Her lease on the McEntee hotel expires
in a month or two.
The second promenade concert of Rei
zeustein's orchestra, held in the opera
house, Christmas evening, was quite a
brilliant affair,and was largely attended.
The programme of music rendered was
unusually fine and inspiring. A delight
ful dance closed the evening’s pleasure.
Speaking of the warfare now progressing
among the gamblers, a gentleman who is
posted stated: “That man Ellis is fighter
and will give the other fellows a world of
trouble in the meantime, but he talks too
much, and lacks smoothness. He will be
the under dog, however, and in the end
they will chew him up. This fight, too,
will have a bearing on the spring elec
tion.” Sick ’em.
Dress or negligee. Large line of sam
ples to select from. We take your meas
ure and guarantee fit and prices.
Famous Clothing Co.
Treasurer Henton was at commercial
headquarters, Wednesday.
A daughter was born to Mrs. G. Wey
eneth on Tuesday evening.
Banker Harden of Stratton was in the
city, last night, on business.
George J. Burgess has moved to north
Madison avenue, this week.
No man should become too religious( ?)
to be able to earn an honest living.
A chapter of the Eastern Star was or
ganized by McCook Masons, last night.
John Harlan of the Cambridge Kaleid
oscope spent a few hours with us, last
A number of our merchants report the
Xmas rush, last Saturday, as unprece
dented. _
Chimerical schemes look well enough
on paper, but practical business projects
count with conservative, safe men.
Deacon Morlan is becoming quite a
professional cyclist. He rode his Colum
bia up from Indianola, a few days since.
Ole Landgren, the major domo of the
club, was very substantially remembered
by the members of the McCook club on
The December reports of the First Na
tional and the Farmers and Merchants
banks, showing the excellent condition
of those establishments, appear in this
The Farmers and Merchants bank cash
ed the December city school warrants at
their face value, although there are no
funds in the city treasury to meet them
at present.
A business-like investigation of the
canning factory project will very likely
reveal its impracticability as a paying
enterprise. The question of railroad rates
alone is a serious barrier to its success.
It has come to be an expensive thing
to run for office in Red Willow county.
After the legitimate campaign expenses
are paid and the “blood-money” issuck
ed the average candidate’s pocket must
feel lonesome.
Culbertson is preparing to commence
suit for the recovery of the $ 15,000 irriga
tion bonds voted by them a year or two
since to aid in the construction of the
Frenchman valley ditch, which is still in
an incomplete state.
Divine wrath was visited upon Ananias
of old for the sin of lying, but the old
gentleman left a numerous progeny that
have continued to multiply in numbers
even unto this day, all intent upon main
taining the family rep.
The A. O. U. W. band, which by the
way seems to be ever ready to lend its
efforts to every public occasion, a fact
that is greatly appreciated by our people,
marched over the city, Christmas day,
and played a number of selections at
various points.
Mr. Stalldard of South McCook was so
disorganized by the festivities attendant
upon the marriage of his daughter on
Christmas morning, that he had to repose
in the bosom of the municipal jug over
night to regain his customary composure
and sobriety.
The Christmas display made by the B.
& M. meat market was something that
would have been highly creditable in a
city of the first class, and caused many
complimentary remarks to be uttered.
Mr. Wilcox is running a first-class mar
ket in Ai style—if anybody asks you.
The contract for carrying the Banks
ville-McCook mail has been granted to
W. B. Catching of London, Kentucky, to
take effect on July 1st, 1894. It seems
that most of Nebraska’s star routes have
been secured by outside parties. They
will doubtless seek profit in sub-letting
these contracts.
Miss Grace Cummings was the object
of a very happy surprise party, Tuesday
evening of this week, at the home of Mr.
Tom Wilkinson, in which the following
young friends participated: Misses Grace
and Gertie Bomgardner, Pearl Brewer,
Maggie Etter, Della Johnston, Norma
Noble,Hallie Bomgardner, Mabeljordan,
Aimee Strasser; Messrs. Charles Heber,
Glenn Carrutli, Charles McConnell, Will
Brown, Will Walters, Arthur Douglass,
Arthur Wood Elmer Kay.
A good deal of this agitation about
McCook’s lack of fire protection is non
sense simon-pure. This city is as well,if
not better, provided with apparatus than
most Nebraska cities of our population.
For a non-paid department we have had
fair results from the department since its
first organization eight or nine years ago.
