The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 24, 1893, Image 2

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    " m" -- ■ ■ - - - - — -
If you are not already a JOURNAL subscriber that is all you will
have to pay us for the
SemUWeeltji) Journal
from now until January 1, 1895, if you will at the same time pay a
year's subscription in advance to the Tribune.
The Semi-Weekly Journal is the greatest paper in the w-st, pub
lished T uesday and Friday, giving two complete papers each week,
with markets and telegraphic news of the world.
Send in your orders at once to the TRIBUNF.
I • •
• •
0TU. J. WARRRN, Manager,
B. Sc M. Meat Market.
3 TURKEYS, Ac., Ac.
VL —
F. S. WILCOX, Prop.
Stock of Iron, Lead and Sewer Pipe, Brass Goods,
Pumps, and Boiler Trimmings. Agent for Halliday,
Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mills.
Aiten!s l^ung Balsam
Are you at all Weak-chested or inclined to be Consumptive, with just a touch of
Gough now and then ? “Try this Wonderful Medicine.” The Cough and Weakness will
disappear as if by magic, and you will feel a strength and power never had before.
HAVE YOU A COLD? A Dose at Bedtime will Remove it.
HAVE YOU A COUGH? A Dose will Relieve it.
Bronchitis and Asthma it relieves instantly. The Spasms of Coughing so dreadful in
Whooping Cough become less with each dose of medicine. It is an old adage, “To be
forewarned is to be forearmed.” So let it be in your case, who read this, and keep on
hand Allen’s Lung Balsam. Directions accompany each bottle.
SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS Kr ^cts„ 50cts., AND $1.00 A DOTTLE.
CABLED FIELD and HOG FENCING, 24- inches to 58 inches high; the best
all-purpose fence made. Also STEEL WEB PICKET PENCE for yards and lawns,
and STEEL WIRE FENCE BOARD and ORNAMENTAL STRIP for horses and cattle.
The most complete line of wire fencing of any factory in the country.
Write for circulars.
be f wi?
The Leading Weekly in West
ern Nebraska.
a--v,^iUmtwpiiii - ...
* -jsa .. . \ V mm _
The soaking rain is pouring down—
How It would fill your cup
With bitterness if somo day It
Should start to pouring up!
UmbrellM then would be no use.
And men in rubber boots
Would have to go, while all the girl*
Would put on bathing suits.
You'd have a fountain on your lawn
Beside each blade of grass.
To keep your cellar warm and dry
You’d need a floor of glass.
If you were camping in a tent.
You’d have to sleep on top.
And all night you’d be praying that
The cursed rain might stop.
In fact, great inconveniences
Too numerous to state
Would follow if the falling rain
Should cease to gravitate.
So let ns hope there'll be no change.
At least in our town.
And that instead of pouring up
The rain will still pour down.
—Somerville Journal.
The good father was finishing his mass
when they brought him the prisoners.
It was a wild spot among the Arichule
gni mountains. A fallen rock in which
a fig tree had plunged its twisted trunk
formed a sort of altar, covered in guise
of a cloth with a silver fringed Carlist
standard. Two cracked water coolers
took the place of vases, and when the
sacristan Miguel, who was assisting the
priest at the mass, arose in order to
change the position of the holy books,
the cartridges were heard jingling in his
cartridge box. All around tho soldiers
of Carlos were silently ranged, their
guns slung across their backs and one
knee on the ground upon the whit"
1 he bright sun was concentrating its
dazzling heat in this burning and sonor
ous rocky hollow, where the flight of a
blackbird alone, from time to time, dis
turbed the psalmody of the priest and
the servant. Higher up on the jagged
peak sentinels were standing, forming
motionless silhouettes against the sky.
