The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 01, 1893, Image 8

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    Women’s Best Glove Calf Shoes.$1.50
Women’s Best Oil Grain Shoes. 1.50
Women’s Pebble Grain Shoes, solid. 1.00
Women’s Fine Dongola Kid Shoes. 1.50
Women’s Extra Quality Kangaroo Calf Shoes. 2.00
Men’s Grain Congress and Bluchers.$2.00
Men’s Grain Veal Congress. . 1.40
Men’s Prime Oil Grain Boots. 2.50
Men’s Prime Kip Boots. 2.50
Men’s Solid Split Boots. 1.40
Eight Lines of School Shoes from the Best Factories in the Country.
|=P“Groceries at Nobles’.
Pure Drugs at Cheuery’s City Drug
You can get anything in queensware
at cost at Knippie’s.
Writing tablets at The Tribune
stationery department.
Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty at
Chenery’s City Drug Store.
Club House cheese, nothing finer, for
sale at Anderson’s grocery.
Dr. A. J. Thomas, Dentist, office in
Union block, over Knipple.
Seventy-five cents buys a scale book
•f 500 tickets at this office.
Log cabin maple syrup, finest in the
market, at Anderson’s grocery.
Hecker’s self-rising Buck-wheat at
Andersen’s grocery. Try a package.
Very Finest Uncol
ored Japan Teas for
50c. a pound at Knip
ple’s. Every pound is
warranted by him.
Use McConnell’s Fragrant Lotion
for Chapped Hands and Face.
Well Digging.
If you want a well put down in fine
shape see Frank Nichols. He guaran
tees his work. Leave orders at S. M.
Cochran & Co.’s.
Beware of peddlers. Call and in
spect the Household sewing machine
sold by S. M. Cochran & Co. before
buying a machine. There ia no better
on earth.
Noble is the only exclusive grocer in
the city. His stock is the largest and
his prices correspond with the times.
Fair Priced Stock
Even a little money will do wonders in purchasing
presents for your friends or the little ones, from his
immense assortment of
Novelties, Toys, Dolls.
We Welcome You.
A. McMILLEN, Druggist.
Feed and Baled Hay.
Wauneta High Patent.. 1.10
Our Best. 1.10
Pure Gold. 1.00
straight grade.
Lion Patent.$1.00
White Fawn. 1.00
bakers’ grade.
Legal Tender.$ .90
Pride of Wauneta.85
EP“Mill feed of all kinds. Baled
hay cheaper than you can buy the same
grade loose.
West Room A. 0. U. W. Building.
The suicide of a St. Paul editor who
threw himself under an engine because
he had been disappointed in an applica
tion for Government position is hardly
a vindication of the spoils system. Nor
is it a blow at civil service reform. The
man who is weak enough to kill himself
because the Government does not give
him a job is not likely to be the sort of
man that would de serviceable to the
Government in any capacity.
Episcopal services in Masonic hall,
both morning and evening, Sunday next,
at the usual hours, by Rev.Durant. The
hour for Sunday school has, however,
been changed from 12 to 10 in the morn
ing. Please observe this change in the
time for Sunday school.
Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Hupp entertained
their relatives Mr. and Mrs. Miller of
of Fairmont, close of last and fore part
of this week. Mr. Miller is a banker,
and has interests at Lebanon, whither
they all drove, Monday, the latter going
east from that point.
Weather fine and eorn husking pro
gressing rapidly. Yield is fair.
There is a literary society at the Lau
rel Dell school house that bids fair to
be a success.
From the way farmers talk in this
section of the county, next seasou will
see the planting of the greatest acreage
of wheat and corn of any previous year.
J.B.Miller marketed some fine hogs,
last week, and from the way Mr. Miller
rustles around one would suppose that,
he was looking out for a cook. That's
right, Jim.
Wre have one Christian young man in
our vicinity, we should judge from the
way he pays his attentions to the wid
ows and orphans. But we will not give
him away, for it might make E.L.Fow
ler blush.
The way alfalfa threshing has been
pushing the farmers on the Beaver is
amazing, and many have been caused to
rejoice in a big yield of seed. The Ash
ton brothers have nearly six hundred
bushels of seed. Some crops yielded 12
bushels to the acre.
Rough and Ready.
Official reports of railroad earnings
for October are not showing the terrible
falling off in net receipts of which the
railway magnates have been so loudly
complaining. The railroads are by no
means as badly affected by the prevail
ing industrial depression as are a host
of other important business interests of
the country.
It is to be sincerely hoped that Gen
eral Master Workman Sovereign will
be able to restore to the Knights of
Labor that harmony ot purpose and
action among its members and officers
which it has so sadly missed since the
advent of the Powderly machine.
Populists of the state announce that
a council of the party leaders will be
held in January to adopt a plan of cam
paign for next year.
Freshest fruits the market affords are
to be purchased at Knipple's grocery
Perfumes and Toilet Articles at
Chenery’s City Drug Store.
Gifts! Gifts!
— <«8®»88>
Old and Young, Big and Little,
Will find what they want in our
--•— .
New Novelties, Pleasant Surprises, Immense
Quantities, all at the Lowest Prices. Come
and see them. Everybody welcomed.
McCook Book ^Stationery Co.
They have just received three cars
of fancy alfalfa fed heifers at the B.
& M. Meat Market from Colorado.
It is the finest meat ever placed on
the butcher’s block in this city, and1
it costs no more than poor, tough :
grass fed meat. Try it and see.
Put jour $ $ $ where they will do
the most good, where they will secure
the best and the most groceries for in
stance. You will make no mistake if
Noble’s is the place of deposit. He
gives the limit in quantity, quality and
value, and his stock cannot be duplicat
ed in Western Nebraska.
The burning question with house
wives of all lands, all creeds, and all
ages is: “Which is the best Cooking
Stove?" S. M. Cochran & Co. answer
this question today by proclaiming the
“Charter Oak Stoves” to be the
best in every conceivable shape.
Log cabin maple syrup, finest in the
market, at Anderson’s grocery.
School tablets in great variety at
Chenery's City Drug Store.
B. & M. Flour and Feed Store,
Pillsburys Best,.$1.50 per sack.
Boss, granulated H. P... 1.35 per sack.
Monogram11 “ 1 20 per sack.
Charm “ “ 1.15 per sack,
01 “ “ 1.15 per sack.
Jack Frost, winter. 1.00 per sack.
Faultless.90 per sack.
Favorite.90 per sack.
Pride of McCook.80 per sack.
Rye Flour, Graham, Buckwheat.
Flour and Corn Meal. Bran, Shorts,.
Chop Feed, Grain and Hay. All goods
delivered free. J. J. Garrard,
211 Main street. Manager
Sewing machines at
$5.00 per month on
the installment plan
at Pade & Son’s.