The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 24, 1893, Image 3

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    Hints on Poultry Keeping
Is the title of our little pamphlet which
tells ull about how to have plenty of
eggs and no sick chickens. The cost
is trifling, and the man or woman who
wants to raise poultry successfully can
do it by using Wells lloosier Poultry
Powder. Price 25 cents. Pamphlet
free by addressing Wells Medicine Co.,
LaFayette, Ind. Sold by McConnell
& Co. Sept 8—3 limn.
Tobacco was so called from the Spanish
Indian town of 'lobago.
It is a symptom of disease of the
kidneys. It will certainly be relieved
by Parks’ Sure Cure. That headache,
backache and tired feeling come from
the same cause. Ask for Parks’ Sure
Cure for the liver and kidneys, price
$1.00 per bottle. Sold by A. McMillen.
Damascus gave to the world damask
linen and the damson plum.
The smallest “cat boil” is large enough
to show that the blood needs purifying—
a warning which, if unheeded, may
result, not in more boils, but in some
thing very much worse. Avert thedan
ger in time by the use of Ayers Sarsa
parilla—the best of all blood medicines.
Corpse was formerly applied to any
body, living as well as dead.
Of the Seventh Daughter is said to be
lucky, but her luck does not compare
with the “lucky Number Seven” of
Humphreys’ Specifics, an infallible
cure for coughs and colds. Try it.
Coffee is so called from being first
brought to Euroge from Caffa.
When Stanley was exploring in
Africa be found an obelisk with these
letters engraved H. S. C. C. S. No
one was able to decipher them, but
since, eminent professors have ascer
tained that it means Haller’s Sure Cure
Cough Syrup. For sale by McConnell.
Kersey is a corruption of Jersey,
where the fabric svas first made.
Give the Boys
A chance to be strong and healthy,
feed them with plain food and keep
their blood in good order with Haller’s
Sarsaparilla and Burdock and who
knows but they will be President or
Alderman. For sale by McConnell.
Hussar is oue of the few words we
have from the Hungarian.
Rather Steep.
Than take it in any other form is
what many people think and Parks’
Tea is made for just those folks. It
cures consumption and though not a
cathartic moves the bowls every day.
Sold by A. McMillen.
Furlong was a furrow-long, or the
length of a plow furrow.
We sell Parks’ Cough Syrup on a
positive guarantee to cure throat and
lung troubles. It has stood the test
for many years and is today the lead
ing remedy lor the cure of colds, con
sumption and all diseases of the lungs
and throat. Price 50 cents and $1.00.
Sold by A. McMillen.
Mammoth comes to us from one of
the Siberian dialects.
The World’s Fair
Can not remain such without bloom
ing look and radiant complexion which
health alone imparts. Parks’ Tea, by
clearing the blood of impurities, makes
the complexion regain the hue of
youth. Sold by A. McMillen.
Cognac was first made at the French
town of the same name.
We are printing the date to which
each subscriber has paid his subscrip
tion to The Tribune along with the
address. Watch the date and you will
know if you are in arrears. If you are
please come and see us.
Copper first appeared in history on
the island of Cyprus.
Letter From Jack Frost.
“If you don’t stop curing chaps and
frosted hands with your old Australian
Salve I’ll make it hot, or rather cold,
for you when I come down/' For sale
by McConnell & Co.
Jungle, punch and toddy are words
from the Hindostanee.
Sliiloh's Yitalizer is what you need
for Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver, Yellow
Skin or Kidney Trouble. It is guar
anteed to give you satisfaction. Price
15 cents. Sold by A. McMillen
Pragmatical formerly had the signifi
cance of business-like.
When Hannibal,
The great elephant, got a sore foot
they used Haller's Barb Wire Lini
ment and cured it up in four days. For
sale by McConnell & Co.
Topaz took its name from Topazas,
an island in the Red sea.
Karl's Clover Root, the new Blood
Purifier, gives freshness and clearness
to the Complexion and cures Constipa
tion. 25 cents, 50 cents and $1. Sold
oy A. McMillen. s 26-lyr.
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Di
ego, Cal., says: “Shiloh's Catarrh Rem
edy is the first medicine I have evei
found that would do me any good.” Price
50 cents. Sold by A. McMillen.
