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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1893)
L. W. McConnell & Co. (*L LASS, All Sizes. Sponges, Chamois, Purses, Combs and Brushes, Perfumes and Toilet Articles. Paints and Wall Paper. W. C. BULLARD & CO. --tot— I • • "" LTME, HARD CEMENT, - m g mmm m p w* AND WINDOWS, L U Iwfl BERb SOFT BLxNDS. _ COAL. • • BED CEDAR AND OAK POSTS. B*~U. J. WARREN. Manager. B. & M. Meat Market. FRESH AND SALT MEATS, BACON, BOLOGNA, CHICKENS, TURKEYS, AC., AC. F. S. WILCOX, Prop. i F. D. BURGESS, PLUMBER®STEAM FITTER NORTH MAIN AVE.. McCOOK, NEB. Stock of Iron, Lead and Sewer Pipe, Brass Goods, Pumps, and Boiler Trimmings. Agent for Halliday, Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mills. i I [Balsam Are you at all Weak-chested or inclined to be Consumptive, with just a touch of Cough now and then? “Try this Wonderful Medicine." The Cough and Weakness will disappear as if by magic, and you will feel a strength and power never had before. HAVE YOU A COLD? A Dose at Bedtime will Remove it. HAVE YOU A COUGH ? A Dose will Relieve it. Bronchitis and Asthma it relieves instantly. The Spasms of Conghing so dreadful in Whooping Cough become less with each dose of medicine. It is an old adage, “To be forewarned is to be forearmed." So let it be in yonr case, who read this, and keep on hand Allen’s Lunq Balsam. Directions accompany each bottle. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AT ^ts., 50cts„ AND $1.00 A BOTTLE, CABLED FIELD and HOG FENCING, 24 inches to 38 inches high ; the best all-purpose fence made. Also STEEL WEB PICKET FENCE for yards and lawns, and STEEL WIRE FENCE BOARD and ORNAMENTAL STRIP for horses and cattle. The most complete line of wire fencing of any factory in the country. Write for circulars. DE KALB FENCE CO., De Kalb, 111. JfifcfvSK _ .. V? What is the condition of yours9 It your hair dry, harsh, brittle9 Does it split at the ends? Has it a lifeless appearance ? Does it fall out when combed or brushed? Is it full of dandruff? Does your scalp iteh ? Is it dry or in a heated condition ? If these are some of y^ur symptoms he *earned in time or you wilt become bald, [ySKOOKUM BOOT HAIR GROWER*! la what yon need. Its production Is not an accident, but the remit of scientific re search. Knowledge of the diseases of the hair and scalp led to the discovery of bow to treat them. “ Skooknm ” contains neither minerals nor oils. It is not a Dye, bat a delightfully cooling and refreshing Tonic. By stimulating the follicles, it stops falling hair, cures dandruff and grows hair on bald heads. „ BT Keep the scalp dean, healthy and free from Irritating eruptions, by the use 1 of Shookum Skin Soap. It destroys parasitie insects, which feed on and destroy I the hair. If your druggist cannot supply you. send direct to us, and we will forward jmpdd^tmraoelpt of price. Grower, duo per bottle; 6 for *5.00. poap, 00a per THE SKOOKUM ROOT HAIR GROWER CO., ’ 57 South Fifth Ave.. New York, N. Y. Dr. Hartman Treats 10,000 .Cases of Chronic Catarrh Free. In order to bring to the homes of all people, rich and poor, a reliable and permanent cure for chronic catarrh, a course of treatment has been devised by the Pe ru-na Drug Manufacturing Com pany which costs the patient nothing except the necessary medicine. This enterprising drug company, bound to lead, and not follow, have completed arrangements to treat 10,000 catarrh patients during the coming winter free of charge. To insure the success of this gigantic undertaking they have se cured the services of the well known writer and lecturer on chronic catarrh, Dr. Hartman, who, with a corps of as sistant physicians, is to take charge of the correspondence with each patient. Pamphlets, accompanied by a letter, giving complete directions for one month’s treatment sent free to any ad dress. Those not entirely cured during the first month are expected to report their condition to Dr. Hartman, who will advice further treatment without any charge. Each patient is permitted