BE8IDE THE BAY OF MONTEREY. Beside the bay of Monterey, When morn is on the moon tains, What joy to hear and know not fear, The cry of seaborn fountains! Across the bay of Monterey The sea fog, thinly drifting, , The land reveals or shore conceals. Soft scenes, like magic, shifting. Beside the bay of Monterey How sweet to walk at even, When softened dyes from sunset skies Steal up the sapphire heaven! Along the reach of rocky beach Oh, joy it is to follow. Where blooms the sea anemone In every waveworn hollow. On giant rock that fronts the shock The spray wet grasses glisten. Where breaks the wave on cliff and cave The flowers bend and listen. I count the years by all my tears And all life’s stormy weather. Since by the bay of Monterey We wandered, love, together. I walk along the changing shore. Oh, sad and strange it seemsl And if you hear the billows roar. You hear them but in dreams. For you have slept now many a day Upon the shore of Monterey. —Sarah L. Stillwell in Overland Monthly. Frogs Eat Wasps. Some time ago I discovered accidental ly that frogs are voracious eaters 01 wasps. I have in my garden a tank fot watering, with an island of rockwork, which is a favorite haunt of the frogs. The wasps just now are carrying on a raid against my fruit, and when I wish to gratify at once my revenge and my frogs I catch a marauder between a post card and an inverted wine glass, carry him off to the tank, wet his wings to pre vent his flying, ami set him on the rock work before the frogs. After a moment’s pause a frog ad vances, and in an instant the wasp has disappeared, drawn into the frog's mouth by a single dart of his long tongue. Oc casionally the wasp reappears, wholly or partially, having made it unpleasant for the frog, but he is almost always swal lowed in tho end. Usually convulsive movements may be noticed in the frog’s throat and body, as though the process of deglutition were not quite easy, but that they like the diet is evident from the fact that a single smallish frog has been known to take three wasps, one aft er another. Indeed it is remarkable what very small frogs, quite infants, will swallow a wasp with avidity. This afternoon a tiny frog swallowed a full grown wasp, when a big relative went for him quite savagely, like a big schoolboy thrashing a small one for presuming to be helped before him.—R. E. Bartlett in London Spectator. The World’s Parliaments. The British parliament compares fa vorably in size with those of other na tions. With 670 members in the house of commons and over 553 in the upper house, it is far and away the largest in the world. France comes nearest with 584 in the chamber of deputies and 300 in the senate. Spain comes next with 431 in congress and 361 in the cortes. Then comes the Austrian reichsrath with 353 and 245 in the lower and upper houses respectively, followed by Ger many with 327 in its reichstag and 5S in its bundesrath. The I?nited States has 356 representatives in congress and 88 senators.—London Tit-Bits. Raphael. Raphael experienced temptations to suicide. He himself says: “I tied the fisherman’s cords which I found in the boat eight times around her body and mine, tightly as in a winding sheet. 1 raised her in my arms, which I had kept free in order to precipitate her with me into the waves. * * * At the mo ment I was to leap to be swallowed for ever with her, I felt her pallid head turn upon my shoulder like a dead weight and the body sink down upon my knees.” —New York Times. The Truth Out. Clara—There! I knew it. He has pro posed this evening and she has accepted. Dora—They are acting like other peo ple. Merely polite, that’s all. “That’s only a blind. Look at her yachting cap.” “It’s on hind side before.” “Yes. A man can’t kiss a girl under one of those peaks.”