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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1893)
TWELFTH YEAR. McCOOK, RED WILLOW COUNTY, NEBRASKA. FRIDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 27, 1893. NUMBER 23. / f NFW COOPS! r^NEW GOODS^a Our Fall Stock Complete In Every Department. Glotlii, Overcoats, Dress Hs, Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Cloaks, Boots and Shoes. We have made heavy purchases on a Declining Market For Cash. And we are going to sell goods CHEAPER THAN EVER. / —- ———----V Be Sure to Examine Our Stock And get prices before making your purchases. 4®G0&C«fr' COMPLETE STOCK OF FRESH GROCERIES. ^'OASTT Bargain House. C. L. DeGROFF & CO. TXME TABLE. GOING EAST—CENTRAL TIME—LEAVES. No. 2, through passenger.6:40 A. M. No. 4, local passenger.11:40 P. M. No. 6, through passenger.4:10 P. M. No. 80. freight. 9:00 A. m! No. 148, freight, made up here.5:00 A. M. GOING WEST—MOUNTAIN TIME—LEAVES. No. 1. through passenger.11:25 A.M. No. 3, through passenger.11:35 P.m! No. 5, local passscnger. .. 8:45 P, M. No. 63, freight.5:00 P. M. No. 149, freight, made up here.6:00 A. M. £3§r"NoTE:—No. 63 carri »s passengers for Stratton, lienkelinnn and Haigler. All trains run daily excepting 148, 149 and 176, which run daily except Sunday’. No. 1 stops at Stratton, Benkelmau & Wray. No. 3 stops at Benkelmau and Wray. No. 2 stops at Indianola, Cambridge and Ar apahoe. No. 6 does not stop between McCook and Oxford. No. 80 will carry passengers for Indianola, Cambridge and Arapahoe. Nos. 4, 5.148, 149 and 176 carry passengers for all stations. You can purchase at this office tickets to all principal points in the United States and Can ada and baggage checked through to destina tion without extra charge of transfer. For information regarding rates, eic. call on or address C. E. MAGNER, Agent. Nebraska State Poultry Show and Conven tion, Kearney, Nebraska, January 16-20. Tick ets on sale January 14 to 20, good returning until January 21. Lincoln, October 23-27.—Nebraska Baptist State Convention. Tickets on sale October 21-27 inclusive. Good for return October 28th. Omaha, November 28-30.—Meeting of Ne braska Implement Dealers. Tickets on sale November 26-30 inclusive. Good for return December 1st. For the above occasions delegates paying full fare going will be returned at one-third fare on presentation to the B. & M. agent, at point of meeting, certificate signed by proper officer of the meeting. Special Ticket Rates. We will until further notice sell tickets to Spokane, Wash., Portland, Oregon, and inter mediate points. 1st class continuous passage $30.00. 2nd class continuous passage $25.00. Effective Oct.i6th,round trip tickets will be sold to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Colton, San Bernardino and San Diego, California at very low rates. For full particulars regarding rates, etc., call on or address C. E. Magner, Agent. ~— .. . ■ - - - Engineer Harris has a badly scalded face. Conductor Hank Rouch has been on the sick list. Conductor Pope went iu to see the fair, Monday on four. There are fifteen days in store for us ing valve oil in rod cups. Engineer Conner is still in the hands of his enemy-tlie rheumatism. C. A. Mitchell of the shop force is on the sick list, with a severe sprain. Mrs. W. T. Shields is liable to lose a little finger from blood poisoning. T. E. Calvert of Lincoln was a Com mercial house guest, last Friday night. Auditor Foreman was down from Den ver, first of the week, on business of his department. Conductor Odell is away taking in the last days at the fair. He went on 4, Monday night. Gus Budig is up at Akron in charge of the locomotive department during Pavers’s absence at the fair. “Neighbor” Archibald returned from Chicago, last Friday, where he has been viewing the wondrous white city. Mrs. Will Yetter of Hastings has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bur nett, since the latter part of last week. Engineer and Mrs. J. H. Moore arrived home, Monday afternoon on delayed No. 1, from their visit to the fair and to Iowa friends. The taking off of Nos. 1 and 6 will make a big and unsightly hole in our passenger service, which is already rocky enough. Mrs. Will Brown entertained her moth er from Hastings, Mrs. Wirts, from last Friday noon until Monday evening of this week. One of Pete Carty’s children cut an artery of one of its eyes, the other day, while playing with glass, making a sev ere injury. The company is burning out its right of-way to avoid setting out fires in the spring. They are also putting up their snow fences. Jacob Burnett went up to Colorado, Tuesday night, on business connected with his ranch near Sterling. He will be absent a week or two. The earnings of the Pullman car com pany, the past year, were $11,389,896.19 Disbursements, $7,383,447.69. Surplus, $4,006,448.50. Their assets are the neat sum of $61,791,643.14. The handsome English locomotive called “Empress” is to be pitted against the famous American No. 999, for a race against time after the fair closes. They are supposed to be the best engines in the world and the race will be attended with considerable interest and the time which will be made, one of the railroad wonders of the age. REPUBLICAN CITY. St. Francis shipped 24 cars of stock, Thursday. Mrs. \V. Joslyn is just recovering from a week’s sickness. Eighteen cars of stock on No. 174 of the ‘‘sunflower’’ Monday night. Mr. Hunt and another party shipped 8 cars of feeders to Wilsonville last week. Mrs. Agent Knox has returned from her visit. Mr. K. has quit the baching business. L. E. Cann has the day office at Red Cloud now during McClintock’s absence at the fair. All the crews who used to live at Or leans are residing at Republican except Brakeman Cropp. Mrs. Spencer is rapidly recovering her wonted strength and health, being able to take short rides in a buggy. Ag't Cann, of Danbury, is taking in the sights at the white city. Extra Ag’t Barden fills his place in the interim. The section foreman at Danbury was ! suspended on account of dereliction ofj duty in allowing a switch stand to be come unsafe. There is only one conductor on this branch who is a Christian,and he is such a “dear conductor” and his name is—but then we will not give it away as no body but the evangelist preacher knows it. Mrs. J. D. McAlpine came in from Den ver, Wednesday evening, on a visit to her parents, Mrs. *C. W. Knights. Will Ackerman, now of Havelock, for merly of the machinist force here, was in the city, close of last week, greeting his numerous acquaintances and friends. Articles of Incorporation OF THE FARMERS AND MERCHANTS BANK OF McCOOK, Red Willow County, Nebraska. We tlie undersigned, Frank U. Spearman, Sylvester Cordeal, and Joseph A. Cordeal, of Ked Willow county, and slate of Nebras ka, do hereby voluntarily associate ourselves together lor the purpose of forming a corpo ration under the laws of the state of Nebraska. 