The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 03, 1893, Image 1
TWELFTH YEAR. McCOOK, RED WILLOW COUNTY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 3, 1893. NUMBER 24 / GO pp - pp ° PP a m NF.W GOODS! ^£NEW GOODS Our Fall Stock Complete In Every Department. Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Cloaks, Boots^and Shoes. We have made heavy purchases on a Declining Market For Cash. And we are going to sell goods CHEAPER THAN EVER. /-—-->v Be Sure to Examine Our Stock And get prices before making your purchases. COMPLETE STOCK OF FRESH GROCERIES. ^41 CASE &■»» Bargain House. C. L. DeGROFF & CO. TEN^IIE TiLBLE. GOING EAST—CENTRAL TIME—LEAVES. No. 2, through passenger. 6:40 A.M. No. 4. local pnssenger.11:40 P.M. No. 6, through passenger.4:10 P.M. No. 80. freight.9:00 A. M. No. 148. freight, made up here..5:00 A. M. GOING WEST—MOUNTAIN TIME—LEAVES. No. 1. through passenger .11:25 A.M. No. ;l. through passenger.11:35 P.m! No. 5. local passsenger. 8:45 P. M. No. 63. freight. 5:00 P.M. No. 149. freight, made up here . 6:00 A.M. la^NdTE:—No. 63 carri s passengers for Stratton. Itenkelumn and Haigier. All trains mil daily excepting 148, 149 and 176. which run daily except Sunday. No. 1 stops at Stratton. Benkelmnn & Wray. No. 3 stops at Benkeliuan and Wray. No. 2 stops at Indianola. Cambridge and Ar apahoe. No. 6 does not stop between McCook and Oxford. No. 80 will earry passengers for Indianola, Cambridge and Arapahoe. Nos. 4, 5.148, 149 and 170 carry passengers for all stations. You can purchase at this ollioe tickets to all principal points ill tlie United States and Can ada and baggage checked through to destina tion without extra charge of transfer. For information regarding rates, etc. call on nr address C. E MAGNElt, Agent. Nebraska State Poultry Show and Conven tion, Kearney, Nebraska, January i6-2o. Tick ets on sale January 14 to 20, good returning until January 21. Omaha, November 28-30.—Meeting of Ne braska Implement Dealers. Tickets on sale November 26-30 inclusive. Good for return December 1st. For the above occasions delegates paying full fare going will be returned at one-third fare on presentation to the B. & M. agent, at point of meeting, certificate signed by proper officer of the meeting. Special Ticket Rates. We will until further notice sell tickets to Spokane, Wash., Portland, Oregon, and inter mediate points. 1st class continuous passage $30.00. 2nd class continuous passage $25.00. Effective Oct. 16th, round trip tickets will be sold to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Colton, San Bernardino and San Diego, California at very low rates. For full particulars regarding rates, etc., call on or address C. E. Magner, Agent. Engineer Barney Lewis is among the sick, this week. Jim Chambers is here from La Junta, Colorado, on a visit. Auditor Brandt was here from Omaha, forepart of the week,on official business. Agent O'Bear’s wife from Imperial was at western division headquarters, Mon day. Assistant bupt. Hannan was down from the high line on official business, Monday and Tuesday. Auditor \V. P. Foreman came down from Denver, Wednesday afternoon, on business of that office. No. 5 was somewhat delayed here, Tuesday night, by a temporary freight blockade on the main track. We understand Conductors Pope and Odell are visiting in California, instead of at Chicago, as stated last week. A new time card is announced to take effect on next Sunday at noon. Passen ger trains Nos. i and 6 will be discontin ued. Something like |i,ooo has gone from Oberlin to the Rock Island since the B. &. M. took off the passenger train, mostly in tickets to Chicago. But we take it for granted the management knows its own business.—Oberlin Opinion. The Union Pacific railroad has notified the western passenger association of its withdrawal from the association, even from all local agreements to which it has been a party. And in the big rate fight it will be a free lance. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dwyer arrived home on last Saturday night. The have gone to house-keeping in the Sheriff Banks residence over on south Melvin street, and are receiving the congratula tions of their many friends here. Tuesday evening, Mrs. J. F. Kenyon gave a very enjoyable Hallow-e’en par ty at her home in honor of her charming niece, Miss Ona Simons, whose admiring friends were present in numbers. Games and refreshments made their cup of pleas ure full. The superintendent of the railway mail service pays some attention in his annual report to the oil lamp which he says is a prolific source of danger to life and proporty on trains. He points out that a vast amount of damage is done that the public does not hear of, and mentions forty-three cases where lamps broke and saturated the interior of cars with oil without taking fire. The car stove is going and the car lamp must follow suit. It is out of date. Mrs. Tingley, who has been visiting here with her son Mel for some time past has returned to McCook.Mrs. Clarence Anderson, who has been visit ing friends here for some time past, re turned to her home in McCook Wednes day evening.E. P. Bolton of the B. & M. eating house will make some improvements in that popular hostelry as soon as the carpenters arrive. He will also have a lunch room built on the platform.