The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 29, 1893, Image 4

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~Republican County Convention.
There will be a Republican County Conven
tion for Red Willow county, Nebraska, held
on Saturday, September 30TH, 1893, at n
o’clock, a. m., central time, in Menard’s opera
house, McCook, Nebraska, for the purpose of
placing in nomination a candidate each for
the offices of county clerk, county treasurer,
county judge, county superintendent of public
instruction, sheriff, coroner, surveyor, county
commissioner, first district, to select nine del
egates to attend the Republican State Con
vention to be held in Lincoln, Nebraska, Oct
ober 5th, 1893, and to transact such other busi
ness as may properly come before the conven
tion at that time.
The various precincts are entitled to repre
sentation as follows, (being two delegates at
iarge, one for each fifteen votes or fraction
thereof cast for JolinC. Gammill in 1892):
Alliance. 4 Grant. 3
Beaver. 5 Indianola. 8
Bondville. 3 Lebanon. 5
Box Elder. 5 Missouri Ridge... 3
Coleman. 4 North Valley. 4
Danbury. 3 Perry. 4
Driftwood. 4 Red Willow. 5
East Valley. 7 Tyrone. 4
Fritsch. 3 Valley Grange... 4
Gerver. 4 Willow Grove.... 24
Total number of delegates.106
It is recommended that the precinct prima
ries be called by the several committeemen to
be held on Wednesday, September 27th, 1893,
at such hour and place as may be most con
venient. F. M. KIMMELL,
Acting Chairman.
McCook, Neb., Sept. 4th, 1893.
White winged peace does not
prevail to an alarming extent
among the Democrats of Gage
county, judging from the recent
hilarious convention.
The cigarette achieved fame,
Monday, by being the innocent
cause of the destruction of a mill
ion dollars worth of property in
St. Joseph.
Train robbing received a se
rious set-back down in Missouri,
Monday. Two of the robbers
were killed and the rest of the
gang were captured.
Hoke Smith is hauling in his
horns on his pension policy, and
has ordered that suspension cease.
Hoke has heard the rumbling
and is trying to get off the track
before the engine passes.
Some farmers in Berkshire coun
ty, Mass., where a few barns wqre
struck by lightning during recent
storms, have resolved that it is un
safe to put hay in the barn under
a democratic administration, and
have consequently stacked it.
Joseph E. Frick, whom the
Republicans of Dodge county will
present to the Republican state
convention as their choice for su
preme judge, is receiving a splen
did endorsement from the Fre
mont Tribune, his home paper.
Kaiser Wilhelm’s reconcili
ation with Prince Bismarck evi
dently had a string tied to it. Al
ready it is positively declared that
the young ruler has not forgiven
and does not propose to forgive
the aged ex-ohancellor for attacks
on him in speeches and interviews.
It would seem to an ordinary
mortal that the pension bureau has
enough to do in disposing of the
700 odd thousand pending pen
sion claims without calling upon
the men who are now legitimately
drawing pensions to show why
their names should not be dropped
from the rolls.
It has been determined by the
Executive committee of the World’s
Fair not to prolong the exhibition
beyond the time fixed for the expi
ration by Congress. That the
great show at Chicago will be
closed on the 31sl of October.
There are many valid objections
to keeping it open beyond that
period. The various buildings
are not furnished with the facili
ties of heating, and without this
provision they would not be com
fortable in the late fall. It could
hardly be expected that the patron
age after the decline of autumn
would justify the expense of oper
ating the Fair, and the action of
the directors, in view of all the
circumstances, is believed to be
wise and judicious.
No, 2. through passenger. 6:40 A. M.
No. 4, local passenger.11:40 P. M.
No. 6, through passenger.4:10 P. M.
No. 80. freight.9:00 A.M.
No. 148, freight, made up here.6:00 A. M.
No. 1, through passenger.,11:26 A.M.
No. 3, through passenger.11:36P.M.
No. 6, local passsenger. 8:46 P.M.
No. 63. freight. 6:00 P. M.
No. 149, freight, made up here.6:00 A. M.
taSfNoTE:—No. 83 carries passengers for
Stratton, Henkelman and Halgler.
All traius run dally excepting 148, 149 and
178. which run dally except Sunday.
No. 1 slops at Stratton, Henkelman & wray.
No. 3 stops at Henkelman and Wray.
No. 2 slops at Indiaiiola, Cambridge and Ar
No. 6 does iioi stop between McCook and
No. 80 will carry passengers for Indianola,
Cambridge and Arapahoe.