—New York Weekly. Women’s Patents. Among the patents recently taken out by women are ones for a new folding bath, folding dish, cup and glass holders for use on shipboard, improvements in artificial eyes, new method of sounding whistles and the like in combination with bellows, and a regulator for slow combustion fireplaces. The greatest naval review of modem times was by Queen Victoria in 1854, at the beginning of the Crimean war. The fleet extended in an unbroken line for five miles and comprised 300 men-of war, with twice that number of store and supply ships. The fleet was manned by 40,000 seamen. It has been computed that in a single cubic foot of the ether winch fills all space there are locked up 10,000 foot tons of energy which has hitherto es caped notice. To unlock this boundless store and subdue it to the service of man is a task that awaits the electrician of the future. It is an old belief of native Hawaiians that the spirits of their warrior chiefs inhabit after death the bodies of their favorite horses. There is a fine white stallion in Honolulu in which, it is pop ularly believed, lives the spirit of Boki, who led a rebellion in Tahiti years ago. A vine at Hampton Court, which wa3 planted in 1768, is believed to be the largest in the world. Its branches ex tend over a space of 2,300 feet. It usu ally bears upward of 2,000 bunches of grapes annually. The stock of paid notes for five years in the Bank of England is about 77,745, •WO | in number, and they fill 13,400 ioxes, which, if placed side by side, would reach 2$ miles. ^ HUMORS OF BANN PUBLISHING. Announcementg of Marriages That Have Keen Unceremoniously Interrupted. A few years ago a ludicrous, albeit vexatious, incident occurred at a church in Larkhall. A rustic couple, after hav ing had the banns published the pre scribed number of times, proceeded to the church to be joined in holy wedlock. The service was conducted without a hitch until the officiating clergyman ar rived at that part where he asked,“Wil liam Wisher, wilt thou have this woman to be thy wedded wife?” when the bride groom replied with some astonishment that his name was not William Wisher. The ceremony was of course suspend ed, and on investigation being made as to the cause of the mistake it transpired | that the bridegroom had written to the | sexton of the church requesting him to ; have the banns published, and concluded ! his letter thus, “So no more from your j well wisher and Mary Williams.” The | sexton, supposing that William Wisher was the name of the intending Benedict, published the banns accordingly, and the disappointed couple were compelled to awrait the publication of the banns in their proper names. The precentor of a country parish | church near Arbroath one Sunday an i nounced from his place that “there was a solemn purpose of marriage between ; Alexander Spink of Fisher’s loan and Elspeth Hackett of Burn wynd,” when . the parish beadle, who was something t of a character, suddenly arose and un ceremoniously interrupted the proceed ings by exclaiming: “That's wrang! That’s wrang! It’s no Sanders Spink o' Fisher’s loan that’s gaun to marry Els peth Hackett, but Lang Sanders Spink o’ Smiddy croft.” The name of one of the parties had been wrongly stated in the proclamation paper, and this was the way the beadle took to correct it. Some years ago a middle aged agricul tural laborer called upon the session clerk of Alloa and asked him what th6 charge was for publishing the “cries”—i. e., banns of marriage—three times on the same Sunday. “A pound,” replied the clerk. “Aye,” said the other, “an what d’ye tak’ when ye tak’ two Sun days to do’t?” “Half a guinea,” was the reply. “An what d’ye chairge when ye tak’ three Sundays to’t?” was the rus tic’s next query. “Seven and six,” an swered the clerk, with au amused air. “Aye, man,” rejoined the querist, “I see; the langer ye tak’ to dae’t the cheap er it gets. Just cry awa’ till ye pay yer sel’!” And he took his departure without more ado.