The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 24, 1893, Image 4

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    Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report.
Rumors concerning the impaired
condition of ’Mr. Cleveland’s health
fly thick and fast one day, only to
be contradicted the next. In the
absence of definite information
from autoritative sources it is im
possible to say how much founda
tion there is for a belief that Mr.
Cleveland is not in the most per
fect health. But the best evidence
that the rumors have been absurd
ly exaggerated lies in Mr. Cleve
land’s own testimony of bodily
appearance. A man who performs
the laborious duties of the presi
deucy, who is able to tramp about
the country on a shooting expedi
tion, who goes up to New York
and spends the evening at a theatre,
who takes his three meals a (lay
and gives all other appearance of
normal condition, is surely not in
a very alarming way. It will re
quire something more than the
putative assertion of an anony
mous physician “who is in the
president’s confidence,” to make
the country believe that President
Cleveland has a coccygeal abscess
or any other kind of abscess.
Largest Stock of
.... Also of....
Watches H Novelties
Ever shown in McCook for the
' olid ay Trade.
0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 oo
I Will Not Be Undersold
By Anyone, East or West.
Ladies’ Watches.... from $4.00 to $ 75.00.
Broach Pins.from .25 to 600.00.
Rings.from .25 to 200.00.
In Fact I Have the Stock—Anything You
Might Want for a Present—and my prices
are the Lowest quality Considered.
Engraving of my Goods
No Trouble to Show My Goods. Call at Once
And Look My Stock Over and I Will
.... Surprise You.
Leading Jeweler of the Southwest.
It is not consistent with manly J
dignity to boast unseemly of prow
ess, political or otherwise; nor do
wo propose to discuss the relative
merits of the efforts put forth by
the several republican county news
papers, nor the proportion of the
results accomplished by each. As
for The Tribune it is content with
having to the measure of its abil
ity made a clean, \ igorous fight for
the republican ticket—although
personal advantage lay in another
direction, perhaps. It may be ad
ded that this support was given the
republican ticket because it was a
republican ticket, not because of
any lack of excellence of character
in the populist nominees. It will
not disturb the verities of the topic
to add in passing and in conclusion
that the publisher as chairman of
the central committee has in addi
tion to the above cheerfully paid
his persona], postage and station
ery expenses of the campaign with
out reimbursement. We have no
occasion, rve believe, to be ashamed
of the record modestly made.
Hie only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes—40 Years the Standard.
I’ll* ffitffeok JViiraBt.
Governor Jeremiah Rusk died
Tuesday morning, at 8 o’clock, at
Yeraqua, Wisocnsin. Governor
Rusk was three times governor of
Wisconsin, served three terms in
congress and was the first man to
act as secretary of agriculture,
having held that position in Pres
ident Harrison’s cabinet. He will
be buried this (Friday) afternoon
and Ex-President Harrison, Gov
ernor McKinley and the cabinet
officers with whom he served will
attend the funeral.
Hoke Smith is said to be ach
ing for the quietude of his Geor
gia homo, far from the turmoils
and tribulations of the democratic
cabinet meeting. Has Hoke wear
ied of fame so soon? Has his
eagerness to serve his country
been satiated in scarce nine short
months? Who would have sus
pected this when Hoke made pub
lic his laconic acceptance of the
offer of a cabinet portfolio?
Congressman McKeighan has
been sued by A. L. Hoover of the
Lindell hotel, Lincoln, for a board
bill alleged to be due and unpaid.
It is claimed that while the con
gressman from the fifth district
was preserving his case of rheu
matism, and looking after his sen
atorial boom, last wiuter, he over
looked the little formality of pay
ing his hotel bill.
The recent arrest of Congress
man McKeighan must be a sly
scheme of some of his compatriots
to provide campaign powder. The
same old martyr dodge. Will it
work again?
There are a few democrats in
McCook who claim that J. Sterling
Morton came over in the May
The Hastings Democrat hastens
to express it in this wise: “George
Roper has lost none of his racing
There’s nothing finer than alfalfa fed
beef. They are selling a very choice
lot of it at the B. & M. Meat Market.
The flavor is fine and the meat very
tender and juicy. Try it and you can’t
help being pleased.
|E^“Noble, Purveyor to tne Great
Common People, is now exhibiting
about the handsomest and largest as
sortment of plain and fancy lamps to be
seen in Southwestern Nebraska.
If you want anything in the line of
Flour, Feed or Hay, call at the west
room of the A. 0. U. W. building.
H. Thompson & Co.
Please remember that the Barnett
Lumber Co. is still in the coal busi
ness, and that they carry the very best
grades of hard and soft coal.
Noble, the leading grocer, makes a
specialty of fresh, clean family grocei
ies. He will treat you right.
Do you know that Knifple pays the
highest price for butter (23 cents) and
eggs (19 cents). It's a fact.
Noble is also strictly in it when it
comes to selling fresh vegetables at a
reasonable price.
No better farm wagon on wheels
than the Charter Oak sold by S. M.
Cochran & Co.
Nice assortment of writing papers
for sale at The Tribune stationery
We sell the Empire letter copying
books. Also best grades of type writ
ing paper.
Hanging and stand lamps, a large
and fine variety, at Anderson's grocery.
A fine line of stationery at popular
prices at Chenery’s City Drug Store.
S. M. Cochran & Co. can sell you a
bicycle very cheap. See them.
Queensware at cost at Knipple's.