What a singular sight it was—this
priestly commander officiating in the
midst of his soldiers! And how plainly
the double existence of the Cabecilla
showed itself upon his countenance—
the ecstatic air, the hard features,
further accentuated by the bronzed com
plexion of the soldier in the field, and
ascetism without pallor, in which was
lacking the shadow of the cloister; small
black, very brilliant eyes, the forehead
traversed by enormous veins which
seemed to bind the thought as with
ropes, to fix it in an inextricable obstin
Every time he turned toward the spec
tators with open arms to read the
Dominus Vobiscum, one saw the uni
form beneath the stole, and the butt of
a pistol,the haft of a Catalonian knife up
lifting the rumpled surplice. “What is
he going to do with ns?” the prisoners
asked themselves in terror, and while
awaiting the end of the mass they re
called all the acts of ferocity which had
been related of the Cabecilla and which
had won him a special renown in the
royalist army.
By a miracle that morning the father
was in a clement mood. The mass in the
open air, his success of the previous day,
and also the cheerfulness of Easter, yet
felt by this strange priest, cast upon "his
face a ray of joy and kindness. As soon
as the service was over, while the sa
cristan cleared off the altar, fastening
np the sacred vases in a huge box, which
was borne on the back of a mule in the
rear of the expedition, the cure ad
vanced toward the prisoners. They were
a dozen of republican carbineers, ex
hausted by a day of battle and a night
of anguish in the straw of the sheepfold,
where they had been penned up after the
action. Yellow with fear, wan with
hunger, thirst and fatigue, they clus
tered together like a flock of sheep in tHfc
courtyard of an abattoir.
Their uniforms full of hay, their belts
in disorder, pushed np in the flight and 1
in sleep, the dust which wholly covered 1
them from the tufts of their caps to the j
points of their yellow shoes, all con-1
tributed well to give them that sinister
look of the vanquished in which moral
discouragement is betrayed by physical I
Ihe Cabecilla glanced at them for an
instant with a little laugh of triumph.
He was not sorry to see the soldiers of
the republic humble, wan and ragged
amid well fed, well equipped Carlists, !
Navarre and Basque mountaineers as
brown and hard as carob beans.
“Viva Dios! my children!” said he to 1
them with a good natured air. “The re
public nourishes her defenders very ill.
Why, you are all as thin as the wolves
of the Pyrenees, when the mountains are
covered with snow and they come into
the plain to sniff the odor of the table
by the lights which shine under the doors
of the houses. One is treated otherwise
in the service of the good cause. Would
you like to make a trial of it, hermanos?
Cast off those infamous caps and put on
the white beret. As truly as this is the
holy day of Easter, to those who will
shout, 'Long live the king!' 1 will give
their livqs and the same campaign food
I give my other soldiers!”
Before the good father had finished all
the caps were in the air, and shouts of
“Long live King Carlos!” “Long live
the Cabecilla!” resounded on the moun
tain. Poor devils! They had been in
such great fear of death, and so tempt
ing were all those good victuals which
they smelled close to them, about to be
broiled in the shelter of rocks before the
bivouac fires, pink and faint in the bright
sunlight, I believe that never was the
pretender acclaimed with such good will.
“Give them something to eat at once,”
said the cure, laughing. “When wolves
yelp with that strength, it's because they
have sharp teeth!"
The carbineers went off. But one
among them, the youngest, remained
standing in front of the chief in a proud
and resolved attitude, which contrasted
with his juvenile features and the fine
down, scarcely colored, enveloping his
cheeks with a blond powder. His capote,
which was too large for him, was wrin
kled at the back and on the arms, was
turned up at the sleeves over two slight
wrists, and by its fullness made him
look still younger and more slender.
There was excitement in his long, bril
liant eyes—Arab eyes, intensified by
Spanish flame. And this fixed flaino
annoyed the Cabecilla.
“What do you want?” he asked of him.
“Nothing. I am waiting for you to
decide on my fate.”
“Your fate will he that of the others.
I named no one. The pardon was for
“The others are traitors and cowards'
I alone did not shout anything!”