to continue correspondence with Dr. Hart man until entirely cured. At no time will any charge be made. The diet, hygiene, and sanitary regulations of patient will be prescribed by the doc tor. The medicine, which is known all over the world as Pe-ru-na, is the main medicine used, and can be obtained at any drug store. Should it be necessary to continue the correspondence many months, or even visit Dr. Hartman in person, everything will be done free of charge. A free catarrh book sent to any address by the Pe-ru-na Drug Man ufacturing Company, Columbus, Ohio. Morris’ English Stable Liniment Leads the procession. The wonder 1 in iment oF the age. Cures after all oth ers have failed. Has stood the test ot ( twenty years of constant use by one of the leading veterinary surgeons of the English profession, and is now sold in this country upon a positive guarantee. Good for man or Dest. Price 50c and $1. Sold by McConnell & Co. Sept. 8—3ui. There’s nothing finer than alfalfa fed beef. They are selling a very choice lot of it at the B. & M. Meat Market. The flavor is fine and the meat very tender and juicy. Try it and you can’t help being pleased. JEIF’Noble, Purveyor to tne Great Common People, is now exhibiting about the handsomest and largest as sortment of plain and fancy lamps to be seen in Southwestern Nebraska. Use McConnell’s Fragrant Lotion for Chapped Hands and Face. If you want anything in the line of Flour, Feed or Hay, call at the west room of the A. O. U. W. building. H. Thompson & Co. Make Noble your family grocer and many other blessings will fall to your lot, besides having the best groceries on your table that the market affords. S. M. Cochran & Co. have an im mense stock of farm implements on hand. See them before buying else where. If you are thinking of buying a set of new dishes call to see Knipple’s stock and get his prices. Alfalfa fed beef has the finest flavor. Try some at B. & M. Meat market. It’s great. Ink, pens, pencils school tablets, etc., at The Tribune stationery department. Sixteen pounds of Granulated Sugar for One (1$) Dollar at Knipple’s. Hecker’s self-rising Buck-wheat at Anderson’s grocery. Try a package. Club House cheese, nothing finer, for sale at Anderson’s grocery. Knipple is selling out his stock of queensware at cost. Use McConnell’s Fragrant Lotion for Chapped Hands and Face. Remember that S. M. Cochran & Co. now carry in stock a full and complete stock of builders’ hardware supplies. J. H. Ludwick is buying and selling second-hand goods at the old stand on west Dennison street. Give him a call or drop a postal card. Nothing in market like Wilcox’s alfalfa fed beef. Do not eat poor meat any longer. I Dry Goods, CARPETS, ETC. Our mail order department is better equipped to give prompt and reliable attention, and better service than any other store oper ating in the west. We guarantee satisfaction and will exchange any goods or refund the money. You cannot possibly do better than to trade with and Always send your orders to Jay J. Joslin & Son, Dry Goods, Millinery, Carpets. Cor. I6U1 and Curtis Sts., Denver, Col. Da. W. MOOUE, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON )Late op Denver. Colo.) TRENTON.NEBRASKA. tS^Day or night call?, any piace in the val ley. promptly attended to. Office—Dr.Tbomas' drug store. |ff f ft ■■pp SALESMEN to repre bJU fi stl E I l**ent. us n tlie sale of our Of Ijt I t" I ■ well known hardy and W rill I Cm I#choice Nursery Stock for the North and W»si. Local or traveling. Work every day in the year Special inducements to beginners. Stock guaranteed. Good phv week ly. Apply quick, stating age. and obtain good territory. ST PAUL NUItSEKY ( ().. Dec. l-8rs. St. Pawl. Minn. Pure Ohio and Can ada Maple Syrup. No log cabin goes with this—it sells itself.j KnippUe warrants it. Liver and Kidney Cure. Parks’ !Sure Cure is the only guaran teed remedy. Its action is quick and positive. Will stop that back-ache and sick head-ache. A positive specific for all diseases of women. Why suffer when it will cure