The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 03, 1893, Image 4

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    Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report
Re jUtfsisjfc IVifaft*
Committeemen, send in the re
sult in your precinct at earliest
possible moment.
The campaign is now on the
home stretch and everybody can
see that the republicans will be in
it. _
A vote for George W. Roper
will be that much toward retain
ing a faithful and capable man in
Some of the stories started by
the monkey-doodle politicians are
reacting and putting them in a
hole. ’Twas ever thus.
Sheriff Banks richly deserves
re-election. He has filled his of
fice with fidelity and unquestioned
ability. Vote for him.
The way for republicans to be
ready to resume business in nat
ional affairs is to be in business
in state and county affairs.
Now that repeal has come will
the good, kind east that has more
money hoarded thru it has had at
any one time in twenty five years,
loan the west a dollar?
C. W. Beck’s record as county
judge is clear and strong for com
petency, fairness and painstaking
carefulness. He should be retain
ed there another term.
We fancy the Times-Democrat
a trifle too fresh in reading Repub
licans out of the party. Just wait
a second, Pete, until you know you
are fairly in it yourself.
A distinguished figure in the
Catholic church in America has
passed away in the Very Reverend
Edward Sorin, who died Tuesday
at Notre Dame, Indiana. Father
Sorin, a member of the then recent
founded order of the Holy Cross,
arrived in the vicinity of South
Bend in October, 1812, to find a
log cabin and the rude habitations
of Indians standing amid the
waste of trackless snow. Amid
these unpromising surroundings
and with $5 in his pocket he laid
the foundations of the largest
Catholic school in America. Fath
er Sorin will be remembered by
the thousands of students, who in
the half century past have sought
Notre Dame from all parts of the
country, as a man of distinguish
ed presence and character. He
possessed not only high scliolistic
attainments, but cultured, artistic
taste, adorned Notre Dame with
treasures of art carefully gathered
in Europe, and was the patron of
the artist Giegori, who spent sev
enteen years in the adornment of
the church and university. The
fiftieth anniversary of Father Sor
in’s arrival at Notre Dame wap
celebrated with great enthusiasm
last year.
fgf'Grocenes at Nobles’.
Pure Drugs at Chenery’s City Drug
You can get anything in queensware
at cost at Knipple’s.
Seventy-five cents buys a scale book
of 500 tickets at this office.
School tablets in great variety at
Chenery’s City Drug Store.
Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty at
Chenery’s City Drug Store.
A fine line of stationery at popular
prices at Chenery’s City Drug Store.
Freshest fruits the market affords are
to be purchased at Kuipple’s grocery
Sixteen pounds of Granulated
Sugar for One (1$) Dollar at Knipple’s.
Do you know that Knipple pays the
highest price for butter (23 cents) and
eggs (19 cents). It’s a fact.
Noble, the leading grocer, makes a
specialty of fresh, clean family grocer
ies. He will treat you right.
S. M. Cochran & Co. carry a large
line of buggies in stock. See them if
you want a good vehicle cheap.
Noble is the only exclusive grocer in
the city. His stock is the largest and
his prices correspond with the tunes.
You want the best. Of course you
do. The Barnett Lumber Co. sells
the best grades of coal, both hard and
Patronize 11. Thompson & Co., deal
ers in flour and feed of all kinds, west
Dennison street, on the corner north of
McEntee Hotel.
Do you know that Ash Grove is the
best Lime in the market for plastering
purposes. It is. The Barnett Lum
ber Co. sells it.
McMillen Bros, have a splendid as
sortment of Robes and Horse Blankets.
Their stock of Harness and Saddlery
is unequalled in western Nebraska.
Don’t build a fence around your
property until you have seen and priced
that woven wire fencing at S. M.
Cochran & Co.’s. Nothing cheaper,
neater or better.
Ladies wanting great bargains in
millinery should be sure to call on Mrs.
M. E. Barger, west Dennison street,
east of Predmore’s blacksmith shop.
That’s the piace to secure them.
The Barnett Lumber Co. wants
your orders for coal. They carry alull
stock on hand of both hard and soft
coal, and it is the best the market af
fords. Give us a trial order.