—Loudon Tit-Bits. Milord, Miss and tlio Dog. A traveler’s tale of British phlegm i. i told in the following terms: A French i man was seated in a smoking carriage and had for his companion a “milord Anglais.” Enter a British miss—of i course with a plaid and protruding teetli ■ and a Skye terrier. She sat opposite the milord. He politely informed her that | she had by mistake got into a smoking | carriage. She made not the slightest an : swer, but sat grimly on. The milord threw away his cigar, much i to the astonishment of the Frenchman, who, according to the story, sat watch ing what would happen. When they reached the next station, the milord said, with the cold dignity of his race and cast: “Madam can now change into a nonsmoking carriage. If she does not, I shall assume that she does not mind ' smoke and shall light another cigar.” Madam said not a word, but stared in front of her. The train went on again, and the milord lighted up. When his cigar was well alight and the train in motion, the lady bent forward, took the cigar out of the milord’s mouth and threw it out of the window. The milord not only did not make any remark, but he did not even seem disturbed. All he did was to wait a minute, and then to bend over the lady, 6eize the Skye ter rier, which was lying in her lap, and fling it out of the window. Of this act the lady, to the complete astonishment of the French spectator, took no notice whatever. At the next station both the lady and the milord got out, but without exchanging a word in regard to the cigar and dog incident, while the Frenchman turned over in his head an etude on the subject of “Les Anglais taciturnes.”—London Spectator. A Metal That Hardens Steel. The reason that the mixture of tung sten with steel gives the latter so great a degree of hardness that it readily scratches glass and quartz seems to be revealed by a discovery recently made in Germany. A definitely crystallized compound of iron and tungsten has been discovered, the crystals being so hard as to scratch topaz. Tungsten is a brittle white metal, almost as heavy as gold. I The crystals, remarks The Paper Trade, as formed by its combination with iron, ■ in the proportion of one atom of iron to two of tungsten, are silver gray and very brilliant. It is thought that when tung sten is alloyed with steel some of the compound just described is formed in the mass, thereby producing the remark able increase in the hardness of the steel. This is an interesting example of the value that one metal may lend to the oth- | er, for, until the discovery that it could be used in hardening steel, tungsten, al though it occurs in considerable abun I dance, was practically useless and with out value.—New York Times. One of His Tricks. “I thought you said you were going to bring a friend homo to dinner with you,” said Mrs. Chugwater. “He couldn't come, Samantha,” re | plied Mr. Chugwater as he sat down ! with great satisfaction to the first good ! dinner he had had a chance to attack for a long time.—Chicago Tribune. — Rooms to Ret. Mrs. Fangle—Have you secured a | lodger for your second floor yet, Mr. • Goslin? Goslin (horrified)—I haven't been look ing for a lodger, madam. Mrs. Fangle—Why, I’m certain my husband told me you had rooms to let in your upper story.—Waif. RESULTS OF El VIRONMENT. How a Philosophical Discourse Was Dorn of the Timidity of a Backwoods Couple. It did not take a close observer to see that they were from the country. Eis tall and lean figure was adorned with an ill'fitting suit of clothes, and his large, clumsy boots were still covered with the dust of country roads—a sight bo keenly appreciated by the courteous bunko steerer. She had rosy cheeks and was plump cl figure. Had she worn other than a red dress and not an old fashioned bonnet with green ribbons, she might have been termed real pretty. They stood in front of the Astorlloust looking about them in a dazed sort ol way. Evidently their desire was to cross the street, but the long lino of trucks and wagons, the cable cars with theii incessant clanging and the noise gen erally caused them to hesitate. Presently she clutched him by the am and anxiously, even nervously, looked into his face. “Mercy, John, let’s go back ter hum. This noise is too much.” “Yer right,” replied John. “Can’t stand it myself.” She clutched his arm, and with hur ried steps they proceeded down Barela} street. a party or gentlemen on tne steps 01 the Astor Houso had been watching the couple and