you? Sold by McMil lan, the druggist. Agates were first found in the bed of the river Achates. Peck’s Bad Boy Came very near getting into serious trouble with the grocer the other day. He had borrowed cheese, crackers and apples, but when he undertook to snipe a bottle of Haller’s Sure Cure Cough Syrup he got fired. Sold by McConnell. Shawls were first made at a Persian town of that name. Helen of Troy Was a famous beauty. Coming down to the present time we find a clear com plexion an essential to correct beauty. Haller’s Sarsaparilla and Burdock Com pound will produce a beautiful, dear skin. For sale by McConnell & Co. Kreutzer wat so called from the cross on the reverse. Thousands of lives are saved annu ally by the use of Ayer’s Cherry Pec toral. In the treatment of croup and whooping cough the pectoral has a most marvelous effect. It allays inflama tion, frees the obstructed air passages and controls the desire to cough. Gingham comes to us from the Ja panese language. Letter From Jack Frost. “If you don’t stop curing chaps and frosted hands with your old Australian Salve, I'll make it hot, or rather cold, for you, when I come down.” For sale by McConnell & Co. Ascolon gave the world the odorif erous shallot. THE SEVENTH DAUGHTER Of the Seventh Daughter is said to be lucky, but her luck does not compare with the '“lucky Number Seven” of Humphreys’ Specifics, an infallible cure for coughs and colds. Try it. Fetish and zebra are from a dialect of South Africa. We are priming the date to which each subscriber has paid his subscrip tion to The Tribune along with the address. Watch the date and you will know if you are in arrears. If you are please come and see us. Broadcloth took its name from its unusual width. Shiloh’s Vitalizer is what you need for Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver, Yellow Skin or Kidney Trouble. It is guar anteed to give you satisfaction. Price 75 cents. Sold by A. McMillen Marygold took its name from Queen Mary Stuart. White is appropriate for nearly all ages. THE BEST COUGH-CURE and anodyne expectorant, AYER’S Cherry Pectoral soothes the inflamed membrane and induces sleep. Prompt to Act sure to cure. Cures consumption, Coughs, Croup, Sor© Throat. Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee. Fora Lame Side, Back or Chest Shiloh’s Port':'" Plaster will give great satisfaction.—25 cents. SKILG^’S V1TALIZER. Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn., says: “ Shiloh’s Vitalizer * SA VED MY LIFE I consider itthebest remedy for a debilitated system I ever vised.” For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it excels. Price 75 cts. £ KJ L© H’S/iXATA R R H --f:-.7£JLrWy R E M E D Y. Have you Catarrh ? Try this Remedy. 11 will relieve and Cure you. Price 50 cts. This In jector for its successful t reatment. is furnished free. Shiloh’s Remedies are sold by us on a guarantee to give satisfaction. For sale by A. Mc.Millen, druggist. List** _ 2 HE GENTLEMANS FRIEND* Oar PERFECTION SYRINGE free with every bottle, j CLEAN. Does not 8TAIN. PREVENTS STRICTURE. r.3 C.ONORUBCEA and GLEET in On* to Fooa daJS» A UUIOK CURE for LF.UCORRHCEA or WHITES. Hold by all DRUGGISTS. Sent to any Address fbrfl.OOL’ ZIALYDGR MANUFACTURING CO„ LANCASTER, OHIQ, A FULL^t-igfy ON . . . FOR . l.T OF | I H RUBBER$5.G0 Work Guaranteed. Teeth extracted in the ii*-w ones inserted evening of LuiKMiiiy. Teeth tilled without pain, latest»l. finest parlors in the west. Paxton C. M. NOBLE, LEADING GROCER, McCOOK, - NEB. SOLE AGENT. WOOD’S PIIOSrilODINU The Great English Remedy. - Promptly and permanent ► It cures all forms of Nervous S Weakness, 1-missions. Sperm atorrhea. Impotency and all effects of Abuse or Excesses. Been prescribed over 35 years In thousands of cases; is the only Reliable and Hon est Medicine knotcn. Ask Idrugglst for Wood’s Phos Before and After phodimb; If be offers iom» vcjore ana sijxer. worthlei, mf<nC|„, inpiaCo of this, leave h!i dishonest atore, Inclose price la letter, and we will send bj return mail. Price, one package, 61; six. 65. One voill please, eix will cure. Pamphlet In plain 8A»ip<1 env^lone. 2 p^nmng. .'