A farmer near Alina, Iowa, by the
name nf.l. II V'ulfe. lui- found a sure
cure Ini croup He - ■ : * l or the la-i
eight years I have reeuminended Cbaui
lierlaiu s t'migli Ifeu.eiiy fur croup.
Half of a fifty eenl butt <- will cure the ,
worst ca«e, ii taken in tune. Ou tile I
20th of tills, month, mv 1.0%, four years
'•Id, had the eroup very had and three
duses cm 111 lulu. 1 wnnin nut lie With
out it in tny lanuly. 1! the retiudv
is given as soon as the child becomes |
hoarse, it will i revent crimp.
50 cent bottles ini b»... > MeCnune-1.
Neighbor was once only a nigh-boor,
or the hunt or farmer who lived tie
Cure for Headache.
As a remedy for all forms of Head
ache Electric Hitters has proved to be
tlm very best. It < fleets a permanent
cure and the most dreaded habitual
sick headaches yield to its influence.
We urge all who are afflicted to pro
cure a bottle, and give this remedy a
fair trial Tn cases ol habitual consti
pation Electric Bitters cures by giving
1 he needed tone to the bowels, and few
eases long resist the use of this medi
cine. Try it once. Laige bottles only
Fifty cents at A.McVillen’s drug store.
Ducats were originally the duke’s
money; first made in the Duchy of
Apulia in 1140.
Distemper Among Horses
Safely and quickly cured by the use
of Cralt’s Distemper and Cough Cure.
It not only cures distemper but when
administered in time prevents its spread
among horses and colts that have been
exposed to the contagion. It is not
expensive and is easily administered.
Send for book ou distemper, free. Ad
dress Wells Medicine Co., LaFayette,
Indiana, or ask McConnell & Co.
Sept. 8—3 urns.
Dimity was invented at Damietta, a
city which gave its name to the goods.
Morris’ English V/orm Powder,
A specific remedy for worms; warrant
ed to cure the worst case of worms
known, or money refunded. Knocks
pin worms in horses every time. Also
good for all kinds of worms in horses,
sheep and dogs. Price 50 cents at all
drug stores, or postpaid by mail. The
Wells Medicine Co., LaFayette, In
diana. Sept. 8—1 yr.
1 ulip is the Persian name for turban,
the flower being shaped like a turban.
Park's Cough Syrup.
Has been so highly recommended to
us that we have taken up the agency
for it and now ask our suffering friends
who are suffering with a cold to give it
a trial and if it does not give satisfac
tion your money will be refunded.
Every bottle is sold on a positive
guaranttee. Price 50 cents and $1.00.
Sold by A. McMillen.
Idiot once meant a child and was used
in an affectionate style of address.
My wife was so badly afflicted with
rheumatism as to be unable to move in
bed without assistance. Our druggist,
Mr. Laddamus, recommended Cham
berlain's Pain Balm, which greatly re
lieved her. We have used six bottles
at various times,and would not be with
out it at hand.—Jas. Coleman, Lowell,
Neb. 50 cent bottles for sale by Mc
Connell & Co.
Gauze is believed to have this name
because it was first made in Gaza.
Buck/enrs Arnica Salvo.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
sores, ulcers, salt rheum, tetter, chap
ped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin
eruptions, and positively cures piles or
no pay required. It is guaranteed to
give perfect satisfaction or money re
funded. Price 25 cents a box. For
sale by A. McMillen. f 3 23-lyr.
Moleskin is so called from its smooth
surface, like the skin of a mole.
Morris' English Stable Powder
Not only cures but prevents dissase.
and when fed two or three times a week
will keep your stock in fine condition,
will make them fat, sleek and glossy.
Changes the entire system, gives new
blood, new life, and puts them in good
condition for spring work. Full pound
packages 25 cents. Sold by McConnell
& Co. Sept. 8—3 mos.
Craven was a man who had begtred or
craved his life of an enemy.
A High Liver
Usually has a bad liver. He is bil
| ious, constipated, has indigestion and .
j dyspepsia. If there is no organic ]
trouble a few doses of Parks' Sure j
Cure will tune him up. Parks' Sure
Cure is the only liver aud kidney cure
we sell on a positive guarantee. Price ,
$1.00. Sold by McMilien.