overheard the remarks passed between them. “That shows you what effect environ ment lias upon people,” said one philo sophically. “They wero brought up in the country, where probably no mur mur of tlio business and commercial world ever found its way. To them the lazy wind sighing among the branches of the trees, the singing of the birds and the running waters of the brook form an important part of their daily life. They would be unhappy, even in the grandest palace, without this simple yet beauti ful music of nature. “Yet liow different it is with me, add undoubtedly with you all! I tire of the country' in a few days. To me the scene before us now is as inspiring and beauti ful as any I ever saw elsewhere. Tli rumbling of the vehicles over the pave ment, the clanging of the bells, the hiss ing of steam, the hurrying feet and the unceasing noise of bustle and business all combine to make one grand sympho ny that my ears never tire of hearing. I can work and think the better for it, but were I banished to some rustic scene work would cease, inspiration would leave me, and I would even be unhappy, longing for the busy environments of a city like New York. “As it i3 with individuals, so it is with nations, with kingdoms, empires and re publics. Their characters, their traits and their nationalities can all be traced to their surroundings, and I believe there is nothing in what we call human na ture that is not a result of environment. Change the universe, the customs and manner of living, and, mark my’ word, you change human nature.” The philosophical gentleman looked proudly at his listeners, and with the bow of an orator retiring from the plat form he sauntered into the lobby of the Astor House.—New York Herald. A Gcauine Philanthropist. One of New York’s philanthropic mer chants spends thousands of dollars each year in aiding the poor, but none of his beneficiaries ever gets a cent in cash. His idea is that money giving demoral izes the recipient. He will buy groceries and pay rent for a distressed family and secure employment for the wage earn ers. Once they are at work he ted them that he considers it a moral obli gation for them to refund, at any con venient season, the sum he has expended. If they do, he regards the case as a tri umph of self respect. If they don’t, he finds some excuse for them in his own mind and keeps right on at his self ap pointed task. Last winter he hired a hall in the Hebrew district down town, en gaged a competent teacher and provided a number of Jewish girls with free in structions. No proselyting was attempt ed. Indeed not a word was said about religion. The girls became greatly in terested, and their brothers begged for and obtained admittance. Similar classes are to be established this winter. The merchant allows himself an income of $3, 000 per year. All the rest of the money he makes is devoted to the aid of others. —New York Sun. White With a Vengeance. Here is a state of things which probably not the wealth of the Asters could buy in America. Lord and Lady Alington have a place in Dorset known as the White farm. Everything is accordingly white. All the farm buildings, the house itself, and even all the animals on the place are white. Rabbits, cats, guinea pigs, hens, horses, cows, donkeys and all the creatures are spotless. But this is not the most remarkable feature. The free and independent Brit ish men and maids who till the soil and churn the butter are compelled to attire themselves in white smocks and white frocks to bear out the general impression of whiteness.—New York Recorder. Appropriate. One day while his apparatus for deep sea soundings, by means of steel piano forte wire, was being constructed, Lord Kelvin entered Mr. White's shop in Glas gow along with the great Dr. Joule, cele brated for his determination of the me chanical equivalent of heat. Joule’s attention was called to a bundle of the pianoforte wire lying in the shop, and Thomson explained that he intended it for “sounding purposes.” “What note?” innocently inquired Joule and was promptly answered, “The deep C.”