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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1893)
H' . * II Any one whose Watch has a bow (ring),will never have oc casion to use thistime-honored cry. It is the only bow that cannot be twisted off the case, and is found only on Jas. Boss Filled and other watch cases stamped with this trade mark. ^|f Ask your jeweler for a pamphlet, or send to the manufacturers. Keystone Watch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. FA EUIMSOTS / DANGEROUS. DEEAYS ARE DANGEROUS. ■11. / NO EX t-ERIAtENTS. MAKE NO DEEAYS. <tSE OREGON ECiPNEYyEA, IT WILL CURE YOU O* fcack-ache, Inflammation of the rladder o* Ridueys, l)iabeU s, Loss of Flesh, l)rop.;i cr-. - ’hnsrs, Constipation n»-<’ 1i complaints aris’n v* from a morbid conditu-; •« t :c I : r pi THE MILD POWER CURES. HUMPHREYS’ That the diseases of domestic ani mals, Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, and Poultry, are cured by Humphreys* Veterinary Speci Oca, is as true as that people ride on railroads, send messages by telegraph, or sew with sewing machines. It Is as irrational to bottle, ball and bleed animals in order to cure them, as it is to take passage In a sloop from New York to Albany. Used In the best stables and recommended by the U. S. Army Cavalry Officers. tF“500 PAGE BOOK on treatment and careoi Domestic Animals, and stable chart xnonnted on rollers, sent free. VETERINARY clues j Fevers, Congestions, Inflammation. A. A. I Spinal Meningitis, Milk Fever. B. B.—Strains, Lameness, Rheumatism C. C.—Distemper, Nasal Discharges. D. D.—Bots or Grubs, Worms. E. E.—Coughs, Heaves, Pneumonia. F. F.—Colic or Gripes, Bellyache. G. G.—Miscarriage, Hemorrhages. H. H.—Urinary and Kidney Diseases. I. I.—Eruptive Diseases, Mange. J. K.— Diseases of Digestion. Stable Case, with Specifics, Manual, Yet. Cure Oil and Medlcator, &7.00 Price. Single Bottle (over 50 doses), • .60 SPECIFICS. Sold by Druggists; or Sent Prepaid anywhere and in any quantity on Receipt of Price. HUMPHREYS’ MEDICINE CO., Corner William and John Sts., New York. HUMPHREYS’ HOMEOPATHIC f%fl SPECIFIC No. a O In use 30 years. The only successful remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostration, from over work or other causes. $1 per vial, or 5 vials and large vial powder, for $5. Sold bjr Drtmfot*. or sent postpaid on reerlpt of prieo. HUMPHREYS’ MEDICINE CO., Corner William and John Sts.. New York. SAILED THE^EAS38 YEARS. One of His Experiences. For thirty-eight years Capt. Loud followed t he sea, most of that time as master of a ves sel, and upon retiring from the water was ap pointed by the Secretary of the United States Treasury to superintend the seal fisheries In Ala-ka, which posit ion lie lie.d five years. lie relates one experience as follows: “For several years I had been troubled with general nervousness and pain In the region of my heart. My greatest affliction was slecpfe sness; It was almost impossible at any time to obtain rest and sleep. Having seen l>r. Miles’ remedies advertised I began using Nervine. After taking a small quantity the lienefit received was so great that I was posi tively alarmed, thinking the remedy con tained opiates which would finally be Injuri ous to me: but on being assured by the drug gist that it was perfectly harmless, I contin ued It together with the Heart Cure. Today I can conscientiously say that Dr. Miles’ Re storative Nervine and New Heart Cure did more for me than anything I had ever taken. I had been treated by eminent physicians in New York and San Francisco without ben efit. I owe my present good health to the .iudicioususeof these most valuable remedies, and heartily recommend them to allaflilcted us I was.”—-Capt. A. P. Loud, Hampden, Me. Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine and NewCure are sold by all druggists on a positive guaran tee, or by Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind., on receipt of price, tl per bottle, or six I Kittles for express prepaid. They are free from all opiates and dangerous drugs. —W. V. GAGE Physician & Surgeon, MCCOOK. NKUKASKA. CE^Okkick Hocus: 9 to II, a. tn.. 2 to 5 anr 7 to 9, n. rn Rooms over F*rst National hank tST'Nttrht calls answered at office. A. J. KITTEN HOUSE. C. II. BOYI.F.. RITTEN HOUSE & HOYLE, ATTORNEYS AT - LAW McCOOK, NEB. ,). E. KELLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AGENT LINCOLN LAND CO. MCCOOK, - - NEBRASKA. Office: In rear of First National Bank. —CALL AT— LENNART’S LAUNDRY For First-Class Laundry Work. —o— McCook, - - - Nebraska. R. A. COLE, -LEADING MERCHANT - TAILOR OF MCCOOK, Has just received his fall and win ter stock of Cloths and Trimmings which will be made up as reason able ns possible. Shop first door west of Barnett Lumber Co.’s of fice, on Dennison ftreet. J. S. McBrayer. Milton Osborn. ^c6R„YER & OSBOf/ty Proprietors of the McCook Transfer Line Bus, Baggage and Express. -o ONLY FURNITURE VAN ....In the City.... Leai e orders for Bus Calls at Commercial Hotel or our office opposite depot. J. S. McBrayer also has a first class house-moving outfit. The Drovers Journal. Largest, Brightest, Cheapest and Best. Send For Free Sample Copy. The leading live stock newspaper and market reporter of the west. A paper for stock raisers, farmers, fine stock breeders and grain dealers. Very latest and correct market reports by telegraph from all the principal stock markets. Daily.$4.00 per year. Semi-Weekly.. 2.00 per year. Weekly. 1.50 per year. DROVERS JOURNAL, Union Stock Yards, South Omaha. We take pleasure is noting that The Housewife, the Ladies Home Monthly published at 81 Warner street, New York City, has been greatly inproved by its new owners and is the best 5 cent monthly that comes to our exchange table. It contains trustworthy advice on the vital intrest of home on health, housekeeping, education and things which make life pleasant. Readers will find no better work, no better writers in their special departments anywhere than those appearing in the Housewife monthly. Subscription price for this magazine is but 50 cents a year. Agents and subscribers receive acceptable pre miums. Christmas is coming and many of our lady acquaintances will have a chance of procuring some valuable pres ents with very little work. We are sure the publishers, The House wife Corporation, will be pleased to send sample copies to any one asking for them. Send them a postal card. Merchants can pluck a leaf from the expression of a New York man, who, in announcing his suspension, remarked: “The mistake I made was my failure to advertise my change of location. Had I used printer’s ink I would not have had to suspend.” When times are hard as they are now, printer’s ink is espe cially needed to help trade along. It’s the man who isn't afraid to make a splurge and who keeps ever before the eyes of the puDlic his attractive bargans that makes a success in business. District Court Proceedings. The following is I lie official report of th* December term of district court held in f ndian o‘ji, Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday and Thurs day of last week: CONTINUKI). lturnham Tulleys & Co. vs. George E. Mayo et al. Equity. J. H. Ludwlck vs. J.H.Bennett et al. Replev in. By agreement. Citizens Bank of McCook vs. E. R. Banks, sheriff, et al. Appeal. John A. Thomas vs. Charles D. Cramer ei a I. Equity. McKinney, Hundjey & Walker vs. O. M. Knipple. Revivor of judgment. Demurrer sustained; leave to amend petition in twenty days. David Fisher vs. Charles W. Beck. Appeal. By plaiirtiff. Charles C. Ely vs. Francis M. Burt et al. Equity. Peoples’ Building. Loan and Savi gs Asso ciation vs. Samuel R. Smith et al. Equity. Under advisement. S. L. Sricther vs.W.H.Williams et al. Equity. Charles <•. Crabtree vs. George Cra< tree. Equity. Florence M. Lytle vs.Charles Lytle. Divorce. Charles Wright, 2d, vs. Ephraim Green etal. Equity. McKliiley-Lanning Loan and Trust Co. vs* William Duborka. Equity. Under advisement. Ida Halstead vs. A. L. Pollock. Equity. Emil Lindner vs. James C. Biruey. Appeal. Henry Carothers vs. Henry Simmerman. Equity. By agreement. Nathan L. Case vs. James Neelings. Equity. William Karp vs. Edward Fitzgerald. Dam ages. By agreement. Jury demanded. Norman F. Thompson vs. Andrew Kinkaid et al. Equity. For service. J. E. Seeley vs. George A. McClung et ill. Equity. For service. Hartford Theological Seminary