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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1893)
Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report By F. M. K1MMELL. $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. ALL HOME PRINT. Thirteen states held elections, Tuesday. What a providence it would be if some discriminating mob should lay its hands on bank-wrecker Mosher and forget to let go. The grand old party is showing many responsible evidences of life. It took in about everything in sight, Tuesday, and yearns for more worlds to conquer. Harrison was not overwhelm ingly elected, just triumphantly so. The returns are not all in, but enough to show that victorious eagles have perched upon the ban ner of the brave, and Ohio men •ire still invincible. Out of 10,000 or more babies left at the Children’s building dur ing the world’s fair but one was unclaimed at the final roundup. The scheme of providing this con venience for mothers visiting the exposition was seriously opposed at the outset for the reason that a similiar institution established in eounection with the Paris Exposi tion found several hundred chil dren to provide homes for when the fair is over. A lA/mpttiison of results illustrates in a conspicuous manner the difference between soc ial ethics in France and America. Senator Yoorhees is certainly not in an enviable position just at present, politically speaking. His fiat money constituents do not feel proud of the part he took in assist ing the president to secure the passage of the repeal bill, nor are they likely to take any stock in his promised efforts to push a measure for an increased coinage of silver through congress. Senator Yor hees’ sincerity was questioned by both the friends and foes of repeal from the very beginning, and the prospects are that he will have some difficulty in maintaining a consistent attitude upon the mone tary question. It lias rained cranks in New York and Brooklyn and other cities during the past week. On Monday the ball opened with the arrest of eight in New Yoik and five in Brooklyn who were looking, most of them, for distinguished people who owed them a big lot of money. Some were murderously inclined and some apparently merely fool ish. The shooting of Mayor Har rison has excited this uprising of monomaniacs. The best place for cranks of many descriptions at the present time is behind bars until the storm blows over. It is only when a tragedy of this sort occurs that people are made aware of the large number of human beings inhabiting the border land between sanity and lunacy. The defeat of Maynard and the election of Gary shows that the heart and conscience of Americans are yet sound. Of the signs of moral and social decay which have caused anxiety for the last few years, noue has been more grave than the disposition manifest in some quarters to lower and debase the standard of the judicary; to elect politicians of bad character or ignorant and vicious demagog ues to the bench, the latter pledged to wrench aud distort the statutes in the interest of the faction that elected them. It is now seen that this form of corruption was tem porary. The people cannot endure for long the spectacle of a degrad ed and polluted judiciary. There is an instinct stronger than any party or machine which demands, when the test is made, that the unworthy, corrupt, and ignorant judge shall step down and the just judge shall remain in his high place. This regard for justice and its real administrators, which in the long run always asserts itself, is one of the greatest encouragements to believe in the capacity of the people for self-government. The latest Anarchist outrage in Spain, in which bombs were hurl ed into the center of a crowded Barcelona theater, but emphasizes the ueccessity for treating the “reds” like the venomous reptiles that they are. The vindication of Judge Gary in Chicago assures the people of America that justice will be dealt out to that class in Chi cago in the future, as, save for for Governor Altgeld’s interven tion, it has been in the past. Massachusetts for the first time since the days cf the old colonial Governors will have a chief magis trate of foreign birth. Mr. Green halge, elected on Tuesday, is by birth an Englishman. This, how ever, is not to be taken as another demonstration of Anglomania— though it may reconcile Boston to the innovation that the new Gov ernor “is English, you know.” Where Judge Holcomb gained in the late lamented election, it was in almost every instance a wild and tumultuous protest against the turning down of Byran and not against the sodding under of Rose water. The republicans endorsed the latter act, and only expressed sorrow that justice had been so long delayed.—Journal. Boss Choker, Boss Hill, Boss McLaughlin, Boss Altgeld, the Anarchists, the Populists and the Confederate Brigadier Repudia tionists, were all swept from the face of the earth by one great tidal wave Wednesday, and it was the only marine disaster of the year over which the people have rejoic ed. The elections in Kansas Tues day show that the Democratic par ty in that state has determined to brace up. It is beginning to show some pride of ancestry and hope of posterity. Used in Millions of Homes—40 Years the Standard. . i IN GENERAL. As a general rule a light vote was polled at Tuesday’s elections throughout the country, in spite of the bitterness of the campaign. In Iowa the republicans made a clean sweep, Jackson’s plurality being placed at 30,000. Governor McKinley of Ohio was re-elected by a plurality of about 80,000, J udge Bartlett, defeated J udge Maynard in New York