The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 01, 1893, Image 3
A Household Treasure. I). VY. Fuller of Cansjolurie, N. Y., says that he alwuys keepa Dr King's New Discovery in the house ami his family have always found the very best results follow its use; that he would not be without it, if procurable. 0. A. Dy keman, druggist, Catskill, N Y., says that Dr. King's New Discovery is un doubtedly the best cough ri tucdy; that, he has used it in his family for eight years, and it has never foiled to do all that is claimed for it. Why not try a remedy so long tried and tested. Trial bottles free at MoMillcn’s drug store. Regular size ;>0c and $1. Black and white, pink and black and brown and green bats are seen by the quantity. More serious sickness is produced by allowing the bowels to remain in a tor pid or partially constipated condition than from any other cause. In many instances diseases are produced from which people never wholly recover. Dyspepsia, piles and nervous disorders are three of the most common and most serious. 'I hey are caused by neglect ing the bowels, and can bo prevented by an occasional dose of St. Patrick’s pills, which always produce a pleasant cathartic effect, and not only physic, but cleanse the whole system and regu late the liver and bowels. 25 cents per box, for sale by McConnell & Co. Bullion-embroidered hut and bonnet crowns are appearing with wings and bands. / Owe it To suffering humanity to tell the great benefit my wife.lias received from Parks’ Sure Cure, the truly great liver and kidney cure. She has been con stitutionally wrecked for several years. Tried everything fruitlessly. After a large amount of persuasion from my druggist, baekcd by bis guarantee, 1 bought a bottle of Parks Sure Cure ana the results are more than wonderful. W. P. Bayes, Omaha, Nebraska. Sold by McMillen. Chenile card or gimp toque crowns appear with the brim of velvet and beads. Hints on Poultry Keeping Is the title of our little pamphlet which tells all about how to have plenty of eggs and no sick chickens. The cost is trifling, and the man or woman who wants to raise poultry successfully can do it by using Wells Hoosier Poultry Powder. Price 25 cents. Pamphlet free by addressing Wells Medicine Co., LaFayette, Ind. Sold by McConnell & Co. Sept 8—3 mos. Miroir velvets have sunken polka dots over the very highly reflective surface. For Sore Throat.—Saturate a flan nel bandage with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bind it on the throat. It will cure any ordinary case in one night’s time W. B. Fuller, the leading mer chant at Greencastle, Iowa remarked as follows: “Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is a good one. It cured me of a violent sore throat. I have sold a number of bottles for rheumatism, and always with good results.” 50 cent bottles for sale by McConnell & Co. Black satin petticoats and those of mohair are now trimmed with satin ruffles. One Lady Says She had been troubled for years with a hacking cough. Had many doctors and tried fifty cough cures, but grew worse all the time. She finally tried Parks’ Cough Syrup and found imme diate relief. It begins at the bottom of the disease and is the best cough remedy on the market Refer any suf ferer to Mrs. W. J. Fahey, Le Roy, N. Y. Sold by McMillen. Braided and frogged military coats are seen. — Now for pity’s sake don’t growl and grumble because you are troubled with indigestion. No good was ever effected by snarliDg and fretting. Be a man, (unless you happen to be a woman), and take Ayer’s sarsaparilla, which will relieve you, whether a man or a woman. Buttercup yellow is suitable for even ing wear, alone or with white. All Ills That Pills Are good for are treated more suc cessfully by Parks’ Tea. It is not a cathartic, no griping or pain, yet moves the bowels every day. Guaranteed by McMillen. Sealskin and lamb sacques have the new umbrella pleated back. It Cures. Parks' Cough Syrup will cure colds, coughs, croup and whooping cough. The standard home remedy in thousands of families for all lung diseases. Guar anteed by McMillen. Plush, in moderation or otherwise, is used for wraps. Karl's Clover Root, the new Blood Purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the Complexion and cures Constipa tion. 25 cents, 50 cents and $1. Sold oy A. McMillen. s 26-lyr. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Di ego, Cal., says: “Shiloh’s Catarrh Rem edy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good.” Price 50 cents. Sold by A. McMillen. United States Land Office, McCook, Nebraska, November iOlli, 1S93. NOTIGB OF THE Discontinuanceof the Land Office AT BLOOMINGTON. NEBRASKA, AND ITS Consolidation With The Land Office AT McCOOK, NEBRASKA. Notice is hereby given that the President of the United States, by Executive Order, dated September eleventh, 1803, lias, pursuant to larv, directed that the U. S. Local Land Office now located at Bloomington, in the State of Neb raska, be discontinued, and its business and archives transferred to and consolidated with the McCook Land Office in said State. Pursuant to said order, and the instructions of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, to this office, letterf A )of Oct. 31,1893,we have conferred with the office at Blooming ton, NF.RRASKA.and have fixed DECEMBER 31st, 1893, at 4 o’clock, p. m., as the precise date when the office at Bloomington will close, and JANUARY 1st, 1894, as the date when the land officers at McCook, Nebraska, will be in readiness to transact all business relating to the lands transferred. On and after JANUARY 1st, 1894, all busi ness relating to lands heretofore embraced in the Bloomington, Nebraska, Land District, will be transacted at the Land Office at Mc Cook, Nebraska. J. P. LINDSAY, Register. D. E. BOMGARDNER, Receiver. U. S. Land Office, McCook, Nebraska. First publication Nov. l7-4ts. Specimen Cases. T. H. Clifford, New Cassell, Wiscon sin, was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, his stomach was disorder ed, his liver was affected to an alarm ing degree, appetite fell away, and lie was terribly reduced in both health and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., had a running sore on his leg of eight years’ standing. Used thvee bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklin’s Arnica salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Cataw ba, Ohio, had five large fever sores on his leg, and the doctors said he was in curable. One box of Bucklin's Arnica salve and one bottle of Electric Bitters cured him entirely. Sold by McMilleu. Tl.e first school house in the Chero kee Strip was very auspiciously opened at Ponca. Good Advice.—The editor of the West Branch, Iowa, Record, gives his readers some good advice: “We have used Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy in our family in cases of sudden colds and sore throat, and find it all that is now claimed for it. One bottle or less, if taken according to directions, will, we believe, effect a cure in any ordinary case and &ave the expense of large doc tor bills. Especially do we recommend it in families where the childreu are threatened with croup, as it will afford immediate relief, if taken in time, and this can always be done if the medicine is kept on hand, as we are convinced it should be.” For sale by McConnell. Edwin Booth’s estate, over and above the debts, was something over $460,000. Distemper Among Horses Safely and quickly cured by the use of Craft’s Distemper and Cough Cure. It not only cures distemper but when administered in time prevents its spread among horses and colts that have been exposed, to the contagion. It is not expensive and is easily administered. Send for book on distemper, free. Ad dress Wells Medicine Co., LaFayette. Indiana, or ask McConnell & Co. Sept. 8—3 mos. Fifteen thousand peoDle have been vaccinated at Chattanooga, Tenn. Morris’ English Worm Powder, A specific remedy for worms: warrant ed to cure the worst case of worms known, or money refunded. Knocks pin worms in horses every time. Also good for all kinds of worms in horses, sheep and dogs. Price 50 cents at all drug stores, or postpaid by mail. The Wells Medicine Co., LaFayette, In diana. Sept. 8—1 yr. Yellowish green beads and wings are adapted to cither black, white or brown hats. Buck fan's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for outs, *ores, ulcers, salt rheum, tetter, chap ped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded. Price 25 cents a box. For sale by A. McMillen. |23-lyr. Bayadere silks are reserved for only sleeves in mixed ar.d lengthwise striped wool gowns. Morris’ English Stable Powder Not only cures but prevents dissase, and when fed two or three times a week will keep your stock in fine condition, will make them fat, sleek and glossy. Changes the entire system, gives new blond, new life, and puts them in good condition for spring work. Full pound packages 25 cents. Sold by McConnell & Co. Sept. 8—3 mos. Wanted! 