Knave was first a boy. then a boy
servant and lastly a rascally man.
Many people suffer for years from
troublesome and repulsive sores, boils,
and eruptions, without even testing the
marvelous curative properties of Ayer's
Sarsaprrilla. The experiment is certainly
worth trying. Be sure you get Ayer s
Sarsaparilla and no other.
Shiloh's Cure, the great cough and
croup cure, is for sale by us. Pocket
size contains twenty-five doses, only 25
sents. Children love it.
A. McMillen.
... i mT*. ■ >wP«»anwiw)Mmi wrw ..
W.8. \ftorr-t-y. McCook. N«*b
Sheriff’s Sale.
’* vbin** «»f ho «.nl**r * f nh *• i]ir**cted fo in**
i. tti.i.t- diHirict t-Miiri of lt»*d Willow ,
N«>iiMfHH. on m judgtm-ni oMaincd In-fore
H«n' D. T. Welt*. jiKlgeor lb*- diairici c urt
i*i K**d w ill...v I'diiitiy. Nt-bniKka. <m the 18ih
d»> ol >i*plt*uib<*r IH93 in favor of .losiah (i.
AdMiim. H'lininiMrHKi' of the ute of Palin* r
hotithwortii di*cea>»ed. in pluio* iff. nod lurailiHt
Chat-lea H. Nodi' 'h *-t al hh deti-nduin- for j
llu ho 111 ol »-i. In hundred twenty-ft v** (»825 H7‘ ,
floll»r>i (H7l Of'-tS Ml!*1 e**«'P '
laXeil Hi Zb Hfld MCcruilltf <OM8. 1 have
levied Upon the following r<*M< -slute taken ap
t j perl * of KRld defeiidan’s in kh» isfy ^aid
judgment, to-wit: The w*-hi halt of the north
eas* quarter, the 8<*Uth”»ot quntler of the
uonii » as: quarternf seriion 17 aid 1 he soulh
weM quarter ol t he e:>iith i-ant quar:*-r of flec
tion K( in touii-hie - north rau. e >('. west of
lh«'tiltl F M .1 Ked Willow count y . f\e• .rn-d;a.
Ai rt will offer the same for sale to the highest
»' dd -r. for <-ash i' hat <1, on the 18th <b*v of
1)' reni er, A. !>.. 1893, in iront i f the s-itilh
uoor u the court house, in Indiaieda. Nebras
ka that being i iu building when m the ln>t
term of court was held, at i he hmirof 1 o clock
P. M. of said day. when and where due attend
ance will be given by the undersigned. Dated
November 13th. 1893. E It Hanks.
Sheriff of said ecunty. !
First publication Nov. 17th—5ts.
In the district court of Red Willow county,
Nebraska. Thomas Lonergan vs. David D.
Smith et al.
David D. Smith and Leva Smith, his wife,
and Abbie Smith, defendants in the above
entitled case, will take notice that on August
I2tli, 1893, plaintiff herein filed his petition
in the district court of Red Willow county,
Nebraska, against said defendants, the object
and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain
real estate mortgage executed by defendant
David 1). Smith tv- Frank H. Spearman, and
duly assigned to plaintiff above, lot numbered
four (4) in block numbered thirty 1301 in the
original town of McCook, Red Willow county,
Nebraska, to secure the payment of a certain
promissory note dated November 1st. 1887, for
the sum of 3800.00. due three years after date,
with interest at 10 per cent per annum, which
note and the mortgage securing the same was
duly sold, assigned and transferred for valid
consideration by sai 1 Frank 11. Spearman to
this plaintiff, before maturity. That there is
now due and payable from said defendants to
plaintiff on said note and mortgage 31,010.99,
with interest from November 8th, 1893. at 10
per cent per annum. Plaintiff prays for a de
cree that defendants be required to pay the
same or that said premises may be sold tosat
isfy the amount found due. You are required
to answer said petition on or before December
iSth, 1893. 1 homas Lonergan,
by J. A. Cordeal, Attorney. Plaintiff.
DaLi_d Nov. 9, 1893.—First Nov. 9 qts.