This is your opportunity.
Use McConnell’s Fragrant Lotion
for Chapped Hands and Face.
Established 1886. Strictly One Price.
--^ - ..«••••••••
—s§^ TH —
|| Famous Clothing
....OUR LINES OF....
Dr i 1
No where in Southwestern Nebraska are as great opportu
nities offered for an economical saving as here. Our prices are
much the lowest. Our assortment absolutely the largest. Our
qualities and styles are unquestionably the largest and latest.
mm«—WWftWIWmiMBlM——■—————«W———• rutwif I 'll MH3BHCaBgWWBMBMW—MH—BWUM—WBMW—M——i
No. 2, through passenger. 5:40 A. M.
No. 4. local passenger.11:05 P. M.
No. 76, freight.7:20 A. M.
No. 64, freight. 1:00 A.M.
No. 80, freight . 9:00 A. M.
No. 148. freight, made up here. 5:00 A. M.
No. 3, through passenger.11:35 P.M.
No. 5, local passscugcr. 8:25 P.M.
No. 63. freight. 5:00 P. M.
No. 77. freight. 4:2« P. M.
No. 149, freight, made up here. 6:00 A. M.
No. 175, leaves at.8:00 A. M.
No. 176, arrives at ..5:40 P. M.
P^Note:-No. 63 carries passengers for
Stratton, Benkeimun and Haigier.
All trains run daily excepting 148, 149 and
176. which run daily except Sunday.
No. 3 stops at Benkelman and Wray.
No. 2 stops at Indianola, Cambridge and Ar
No. 80 will carry passengers for Indianola,
Cambridge and Arapahoe.
Nos. 4, 5.148,149 and 176 carry passengers for
all stations.
You can purchase at this office tickets to all
principal points in the United States and Can
ada and baggage checked through to destina
tion without extra charge of transfer. For
information regarding rates, etc. call on or
address C. E MAGNEtt. Agent.
Nebraska State Poultry Show and Conven
tion, Kearney, Nebraska, January 16-20. Tick
ets on sale January 14 to 20, good returning
until January 21.
Omaha, November 28-30.—Meeting of Ne
braska Implement Dealers. Tickets on sale
November 26-30 inclusive. Good for return
December 1st.
For the above occasions delegates paying
full fare going will be returned at one-third
fare on presentation to the B. & M. agent, at
point of meeting, certificate signed by proper
officer of the meeting.
Special Ticket Kates.
We will until further notice sell tickets to
Spokane, Wash., Portland, Oregon, and inter
mediate points. 1st class continuous passage
330.00. 2nd class continuous passage 325.00.
Effective Oct. 16th, round trip tickets will be
sold to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Colton,
San Bernardino and San Diego, California at
very low rates. For full particulars regarding
rates, etc., call on or address
C. E. Magner, Agent.
United States Land Office,
McCook, Nebraska, November 16th, 1895.
Discontinuance of the Land Office
Consolidation With The Land Office
Notice is hereby given that the President of
the United States, by Executive Order, dated
September eleventh, 1893, has, pursuant to law,
directed that the U. S. Local Land Office now
located at Bloomington, in the State of Neb
raska, be discontinued, and its business and
archives transferred to and consolidated with
the McCook Land Office in said State.
Pursuant to said order, and the instructions
of the Commissioner of the General Land
Office, to this office, letter (A )of Oct. 31,1893,we
have conferred with the office at Blooming
ton, Nebraska, and have fixed DECEMBER
31st, 1893, at 4 o’clock, p. m., as the precise
date when the office at BLOOMINGTON will
close, and JANUARY 1st, 1S94. as the date
when the land officers at McCook, Nebraska,
will be in readiness to transact all business
relating to the lands transferred.
On and after JANUARY 1st, 1894, all busi -
ness relating to lands heretofore embraced in
the Bloomington, Nebraska, Land District,
will be transacted at the Land Office at Me
Cook, Nebraska.
J. P. LINDSAY, Register. I
D. E. BOMGARDNER, Receiver.
U. S. Land Office, McCook. Nebraska. 1
First publication Nov. I7 4ts.
If you are thinking of buying a set
of new dishes call to see Knipple’s stock
and get his prices.
Club House cheese, nothing fine.-, for
sale at Anderson’s grocery.
- 1
Kuipple is selling out his stock of i
queenswarc at cost.
oli' vuilT pica-eve t^oti
fo evee fione of leap
Mi e ca n ee IT you cjoob
^joobev in our Tmc.
•Trice cj/reaifij -rcbwceb,
§i*afoty ifie ^awe.
ifi a iib Son,
||fie eje-vuefe/rev,
§?TCc(5oofi, 9Teb'raevfici
L. W. McConnell & Co.
All Sizes.
Sponges, Chamois, Purses, Combs and
Brushes, Perfumes and Toilet Articles.
Paints and
Wall Paper.
Kallstedt, The Leading Tailor.
Wishes to announce that he is in
receipt of more new goods for the
winter season. Call and make
your selection while the stock is
yet complete.
J. G. TATE, President. E. W. McDONALD, Secretary.
G. M. W., A. O. L'. W. • Grand Lecturer A. O. C, W.
Capital §1,000,000. I \ Monthly payment 50c per share.
Shares §100 Each. ) / Money Loaned at 0 Per Cent.
Laud for sale on time, also on Grain plan.
JSPOtiiee with H. H. Berry.