.ddrops The Wood Chemical Co. 131 Woodward Ave.. Detroit. Mich. For sale by L. \V. Mci_onncii «x t~o., o. M. Chenery, Albert McMillen in McCook and by druggists everywhere. JOHN A. REED, Veterinary Surgeon. MeCOOK. NEBRASKA. J3§f“Horse Dentistry a Specialty. Castrating and Spaying. Leave orders at residence over Strasser’s Liquor Store. ■ J. S. McBkayek. JIti.ton Osborn. ^o8p^er & osb0rn Proprietors of the McCook Transfer Line Bus, Baggage and Express. ONLY FURNITURE VAN ....In the City.... Leat e orders for Bus Calls at Commercial Hotel or our office opposite depot. J. S. McBrayer also has a first class house-moving outfit. P SAFF rooM HQS csr'-^T] “ ■> vteesatiotmt. Stock Foon hno a S'**" lion iorcuringund preventing Hog Cholera nnd ot. c -wine diMM. It «1*> in«ure» very renid ero"^ Owing to sunorior mertlcat ion our CO-cent bo. ct tai. a I-J nvcrnri &B for |iiT8 Hogs or 6 Figa, or ouo hufel ot other stock. 3 FEEDS SB OWE CE?J«. Your Money Refunded sJffi Food” for Horse**. Mules, Cuttle, Sheep. ling*. < £ t>. Calves. Lambs or Pigs, l.qaally good for all *b >■’.•. it puriflos the blood, permanently atren-’thou* th*- • tire ayatora, gives perfect assimilation itnerew7 » • * v much more strength and flesh from same amount < - grr.ini. and is the greatest known appetir. J pared by a practical stockman. Thonwji'.e i/i mlmbl tent imnnints—Free. MOOO. guarantee that t !m-r.r- /«•* Buy the Genuine. •'International Stock Food." :» ■ buy the genuine "International Stock b ood ■ u . town we u ill make it tw.y »inr/» to i/our interest to write to /< * WE OFFER $100 CASH PREMIUM^ to anyone mining the largest hog from an MX pin * f‘M° of riatrictiona as to breed, food or fcodii". tin! red to use International Stock I' ood. Soe on* 1 •' K ' Tor full particulars— Freo from our dealer.♦. •*.•■ tionnl St .»ck Food,” "International Pour r;. , 11 “Silver Pine Healing Oil" are gunrunte'.’d su.i < - pared only by INTERNATIONAL FOOD I We give Sole Agency. MINfinAW 6. W. Williamson, R. D. SPECIALIST CAN TREAT You BY maiL MOW? Rend una two-cent stamp for full particu lars, which areniailedinft plain envelope. All correspondence done in the utmost pri- . vary. Advice free. Don't delay, but write to us to-day. Private, Nervous, Chronic Ui* i» ■* diseases. Female Weak* »'*s i« s. Men a:icl*tVomeu made strong l>ya etudy of tiieir particular trouble. That blood disease permanently cured without the use of Mercury. We always Siutrantee a tore. I€W FRA medical AND Surgical DISPENSARY CHASE CO. LAND & LIVE STOCK CO. ■one* branded on left bip or left ibouldea P O.address, Imperial. Cbase County, and Beat rice, Neb Uange.StmlP 1n» Water and French man creeks, Chase Co, Nebraska. Brand as out on aide of some animals, on hip and sides of some, or any I rhere on toe animal. CANCER Subjects need fear no longer from this King of Terrors, for by a most wonderful discovery in medicine, cancer on any part of the body can be permanently cured without the use of the knife. MRS II. D. Colby, 2307 Indiana Ave., Chicago, Jrys “ Was cured of cancer of the breast in six weeks by your method of treatment.’’ Bend for treatise. Dr. II. C. Hale, 303 34th St., Chicago, A. J. KITTENIIOU8E. C. If. BOYLE. KITTEN HOUSE & BOYLE, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW. McCOOK. NEB. J. E. KELLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AGENT LINCOLN LAND CO. MCCOOK, - - NEBRASKA. Office: In rear of First National Rank. —CALL AT LENHART’S LAUNDRY For First-Class Laundry Work. McCook, - - - Nebraska. R. A. COLE, -LEADING MERCHANT - TAILOR OF MCCOOK, Hns just received his fall and win ter stock of Cloths and Trimmings which will be made up as reason able as possible. Shop first door west of Barnett Lumber Co.’s of fice, on Dennison ftreet. —W. V. GAGE,— Physician k Surgeon, McCOOK. NEBRASKA. ^"Office Hocus: 9 to 11, a. m„ »to 5 and 7 to 9. p. m. Rooms over First National bank. ^T’NIght calls answered at office.