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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1893)
THE FAMOUS CLOTHING CO 'ANY. OUR GREAT CLEARING SALE IS CONTINUED. All Overcoats and Suits, Underwear, OVERSHIRTS AND GLOVES AND ALL OTHER WINTER GOODS MUST BE SOLD! WE ARE MAKING PRIGES THAT WIRE MOVE THEM. McCOOK, NEB. JONAS ENGEL. Manager. St. Louis has an electric ambulance. McMillen has a large assortment of Lamps for sale very cheap. % A fine line of stationery at popular prices at Chenery's City Drug Store. Hanging and stand lamps, a large . and fine variety, at Anderson’s groeery. No better farm wagon on wheels than the Charter Oak sold by S. M. Cochran & Co. Noble, the leading grocer, makes » specialty of fresh, clean family grocei ies. lie will treat you right. Rare bargains in Lamps at McMil len's drag store. S. M. Cochran & Co. can sell you a bicycle very cheap. See them. Hanging and stand lamps, a large and fine variety, at Anderson’s grocery. Nice assortment of writing papers for sale at The Tribune stationery department. Beware of peddlers. Call and in spect the Household sewing machine sold by S. Rl. Cochran & Co. before buying a machine. There is no better on earth. Largest Stock of DIAMONDS, .... Also of.... Watches H Novelties Ever shown in McCook for the oooooooooo ooooooooo o [ foliday Trade. 0.00000000000000000 oo I Will Not Be Undersod By Anyone, East or West. Ladies’ Watches.... from $4.00 to $ 75.00. Broach Pins.from .25 to 600.00. Rings...from .25 to 200.00. In Fact I Have the Stock—Anything You Might Want for a Present—and my prices are the Lowest quality Considered. Engraving of my Goods DONE FREE OF CHARGE. No Trouble to Show My Goods. Call at Once And Look My Stock Over and I Will .... Surprise You. H. P. SUTTON. Leading Jeweler of the Southwest. 1*1© Jiffs©!: JVihqp. By F. M. K1MMELL. $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE A.LL HOME PRINT. Our professional ethics are in good and conservative keeping with Colonel Ed. Mitchell as custodian. Look out for the news of a Brazilian naval battle and pictures of the bloody encounter cabled by the special artist on the spit. The Beaver City Tribune did not issue a paper, Christmas week. Likewise the Cambridge Kaleido scope. Ditto the Wilsouville Re view. If anybody asks you, why Prof. W. E. Andrews of Hastings will be the next republican candidate for congress from the Fifth Neb raska district. The friends of Hon. J. C. Allen, present secretary of state, will not rest until he is the republican nom inee for congress in the Fifth dis trict.—Hastings Democrat. Communities should be more careful about granting valuable franchises without adequate con sideration and protection to the people. This, and the voting of bonds, have already been carried too fair in many Nebraska counties and cities. The United States government undertakes to make coast sruveys, geological surveys, and geodetic surveys, as well as surveys of several other kinds. The western farmer is uot demanding too much when he askes the federal author ities to make a map and survey showing the region where irriga tion is possible and practicable.— Omaha Bee. Before this administration closes its record, if the government does not own all the railroads in the United States, it will probably at least have ’em all in the hands of receivers appointed by the federal courts, which is the next tliiug to government ownership. That will make it handy in raising the treas ury deficiency, according to the suggestions of Grover, by “taxing the income of certain corporations.” There will be no difficulty in arriving at the incomes of roads in the receivers’ hands.—Journal. The Home Market. Oats.30 Wheat... .35 to .45 Corn.22 Potatoes.80 Hogs.$3.75 Hay.$6 to $S Steers.$3 to $4 Cows, $1.75 to $2.00 Butter.16 to .20 Eggs.22 Flour .. ..80 to $1.50 Feed.70 to .80 Report of the Condition . .OF. . 'IHU FIRST NATIONAL HANK AT MCCOOK, in the state of Nebraska, at the close of busi ness, December 19th, 1893: RESOURCES. I.oaus and discounts.S159.241.80 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured, 21.55 U. S. bonds to secure circulation... 12,500.001 Premiums on U. S. bonds. 1,390.63 Banking-house,furniture, lixtures,.. 16,713.00 Other real estate ami mortgages owned. 1,393-53 Due from State banks and bankers 1,658.16 Due from approved reserve agents 22,357.36 Checks and other cash items. 91.05 Notes of other National hanks— 2,505.00 Fractional paper currency, nickels, and cents. 24.50 Specie.$8,223.45 Legal-tender notes. 1,305.00 9,528.45 Redemption fund with U. S. Treas I urer (5 percent, of circulation)... 562.50 Totai.$227,987.53 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in.$ 50,000.00 Surplus fund. 10,000.00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid. 4,569.94 National bank notes outstanding... 11,250.00 Due to State banks and bankers... 16,294.87 Individual deposits subject to check 49,647.87 Demand certificates of deposit. 69,042.16 Cashier’s checks outstanding. 8,i$2.69 Notes and bills rediscounted. 9,000.00 Total. $227,987.53 State of Nebraska, County of Red Willow, ss: I, W. F. Lawson, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. F. Lawson, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th day of December, 1893. E. C. Ballew, Correct—Attest: Notary 1’ublic. Frank Harris, ) A. Campbell, !- Directors. Ueo. Hocknei.i., ) REPORT OF THE CONDITION . .OF.. 1 The Farmers and Merchants Bank AT MCCOOK, In the state of Nebraska, at the close ot busi ness, December 19th, 1893: resources. Loans and discounts.824,76340 Overdrafts, secured. n.51 Due from National banks. 5,087.51 Real estate, furniture and fixtures... 2,000.00 Current expenses and taxes paid.. 576-45 Checks and other cash items. 270.30 Bills of other banks. 240O.OO Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents. 41.08 Specie. 449.10 Totai. -S35.599-35 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in.S25,000.00 Undivided profits. 838.55 Individual deposits subject to check 4,572.12 Demand certificates of deposit. 5,188.68 Total. .-335.599-35 State of Nebraska, County of Red Willow, ss: I, S. Cordeal, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. S. Cordeal, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day of December, 1893. C. H. Boyle, (Seal.) Notary 1’ublic. My commission expires January 23, 1897. 1 Wa IT Paper ... Remnants VERY CHEAP. We can sell yon a very Good Paper for what you will pay for a Cheap One. ◄ ■ ■■■■► L. W. McConnell & Co. CZEEELGL _iL_ LEA.CH, (Succesor to Carruth & Son.) ^Wa-tcfieA, <3)icH4AO/H'b^, ^jewefzif. Solid aud Plated Ware. . . . . Spectacles and Eyeglasses. A La rye Line of Holiday : jVoveltiss, * Latest Designs • * And Correct Prices. Call and Examine Goods . . . . . . And Get Prices. McCook. Neb.. Dec. 8.18*i. J. G. TATE, President. E. W. McDONALD, Secretary. G. M. W„ A. O. U. W. Grand Lecturer A. O. tT, W. THE W ORKMEN BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, -LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Capital $1,000,000. j j Monthly payment 50c per share. Shares $100 Each. ) ( Money Loaned at 6 Per Cent. Land for sale, or will trade for stock, also on Grain plan. GEO. J. FREDERICK, Agent. rg~OHice with H. H. Berrj.