by a plural ity of 50,000. The republicans al so claim a majority in the legisla ture. Massachusetts goes republican' by a big plurality. The democrats claim a clean sweep in Virginia. Judge Gary of Chicago w'as elected. The Republicans get the state officers in Pennsylvania. Fusion in Kansas wras a failure and a Republican victory is claim ed. In Colorado the elections were for ccunty officers. The Republi can ticket was successful in Den ver. The question of suffrage was an issue, and it is predicted that it has carried by a good majority. South Dakota caught the inspir ation of the hour and elected the Republican candidates for judicial honors. Maryland and Michigan remain ed in the Democratic ranks. The securing of many of tlie world’s fair exhibits by the Califor nia Midwinter exposition will af ford thousands an opportunity to see them again. A great many peo ple living at considerable distances made from two to half a dozen vis its to Chicago, and some of these, in addition to those who were able to make but one visit, will gladly avail themselves of the opportunity to take another look in connection with sampling the “glorious cli mate of California.” Itisgratify ing to observe that that excellent teacher, experience, has taught the railroads something, and that low rates are to begin with the begin ing of the Midwinter Exposition instead of coming in with the “be ginning of the end,” as in the case of the world’s fair. The administration of the affairs of the postal department under the management of General Wanna maker was progressive, competent and business-like. He entered the service with clear and intelligent ideas for its improvement and took advanced ground in reforms that have proved of immense value to the public. In the forthcoming report of Postmaster General Bis sell no recommendations will be found looking to improvements or experiments promising a better service. This is due to two im portant facts—there is little room for reform, and if there was, the present administration would not know how to take advantage of it. Congressman Waugh has intro duced a bill to come up in the re gular session later, that will stop a good deal of monkeying with the pension list. It provides that be fore the bureau can “suspend” a soldier’s pension, it must furnish him with a copy of all charges made against him with the name of the person making them, so that he will have an opportunity of ans wering intelligently. According to the Hoke Smith programme, the charges are made in secret and the soldier is suspended first, and may get a hearing some time or other at the leisure of the govern ment, without knowing definitely what he has been accused of or who si his accuser. The Republicans of Hitchcock county scored a great victory, on Tuesday, electing the entire ticket save sheriff and commissioner. Established 1886. Strictly One Price. - - ..«•••••••• •. t ^ il * % f ■ WINTER GOODS. ....OUR LINES OF.... AND PANTS ARE LARGE AND COMPLETE. No where in Southwestern Nebraska are as great opportu nities offered for an economical saving as here. Our prices are much the lowest. Our assortment absolutely the largest. Our gualities and styles are unquestionably the largest and latest. JONAS ENGEL, k=> . Manager. SOMETHING For Nothing! Sent! for our New Catalogue, Sent to any art dress FREE OF CHARGE. Complete Mail Order Department. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Samples Free. Always send your orders to Jay J. Joslin & Son, Dry Goods, Millinery, Carpets. Cor. lCtli and Curtis Sts., Denver, Col. ,J. E. KELLEY. ATTORNEY AT LAW, AGENT LINCOLN LAND CO. MCCOOK, - - NEBRASKA. Office: In rear of First National Bank. The plan of detailing special officers to guard the White House is not in the nature of an unnec cessary provision. It is nothing more than the exercise of judicious precaution. It is the teaching of history that the outbreak of homi cidal impulse in one crank is pret ty certain to exert a contagious in fluence. Prendergast, the assassin of Carter Harrison, is more than likely to find imitators, and as men in public station are favorite objects of attack with murderous lunatics of his class, the safe-gaurds which have been provided for the protec tion of the President are more time ly and proper. Statistics at the treasury tie •i partment show a falling off of about 45,000 in the number of immigrants for the nine months ended September 30, as compared with the corresponding period for the preceding year. This decrease was doubtless due in part to the precautions observed at American ports of entry on account of chol era. The total number of arrivals for the period named was 320,517, and as long as the influx of for eigners to America maintains such a generous volume, there is no reason to become excited about proscription against the European immigration. The Populists are making just as much noise this fall in Virginia as in former years when they were cleaned out, root and branch, by the Democratic party. it will pfeaoe i^ou fo oce lion? cl'tcap ca n oelC non aoob CJoob^ i n ouz line. H^icc yzeatVtj -tebnccb, tJna l i I'tj tlW oa-nve. QazzukVi anb Son, jVpie ^ezvetez^ §J£c6oo&, 9letnao^a ccego- ’ L. W. McConnell & Co. (0LASS, All Sizes. Sponges, Chamois, Purses, Combs and Brushes, Perfumes and Toilet Articles. Paints and Wall Paper. THIS IS THE TIME To Secure Your Fall and Winter Clothing; and I Wish to Inform the Public at Large That my Stock of Suitings, Overcoat And Pants Pattterns is Unquestionably Large and Ex cellent. Fashionably Fitting Clothing Guar anteed at Very Reasonable Prices. KALSTEDT, The Leading Tailor, McCook, Nebraska.