It’s a falsehood and an injustice to at
tempt to promulgate the idea that our
fire protection is so worthless and inade
quate. It may be true, however, that the
fire department can be improved, even
with the means at command of the city
authorities, but let us have less of this
silly, cheap and sensational clap-trap
about McCook being without protection
against fire. It’s a libelous fake.
P. A. Wells had business in Wauneta,
Miss Lulu Combes has returned from
her visit.
Sheriff and Mrs. Banks were with
us, Saturday.
Judge Welty was a Monday visitor of
the metropolis.
J. E. Kelley went down to Lincoln,
last night, on business.
W. F. Lawson is entertaining his fa
ther and sister from Riverton.
Wm.Black has been down from Hayes
county, a few days, on business.
PERRY L. Hole,the Arapahoe banker,
spent Sunday in the valley’s finest.
A. C. Teel of Indianola was among
the city’s numerous visitors, Friday last.
MRS. A. E. DeGroff returned, Satur
day night, from a short visit down the
Mrs. Griggs from Hitchcock county
is in the city on a visit to her sister Mrs.
R. W. Grant, the Beatrice architect
and builder, was here, Monday, on a
land deal.
J. H. Stephens came up from Bart
ley, Tuesday evening, on nursery collec
tion business.
Mrs. Bullington has returned from
our city to her farm on the Cedar up in
Frontier county.
Miss Ella Boyd arrived in the city,
Monday night, and is a guest at the home
of C. L. DeGroflf.
Captain and Mrs. Todd of Platts
mouth were the guests of McCook rela
tives over Christmas.
G. G. Eisenhart, one of Culbertson’s
financiers, sojourned among the elect on
Saturday evening briefly.
A. G. Culbertson will remove to Mc
Cook in the near future, where he will
engage in farming, the next year.—Stock -
ville Republican.
W. B. Wolfe of the Bank of Benkel
man dropped down from the west, Sat
urday evening, to devour his Christmas
gobbler with McCook relatives.
Rev. T. K. Tyson of Lincoln, a dis
trict missionary of the Baptist church,
was in the city, last Friday, while up the
valley on business of his office.
S. E. Hager came up from Indianola,
Tuesday night, to see his wife off on the
Imperial train on a visit to her sister at
Wauneta, Mrs. Will Williams, Wednes
day morning.
Miss Gettings, one of the Arapahoe
teachers, spent part of the holiday vaca
tion in McCook. While here she ex
changed some Wisconsin real estate for
McCook city lots.
C. H. Russell, the McCormick col
lector, was up from Indianola, Saturday,
on business. He reports collections, on
the whole, better in western Nebraska
than in the eastern part of the state.
Mrs. L. W. Snow is in from McCook
to spend the holiday week with her hus
band and her many friends. Mr. Snow
has stored his mammoth sample cases
and will spend the holidays in Lincoln.
Hugh W. Cole and Dr. A. P. Welles
of McCook and Captain J. C. Hayes of
Champion called yesterday (Tuesday) on
Secretary of State Allen. The visitors
are all prominent A. O. U. W. men.—
Lincoln Journal.
Treasurer Henton and his success
or, Deputy Clerk Barnes, were in the city
on important business,Saturday evening,
presumably the preparation of a county
treasurer’s bond. Mr. Barnes was with
us, Friday, also.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Babcock and
family and Mr. J. W. Babcock of Cam
bridge, Mr. and Mrs. Will Duncan of Be
atrice were the guests of Mr and Mrs.
C. F. Babcock of our city,Christmas day,
going home on the night train.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. DeGroff went
in to Omaha, Sunday night, to secure
treatment for their infant boy’s eye.
They returned home last night. And we
are happy to state the operations per
formed promise to restore the member
to its complete health and usefulness.
Perry Jones, who is now located a
few miles from Pond Creek station in the
Oklahoma territory, is up in Red Willow
county, this week, visiting relatives and
friends, and on a little business. He has
a good farm down in the territory, and is
pleased with that country and his future
Regular morning services at the M. E.
church, next Sunday. At night an old
fashioned watch meeting will be held
commencing at 7:30 and continuing till
the new year dawns. On Monday even
ing a series of special meetings will open.
The pastor will be assisted by Rev. Clay
Cox during these meetings.
Prof. Valentine addressed the state
teachers’ association at Lincoln,Wednes
day evening, on the “Lantern.” He took
down the lantern owned by the McCook
public schools with which to illustrate
his address on the subject dear to his
heart, and Bert Beyrer and Harry Chapin
went along to operate the lantern. And
we wager it was one of the most interest
ing features of the entire programme.
