!> jfltfeBlt Frilmnt. Ey F. M. K1MMELL. $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. ALL HOME PRINT. REPUBLICAN TICKET. STATE. For Justice Supreme Court, T. O. C. Harrison. For University Regents, C. W. Kaley. H. D. Estabrook. Charles Weston. county. For Clerk, George W. Roper. For Treasurer, A. H. Barnes. For Sheriff, E. R. Banks. For Judge, C. W. Beck. For Superintendent, J. C. Moore. For Coroner, C. W. Hodgkin. For Surveyor, W. P. Grimes. For Commissioner, 1st district, W. F. Everist. The success of the Republican county ticket, this fall, will be made sure by conceited action. Work for the entire ticket. People must learn to give and take. The best results are almost always attained by compromise. The truth lies between extremes. When Judge Cooley said ilif the majority cannot force a vote a revolution has been effected,’' he was speaking as a constitutional lawyer. If the British yachtmen Avant to see the American's cup, they will have to continue to cross the At lantic, as they have done during the past forty-one years. Brother Smith of the Bartley Inter-Ocean is being everywhere complimented upon his efforts to straighten out the complicated and troublesome money question. Pilot Rosewater would like to know whether Nebraska is a free state or not? Don’t know how it is in the the state of Douglas, Rosey, but its reasonably free out here. M. Y. Gannon lias resigned as president of the Irish National league. If he had resigned before making the mistakes that he did, it would have been much better for the league. Senator Allen’s anti-repeal speech was a record breaker— almost fifteen hours long. By the wav, the average Nebraskan is made of that sort of stuff which is not a respector of records. Watch for the men who take off their coats and work for party suc cuss when their names are not on the ticket. They are the men who ought to be remembered and hon ored in the future. The party is not for any one man. The Fremont Tribune finds that the country’ papers of Nebraska are giving the state ticket enthu siastic support with the exception of the Norfolk Journal and the Fullerton Journal: “two papers which were never heard of until they became cockle burrs in the tail of the Bee dog.” The democrats have heard some cheering(?) news from Indianap olis. It was to the effect that the republican city ticket had been elected from top to bottom by some three thousand majority. This is the first time that city has gone republican in a good many years and is a straw which shows the trend of political events over the country generally. I Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report The hundred million dollar gold bond proposition attached to the Harris compromise measure is not meeting with the favor its banker sponsors hoped for. As a matter of fact a big bond issue has been what the Wall street bankers have been anxious to bring about for months; it was the agitation be gun by them to secure this bond issue that started the panic, which soon got beyond their control, and the street has been exercising its political pull ever since by endeav oring to get an issue. They tried force first, but have fallen back on persuatiou. There is no call for such an issue, even on the shallow pretense that it is necessary to hold up the credit of continued silver coinage, and most certainly it should be defeated. Reports from all the financial centers of the country say that money is accumulating in the banks. At the close of last week the New York banks held nearly §>35,000, 000 in excess of their legal reserve, and a like condition existed in Philadelphia and Poston. Indeed, at every point where money can accumulate it has been piling up and the present indications are that this process is likely to be contin ued for some time. Such a situa tion may very reasonably be cited as evidence that there is an ample supply of money in the country, but the fact which it just now ill ustrates most forcibly is the preval ence of business stagnation. The editor of the Omaha Bee says he purchased over thirty rail road tickets for Maxwell delegates to the state convention “who did not feel