—Ar gonaut. Ail Explanation. Teacher—“For men must work, and women must weep.” What is the mean ing of that line, Tommy Figg? Tommy—It means that men has to work to get money, and then the women has to cry before the men will divide with ’em.—Indianapolis Journal. AN UNUSUAL AN/ESTHETIC. A Dentist’s Experience With u Woman and an Aching Tooth. The drummer hud told a commercial story, and the dentist, who had been ex tracting much pleasure therefrom, fol lowed with a professional yarn. “At ono time in xny early practice in a country town,” he said, “there came to me a very nervous woman to have a tooth extracted. She carried on so that I could Ecarcely get her into the chair, and as soon as i put the forceps near her mouth sho screamed and bounced around so I couldn’t do anything with j her. After two or three visits, each j worse than the other, I suggested that 1 take her to the nearest large town, where : a dentist administered gas. Well, tho tooth hurt her so that at last she con sented, and I took her there, about 25 miles by rail. “I went armed with a pair of forceps as a matter of habit, and when we got to the place and she saw the gas bag and other appliances she had them again worse than before, and I had to give it up and take her back home. I was thor oughly provoked and felt like taking a club to her, hut she had money anil was paying for her foolishness, so I tried to restrain my feelings. About 10 miles out from town as the train was plugging along about 20 miles an hour, anil she was holding her jaw and I was holding mine, in tho seat beside her, we struck a broken rail, and the last thing I knew we were rolling down an embankment and being piled up at the bottom in a very promiscuous fashion. I don’t knowhow it came about, but I wasn't hurt much, and when my senses were fully restored I dragged my patient ont through a window anil laid her on a bank near by. She was pretty badly bruised and had been knocked senseless, and as I was en deavoring to restore her a brilliant thought occurred to me. The next mo ment I had out my forceps, and the next I had ont the confounded tooth. Two hours later one of the physicians who had been summoned had restored her to consciousness, and as she opened her eyes and saw me standing by her side she clapped her hand to her jaw and ex claimed: “ ‘Oh, doctor, I knew it would be ter rible, but I didn’t think it would be so bad as that. However, though, it is out at last.’ “Then she went to sleep, and it was a week before she knew the real facts in the case.” “Did she pay you anything extra?” queried the drummer doubtfully, i “No,” smiled the dentist, “but the rail road company did—$5,000— and I got half.”—Detroit Free Press. Where Iron Is Sacred. Among the Baralongs. a great African people, iron is a sacred object. They are expert workers in metal, which they still smelt from its native ore by the most primitive methods ever devised by man. 1 This art was to them in former days a 1 source of wealth, influence and power 1 and the legend is that when people did not know the value of the stones found in their brooks a “wise man” saw a vision. The spirit of his chief stood be side him and said, “Gather stones and burn them to make spears.” The sage thought it was a dream and that the chief was hungry, so he sacrificed an ox. But the vision returned, and the chief : looked sorrowful. He stood a long time, | and at last said: ! “My son, why do you not obey your father? Go to the river, gather stones and make a hot fire. After that you will I see iron with your eyes.” The sage was greatly frightened and ft;.. some calamity, but dared not re fuse. When he bad made a hot fire, iron came out of it, and then he knew the chief had taken pity on his children. He told his sou the secret before lie died, but he was a vain coxcomb, and wi i. ing to show his own wisdom made iron in the presence of strangers, and so the secret of the art was lost to his tribe, but they have alvvay's continued to re gard iron as sacred above all other met als.