1. The name of this corporation shall be ! the “Farmers and Merchant Hank of Mc Cook, Nebraska.” 2. The principal office where the business of this corporation shall be transacted shall be at McCook, county of Ked Willow, state of Nebraska. 3. The purposes for which this corporation is formed are to transact a banking business, by receiving money on deposit, buying and selling exchange, loaning money on notes, bills of exchange, and other real and per ’ sonal securities, and such other business as is by law authorized to be transacted for the purposes and uses of said banking corpora tion hereinbefore mentioued. 4. The term for which said organization is organized is twenty-live (25) years. 5. The business of this corporation shall be conducted by officers known as president, vice president and cashier, and by a board of three directors, which directors shall be stockholders. The officers and board of directors shall be elected annually, on the first Monday of April of each and every year. The first officers of said corporation shall comprise the following named persons: Frank H. Spearman, president; M. A. Loner gan, vice president; and Sylvester Cordeal, cashier. And the first board of directors ot the said corporation shall comprise the fol- • lowing named persons: Frank H. Spearman, M. A. Lonergan and Sylvester Cordeal, who shall hold such offices until the first Monday in April, 1894, or until their successors are elected, and upon such first Monday in April, 1894, the regular annual meeting of said cor poration shall be held; due notice shall be given of each meeting as required by law. 6. The capital stock ot said corporation shall be twenty-five thousand dollars (§25, 000), paid up capital stock, and shall be divided into two hundred and fifty (250) shares of one hundred dollars (§100) each. Certificates of such stock shall be signed by the president and cashier and shall be trans feraDle ouly on the books of the corporation, and at all meetings of the stockhold ers eacli share shall be entitled to one vote, which vote may be cast either in person or by proxy. The capital stock may be in creased or diminished as provided by law, by a vote of three-fourths of the shares thereof at any regular meeting of the stock holders, or at a special meeting duly called and held for that purpose. 7. The directors shall till any vacancy in the offices ot said corporation. 8. The oooks of said corporation shall be kept at the banking office of said corporation, and shall be open for the inspection of any stockholder during the ordinary business hours of tlie corporation. 9. The board of directors are authorized to make such regulations as to its meetings and government and such by-laws as may be necessary, in conformity with these arti cles of incorporation; the place of meeting being always at the banking office of the corporation, A majority of the board shall at all times have power to call a special meeting of the stock holders. 10. The indebtedness of this corporation shall not exceed fifteen thousand dollars at any one time, and that sucli limitation shall be governed by the laws of Nebraska relat ing to banking business, and transactions related thereto which are made the object of this corporation. 11. These articles may be amended at any time by a vote of three-fourths of the capital stock at any regular or special meeting con vened in the manner provided by said corpo ration. In testimony whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names this 26th day' of October, 1893. Frank H. Spearman, Sylvester Cordeal, J oseph A. Cordeal. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, I BED W1LI.OW COUNTY. ) On this 26th day of October, 1S93, person ally appeared before me the undersigned, a notary public, duly commissioned and qual ified for and residing in Red Willow county, Nebraska, Frank U. Spearman, Sylvester Cordeal and Joseph A. Cordeal, to me known to be residents of Red Willow county, Ne braska, who in my presence sigued the fore going articles of incorporation, and who before me and in my presence jointly and severally acknowledged the foregoing instru ment and the execution thereof do be their voluntary act and deed for the uses and pur poses therein set forth. Witness my hand and notarial seal the day and year last above written. [seal.] C. H. Boyle, Notary Public. My commission expires January 23d, 1S97. _IT WILL NOT ALWAYS BE WARM! You’ll Soon Want Winter Underwear and Clothes. For Ladies, Misses and Children we can supply you on anything. Ladies’ and Misses’ Union Suits are the Newest, Most Comfortable and Warmest Garment produced in many years. Come and let us show these to you. Ladies Heavy Vests from 22c up. Cloaks and Millinery at hard times, rock bottom prices. We A!wav do just as we advertise. L. Lowman & Son, DRY GOODS, CARPETS, MILLINERY. A DOLLAR or two is considerable these hard times, but there are times when you are wholly justified in the expenditure. For instance if you are looking for a Round Oafi Heating Stove, don’t let some un scrupulous dealer sell you some other Stove for the Round (£)af{ gor sell you some cheap imitation J which is “ just as good” for Dollar Or Tw O Less. Remember that imitation is An Acknowledgment of Superiority, So Buy The 6enuilie RflllNfl 1M »rtpimi See the name cast on the legs, also on the nickel name plate i CALL AND SEE THEM I _AT THE_ THE PIONEER HARDWARE. W. C. LaTourette, Propr.