In the district court of Red Willow county,
Nebraska. Thomas Lonergan vs. James H.
Becker et al.
James 11. Becker, David Carpenter, Mrs. D.
Carpenter, his wife, first name unknown, de
fendants in above-entitled action, will take
notice that on the I2lh day ol August, 1893, the
plaintiff herein fded his petition in the district
court of Red Willow county, Nebraska, the
object and prayer of which are to foreclose a
certain real estate mortgage executed by
James II. Becker, unmarried, to the plaintiff,
upon the east half of the northwest quarter
and the west halt of the northeast quarter of
section numbered eight in township numbered
one, north of range numbered thirty, west of
the sixth principal meridian, in Red Willow
county, Nebraska, to secure the payment of a
certain promissory note dated May 26th, 1890,
for the sum of $300.00, due and payable June
1st, 1892, with interest at to pel cent per an
num from maturity. That there is now due on
said note and mortgage the sum of $341.67,with
interest at ten per cent per annum from Nov
ember 8th, 1893. Plaintiff prays that defend
ants be required to pay the same or that said
premises be sold to satisfy the amount found
due. You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before December 18th, 1S93.
Thomas Lonergan, Plaintiff,
by J. A. Cordeal, Attorney.
Dated Nov. 9, 1893. 4ts.
Order Of Attachment.
C. Suchefort will take notice that on the first
day of November, 1893, and action was begun
before If. H. Berry, a justice of the peace in
and for Willow Grove precinct. Red Willow
county, Nebraska, for the sum of $16.90,
wherein J. F. Ganschow is plaintiff and C.
Suchefort is defendant. That money due and
unpaid the defendant in the possession of the
C., B. & Q. railroad company has been at
tached under an order of attachment. Said
cause was continued to the 14th day of De
cember, 1893, at 9 o’clock a. m.
27—4ts. J. F. Ganschow.
Chamberlain’s Eye & Skin Ointment.
A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes, Tetter,
Salt Hbeum, Scald Head. Old Chronic Sores,
Fever Sores. Eczema, Iteb, Prairie Scratches,
Sore Nipples and Piles. It is cooling- and
soothing. Hundreds of eases have been cured
by it alter all other treatment had failed. It
is put up in 25 and 50 cent boxes. For sale by
George M. Cbenery. NovJiO-lyear.
Don’t Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your
Life away is tbc truthful and startling title of
a little book that tells all about No-to-bac,
the wonderful, harmless guaranteed tobacco
habit cure. The cost is tritfing and the man
who wants to quit aud can’t, runs 110 physical
or financial risk in using No to bac—Sold by
all druggists. Book al drug stores or by mail
free. The Sterling Remedy Co.. Indiaua Min
eral Springs, Indiana. Aug. 25—1 yr.
After Forty Years.—‘-My father
had a fever sore on his leg for forty
years; but has been permanently cured
by Chamberlain’s Eye and Skin Oint
ment, after trying all other remedies in
vain,” says Mr. S. Witherel), a gun and
lock smith at Fort Madison, Iowa. He
further says: “The spot where the sore
was. is now perfectly clear as any other
part. He used three 25 cent boxes in
all." Another!—Mr. D. A. Barr, drug
gist, Blackburn, Mo., says: “I have per
sonal knowledge of a case of chronic
sore eyes of many years standing, bav
ins been cured by Chamberlain’s Eye
and Skin Ointment. The party was
Mr. Seth Moore, north of this place.”
Mr. Moore says the ointment was worth
more than a thousand dollars to him.
It cost him 25 cents. For sale by Mc
Connell & Co.
Lawn is fine linen bleached on the
lawn instead of on the ordinary drying
Guaranteed Cure.
We authorize our advertised drug
gist to sell Dr. King’s New Discovery
for Consumption, Coughs and Colds,
upon this condition. If you are afflict
ed with a Cough, Cold, or any Lung.
Throat or Chest trouble, and will use
this remedy as directed, giving it a fair
trial, and experience no benefit, you
may return the hettle and have your
money refunded. We could not make
this offer did we not know that Dr.
King's New Discovery could be relied
on. It never disappoints. Trial bot
tles free at A. McMillen's Drug Store.
I Large size 50c. and $1.00.