Regular Baptist services next Sunday,
morning and evening.
Regular Episcopal services in Masonic
hall, morning and evening. The Sunday
school at ten.
Holy Innocents’ Day was celebrated !
by the Episcopal Sunday school in the
Masonic hall on Thursday afternoon with
appropriate ceremony. Santa Claus re
membered everybody.
In the various churches, Sunday .Christ
mas thoughts and topics came from the
several pulpits. Special music was ren
dered by the choirs. All of which was
quite an appropriate preparation for the
day of “peace on earth .good will to men”
that followed.
Watch Meeting—The regular even
ing service of the Episcopal church, next
Sunday,will be held at 11 o’clock instead
of 7:30, in Masonic hall. A cordial invi
tation is extended to all to come and
think of the dying year and take courage
for the new.
Do not forget that Eli Perkins is to be
here, next month, the 23d. If you have
never heard this world famous humorist
you should not neglect this opportunity.
Of course those who have heard him will
be delighted by the prospect of hearing
him again. Remember the date, Jan. 23,
The Christmas exercises of the Baptist
School for Bible Study passed off in the
usual orderly manner. Sunday morning
the school devoted a very interesting half
hour to the study of the special lesson,
“The Birth of Christ,” after which Supt.
Watson presented the scholars of the dif
ferent grades with suitable books. The
Progressive grade received copies of
Drummond’s famous address,“Love: The
Supreme Gift.” The Intermediate grade
scholars “How to Become a Christian,”
by Lyman Abbott, and the primary folks j
received illustrated booklets. The teach
ers were each remembered in a suitable
The stereopticon exhibition, Monday
evening, was without doubt the choicest
collection of views, illustrative of the
life of Christ, ever shown in this city.
They came from Boston and were mostly
photographs of famous paintings by cel
ebrated painters. The last one shown,
“The Boy Head of Christ in the Temple,”
by Hoffman, held the audience spell
bound. The entire collection was not
only very interesting and in the highest
sense artistic, but as an educational fac
tor in picturing to the scholars the events
they had just been studying, it was of
great benefit. Mr. McBride’s lecture was
in keeping with the rest of the entertain
ment. The thanks of the school are due
Bert Beyrer and his assistant, Harry
Chapin, for the very able manner in
which the}- operated the lantern.
Christmas day was generally and quite
strictly observed by the business men of
the city, as well as by the churches of
McCook. In the churches no effort at
display or elaborate decoration was at
tempted, but suitable and enjoyable com
memorative services and exercises were
held, which were largely attended and
keenly appreciated.
Was crowded to overflowing, and many
failed to gain an entrance, Monday even
ing, when the children of that Sunday
school presented that interesting cantata
entitled, “Santa Claus’ Troubles,” or a
“Bundle of Sticks.” Will Beyrer imper
sonated the genial Santa Claus, and with
the presents and sweetmeats distributed,
the children had a delightful time alto
gether. And the children of larger
growth seemed to enjoy the occasion with
equal keenness, it may be added.
THE baptists
Provided a veiy interesting entertain
ment at the Lutheran church, Monday
evening, in the form of a stereopticon
show and lecture on the various views
exhibited by Rev. D. L. McBride. The
views illustrated the salient features of
the life of Christ which the Sunday school
has been specially studying for several
months past. It was a most interesting
affair. At the close the children of the
school were given a treat.
Three masses were held on Christmas
morning, at 6, 9 and 10:30. The altar
was beautifully and appropriately decor
ated for the occasion.
Rev. D. L. McBride's parishioners and
friends remembered him nicely in the
gift of an easy chair and a set of dining
room chairs.
Supt. Watson received an elegantly
bound volume of Milton’s Paradise Lost,
from the Baptist Sunday school. The
illustrations were after the matchless
Gustave Dore.
Rev. Prank Durant of the Episcopal
church was handsomely remembered by
his parishioners and many friends in the
citv, Xmas, in the substantial form of a
well filled purse.
Mrs. A. J. Beecher came in from Lin
j coin, last night, on a visit to relatives in
! our city._
The Tribune wishes its readers the
j compliments of this gladsome season.
Have your good resolutions on tap.
The new year cometh.
The Temple Dedication.
McCook lodge No. 61, A.O.U.W., will
dedicate its new temple on Monday, Jan.