able to stand the expense” with money out of his own pocket, and yet he talks about corporation cappers packing conventions in the j interest of certain candidates. Con- j sistency is a bright and shining jewel but is not to be found in the Bee man’s diadem. Congressmen who hope to get the senate rules changed by con stitutional amendments so that a majority can secure a vote after the lapse of a reasonable time de voted to debate, are doomed to disappointment. It requires the consent of two-tliirds of the mem bers of the senate to even propose a constitutional amendment in the ordinary manner. A Man out in Oregon has invent ed a “skycycle” and promises to ride on it from Portland to the midwinter fair at San Francisco. The motion of the feet of the oper ator revolves the fans of the mach ine. It is claimed that a speed of forty miles an hour can be readily attained. The Guarantee Investment com pany, whose officers have just been indicted by the federal grand jury in Chicago, managed to secure no less than 50,000 dupes. In the language of the late P. T. Barnum, ‘•the people want to be humbug ged.” TUMIZEi TAELE. GOING EAST—CENTRAL TIME—LEAVES. No. 2, through passenger.6:40 A. M. No. 4. local passenger.11:40 P. M. No. 6, through passenger.4:10 P.M. No. 80, freight.9:00 A. M. No. 148, freight, made up here.5:00 A. M. GOING WE8T—MOUNTAIN TIME—LEAVES. ] No. 1, through passenger.’.... 11:25 A. M. No. 3, through passenger.11:35 P. M. No. 5, local passsenger. 8:45 P.M. No. 63. freight.5:00 P. M. No. 149, freight, made up here. 6:00 A. M. {26r*NoTE:—No. 63 carri is passengers for Stratton, Ilenkelinan and Haigler. All trains run daily excepting 148, 149 and 176, which run daily except Sunday. No. 1 stops at Stratton, HenkHnian & Wray. No. 3 stops at Ilenkelinan and Wray. No. 2 stops at lndiauola. (Tunbridge and Ar apahoe. No. 6 does not stop between McCook and Oxford. No. 80 will carry passengers lor lndiauola, Cambridge and Arapahoe. Nos. 4, 5.148,149 and 176 carry passengers for all stations. You can purchase at this office tickets to all principal points in the United States and Can ada and baggage checked through to destina tion without extra charge of transfer. For information regarding rates, etc. call on or address C. E MAC NEK. Agent. Meeting Grand Lodge I. O. O. F., Lincoln, Nebraska, October 16-20. Tickets on sale October 14 to 21, good returning until the 22d. Annual meeting Nebraska Congregational Assoociaton, Beatrice, Nebraska. October 16 20. Tickets on sale October 14 to 20, good returning until October 21. Nebraska State Poultry Show and Conven tion, Kearney, Nebraska, January 16-20. Tick ets on sale January 14 to 20, good returning until January 21. Omaha, October 13-15.—Annual convention Y. P. S. C. E. of Nebraska. Pickets on sale October 11-15 inclusive. Good for return un til October 16th. Lincoln, October 23-27.—Nebraska Baptist State Convention. Pickets on sale October 21-27 inclusive. Good for return October 28th. Omaha, November 28-30.—Meeting of Ne braska Implement Dealers. 'Pickets on sale November 26-30 inclusive. Good for return December 1st. For the above occasions delegates paying full fare going will be returned at one-third fare on presentation to the B. & M. agent, at point of meeting, certificate signed by proper officer of the meeting. Special Ticket Rates. \Ve will until further notice sell tickets to Spokane, YVash., Portland, Oregon, and inter mediate points. 1st class continuous passage $30.00. 2nd class continuous passage $25.00. C. E. Magner, Agent. The death of Marshal McMahon removes from the long list another | of the Irish names which have adorned the army rolls of every nation on earth. It is stronylv believed that Irishmen were en gaged in the first pitched battle fought under heaven. Going into any capital of any country one sees the equestrian statue of a general officer bearing an Irish name; here it is McMahon, and there O’Don nell, and in another Sheridan, and in still another O’Higgins; but everywhere unmistakably Irish, and never by any chance converted into anything else. The McMahons went to France from Irland in the seventeenth