The Citizens Bank of McCook.
Incorporated unaer State Lamr
Paid Up Capital, 350,000
General Banking Business:
Collections made en all accessible points. Drafts drawl
directly on principal cities in Europe. Taxes
paid for non-residents.
Tickets For Sale to and from Europe
V. FRANKLIN, President. JOHN R. CLARK, Vice Pres.
A. C. EBERT, Cashier.
The First National Bank. Lincoln Nebrska.
The Chemical National Bank, New York CRf
Tfie First JYatiouaJ Banli.
$100,000. i
GEGRGE HOCK NELL, President. B. M. FREES, Vice President. W F. LAIVSCN. Cashier.
Hair Death
instantly removes and forever destroys
objectionable hair, whether upon the
hands, face, arms or neck, without dis
coloration or injury to the most deli
cate 6kin. It was for fifty years the
secret formula of Erasmus Wilson, ac
knowleriped by physicians as the high
est authority and the in os* eminent
dermatologist and hair specialist that
ever lived. During: his private prat;
tice of a lifetime among the nobility
and aristocracy of Europe he always
prescribed this recipe. Price $1. by
mail, securely packed. Correspondence
confidential. Sole agents for America.
The Skokum Root Hair Grower
Depl. K, 57 South Fifth Av., New York.
Notice by Publication.
In tiie district court iu mid for Red Willow
county, Nebraska. Thomas Lonergau, plain
tiff, vs. Frank L. McCracken et al., defend
ants. Frank L. McCracken, Clo M. Mc
Cracken, bis wife. li. B. Davis, trustee school
district 17, lied Willow county, Nebraska,
Sopha M. Davis, wife of said B. B. Davis,
and Baldwin & Co., defendants in the above
entitled case, will take notice that on the 12th
day of August, 1893, tiie plaintiff herein filed
his petition in the district court of Red Wil
low county, Nebraska, against said defend
ants, the object and prayer of which are to
foreclose a certain mortgage executed by said
Frank L. McCracken and Clo M.McCracken,
his wife .defendants,to the plaintiff upon lots
Nos. 5 and 6,in block No. 27, in the second
addition to the town of McCook, Red Wil
low County, and state of Nebraska. To se
cure the payment of one promissory njte
dated August 24tli, 188S, for the sum of Five
Hundred Dollars due and payable on the
first day of September, 1891, witli interest
thereon at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum
from maturity; that there is now due upon
said note and mortgage from said defend
ants to tliis plaintiff the sum of 859S.00 with
interest thereon at 10 per cent, per annum
from August 13th, 1893; plaintiff prays for a
decree that defendants be required to pay tiie
same or that said premises inav be sold to
satisfy the amount found due. You are re
quired to answer said petition oil or before
the 11 til day of December, 1893.
Thomas Lonekgan, Plaintiff.
By J. A. Cobdeae, his attorney.
Dated November 2nd, 1893.
W. S.Morlan, Attorney, McCook, Neb.
Sheriff’s Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to
me from tbe district court of lied Willow
Comity, Nebraska, on a judgment obtained
before Hon. IX T. Weity, judge of tlie dis
trict court of lied Willow county, Nebraska,
on tlie 20th day of October, 1892, in favor of
George Hocknell as plaintiff, and against
James W. Speer et al., as defendants, for
tlie sum of one hundred and tiiree dollars
and 17 cents, and costs taxed at §19.88 and
accruing costs. I have levied upon tlie fol
lowing real estate taken as tlie property of
said defendants to satisfy said judgment,
to-wit: The southwest quarter of tlie south
east quarter and the southeast half of tlie
southwest quarter of section 18, and tlie
northeast quarter of the northwest quarter
and tlie northwest quarter of tlie northeast
quarter ol section 19, all in township 2, north
of range 30, west of tlie Otli p. m., in lied
Willow county, Nebraska. And will offer
the same for sale to tlie highest bidder, for
easli in hand, bn tlie 4th day of December,
A. D., 1893, in front of the south door of tlie
court house, in Indianola, Nebraska, that
being tlie building wherein tlie last term of
court was held, at the hour of 1 o’clock p. m.
of said day, when and where due attendance
will be given by tlie undersigned.
Dated October 26th, 1893.