—Million. Wisconsin's Indians. In 1836, when Wisconsin was organ ized as a territory, the civilized tribes ef Indians living in Wisconsin were the Brothertowns, the Stockbridges and the Oneidas. The two former were located on Lake Winnebago, in Calumet county. By acts of congress all the Brother towns and a part of the Stockbridges were made citizens of the United States. The uncivilized Indians were the Potta watomies and the WTinnebagoes. We live in what was the Menomon Indian country in 1836. At that time they could muster at least 2,000 war riors. Now they are civilized. They furnished many excellent soldiers for the Union army, and that service accel erated the civilization of the tribe. Prob ably they could not now furnish over 300 men fit for military service. The Chippewas diminish less rapidly, but the Pottawatomies are nearly ex tinct in this state. The Winnebagoes were sent to Nebraska, but several bands returned and have homestead lands in northwest Wisconsin. They do not pro gress much in the direction of civiliza tion.—Appleton (Wis.) Crescent. Merriment at a Funeral. Merriment is regarded as out of place at a funeral, yet an inhabitant of Mont gaillard, who had been dubbed the • Mis anthrope” on account of his gloomy an 1 reserved disposition, inserted a clause in his will to the effect that any of his rela tions who should presume to shed tears at his funeral would be disinherited, and on the other hand he who laughed most heartily was to be his sole heir. He fur ther gave directions that neither his house nor the church was to be hung with black cloth on the day of his burial, but both were to be decorated with flow ers and green boughs, while, instead of the melancholy tolling of bells, the cere mony was to be accompanied with' drums, fiddles and fifes. There is rea son to believe that the funeral was con ducted in exact accordance with these | Peculiar instructions.—Exchange. YOUlt FUTURE ■— -I IS IN YOUR OWN HAND. Palmistry assumes to tell what the lines in your hand indicate. It will amuse you, if nothing more. The above diagram almost explains itself. The length of the LINE OF LIFE indicates probable age to which you will live. Each BRACELET gives you thirty years. Well-marked LINE OF IIEAf> denotes brain power; clear LINE OF FORTUNE, fame or riches. Both combined mean success in life; but you must keep up with modern ideas to win it. You will find plenty of these in Demorc-ds Family Magazine, so attractively pte sented that every member of the family is enter tained. It is a dozen magazines in one. A CLEAR LINE OF HEART bespeaks tenderness; a straight LINE OF FATE, peaceful life; the .^reverse if crooked. A well - defined LINE OF HEALTH spares yon doctors’ hills; so will the health hints in Demorest’s. No other magazine publishes eo many stories to interest the home circle. You will be subject, to extremes of high spirits or des|>ond ency if you have the GIRDLE OF VENUS well marked; keep up your spirits by having Demorest’s Magazine to read. By subscribing to it for 1K94 you will receive a gallery of exquisite works of art of great value, besides the superb premium picture. 17x22 inches, “ I’m a Daisy!” which is almost areal baby, and equal to the original oil painting which cost $300; and you will have a magazine that cannot be equaled by any in the world for its beautiful Illustrations an ! subject matter, that, will keep you posted on all the topics of the day, and all the fads, and different items of interest about the ! u.-eliold, besides furnishing interesting reading, both grave and gay, for the whole family ; '•ml while Deinorcst’s is not a fashion magazine, its fashion pages are perfect, and you get w ith it, f: *e of cost, all the patterns you wi'-h to use during the year, and in any size you choose. Send in ' our subscription at once, only $2 00, and you will really get over $25.00 in value. Address the pub li'h'T. W. Jennings Demorest, 15 East 14th St., New York. If you are unacquainted with the Magazine, Bend for a specimen copy. A large QUA 1) K\NGLE means honesty; a large TRIANGLE, generosity; long FIRST DIVISION OF THUMB, strong will; LONG SECOND DIVISION, reason ing facnltv. The MOUNT OF JUPITER betokens : nbition ; that of SATURN, prudence ; the SI N, love of splendor: MARS, courage; MOON, imagina tion : VENUS, love of pleasure ; and MERCURY, i:. '•bigence. Take our advice as above and yon will he sure to possess the last and most valuable •juaiity. TALES FROM TOWM iOPaOS, ' ' •• • \A ever published; No re than LEADING NAVN • ■ . - Ki* i.i N >r ii.’