vs. Stephen Goucher et al. Equity. For service. Randolph L. Bullard vs. George H. Topper etal. Equity. For service. Charles C. White, receiver, vs. Johanna I,. Dutcher. Equity. Pending stay. First National Bank of Tobins. Nebraska,vs. F. S. Granger et al. Equity. John H. Cowles vs. William Pennington. Appeal. John A. Becker vs. F. F. Chessman et al. Equity. Samuel Ball vs. George Boyer, McCoy & Co. Equity. B. B. Davis vs. Red Willow county. Appeal from county commissioners. A. A. Wenger vs. Red Willow county. Ap peal from county commissioners. D. M. Monjo, trustee, vs. Lillian M. Pitney el cons. Equity, special appearance. S. P. Baker vs. James I. Boyer et al. Equity. Julia Trowbridge vs. Jacob Long et al. Equity. Charles A. Flint vs. Fred G. Thompson etux. Equity. Norman Spencer vs. Samuel Ball etal. Equi ty. Demurrer sustained; 30 days to file amen ded petition. The Indianola P. &0. Manufacturing Co. vs. The Garner, B. & F. Paint Co. Equity. Thomas Louergan vs. James H. Becker etal. Equity. Thomas Lonergan vs. David D. Smith et al. Equity. Allen C. Clyde vs. E. R. Banks et al. Rep levin. J. E. Kelley vs. DevierJ. Smith etal. Equity. Frank H. Spearman vs. The Nebraska Loan and Banking Co. Appeal. George Kingen vs. James Harris. Appeal. Randolph L. Bullard vs. Sarah E. Gr.ggs et al. Equity. Christian Hartman vs. Adam Grass. Equity. DISMISSED. Nebraska & Kansas Farm Loan Co. vs. iVm. M. Nuit. Equity. At plaintiffs’cost, without prejudice. Great Western Watch Co. vs. A. P. Bodwell. Appeal. At plaintiffs'cost. Great Western Watch Co. vs. J. F. Black. Appeal. At plaintiffs’ cost. Great Western Watch Co. vs. C. B. Hoag. Appeal. At plaintiffs'cost. James Kelley vs. Robert Moore. Replevin. And satisfied. Heckel Hardware Company vs. Jas. Harris. Equity. Without prejudice. M. D. Wells & Co. vs. S. E. Firestone. At tachment. At plaintiffs’ cost. Robert Moore vs. James Kelley. Appeal. And satisfied. Charles H. Meeker et al. vs. J. B. Haddock, equity. Thomas Edward vs. V. Bogle. Appeal. And settled. Frank S. Minor vs. John Flury. Appeal. And settled. Jesse W. Kelsey vs. Jennie E. Pound. Equi ty. And settled. DECREES OF FORECLOSURE. Newton Hart vs. George Weill et al. Equity. William H. Lockwood et al. vs. Tbomas Clark et al. Equity. J. Coolidge Hills vs. William Porter. Equity. B. Lombard, Jr., et al. vs. Moses M. Young. Equty. Johnson I. Robins vs. Samuel A. Shaffer et al. Equity. Charles T. Stetson vs. W. H. Sprague et al. Equity. J. Lowell Moore vs. Sarah E. Gervcr et al. Equity. James Eaton vs. Jas. R. Botts et ai. Equity. American Investment Co. vs. Gerhart Bong ers et al. Equity. Hartford Theological Seminary vs. Joseph Albrecht et al. Equity. Lucy It. Alford vs. John R. Tupper et al. Equity. Lewis S. Dabney, trustee, et al. vs. Thomas Mize et al. Equity. Oliver M. Hyde vs. Charles H. Cook et al. Equity. Nebraska Loan and Trust Co. vs. Adam B. Coppers et ux. Equity. Georgie C. Dewey vs. Elbert J. Henderson etal. Equity. The Nebraska Loan and Trust Co. vs. Andre as Martin et al. Equity. The McKiniey-Lanning Loan and Trust Co. vs. Edward Ackerman et al. Equity. J. E. Seeley vs. D. C. Sullivan et al. Equity. Thomas Lonergan vs. Frank L. McCracken. Equity. Irena E. Foreman vs.Catherine Snyder et ai. Equity. Charles Duckworth vs. Charles H. Oman et al. Equity. Mary T. Hyde vs. Jas. A. Lyon. Equity. Kate Chapin vs. Henry Voges. Equity. MISCELLANEOUS. Newman Duteher vs. Albert Stegman et al. Equity. Injunction made perpetual. Samuel K. Smith vs. Louis B. Korns. Equity. Judgment for plaintiff for $50.00. Effa I. Hobson vs. Joseph A. Garner et al. Attachment. Special appearance sustained. J. A. Kelley vs. Joseph A. Garner. Attach ment. Special appearance sustained. The state of Nebraska vs. James Williams. Jr., and Sr. Recognizance to keep the peace. Defendants discharged. The state of Nebraska vs. Tbomas Taylor. Appeal. Defendant pled guilty to assault and was fined $10 and costs. Tbe state of Nebraska vs. Ed. Teer. Appeal. Defendant pled guilty to assault and was fined $10 and costs. The state of Nebraska vs. Mrs. Kaley et at. Appeal. Nolle prosequi entered. Flora lUneiidcliuveti » Ians Huteuschoven. Dv o Granted and judgment given for ttiilll I'.V . Snyder & Brewer vs M Altshu'er. Appeal, t i time*' re n.