E. R. Banks,
Sheriff of said county,
j First publication October 27-5ts.
W. S. Morlan, Attorney, McCook. Neb.
Sheriff’s Sale.
! By virtue of an order of sale directed to tne
! from tbe district court of Bed Willow county,
Nebraska, on a judgment obtained before
Hon. D. T. Weity, judge of the district court
of Red Willow county. Nebraska, on tbe 18tb
day of September, 1893, in favor or John A.
Hamilton as plaintiff, and againt Ance Shra
ter et al., as defendants, for tbe sum of two
hundred thirly-six (*236) dollars and thirty (30)
cents, and costs taxed at *21 43. uiid accruing
costs. I have levied upon the following real
estate taken as tbe property of said defend
ants to satisfy said judgment, to-wit: Tbe
south half of tbesoutb-westquarterof section
14. in township 2, north, range 29, west of tbe
6th P. M., in Red Willow county. Nebraska.
And will offer tbe same for sale to the bigbest
bidder, for cash in baud, on tbe IStb day of
December, A. D„ 1893, in front of tbe soutb
door of tbe court bouse, in Indianola, Nebras
ka, that being the building wherein tbe last
term of court was held, at tbe hour of 1 o'clock
P- M. of said day, when and where due attend
ance will be giveo by tbe undersigned. Dated
November 13th. 1893. K. R. Banks,
Sheriff of Bald county.
First publication Nov. 17th—6ts.
On account of the unusual stringency in
money matters we are compelled to sell goods
hereafter only....
Strict!y For Casti.
We will, however,
— At the very lowest living profit: and we kindly
_ ask all who have so long traded with us, and
have never been refused credit, to assist us at
this critical time.
And All Summer Goods
w e are making
McCook, July 2C, 1893.
Dealer in
The Finest Line of Machinery Ever
Brought to this County.
Yard West of First National Bank, McCOOK, NEB.
trade mark
JVhat is the condition of yours? Is your hair dry. harsh,
brittle? Does it split at the ends? Mas iZ a lifeless appearance ?
Does it fall out when combed or brushed? is it full of dandruff?
Docs your scalp itch ? Is it dry or in a heated condition ? If these
arc some of y*ur symptoms hr -earned in time or you will become
Iis what yon need. Itg production 13 not an accident, hut the :os ill of .«• ; utific re
search. Knowledge of the diseases of the hair and ik .'.z> i- to the c vtr.- of ho w
to treat them. “Skookum ”contains neither mir.era’ • : r oils. It is ur.t a*Dve.but
a delightfully cooling and refreshing Tonic. By siimuiatii g th_- follicles. it
falling hair, cures dandruff and grown hair on bald heads.
_ Keep the scalp clean, healtny and free from in;i at y, - erupt ions, by the use
of Skookum zkin Soap. It destroys parasitic instev, - dny : c.. and dc.trcj
the hair.
If your druggist cannot supply you, rend C?rec* to u . . wc will forward
prepaid, on receipt of r>-ice. Grower, $Lw per ooti!;; 6 for ; do. 2cn-*, Sfe. per
jar j 6 for $2.50.
rr South 'Y’fih Ave.. Kw York- N. \ .
guaranteed to cure a'.l ncr. oeafe -.sue j ; - *uiorv. Loasof
Fower. Headache. Wake! u!.n< .. jLoat Manhood..:*:. u-., .i-»n».Kervou—
ness.alldralnaandio'srf power in uenen* •t • t.: r scxcau- 1
bTovere\.erti o,jrou^folerrors. exce.s:T*_ 1 ... ... eium ori-ti;. -
otanto. atIch lyao to InHrmity. C^naampt on or i - be carried in
.rest pock t. J»1 per!»•• ..« for by n:vt ; . S-» order-*;
^BiTe a written lo .-uro «»• r?furt| *W- r.-r* :«-v. SoM br a'i
sjfdruKtfsts. Ask forit. take iHM.ther. Write l or free book sent sealed
: .’aiuuii Uifittusnu. inpiam wrapper. Auuress % jL.***.*^ki m., . ..;• . ie:a pie, CHICAGO.
• For sale in McCook, Neb , by L. W. McConnell A Co., D.uggista,