. n; rica . ;r. - ; , n ed d : mduiiii.* i;.s i'uvt • . that us a.:..>the -shiest and muse enter* rcadin.' tua: c^ii be had. I’ublisbed ist day cf September, December, .’..arch and June. Ask Newsdealer for it. or send the price, . : cents, it? stamps or postal note to TOWN TOPSCS, -i WiS* ewi i ■ P* This fcrilli m? Ouarft i; • -• • irom the cur?-cut year's z sr.cj oi !'•<: . . aiici, but contains the bos: *. «**:; :N v. bur i.’.ocjucs, poems, witticisms. etc., •ram N .* l-t- :• ■ ln-rc of that uniqu- j u.aal. aenduedi/ che crispest, raciest, most ccrnp;i:to. au.i to ."£ I£.\ .-V !¥ ii W4>i*f EN the must interest ing weekly ever issued. Subscription Price: Sown Soplcs, j?r year, - - lairs ?ron Earra TsjScp ■ Cha tT/o elafcis;, ... Tones sent 3 aacB.tfc« : iii SI.00. N. B.-Frevious I-Ios. of “T-.Lrs” will to prompt],' forwarded, postpaid, on receipt of 50 cents e:tci). TB.'S IvITT,r> POWER CURES. HyOPHREVS* That the diseases of domestic ani mal , Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hog.?, and Poultry, are cured by Humphreys’ Veterinary Speci fics, is as true as that people ride on railroads, ‘.end message.; by telegraph, or sew v.ith sewing machines. It is as irrational to bottle, ball and bleed animals in order to cure them, as it is to take passage in a sloop from New York to Albany. Used in the best stables and recommended by the V. S. Army Cavalry Officers. 8^”500 PAGE BOOS on treatment and careof Domestic Animals, 2nd stable chart mounted on rollers, sent free. VETERINARY cures j Fevers, Congestions, Inflammation, A. A. I Spinal Meningitis, Milk Fever* B. B.—Strains, Lameness, Rheumatism C. C*—Distemper, Nasal Discharges. D. D.—Bots or Grubs, Worms. E. E.—Coughs, Heaves, Pneumonia. F. F.—Colic or Gripes, Bellyache. G. G.—Miscarriage, Hemorrhages. H. H.—Urinary and Kidney Diseases. I. I. —Eruptive Diseases, Mange* •T. K.—Diseases of Digestion* Stable Case, with Specifics, Manual, Vet. Cure Oil and Medlcator, $7.00 Price, Single Bottle (over 50 doses), • *60 orcClrSCS. Sold by Druggists; or Sent Prepaid anywhere and in any quantity on Receipt of Price. HUMPHREYS’ MEDICINE CO., Corner William and John Sts., New York. In use 30 years. The only successful remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostration, from over-work or other causes. ?1 per vial, or 5 vials and largo vial powder, for $5. Sold hr Drorxisls, or sent postpaid on receipt of price. HUMPHREYS’ MEDICINE CO., Corner William and John Sts., New York. | Subjects need .car no I-u.-or it, ?hi*> King of •_ ••• .i r by a .••• * vtul dvery in n ed.cicc*. cancer < • \y par ••ftbo 1- dy can l.c I‘'.*vaian»-ully cured v. lac ::»© cf the knMe. Mi." }I. !>.Cc.'.ny.51.7* I* .ii'i-n Am.. Chlcaro, jays * Was cured <»f c:. -o« r <•[ :he breast m :-ix wot'bs by y* urinet!i')d • f t r-r treiu.ite. JDr. 11. C’. Jtale, 3».d 34th St., Chicago. AFULT-VleFfU ON . . . FOR.. set^of 3 £X IVI rubber$5,00 Work Guaranteed. Teeth extracted in the morning, new ones inserted evening of same day. Teeth filled without pain, latest method. Finest parlors in the west. Paxton i^e“ OB. R. W. BAILEY, iranee.OMAHA. - . . - NEB. 9 Dr. Hathaway, (Regular Graduate.) n.o heading Specialist of the United States in His Line. Private, Blood, Skin and Nervous Diseases. X oung ami Middle Aged Men: Remark able results have followod my treatment Many YEARS of var ied and success ful EXPERI ENCE In the use of curative meth V ods that I alone ,'oivn and control gfafor all disorders g§of MEN. who Hhave weak or un Bdevelojjed or dls Beascd organs, or Kwho are suffering Bfrom errors of ff*youth and excess or who are nerv ous ami lmro TENT, the scorn of their fellows and the con tempt of