- uted; judgment against the d»*h id.on for an I costs. Ifieh "d G Mnchell \s > yiiti B. Mitchell. Divorce. Granted. " l mi < Inaid vs. Aima Sehinul. Divorce. Grant i* The state of Nebraska vs. Frank Kellogg. N e | i* serjm i uteri d The state of Nebraska vs. Jatneg K. Ellis. Defendant hound o er to appear ut next term of court. ION Kill.M \ T111N S In each of lie* following cases the order of tie* court was. to show cause by March 1, 1894: Phoenix Insurance Co vs. William Knape et a'. Arthur A. ll\d«* vs Hubert S. Cooley et al. Eugene A. Hose vs. Adelbert D. Ashley et al. H G. Bramard vs. Sadie Bates. J. Lowell Moore, trustee, vs. William Itelph et al. The Nebraska Mortgage Co. V9. Louis Mather et al. .) Abbott Thompson vs. Edward Kuester et ai. Susan K. Broughton vs. Thomas Clark et al. John M. Boles vs. Alex. M. Simonton et al. Josiah G. Adams, administrator, vs. Charles II. Nichols et al Lucy A. Cain vs. Baxter .1. Davis et al. Lucian II. Chidfcey. administrator, vs. Edgar H. Byars et a!. Hartford Theological Seminary vs. John Farle> et al. John A. Hamilton vs. A nee Shrateret al. Thomas Low*rgan v<. Mary M . Cox. spinster. Sandwich Eii erpr.M* Co. vs E F. Copp. Goveunou Waite is nothing if not persistent in his purpose. He has convened the, legislature of Colorado in extra session to coun teract the depression in the silver industry. The governor evidently thinks that Colorado is destined to lead in the regeneration of silver coinage, and he recommends that the legislature declare legal tender any silver dollar, foreign as well as domestic, that contains not less than 371^ grains of pure silver. Ho unquestionably knows that Colorado lias no constitutional authority to make anything but the gold and silver coins of the United States a legal tender for debts, but provisions of constitutional law seem to carry no weight with him whatever. The Colorado legislat ure may find sufficient state matters demanding its attention to justify an extra session, but it will do well to leave these questions of natioal finance for the determination of congress. The general manager of the Santa Fe railroad is quoted by the Topeka Capital as saying that the receivership will greatly improve the physical condition of the prop erty. As it will not be necessary to pay tlie installment of interest due on the 1st of January, the manager says the road will be able to secure new rolling stock and “build new depots and other station facilities.” This sounds encouiaging, but it is best not to grow too enthusiastic over the prospects. An attempt is usually made to convince the public that a receivership is a good thing for a corporation, when as a matter of fact it is the last resort of a harassed management. It does no good to try to deceive the people in matters of this kind. The whole blunt truth might as well be told at once.—Journal. The latest advices from Honolulu indicate that the excitement is still at a high pitch, that Willis, the American minister, is still keeping the government on the ragged edge of anxiety and that a very little aggravation would set the people fighting in the streets of the capital If blood is shed it will be a gratu itous sacrifice of life to gratify the spite of Grover and Gresham against ex-president Harrison. What have the Americans at Hawaii done to us that they should be made the playthings of the mysterious policy of the present administration?—Journal. If two-thirds of the people of Oregon are without employment and one-third of them are without means of support, according to Governer Pennoyer's open letter, Oregon must be an excellent state to keep away from. But of course the governer stretched the truth just as that other pop imbecile Waite did in his bloody bridles outpouring.—Journal. F•SAFE ^"ROM ■ HOG CHOLERA | .“International Stock Food” has a groat roputa* tion lor curing aud proven ting Hog Cholera and other B’.vno diseases. jfc also insures very rapid growth. Owing to superior medication our GU-cent box contains 1W average feeds for Hogs or 6 Pigs, or ono head of other stock. 