There's nothing finer than alfalfa fed
beef. They are selling a very choice
lot of it at the B. & M. Meat Market.
The flavor is fine and the meat very
tender and juicy. Try it and youcan’t
help being pleased.
But your $ $ $ where they will do
the most good, where they will secure
the best and the most groceries for in
stance. You will make no mistake if
Noble’s is the place of deposit. He
gives the limit in quantity, quality and
value, and his stock cannot be duplicat
ed in Western Nebraska.
They have just received three cars
of fancy alfalfa fed heifers at the B.
& M. Meat Market from Colorado.
It is the finest meat ever placed on
the butcher’s block in this city, and
it costs no more than poor, tough
grass fed meat. Try it and see.
Use McConnell's Fragrant Lotion
for Chapped Hands and Face.
Use McConnell's Fragrant Lotion
for Chapped Hands and Face.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used iii Millions of Homes—40 Years the Standard.
Knipple is selling out his stock of
queensware at cost.
No better farm wagon on wheels
than the Charter Oak sold by S. M
Cochran & Co.
Noble carries a large and complet
stock of the best brands of cannc.
goods of all kinds.
If you are thinking of buying a set
of new dishes call to see Kmpplc’s stock
and get his prices.
Remember that S. M. Cochran & Co.
now carry in stock a lull and complete
stock of builders’ hardware supplies.
See our stock of White Oak, White
Cedar and Red Cedar Posts before
buying. The Barnett Lumber Co.
S. M. Cochran & Co. have an im
mense stock of farm implements on
hand. See them before buying else
IN QUEENSWARE Noble carries
the largest assortment and the richest
designs of the season. His prices are
Ash Grove Lime, Louisville Ce
ment, and New York Plaster at
The Barnett Lumber Yard. Buy
J. H. Ludwick is buying and selling
second-hand goods at the old stand on
west Dennison street. Give him a call
or drop a postal card.
Make Noble your family grocer and
many other blessings will fall to your
lot, besides having the best groceries on
your table that the market affords.
Give your orders for 84 Patent, Lion
and Legal Tender, also Wauneta High
Patent,White Fawn and Pride of Wau
neta flour to H. Thompson, the oil man.
Beware of peddlers. Call and in
spect the Household sewing machine
sold by S. M. Cochran & Co. before
buying a machine. There is no better
on earth.
Ja§F“NoBLE, Purveyor to tile Great
Common People, is now exhibiting
about the handsomest and largest as
sortment of plain and fancy lamps to be
seen in Southwestern Nebraska.
Very finest Uncol
oretl Japan Teas for
50c. a pound at Knip
ple’s. Every pound is
warranted by him.
Pure Ohio and Can
ada Maple Syrup. No
log cabin goes with
this-—it sells itself.
Knipple warrants it.
W e ha ve j ust receiv
ed a car of S4 Patent
Flour. Come and get
a sack. H. THOMP
Nothing in market
like Wilcox’s alfalfa
fed beef. Do not eat
poor meat any longer.
Sewing machines at
$5.00 per month on
the installment plan
at Pape & Son’s.
Indiauola and McCook tactions
are both working hard for the elec
tion of the Red Willow county re
publiban ticket. This insures the
election of the ticket.—Wilsonville
All people will most sincerely
regret thedastardly assassination of
Mayor Hari’ison of Chicago, at the
hands of Eugene Patrick Joseph
Pendergast, last Saturday evening.
Notice by Publication.