1894, for which event great preparations
are being made. The programme will be
as follows:
4:30. Procession of local and visiting
members, A. O. U. W\, headed by the
McCook A. O. U. W. band and Hold
rege Degree Team in uniform.
6:30. Public dedication ceremony by
Grand Master Workman Tate, assisted
by Past Grand Master H. W. Cole, Mc
Cook; Grand Foreman, R. W. Laflin,
Beatrice; Grand Overseer, J. C. Hayes,
Champion; Grand Recorder, L. A.
Payne, Lincoln; Grand Receiver, K. A
Polley, Seward; Grand Guide, John
Hawley, North Platte, and F. G. Sim
mons, Esq., editor NebraskaWorkman,
7:30. Conferring second degree on can
didates in presence of members A. O.
U. W. only.
8:00. Public exhibition of degree work
by Holdrege Team, after which the
remainder of the evening will be devo
ted to a grand ball and supper.
First class music will be furnished.
Supper will be served at 10:30 p. m. by
the Degree of Honor.
The New G. A. R. Officers.
At the regular meeting of J. K. Barnes
post No. 207, G. A. R., held in their hall
on Thursday evening, December 21st,the
following officers were elected for the
ensuing year:
A. P. Sharp, Commander.
W. S. Fitch, Senior Vice Commander.
G. W. Starr, Junior Vice Commander.
H. H. Berry, Chaplain.
Sidney Dodge, Adjutant.
J. A. Wilcox, Quartermaster.
I. J. Holt, Officer of the Day.
Thomas Bennett, Surgeon.
A. J. Fenimore, Oflicerof the Guard.
Hugh Kealiher, Inside Guard.
J. C. Predmore, Quartermaster’sSerg’t.
iliomas Bennett was elected delegate
to the department encampment. W. S.
Fitch is alternate.
A Small Grist.
The regular meeting of the city council
was held on Wednesday evening. All
present but city clerk, M.W. Eaton being
clerk pro tem. Bills as follows allowed.
Lincoln Land Co., quarterly tax. .{441.66
Cole & Elbert, paint, cem. fence, 140.00
C. T. Brewer, cash advanced,.... 5.00
Report of City Engineer Meeker relat
ing to Main avenue grade was read and
placed on file.
An ordinance relating to the organiza
tion of the McCook fire department was
laid over until next regular meeting.
Council agreed to pay $60 to help de
fray the expenses of a delegation from
the McCook department to the meeting
of the state firemen’s association at Beat
rice, Jan. 16th, 1894. Adjourned.
Having purchased the stock and jew
elry business of Frank Carruth & Son, I
wish to announce that I will continue the
business in the same stand, and will at
all times carry a fine assortment of the
best goods in the market, which will be
sold at prices that are right. The high
standard reputation of the firm for the
last 22 years will be fully maintained in
the future, and by fair-dealing I hope to
merit a liberal portion of your patronage.
Yours Respectfully,
Chas. A. Leach, Jeweler.
McCook, Neb., Dec. 8, 1893.
Two South McCook Events.
Sunday afternoon at residence of the
bride’s parents in South McCook, Squire
Berry united in marriage Andrew Ibsou
of Minden and Laura J. Mahanaof South
Monday morning, Squire Berry spoke
the words which made Robert W. Forrom
of Stockville and Mary Stalldard of
South McCook husband and wife.
To you and your friends that wish new
hair grown on bald heads. Call on 1). J.
Smith, as he will guarantee to grow new
hair on bald heads on any person that
has been bald from I to 30 years, for $50
to $300. P. S.—He will sell j-ou the med
icine for $30, with full instructions how
to use it. All consultations strictly con
fidential. Devier J. Smith,
McCook, Nebraska.
D. J. S.
The Wonderful Wonder of the World
has reached the top round of the ladder
of success in the short time it has been
used, and many bald heads are already
taking on nice coats of hair. Call on D
J. Smith at McCook for particulars and
Fine Printing.
We make a specialty of fine job print
ing. Our samples of fashionable and ele
gant stationery for invitations, programs,
etr., is not excelled in Nebraska.
For Sale.
The large wooden tank of The McCook
Water Works is for sale. For particulars
inquire of C. H. Meeker.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bullard of Palisade
spent Christmas with their children ir
Omaha. He returned on Tuesday night.
The Ladies of the Maccabees initiated
eleven new members, last night. And
still we wonder at crime!
i Miss Josie Bantham and sister arrived
j in the city on No. 5, last evening.
HnrsB For Sake—Terms easy.
{ Apply to W. H. Davis.