The Cabecilla gave a start and looked
him full in the face.
“Wliat’s your name?”
“Tonio Vidal.”
“Whence come you?”
“From Fuycerda.”
“What age?”
“The republic, then, has no more men,
since sho 13 reduced to enrolling chil
“I was not enrolled, padre. I am a
“You know, fellow, that I have more
than one means of making you shout
‘Long live the king!’ ”
The youth assumed a superb look.
“I defy you to do so!” retorted he.
“So you would rather die?”
“A hundred times!”
“Very well, you shall die!”
Then the cure made a sign, and the ex
ecution platoon came and ranged itself
around the (.limed, who did not
This sublime courage touched the
chief with pity. He demanded:
“Have you nothing to ask of mo first?
Don’t you want something to eat? Don’t
you waut something to drink?”
“No,” answered the youth; “hut I am
a good Catholic, and I don’t want to go
before God without confession."
The Cabecilla still wore his surplice
and his stole.
ivneel, said he, seating himself upon
a rock, and tho soldiers having \ ill
drawn a short distance, tho condemned
began in a low voice:
“Bless me, my father, because I have
Bnt in the midst of tho confession a
terrible fusillade burst forth at the en
trance of the defile.
“To arms!” cried the sentinels.
The Cabecilla gave a bound, issued
his orders, distributed the posts and
scattered his soldiers. He himself had
seized a carbine without taking the
time to remove his surplice, when, hap
pening to turn around, he perceived the
youth still on his knees.
“What you doing there?” he
“I am awaiting absolution,” was tho
“That's true,” said the priest. “I had
forgotten you.”
Gravely he raised his hand and blessed
that bowed young head. Then, before go
ing away, after glancing around him for
the platoon of execution, dispersed in
the disorder of tho attack, he drew off a
step, took aim at his penitent and shot
him.—Alphonse Daudet.
Faring Certain Death.
With his foot caught and firmly held
in a frog on the Reading railroad track
at West Falls, John Duffy met death in
fearful form. Duffy was employed as a
brakeman by the Reading company, and
ran ahead of his train to open a switch.
That duty performed, he signaled his
engineer to bring on the train.
His signal was observed, and as the
train came toward him Duffy found
that his foot was caught firmly in a
frog. He shouted for help and made
fi..:iMc efforts to release himself, but in
vain. The noise of the puffing engine
drowned his cries, and when tho engi
neer saw tho struggling man in the full
glare of the headlight it was too late to
save his life.
Swiftly the great engine bore down on
the frantic prisoner, and though the
the lever was reversed and the brake put
down hard the locomotive struck Duffy
and he was literally cut in two. Death
was instantaneous, but the expression
on tlio dead face showed plainly the ter
rible agony the man had endured for a
few seconds.—Philadelphia Record.
A Heating Scheme.
A plan of heating mills has been in
troduced by which heated air is deliv
ered from a large fan into flues in the
walls, registers from each flue delivering
the air into the different rooms, this air
being heated by the waste gases from
the boiler. The products of combustion
pass from the boilers through econo
mizers for heating the feed water, next
through a regenerator for reheating the
steam exhausted from the high pressure
cylinder and on its way to the low pres
sure cylinder, and then passes through
air pipes, where it heats the cold air for
heating the buildings, then passes to the
Chimney. If heated air is not wanted,
but only cool air for ventilation, the gases
from the boiler are turned by a damper
into the chimney without entering the
heater, and if the gases are not sufficient
to heat the air as desired additional
heat is supplied by radiators of steam in
this heater. The temperature of the air
is raised about 00 degrees by its contact
with the hot gases.—New York Sun.
Reading by Candle Light.
“I must inveigh,” says an oculist
“against the candle as a night reading
light. It is quite a custom, I find, for
sleepless folks to keep a candle at th ir
bedside and rely upon it for light during
wakeful hours that are passed in read
ing. As the flame flickers with the
slightest current of air, the light is un
certain and waving and most trying to
the eyes. A small reading lamp takes a
few seconds longer to light, but it is
much to be preferred.”