3 FEEDS EHi ONE CENT. Your Money Refunded JSu^i^erniftestrA lood” for Iiorses, Mules, CatUo, Sliocp, Ilogs, Co'*«, Calves. Lambs or Pigs. Ltiaally good for all stool., us it purities the blood, permanently s'.ren'-thens the < n tire system, gives perfect assimilation (thereby gp i; g much more strength and flesh from same amonn1 ot’ grain), and 13 the greatest known wpi>etizer. Pre pared by ft practical stockman. Thousands of reliable testimonials—Free. *1000. guarantee that they nr« t rue. B’lVthpfrPniifnP Owing to tho wonderful Bale of ai lliB ’JlUUIUB, “International Stock Food." u:t principled parties are puttin'? out very clone imita: ior.e of our name and design of label. IrP"*If you cam. I buy the genuine “International Stock Food” in your town we will wake tt very much to your interest tit write to »/.«• WE OFFER SIOO CASH PREMIUM to anyone raising the largest hog from an 1892 pig. Free cf restrictions ts to breed, food or feeding. Not re ?’.lired to u*e Internet ionnl Stock Food. See our par er or full particulars—Free from our dealers. “Inti ru'1 tional St »ck Food,” “lutornulional Poultry Food” and "Silver l ino Healing Oil” are guaranteed ant pro pared only by INTERNATIONAL FOOD CO.. We give Sole Agency. MINNEAPOLIS. Ni:KN I* unsurpassed in the ; real ment of ail PRSVATE BSSEASES ::rul ill! WKAKSKSS tsril and I ISOKDKKS of IsiLIl IK years experience. jin O All forms of Fe ll H O male Weakness, Fat st rrh, II heunmtism, 5*r:vute, flood. Nervous, Skin arid Urinary Diseases. SPECIALIST: PRES'DENT LEW ERA MedR:?! and Surgical Dispensary CONCULTATION FREE. I'i'.A'.-', i;-; ITU, !I !*i permanent ly c .. -ed wll .M'i't u-e of knife, ligature or cm- . ie. All i - of a private or «lel ic.^e nature, c. f < itirer sex, positively cured. . TUT: \ ^ ,T r-v V T5Y MAIL Address with sLi -. » l .i* p ?etieuiurs, which will he sent I jin pi vL !*. O. I5ox 0*4. or ' " ° •: s.. OMAHA. NEB. I - j CHASE CO. LAHD & L/l/E STOCK CO. ! (ones branded on left b!p or left shoulder ! P O.address, Imperial Chase County, and Beat rice. Neb Range, Stink In® Water and French man creeks, Chase Co., Nebraska. Brand ns cut on side of some animals, on hip an# sides cf some, or any where on the animal. CANCER Subjects need fear no longer from this King of Terrors, for by a most wonderful discovery in medicine, cancer on any part of the body can be permanently cured without the uso of the knife. MRS II. D. Cot.tiy, 2307 Indiana Ave., Chicago, 3ays “ Was cured of cancer of the breast in six weeks by your method of treatment.'’ Send for treatise. Dr. il. C. Dale, Sift 34th St., Chicago* A FLI LL TFeTUl' ON • • ■ lOR SET OF | CC | || RUBBER^5,00 Work Guaranteed. Teeth extracted in the morning, new ones inserted evening of same day. Teeth tilled without pain, latest method. Finest parlors In the west. Paxton DR- R. w. BAILEY, trance. uMaHA. - - - NEB.«’ J I C. M. NOBLE, LEADING GROCER, | McCOOK, - NEB. SOLE AGENT. |- ■ ----.... - COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. Successfully used monthly by thousands of La idies. is the only perfectly safe and reliable medicine discov ered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who offer Inferior medicines In place of this. Ask for Corn's Cottom Hoot Compound, take ro substitute, or Inclose £ l and 6 cents In postage In letter, and we will send, sealed, by return mail. Hull sealed particulars in plain envelope, to ladles onlv. d stamps. Add re. s Bond Lily Company. o.3 Usher r.iock, Detroit, Lit h. For sale by L. W. McConnell & Co., G. M. Chenery, Albert McMillen in McCook and by druggists everywhere. DR. HATHAWAY & OS., ^SPECIALISTS-*^. (Regular Oraduatci.) j.rc the lending and most successful specialists and will give you help. ^Bilhk. Young and mid die aged men. Remarkable re sults have follow ed our treatment. Many years of varied and success ful experience In the use of cura tive methods that we iiloiieownund control for all dis orders of men who have weuk, unde veloped or dis eased organs, or 'who are suffering [from errors of [youth and excess or who are nervous, 'nnd Impotent, the scorn of their [fellows nnd the contempt, of their friends nnd com panions. leads us o nriinrantee to all patients. If they can possibly )c restored, our owu exclusive treatment wlfl afford a cure. WOMEN! Don’t you want to get cured of that weakness with a treatment that you can use at home without instruments? Our wonderful treat ment liufl cured others. Why not you? Try it. CATARRH, and diseases of the Skin, Blood* Heart, Liver and Kidneys. STPHIIJ8 The most rapid, safe and effective; remedy. A complete Cure Guaranteed. 