century, but remained always soldiers and always McMa hons—always fighters of the same type. This last McMahon fought for France in every vicissitude of victory and defeat. He was called at one time to the head of the civil government of France; he strove to restore the rule of his vouth, but finding the people did not want the old rule, concluded they did not want him, and resigned. After that year of resignation, 1879, he lived, as has died,in peace. - ■ - Hox. Tobias Castor of Crete, envoy extraordinary and office pro vider plenipotentiary to the demo crats of Nebraska, was in the city last night. Mr. Castor and his political pull will leave for Wash ington on the night of October 31, and within an hour after his ar rival at the nation’s capital there will be a sound as of a broadax j being whirled viciously through the circumambient atmosphere.— Lincoln News, Wednesday. I The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes—40 Years the Standard. Established 1886. Strictly One Price. •.. "x _ .• —— , fa ',1 f THE FALL AND WINTER OF 18934. Every Department is Now Filled With Immense And Choice Varieties. M Oprtmitf For ai Economical Sariu Afforded BY PURCHASING AT OUR STORE. Experience teaches you that the Safest Plan is not to trust to Chance, but to Buy from that House whose Wares, Experience has shown, are Furthest Removed from Probability of Inferiority. Call and Examine Goods in Every Department. JONAS ENGEL, _.Manager. SOMETHING For Nothing! Send for our New Catalogue, Sent to any address FREE OF CHARGE. Complete Mail Order Department. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Samples Free. Always send your orders to Jay J. Joslin & Son, Dry Goods, Millinery, Carpets. Cor. 10th and Curtis Sts., Denver, Col. B. & M. Flour and Feed Store. PRICE LIST: Pillsburys Best,.$1.50 per sack. Boss, granulated 11. P... 1.35 per sack. Monogram <: “ 1.20 per sack. Charm “ “ 1.10 per sack. 91 “ “ 1.10 per sack. Jack Frost, winter. 1.00 per sack. Faultless.85 per sack. Favorite.80 per sack. Pride of McCook.75 per sack. Rye Flour, Graham, Buckwheat, Flour and Corn Meal. Bran, Shorts, Chop Feed, Grain and Hay. All goods delivered free. J. J. Garrard, 211 Main street. Manager. Seventy-five cents buys a scale book of 500 tickets at this office. The Barnett Lumber Co. handle Eastern and Western Hard Coal. Buy the Best Canon City Coal of the Barnett Lumber Co. Don't scratch a name on the Repub lican ticket. Vote her straight from supreme judge to road overseer. They are all worthy men. The candidates composing the repub lican county ticket are a thoroughly competent and well qualified set of men. and have without exception the full confidence of the people. An Iowa newspaper man has justj been soaked fora $1,200 fine for libel-1 ing a politician. As the supreme court j passed upon the case it may be ccnsid- j ered as settled that an Iowa politician can be libeled. The ticket at the head of this page is the one that you should vote this fall. No man need be ashamed to vote I it. It is composed of clean, honest, upright men—men who are competent to fill the respective places to which they aspire. It is announced that Judge Dundy will not pass upon the maximum rate law injunction until some time in Jan uary. An injunction to restrain Judge Dundy from passing upon it will proba bly be next in order. Any man with two dollars and a half and the confi dence of an able lawyer can get most iny kind of au injunction he prays for these days. ejj{- witi pfeaoc ijou fo occ ftoiu cfteap f||fe can oeCC tj on cj-oob £]oob:v in out- line, sice cpsea/t>Cij 'Sobnceb, 0 aafU'sj tftc eante. ^a'S'Sntft anb Son, -2s ’ Ifte ^jenjefe'se, 9J|c0ooCt, 9TeGsao&a L. W. McConnell & Co. 0LASS, All Sizes. Sponges, Chamois, Purses, Combs aiul Brushes, Perfumes and Toilet Articles. Paints and Wall Paper. THIS IS THE TIME To Secure Your F’all and Winter Clothing; and I Wish to Inform the Public at Large That my Stock of Suitings, Overcoat And Pants Pattterns is Unquestionably Large and Ex cellent. Fashionably Fitting Clothing Guar anteed at Very Reasonable Prices. KALSTEDT, The Leading Tailor, McCook, Nebraska.