Stiige Fright.
“Did you ever have stage fright?”
asked the interviewer.
“When was that?”
“When I met some road agents while
traveling in the Rocky mountains.”—
Washington star.
For biliousness,
nausea, and
dizziness, take
Ayer’s Pills
the best
family medicine,
purely vegetable,
Every Dose Effective
Cures Consumption, Coughs, Croup, Sore
Throat. Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee.
Fora Lar-ie Side, Back or Chest Shiloh’s Porous
Plaster will give great satisfaction.—25 cents.
Mra. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn., says:
“ Shiloh's Vitalizer' SAVED MY LIFE.' I
consider it thebest remedy for a debilitated system
I ever used." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney
trouble it exeels._Priee 75 cts.
Have you Catarrh? Tor this Remedy. Itwill
relieve and Cure you. Price SO eta. This In
jector for its successful treatment is furnished
free. Shiloh’s Remedies are sold by us on a
guarantee to give satisfaction.
For sale by A. Mc.Millen, druggist.
„ . .. . CWV bottle!.
' • • ■■■•» \ ■•'•VS CiTLICTUUK,
»■ ia . • . n\ On* to i-uua vitay*.
.• ••.' ' ' • CEA -.r WHITES.
V. ’V-V.-. Sor.11*>auj A<t<lrcsBfor71.03.'
j .'ll . . coM iiA2iC.ivfc>Tca, ohiq>
or-TGf I tJL i Iff RUBBER^OO
Work Guaranteed. Teeth extracted in the
morning, new ones inserted evening of
s.t:oe ti ty. Teeth tilled without pain, latest
method. Finest parlors in the west. Paxton
Uhl., elevator
IGt a street eix- i--«.
trines fcuJUin «.li.a LJ 8 7
trance. oMaHa. -
t . M. NOBLE,
The Great English Remedy.
Before end After.
iTompTiv ona permanent
ly cures ail forms of Nervous
» Weakness, hmissions. Sperm
1 itor rhea, lmpotency andc.l
effects of Abuse or Ercessej.
Been prescribed over S3
yeai s in thousands of cases;
is the onReliable and Hon
est Medicine knoven. Ask
ldruggist for Wood’s Phgs
fhodine; if he offers aom®
worthless medicine in place
r.iis, yrave hn ci^roncst Ptore, Inclose prlca In
and we will send by return mall. Price, on©
i ‘i'.fj. .e1; six. One vHll vlerzse, $tx icillcure*
•nobletin plain envefono. 2 fnmns.
The Wood Chemical Co.
131 V,’o~dw;ird Ave . Detroit. Mich.
For sale by L. \V. McConnell & Co., G. M.
Chenery, Albert McMillen in A:cCook and
by druggists everywhere.
Veterinary Surgeon.
^jgT'Horse Dentistry a Specialty.
Castrating and Spaying. Leave
orders at residence over Strasser’s
Liquor Store.
J. S. McBuaykh. Milton Osborn.
^c6R«ER & OSSOfiVy
Proprietors of the
.VlcCook Transfer Line.
Bus, Baggage and Express.
....In the City....
Leai e orders for Bus CallB at Commercial
Hotel or our office opposite depot.
J. S. McBrayer also lias a first
class house-moving outfit.
i’*“ • .xrc rIJ" 5,M ■ HOG CHO^XRA
«*Internationa!*Sto^i* Foot*** hy ■•>; d m?
Cion for curin," i.:id
swine diseases. It o! » ui ur••..•■ ry r '• • '•
Owing to Biacrlor mod ion* v»-i our 1■- • ?
ICOaverngO feeds for &t?'d Hog*J or C v i « " 1
of olhor Htock.
