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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1893)
Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report ABSOLUTELY PURE Noble carries a large and complete stock of the best brands of canned goods of all kinds. S. M. Cochran & Co. carry a large line of buggies in stock. See them if you want a good vehicle cheap. IN QUEENSWARE Noble carries the largest assortment and the richest designs of the season. Ilis prices are reasonable. Don’t build a fence around your property until you have seen and priced that woven wire fencing at S. M. Cochran & Co.'s. Nothing cheaper, neater or better. We sell the Empire letter copying hooks. Also best grades of type writ ing paper. Thompson & Co. have moved into the A. O. U. W. building. They have a larger and better stock than ever. McMillen Bros, have a splendid as sortment of Robes and Horse Blankets. Their stock of Harness and Saddlery is unequalled in western Nebraska. Ladies wanting great bargains in millinery should be sure to call on Mrs. M. E. Barger, west Dennison street, east of Predtnore’s blacksmith shop. That’s the place to secure them. Largest Stock of DIAMONDS, .... Also of.... Watches H Novelties Ever shown in McCook for the yooooooooo oooooooooo oliilay Trade. o#ooooooooooooooooo oo ■> I Will Not Be Undersold By Anyone, East or West. * Ladies' Watches.... from $4.00 to $ 75.00. Broach Pins.from .25 to 600.00. Rings.from .25 to 200.00. In Fact I Have the Stock—Anything You Might Want for a Present—and my prices are the Lowest quality Considered. Engraving of my Goods DONE FREE OF CHARGE. 4 -— No Trouble to Show My Goods. Call at Once And Look My Stock Over and I Will .... Surprise You. H. P. SUTTON, Leading Jeweler of the Southwest. Queensware at cost at Knipple’s. This is your opportunity. McMillen has a large assortment of Lamps for sale very cheap. A fine line of stationery at popular prices at Chenery’s City Drug Store. Hanging and stand lamps, a large and fine variety, at Anderson’s grocery. Do you know that Knipple pays the highest price for butter (23 cents) and eggs (19 cents). It’s a fact. Noble, the leading grocer, makes a specialty of fresh, clean family grocer ies. He will treat you right. Rare bargains in Lamps at McMil len’s drug store. S. M. Cochran & Co. can sell you a bicycle very cheap. See them. Hanging and stand lamps, a large and fine variety, at Anderson's grocery. Nice assortment of writing papers for sale at The Tribune stationery department. No better farm wagon on wheels than the Charter Oak sold by S. M. Cochran & Co. Noble is also strictly in it when it comes to selling fresh vegetables at a reasonable price. Awarded Highest Honors World’s Fair. The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes—40 Years tlie Standard. ! Fit iMuok IVlkoyt. By F. M. KIMMELL. $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. ALL HOME PRINT. The hired yap of the Tiraes Democrat announces the presence of a new editor on the The Tribune. But it requires no flight of the imagination to see the coarse work of the same old bewhiskered Ana nias in the reeeut issues of that publication. It is difficult to comprehend why Times-Democrat should attempt to malign a contemporai'y whose pol itical integrity is above reproach, unless it is to attract attention to its own recent spurt of party zeal, which is no doubt largely traceable to the fact that one of its owners was a candidate for the best paying office in Bed Willow county. The Tribune is now prepared to state with official confidence that Colonel Peterson is undoubtedly the most puissant and potential individual who smote Colonel TV. H. Patterson the blow behind the right auricle, at which the spheres trembled. He was also in at the death of the bear. The colonel is beyond a reasonable peradventure responsible for many marvelous deeds which have filled the world with wonderment and asylums with patients. But hitherto he has been traveling incog. He may now be readily recognized—he is a holy show, a howling hoodoo from Ohio. Colonel Oh My Peterson, the political renegade and all-around jay of the Times-Democrat who is weekly wasting his broadsides of nonsensical slush on The Tribune, Messrs. Dolas, Lamborn and oth ers who would not make a door mat of him, is doubtless acquiring a bad habit which even the gold cure cant reach. The Caesarian operation is about the only specific for such gall, impudence and ego tism as the oreide colonel dishes up for his disgusted patrons every week. The colonel should be taken out into the back yard and renova ted, or given six months twice a year regularly, until cured of this wearisome spouting through his fez. Even a low sense of fairness,de cency and gratitude ought to close the mud guns of the Times-Demo crat against the publisher of this paper. It is a matter of record that The Tribune gave one of the owners of that paper a support of acknowledged value, during the late election, for the office of treas urer. This assistance was render ed, as to the rest of the republican ticket, without hope of reward. In Mr. Barnes’ case the advantage lay distinctly in another direction. In view of this, what excuse can that paper offer for its contempti ble and churlish course since elec tion? It stands now as a self convicted tngrate, seeking by un der-handed methods to undermine and falsely represent this paper— an unmerited insult that will be resented vigorously. Be as manly as you can. Colonel Peterson pretends that The Tribune is dissatisfied with the way the “Times-Democrat run the late campaign.” In the first instance we deny most em phatically the insulting assumption that the Times-Democrat “run” the campaign. Secondly, we do not make a habit of meddling with the affairs of our contemporaries, as the impudent and irresponsible hired Jolie of the Times-Democrat persists in doing. Hence our com plete non-concern as to the course of that paper in the last campaign. But we will state, in conclusion, that the mendacious, malignant and persistent assault on the inde pendent candidate for treasurer was unmanly, cowardly and un called for, and especially contemp tible and dirty under the circum stances. It is decidedly unbecom ing a gentleman whose lips have been glued to a public teat ever since his advent into Red Willow county, and who will shortly enter upon a two years further lease, to so persistently and scurrilously assault those who have been fact ors in his success. I HOLIDAY ATTRACTIONS. —MUY USEFUL^ AND SERVICEABLE AS WELL AS ARTISTIC GOODS. Neckwear, Mufflers, Silk Umbrellas, Gloves, Mitts, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs. Shirts, Plush Caps, Underwear, Leather Bags, as well as everything desirable in Clothing for Men and Boys. Everything Suitable for Holiday Gifts. We are Making SPECIAL PRICES in Every Department in Order to Reduce our Extremely Large Stock. “■1“' JONAS ENGEL, &*__Manager. McCook, Nebraska, December 1st, 1893. T HeTUBLIC: Having other interests and other business requiring my attention, I have this day begun to close out my store. I offer my entire stock of $12,000 worth of Dry Goods, Carpets and Millinery, in Bulk or at Retail over the Counter, At and Below Cost. I will Sell my Shelving and Fixtures at a Big Sacrifice. Parties looking for a location are invited to correspond and to come personally and investigate. NOTHING IS RESERVED. Linens, Carpets, Dress Goods, Oil cloth Millinery White goods, Cloaks, Underw’r, Hats & Caps, Laces, Neckwear, Embroideries, Silks Velvets, Table Spreads, Corsets. Hosiery, Feather Pillows, Gloves, Towels, Handkerchiefs, Ribbons, Sheeting, Lace Curtains, Prints. Flannels, Furnishings, Shawls, Trimmings. Ginghams, Yarns, Blankets, Notions, Worsted, Lined Duck Coats. ALL GO AT COST AND LESS. Mail Orders from Merchants and others will he filled only when accompanied by the cash. No Goods will be exchanged or taken back after pur chase. No Goods sent out on approval. All CLOAKS go at 50 cents on the dollar—Just Half Price. Come Early. Tell Your Friends. Improve this great Opportunity. Respectfully, CEORCE E. THOMPSON, IU“-“'Sdb“di,,g McCook, Nebraska.