8RIN DISEASES of all kinds cured where many others have failed. UNNATURAL. DISCHARGES promptly cured In afew days. Quick, sure and safe. This Includes Gleet and Gonorhasa. TRUTH AND FACTS. We have cured cases of Chronic Diseases that have failed to g< t cured at the lianda of oilier special ism and medical Institutes. ,_——«*b*l.RK!W UMTS Fit that there is hope for You. Consult no other, as you may waste valuable time. Obtain our treatment at once. Beware of free and cheap treatments. We give the best and most, sclent!tic treatment at moderate prices -as low as can be done for safe and skillful treatment. FREE couNiillatioa at theojllceor by mail. Thorough examination and careful ding nosts. A home treatment can be given In a majority of cases. Send for Symptom Blank No. 1 for Men; No. 2 for Women; No. 8 for Skin Diseases. All corre spondence answered promptly. Business strictly con fidential. Entire treatment torn free from observa tion. Refer to our patients, banks and business rneu. Address or call on DR. HATHAWAY & CO., S. K. Corner Sixth and Felix Slit., Rooms ! and. (Up Stairs.) ST JOSEPH, MO. KipansTabules. Ripans Tabules are com pounded from a prescription widely used by the best medi cal authorities and are pre sented in a form that is be coming the fashion every where. Ripans Tabules act gently but promptly upon the liyer, stomach and intestines; cure dyspepsia, habitual constipa tion, offensive breath and head ache. One tabule taken at the first symptom of indigestion, biliousness, dizziness, distress after eating, or depression of spirits, will surely and quickly remove the whole difficulty. Ripans Tabules may be ob tained of nearest druggist. Ripans Tabules are easy to take, quick to act, and save many a doc tor’s bill. all PHOTOGRAPHS oh a RAGE SILK HANDKERCHIEF. : Mall os a good Photo, a white ( new or old; Silk Hand* kerchief, withal*. O. or KxpresN Money Order for $1, and we will Photograph the picture on the si Ik. Beauti ful effect. PERMANENT picture. WILL SOT FADE or . / WASH out, firsts forever, (t'ribodf /, delighted. PHOTO ■'•■k* STUDIO 313-51-17S.T5!ti.0MAHA WE TELL YOU nothing new when we state that it pays to engage in a permanent, most healthy and pleasant busi ness, that returns a profit for every day’s work. Such is the business we offer the working class. We teach them how to make money rapmly, and guarantee every one who follows our instructions faithfully the making of 8300.00 u month. Every one who takes hold now and works will surely and speedily increase their earnings: there can be no question about it; others now at work are doing it, and you, reader, can do the same. This is trie best paying business that you have ever had the chance to secure. You will make a grave mistake if you fail to give it a trial at once. If you grasp the situation, and act quickly, you will directly find yourself in a most prosperous business, at which*you can surely make and save large sums of money. The results of only a few hours* work will often equal a week’s wages. Whether you are old or young, man or woman, it makes no difference,— do as we tell you, and suc cess will meet you at the very -tart. Neither experience or capital necessary. Those who work, for us are rewarded. Why not write to-day for full particulars, free ? K. C. ALU:\ & CO.*, Box No. 4tdO, Augusta, Me. JOHN A. REED, Veterinary Surgeon. _■>' _o__ McCOOK. NEBRASKA. £2gr"Horse Dentistry a Specialty. Castrating and Spaying. Leave orders at residence over Strasser’s Liquor Store. Ill ■ ilTr n SALESMEN to repre Ml H lU I la us III III,- a,lie of our WHIl I LUr k"0'VI1 hard5- and ■ ■■■»• 1 ■■ V choice Nursery Stock for the North and West, Local or traveling. Work every day In the year. Special inducements to he gtnnere. Stock guaranteed. Good pav week ly- Apply quick, stating age. and obtain good territory. ST. PAUL NURSERY CO Dec. I 8ts. St. Paul. Minn.