3 FEEC3 5 OK“ C;Si T,,
Your Money Refund. i ftrML'-'. X”.:=
Food” for Horse* Mt U )« Cat If* 811
Calves, Lambs or l*igs. i-ciu.Liy ;• >o“ .• 1
it purities tho b!oo-', i< r ! i; ; ' • , ' . ‘
tire system, pivoa i*'rl» i \ : i .' • • *
much more strength and ii-. ji Iro:;. •• .1/• •ou *.
grain), and is tho Rre.ifeMt. knmrn :< y ■ • >
{mrod by a practical stockman, i »ob.mi* J
estiir.oni.ils—Free. tK&O. gti..r:» {.••: ’’ ■ • '•’* ;
Buy the Genuine. Si
principled parties arc putt 'm out ver- 1 ’ *
of our name and design of label. !; 'ft c< •
buy tho gonuine ''International Stock • oo ■ -
town we u'tll make it very much to your inti rc -t writ ■ *
lL OrfiiR $tO CASH PFcfci;i-‘-.: t‘‘.
) «, t :w raising tho largest hog frnr.-. . • : i - «
strictions as to broad, food or f* n ••• !
•»! .-'■’•I to usb Internal tonal Stock Food, .'oaf-1-' ■ '.r
lor full part ioulam—f ree from our duelers. •»-‘L'tlii
tional St »ck Food.” ‘‘International Poultry Yo-.»n i na
“Silver Pine Healing Oil” are guaranteed raid pro
We give Sole Agency. MINNEAPOLIS. MINK.
■■«wmw»h» .unwarmr.-nwri—aua-!rr.mnrr• »~.i• e«’MttraaanMi
' G.¥/. Winter, LI. 3.
V :K > S’h u K' -■ ;■ P p Y
' f - PF9
If yon ere suffering from ttny of the folIi'TsInir n;?- v.t’, <!o
But dcipalr, bat consult, j*crs*jn.*?V
CTSMBU——— a—■M—CT«m I iv.. •- n.v.*.r
MAIN ENTRANCE1!^?-?.?: OMftrii,
Private,Chronlo.'N’crvous d;s * let
ter how long stand •* —, r J rd* ra
permanently and h yc . *. d. I .!«.••». i ;
tulaaml Reef a I !'!••:; c'nrcd :*t. ...hi
or detention from s. 3r-*‘
Icocele and Varicose 1
Syphilis eomjdc.*t-\ .
tem hy our latest. :*r<d ii );u,r :*. - . . • r * j
remedies at one i« i '. *» ti» > , . ; < f i* hort;
visit to the II< : f i ;
Advice free.Ifcse:- ! SJcaiainpior . . ..s.
Treatment hy B5:.n* ^
I ■■ 1 I--UBBmRUUL'9A-a?X.. • MTX9
tone* branded on left blp or left inouldo&
P. O. address, Imperial.
Chase County, and Beat
rice, Neb. Range. Stmt
tng Water and French
man creeks, Chase Co„
Brand as out on side of
some animals, on hip and
- side* of some, or
(There on the animat
Subjects need fear no longer from this King of
Terrors, fur by a most wonderful discovery in
medicine, cancer on any part of the body can be
permanently cured without the use of
the knife.
MRS. II. O. Colby, 2307 Indiana Ave., Chicago,
jays ** Was cured of cancer of the breast in six
weeks by your method of treatment."’ Rend for
treatise. Dr. II* t. Dale, 'Mj i*4th St., Chicago,
Office: In rear of First National Bank.
For First-Class
Laun dry Work.
McCook, - - - Nebraska.
Has just received his fall and win
ter stock of Cloths and Trimmings
which will be made up as reason
able as possible. Shop first door
west of Barnett Lumber Co.’s of
fice, on Dennison ftreet.
—W. Y. GAGE,—
Physician & Surgeon,
|3^“Office Hours: 9 to 11,a. m„ 2to5 and
7 to 9. p. m Rooms over First National bank.
Night calls answered at office.