In tiie district court in and for Ked Willow
county, Nebraska. Thomas Lonergan, plain
tiff, vs. Frank L. McCracken et al., defend
ants. Frank L. McCracken, Clo M. Mc
Cracken, his wife, B. B. Davis, trustee school
district 17, Ked Willow county, Nebraska,
Soplia M. Davis, wife of said B. B. Davis,
and Baldwin & Co., defendants in tiie above
entitled case, will take notice that on the 12th
day of August, 1893, tiie plaintiff herein filed
liis petition in the district court of Ked Wil
low county, Nebraska, against said defend
ants, tiie object and prayer of which are to
foreclose a certain mortgage executed by said
Frank L. McCracken and Clo M.McCracken,
his wife,defendants,to the plaintiff upon lots
Nos. 5 and 6,in block No. 27, in the second
addition to the town of McCook, Ked Wil
low County, and state of Nebraska. To se
cure tiie payment of one promissory note
dated August 24tli, 188S, for the sum of Five
Hundred Dollars due and payable on tiie
first day of September, 1891, with interest
thereon at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum
from maturity; that there is now due upon
said note and mortgage from said defend
ants to this plaintiff tiie sum of $596.00 with
interest thereon at 10 per cent, per annum
from August 12th, 1893; plaintiff prays for a
decree that defendants be required to pay the
same or that said premises may be sold to
satisfy the amount found due. You are re
quired to answer said petition on or before
tiie llth day of December, 1893.
Thomas Lonergan, Plaintiff.
By J. A. Cokdeai., his attorney.
Dated November 2nd, 1893.
Established 1886. Strictly One Price.
_S ..
Every Department is Now Filled With Immense
And Choice Varieties.
Experience teaches you that the Safest Plan is not to trust to
Chance, but to Buy from that House whose Wares, Experience
has shown, are Furthest Removed from Probability of Inferiority.
Call and Examine Goods in Every Department.
rz=. , Manager.
India and Ceylon Tea,
quality guaranteed,
at W. M. Anderson’s
VVe have just receiv
ed a car of 84 Patent
Flour. Come and get
a sack. H. THOMP
Alfalfa fed beef has
the finest flavor. Try
some at B. & M. Meat
market. It’s great.
Pure Apple Cider
vinegar, 6 yrs. old at
Anderson’s Grocery.
West India spiced
Vinegar on sale at
Anderson’s Grocery.
B. & M. Flour and Feed Store.
PRICE list:
Pillsburys Best,.$1.50 per sack.
Boss, granulated H. P... 1.35 per sack.
Monogram “ “ 1.20 per sack.
Charm “ “ 1.10 per sack.
91 “ “ 1.10 per sack.
Jack Frost, winter. 1.00 per sack.
Faultless.85 per sack.
Favorite.80 per sack.
Pride of McCook.75 per sack.
ltye Flour. Graham, Buckwheat,
Flour and Corn Meal. Bran, Shorts,
Chop Feed, Grain and Hay. All goods
delivered free. J. J. Garrard,
211 Main street. Manager.
Well Digging.
If you want a well put down in fine
shape see Frank Nichols. lie guaran
tees his work. Leave orders at S. M.
Cochran & Co.'s.
The burning question with house
wives of all lands, all creeds, and all
ages is: “Which is the best Cooking
Stove?" S. M. Cochran & Co. answer
this question today by proclaiming the
“Charter Oak Stoves" to be the
best in every conceivable shape.
Noble is also strictly in it when it
comes to selling fresh vegetables at a
reasonable price.
Queensware at cost at Knipple's.
This is your opportunity.
Dr. A. J. Thomas, Dentist, office in
Union block, over Knipple.
S. M. Cochran & Co. can sell you a
bicycle very cheap. See them.
Perfumes and Toilet Articles at
Chenery’s City Drug Store.
Use McConnell’s Fragrant Lotion
for Chapped Hands and Face.
j|-t voiti p-Peaae i|ou
fo oee, ftorn cfteap
can- oe 1C tjon cjooh
^oobd> i n onz line .
3ni-ce cptea-tlij ^cbnceb,
© nal i/tn Me oawc.
l|aunl4 ant) Son,
•SlYe Ojeniefc/zo,
fjgcSoofe, ©leCnao&a
L. W. McConnell & Co.
All Sizes.
Sponges, Chamois, Purses, Combs and
Brushes, Perfumes and Toilet Articles.
Paints and
Wall Paper.
To Secure Your Fall and Winter Clothing;
and I Wish to Inform the Public at Large
That my Stock of
And Pants
Pattterns is Unquestionably Large and Ex
cellent. Fashionably Fitting Clothing Guar
anteed at Very Reasonable Prices.
The Leading Tailor, McCook, Nebraska.