friends and companions, leads me to • ;|JARANTEE to all patients, if they can pos M‘?lv be RESTORED, MY OWN EXCLUSIVE I E ATMENT will AFFORD A CURE £ /“ItE AIEML BEK, that there is hope for Yt/iJ. Consult no other, as you may WASTE VA J.UABLE TIME. Obtain my treatment at | ' -male Diseases cured at home without In i' -iments; a wonderful treatment. | (fiUrrh, and Diseases of the Skin, Blood, 1 r art, Liver and Kidneys, i syphilis. The most rapid, safe and effective ■ f r ament A complete cure guaranteed. t *-.ln Diseases of all kinds cured where many ! o ’hers have failed. Fn natural Discharges promptly cured In a f- . d.cvs. Quick, sure and safe. This includes Gael and Gonorrhoea. MY METHODS. T. Free consultation at the office or by mail. J. Tiv. rough examination and careful diagnosis. ■\ That each patient treated gets the advantage of special study and experience, and a specialty is made of his or her disease, h ’^oiierate charges and easy terms of payment. j\ home treatment can be given in a majority e* asea. I : ud for Symptom Blank No. 1 for Men. ;;o. 2 for Women. No. 3 for Skin Diseases. I s.'fl !0c for 64-page Reference Book for Men ; 1 Women. . correspondence answered promptly. Bus 1 • strictly confidential. Entire treatment - :':*c o from observation. Refer to banks in St. i t'O’ e-; li end business men. Address or call on a J. N. HATHAWAY, M. D./ Corner 6th and Edmond Sts.. St Joseph. Me* -.viiwms Tabules.! Ripans Tabules are com- • I . pounded from a prescription l \ ! widely used by the best medi- ♦ j cai authorities and are pre- ♦ j i sented in a form that is be- : I j coming the fashion every- * ! : where. : I ‘ t ——-—1 : ” ♦ Rip-ans Tabules act gently * •.u promptly upon the liver, : . stomach and intestines; cure : • dyspepsia, habitual constipa- • ; tion, offensive breath and head- : • ache. One tabuie taken at the : : first symptom of indigestion, • : biliousness, dizziness, distress ! ■ after eating, or depression of : | ' spirits, will surely and quickly ; - remove the whole difficulty. : • j : RipansTabuIes may be ob- \ tained of nearest druggist. • • _ ^ ♦ Ripans Tabules • ■ easy to take, ragk j puick to act, and/^?^>®^/ : many a doc-(^^^y I WE TELL YOU nothing new when we state that it pays to engage in a permanent, most healthy and pleasant busi ness, that returns a profit for every day’s work. Such is the business we offer the working class. We teach them how to make money rapidly, and guarantee every one who follows our instructions faithfully the making of 81500.00 a month. Every one who takes hold now and works will surely and speedily increase their earnings; there can be no question about it; others now at work ! are doing it, and you, reader, can do the same. | This is tne best paying business that you have ] ever had the chance to secure. You will make a > grave mistake if you fail to give it a trial at once. I If you grasp the situation, and act quickly, you j will directly find yourself in a most prosperous business, at which you can surely make and save large sums of money. The results of only a few hours’ work will often equal a week’s "wages. Whether you are old or voung, man or woman, it makes no difference, — do as we tell you, and suc cess will meet you at the very start. Neither experience or capita! necessary. Those who work for us are rewarded. Why "not write to day for full particulars, free ? K. C. AI.hK.V & CO., Box No. 420, Augusta, Me. ...... it ia an asrreeable Laxative for the Bowels; ear, be made into a Tea for use in one minute. Fries hie.. Vie. and $l.i (I per package-. Sift An Eiejrant i oilet Powder “ Sat i ator theTeetU and Breath—25c. I’or sale by McMillen. Druggist. [ PHOTOGrTphSomTI ► RAGE SiLK HANDKERCHIEF. J ► JtrjJ! Cl a ?ord Hint-, 3 wlilf* ( new or old) Silk If and-j ► kerchief, «ilhai’. St. or hxpreas Son*-; Order for |] ] V ini we will rhoiosrsph the picture on the allk. Reauti-1 \ ful effect. PK8JIAMXT picture. WILL NOT FADE or II / / NASH oat, Iu*fcU forever, cx-rxbod** I: deliphled. ^ ^ if pHOTOr^f«**‘e»ee,0«i,hau,llk. ; L ■ .^?T.sTUPIO3l3-5M7S.I5ih.0|HAHAj