—Red Cloud Belt. Miss Clara Bonnot was a passenger for Holdrege on 6, Monday evening. A feeling of apprehension prevails in railroad circles. Sunday’s card promises to make considerable changes all around. Ellsworth Oyster arrived in the city, Tuesday noon, on his way to Mexico from taking in the world’s fair. He is the guest his brother Engineer Oyster. Under the coming new time card Mc Cook will not have a day passenger train. This will doubtless be cheering news to the livery men. Mrs. Will Yetter returned to her home in Hastings, Wednesday evening, after spending a week or ten days here, guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Bur nett. Another cut in employes is announced for the 5th of this month, next Sunday. It is rumored that the force of men em ployed here will be very considerably re duced, in nearly all departments. Rosewater thinks the government ought to donate 50 millions to the Union Pacific railroad. Wliat’s the matter with the government taking charge of the road? It owns it. It ought to be able to run it. The following is a list of the officers just elected at the biennial convention of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen: Grand master, S. E. Wilkinson, Gales burg, 111.; first vice grand master, P. H. Morrissey, Galesburg; second vice grand master, A. E. Brown, Philadelphia; third vice grand master, G. W. Newman, Chi cago; grand secretary and treasurer, W. A. Sheehan, Galesburg; grand trust ees, S. C. Young, Fort William, Ont.; O. L. Rolfem, Beardstown, 111., R. S. Rodman; Los Angeles, Cal.; executive board, C. U. Terrill, Chicago; T. N. Dodge, Downers Grove, 111.; W. E. Bowen, Lafayette, Ind. Galesburg, 111., j will probably be retained as lieadquar- j ters. | Fireman Harry Kingsbury of the switch engine experienced a narrow escape from death, last Saturday evening, in this wise: He stepped offliis engine at seven o’clock, and in the dusk and not hearing the approach of the Imperial train on ac count of the switch engine “popping,” he stepped right in front of Engineer Chambers’ locomotive, which struck and tossed him up on its pilot, from which he fortunately rolled off the side and out of reach of the wheels. Subsequent inves tigation disclosed the fact that his left arm was broken, although Kingsbury was making preparations to go to a dance, not thinking his injuries more than of slight account. Everything points to a big revival of work at the Havelock shps, and the Times of that place says that prospects for a speedy resumption of full time at a j very early date is exceedingly bright. ] Some go so far as to assert that this will occur about the first of the month, al though no authoritative news could be learned. A number of the gangs are now putting in ten hours a day and some of them extra time. The rush of work has begun and a vast amount of repairing will have to be accomplished by the time severe weather sets in. The Burlington stands in need of the engines and the boys will doubtless be put back on full time very soon in order that the motive power of the system may be put in pro per shape. As a straw, it is well to note that where a month ago the storehouse track was filled with idle locomotives, now there are none, all having gone back into service. The ticket office and general Western headquarters of the Burlington road will be established in the Iron building, Sev enteenth and Arapahoe, on December i. The papers closing the lease were signed Wednesday, and plans are being drawn for the finest railroad office in Denver. The company will occupy the cffices of the defunct Chamberlin Investment company. The offices are on the ground floor, at the corner of the street, and are well lighted supplied with every modern convenience. The movement two blocks toward the south from the present loca tion, Seventeenth and Larimer, is in ac- J cord with a general influx of business in the direction of Broadway, which is point ed out as the future retail center of Den ver. It is understood that several other railway companies are preparing to take flight in the same direction, one of them having its eye on the Equitable building. From unofficial sources it is learned that the Burlington company has been paying £7,800 rental per year for the use of the rooms at Seventeenth and Larimer. The outlay of $650 a month was considered too heavy a burden bjT the management, and the lease expiring the change was decided upon. The new location is said to have been secured at a much lower figure than the amount nam 1 ed above.—Denver News. IT WILL NOT ALWAYS You’ll Soon Want Winter Underwear and Clothes. For Ladies, Misses and Children we can supply you on anything. ladies’ and Misses’ Union Suits are the Newest, Most Comfortable and Warmest Garment produced in many years. Come and let us show these to you. Ladies’ Heavy Vests from 22c up. Cloaks and Millinery at hard times, rock bottom prices. We Always do just as we advertise. L. Low mail & Son, DRY GOODS, CARPETS, MILLINERY. A DOLLAR or two is considerable these hard times, but there are times when you are wholly justified in the expenditure. For instance if you are looking for a Hound (j>a(» Heating Stove, don’t let some un scrupulous dealer sell you some other Stove for the Round ©a(t Fjlor sell you some cheap imitation y which is “just as good” for wl dollar Or TvvO Less. Remember that imitation is An Acknowledgment of Superiority, So Buy The Ct"uine HIM OIL Origninal See the name cast on the legs, also on the nickel name plate. CALL AND SEE THEM .... AT THE .... THE PIONEER HARDWARE, W. C. LaTourette, Propr.