37 men wanted at McConnell’s drug store, next Monday morning, to buy a bottle of Haller’s Barb Wire Liniment. It is absolutely guaranteed. Hair Death iiiRtnntly removes ami forever destroys objectionable hair, whether upon the hands, face, arms or neck, without dis coloration or injury to the most deli cate skin. It. was for fifty years the secret formula of Erasmus WiUon. ac knowledged hr physicians as the high est authority am) the most eminent dermatologist and hair specialist that ever lived. During his private prac tice of a lifetime among the nobility and aristocracy of Europe he always prescribed this recipe. Price $1. by mail, securely packed. Correspondence confidential. Hole agents for America. The Skokum Root Hair Grower Company, Dept. R. 57 South Fifth Av., New York. W. S. Morlan, Attorney, McCook, Neb. Sheriff’s Sale. By virtue of an order of sale directed to me from the district court of Red Willow county, Nebraska, on a judgment obtained before Hon. D. T. Welty. judge of the district court of Red Willow county. Nebraska, on the 18th day of September. 1893, in favor of Josiah G. Adams, administrator of the estate of Palmer Southworth. deceased, as plaintiff, and against Charles H. Nichols et al., as defendants, for the sum of eight hundred twenty-five ($825.87) dollars and eighty-seven (87) cents, and costs taxed at $22 28 and accruing costs. 1 have levied upon the following real estate taken as the property of said defendants to sat isfy said judgment, to-wit: The west half of the north east quarter, the south-east quarter of the north-east quarter of section 17. and t lie south west quarter of the south-east quarter of sec tion 8, in township 2. north, range 28. west of the 6th P. M., in Red Willow county, Nebraska. Ard will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, on the 18th day of December, A. D., 1893. in front of the south door of the court house, in lndianola. Nebras ka that being the building wherein the last term of court was held, at the hour of 1 o'clock P. M. of said day. when and where due attend ance will be given by the undersigned. Dated November 13th, 1893. E. R. Banks, Sheriff of said county. First publication Nov. 17th—5ts. Notice. In the district court of Red Willow county, Nebraska. Thomas Lonergan vs. David D. Smith et al. David D. Smith and Leva Smith, his wife, and Abbie Smith, defendants in the above entitled case, will take notice that on August I2th, 1893, the plaintiff herein filed his petition in the district court of Red Willow county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain real estate mortgage executed by defendant David D. Smith to Frank 11. Spearman, and duly assigned to plaintiff above, lot numbered four (4) in block numbered thirty (30) in the original town of McCook, Red Willow county, Nebraska, to secure the payment of a certain promissory note dated November 1st, 1887, for the sum of $800.00, due three years after date, with interest at 10 per cent per annum, which note and the mortgage securing the same was duly sold, assigned and transferred for valid consideration by said Frank H. Spearman to this plaintiff, before maturity. That there is now due and payable from said defendants to plaintiff on said note and mortgage $1,010.99, with interest from November 8th, 1893, at 10 per cent per annum. Plaintiff prays for a de cree that defendants be required to pay the same or that said premises may be sold to sat isfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before December 18th, 1893. Thomas Lonergan, by J. A. Cordeal, Attorney. Plaintiff. Dated Nov. 9, 1893.—First Nov. 9*4ts. Notice. In the district court of Red Willow county, Nebraska. Thomas Lonergan vs. James H. Becker et al. James H. Becker, David Carpenter, Mrs. D. Carpenter, his wife, first name unknown, de fendants in above-entitled action, will take notice that on the 12th day of August, 1893, the plaintiff herein filed his petition in the district court of Red Willow county, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain real estate mortgage executed by James H. Becker, unmarried, to the plaintiff, upon the east half of the northwest quarter and the west half of the northeast quarter of section numbered eight in township numbered one, north of range numbered thirty, west of the sixth principal meridian, in Red Willow county, Nebraska, to secure the payment of a certain promissory note dated May 26th, 1890. for the sum of $300.00, due and payable June 1st, 1S92, with interest at 10 per cent per an num from maturity. That there is now due on said note and mortgage the sum of $341.67,with interest at ten per cent per annum from Nov ember 8th, 1893. Plaintiff prays that defend ants be required to pay the same or that said premises be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before December 18th, 1893. Thomas Lonergan, Plaintiff, by J. A. Cordeal, Attorney. Dated Nov. 9, 1893. 4ts. W. S. Morlan, Attorney, McCook. Neb. Sheriff’s Sale. By virtue of an order of sale directed to me from the district court of Red Willow county, Nebraska, on a judgment obtained before Hon. D. T. Welty, judge of the district court of Red Willow county. Nebraska, on the 18th day of September. 1893, in favor or John A. Hamilton as plaintiff, and againt Ance Shra ter et al., as defendants, for the sum of two Hundred thirty-six ($236) dollars and thirty (30) cents, and costs taxed at $21 43.. nd accruing costs. I have levied upon the following real estate taken as tbe property of said defend ants to satisfy said judgment, to-wit: Tbe south half of the south-west quarterof section 14. in township 2, north, range 29, west of the 6th P. M., in Red Willow county. Nebraska. And will offer the samefor sale to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, on tbe 18tb day of December, A. D.. 1893. in front of the south door of tbe court bouse. In Indianola, Nebras ka, that being the building wherein the last term of court was held, at the hour of 1 o’clock P. M. of said day, when and where due attend ance will be given by the undersigned. Dated November 13th, 1893. E. R. Banks, Sheriff of said county. First publication Nov. 17th—6ts. Order Of Attachment. C. Suchefort will take notice that on the first day of November, 1893, and action was begun before H. H. Berry, a justice of the peace in and for Willow Grove precinct, Red Willow county, Nebraska, for the sum of $16.90, wherein J. F. Ganschow is plaintiff and C. Suchefort is defendant. That money due and unpaid the defendant in the possession of the C., B. & Q. railroad company has been at tached under an order of attachment. Said cause was continued to the 14th day of De cember, 1893, at 9 o’clock a. m. 27—4ts. J. F. Ganschow. Chamberlain's Eye & Skin Ointment. A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head. Old Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples and Piles. It is cooling and soothing. Hundreds of cases have been cured by it alter all other treatment had failed. It is put up in 25 and 50 cent boxes. For sale by George M. Chenery. Nov.20-lyear. Don’t Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Life away is the truthful and startling title of a little book that tells all about No-to-bac. the wonderful, harmless guaranteed tobacco habit cure. The cost is trifling and the man wbo wants to quit and can’t, runs no physical or financial risk in using No-to bac—Sold by all druggists. Book at drug stores or by mail free. The Sterling Remedy Co., Indiana Min eral Springs, Indiana. Aug. 35—1 yr. His Second Wife Told him the secret of her very good health. She used Parks tea every night. Sold by McMillen. The Citizens Bank of McCook. Incorporated unaer State Lawr Paid Up Capital, $50,000 -DOES A General Banking Business Collections made en all accessible points. Drafts draws directly on principal cities in Europe. Taxes paid for non-residents. Tickets For Sale to and from Europe OFFICERS: V. FRANKLIN. President. JOHN R. CLARK, Vice Pres. A. 0. EBERT, Cashier. CORRESPONDENTSi The First National Bank, Lincoln Nebrska. The Chemical National Bank, New York City Tfte Hrst JYatiouaJ tdauf?. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $100,000. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $60,000. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. GEORGE HOCKNELL, President. B. M. FREES, Vice President. W. F. LAWSON, Cashier. A. CAMPBELL. FRANK HARRIS. :3ABST MILWAUKEE BEERWINS. The PABST BREWING CO. has been awarded the highest points of merit on each article they manufacture, at the World’s Columbian Exposition. Each separate beer lias defeated all similar beers of its respective class, Pabst Hofbrau scored higher than the Royal Hofbrau of Munich, and the “Best” Tonic scored the one hundred points of perfection an altitude of merit supreme and unequalled. This gives to Pabst, Milwaukee, A Victory Over the Entire World, consisting of an award on ten separate products. A victory complete and absolutely Unpar alleled in the History of Expositions. This announcement of the first and only report of the judges was made officially for the first and only time on Wednesday, November 15th, 1893, at 5:30 p. m., by John Boyd Thaclier, Chairman on Awards—hence all previous statements from every source have been unauthor ized and misleading. _PAT WALSH, Wholesale Dealer. Notice by Publication. In the district court in and for Red Willow county, Nebraska. Thomas Louergan, plain tiff, vs. Frank L. McCracken et al., defend ants. Frank L. McCracken, Clo M. Mc Cracken, his wife, B. B. Davis, trustee school district 17, Red Willow county,' Nebraska, Snpha M. Davis, wife of said B. B. Davis, and Baldwin Co., defendants in the above entitled case, will take notice that on the 12th day of August, 1893, the plaintiff herein tiled his petition in the district court of Red Wil low county, Nebraska, against said defend ants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by said Frank L. McCracken and Clo M.McCracken, his wife .defendants, to the plaintiff upon lots Nos. 5 and 6,in block No. 27, in the second addition to the town of McCook, Red Wil low County, and state of Nebraska. To se cure tlie payment of one promissory note dated August 24th, 1888, for the sum of Five Hundred Dollars due and payable on the first day of September, 1891, with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum from maturity; that there is now due upon said note and mortgage from said defend ants to this plaintiff the sum of $598.00 with interest thereon at 10 per cent, per annum from August 12th, 1893; plaintiff prays for a decree that defendants be required to pay the same or that said premises mar be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are re quired to answer said petition on or before the 11th day of December, 1893. Thomas Lonergan, Plaintiff. By J. A. Cordeal, his attorney. Dated November 2nd, 1893. W. S. Morlan, Attorney, McCook, Neb. Sheriff’s Sale. By virtue of an order of sale directed to me from the district court of Red Willow County, Nebraska, on a judgment obtained before Hon. 1). T. Welty, judge of the dis trict court of Red Willow county, Nebraska, on the 20th day of October, 1S92, in favor of George Hocknell as plaintiff, and against James W. Speer et al., as defendants, for the sum of one hundred and three dollars and 17 cents, and costs taxed at S1J.SS and accruing costs. I have levied upon the fol lowing real estate taken as the property of said defendants to satisfy said judgment, to-wit: The southwest quarter of the south east quarter and the southeast half of the southwest quarter of section 18, and the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter and the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter ol section 19, all in township 2, north of range 30, west of the 6th p. m.. in Red Willow county, Nebraska. Ami will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, on the 4th day of December, A. D., 1893, in front of the south door of the court house, in Indianola, Nebraska, that i being the building wherein the last term of | court was held, at the hour of 1 o’clock p. ui. of said day, when and where due attendance will be eiven by the undersigned. Dated October 26th, 1893. E. R. Banks, Sheriff of said county. First publication October 27-5ts. Shiloh’s Care, the great cough and croup cure, is for sale by us. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses, only 25 sents. Children love it. A. McMillen. On account of the unusual stringency in money matters we are compelled to sell goods hereafter only.... Strictly For Cash. We will, however, SELL. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES ■ At the very lowest living profit; and we kindly . ask all who have so long traded with us, and have never been refused credit, to assist us at this critical time. ....IN.,.. UNDERWEAR, And All Summer Goods We are makinjj O SPECIALLY LOW PRICES. J. A. WILCOX & SON. McCook, July 2B, 18B3. GEO. J. BURGESS Dealer in Fnl Is ' . The Finest Line of Machinery Ever Brought to this County. Yard West of First National Bank, McCOOK, NEB.