Nos. 4. 6.148,119 and 176 carry passengers for
all atations.
You can purchase at. this office tickets to all
principal points In the United States and Can
ada and baggage checked through to destina
tion without extra charge of transfer. For
information regarding rates, etc. call on or
address C. E MAGNEK, Agent.
Special Ticket Rates.
We will until further notice sell tickets to
Spokane, Wash., Portland, Oregon, and inter
mediate points. 1st class continuous passage
$30.00. 2nd class continuous passage $25.00.
C. E. Magner, Agent.
Roy Dixon arrived home from Chicago,
Wednesday night.
Mrs. K. K. Stangeland, Miss Hannah
and Master Knud left for Chicago, to
day, to see the fair.
L. B. Stiles indulged in a flying visit
to Denver, Monday afternoon, arriving
home on 6, Tuesday.
Assistant Superintendent Highland
was at western division headquarters,
last evening, on railroad business.
Dispatcher Simmons arrived home,
yesterday, from his world’s fair visit.
The family is visiting a few days in Om
aha on their way back.
Freight train 76 ran into the rear end
of8oatRobb station, Colorado, yester
day morning, smashing up the way car
of 76’s train and damaging 8o’s engine
badly. Brakeman W. C. Pope of our
city received a broken arm in the collis
ion and traffic was delayed a number of
hours, the morning passenger not reach
ing here until noon.
Tim Tierney, who began service with
the Burlington & Missouri railroad as
tracklayer in 1856, has been in the em
ploy of the company every since. He is
now over 80 years old, and is a flagman
at Denver. He says that he might have
been president of the road by this time
if he had had a better education to be
gin with.
All the conductors on the B. & M.
and C.,B. & Q. systems have been order
ed to adopt the same uniform and all
badges on caps will read in the future,
“Conductor, Burlington Route.” The
brakeman’s cap bears also the “Burling
ton Route.” It is thought that in a
short time all stationary and cars on
the entire system will bear the same
name, thus doing away with the separate
names in each system.
Reunion Programme.
Following is the programme of the
soldiers’ reunion and camp-fire to be held
at Spaulding’s grove on Wednesday and
Thursday, October 4th and 5th:
10:30 a. m. Calling to order and song
.by the glee club.
11:00 a. m. Address by Wm. Weygint.
12:00 m. Dinner.
2:00 p. m. Address by H. H. Benson.
4:00p. m. Soldiers’ experience meeting.
7:30 p. m. Camp fire.
9:30 a. m. Business meeting.
11:00 a. m. Address by A. F. Moore.
12:00 m. Dinner.
1:30 p. m. Address by Rev.W.M.Taylor.
3:00 p. m. Pension discussion.
Led by Rev. Bell of McCook. Free
expression of thought is invited on the
7:30 p. m. Farewell camp fire,
The A. O. U. W. band of McCook will
positively be on the ground and will fur
nish the music.
By Order of Committee.
The city fathers were in regular ses
sion, Wednesday evening, the mayor,
clerk, attorney and Councilmen Mc
Adams, Spickelmier, Yarger, Steinmetz
being present. Bills were allowed as
C. W. Lindsay.$ 2.50
Tim Harman. 20.00
Lincold Land Co. 600.00
W. C. LaTourette. 115.00
Petitions on bonds of E.F.Trumbower
and A. S. Campbell were read, petitions
were granted and bonds approved.
Report of Street Commissioner as to
day tax collected and dogs killed was
reported to finance committee. The re
port of city treasurer was placed on file.
C. H. Meeker was granted permission
to erect an electric light pole in front of
the Phillips-Meeker block. The fol
lowing places were designated as the
places where registration of votes will
take place.
First ward—1st district—Commercial
Hotel. 2nd district—Miller’s restaurant.
Second ward—1st district—City hall.
2nd district—Philip Blatt’s office.
Ordinance No. 52, relating to the
health of the city,was passed.
Miss Cory’s opening of fall and winter
millinery, Wednesday of this week, was
the occasion of a goodly outpouring of
the gentler sex of the city. Miss Cory
has established herself in the Drysdale
building, just north of the Commercial
hotel. Her entire stock of millinery is
new and in it are to be found the latest
novelties, the most fashionable shapes
and colors of the season in profusion.
Everything bears the stamp of the ex
quisite taste of Miss Cory, who has an
established reputation in that line in our
midst. _
On Wednesday Messrs. L. Lowman &
Son held their annual fall and winter
opening in the millinery department.
As usual there was a large and apprecia
tive attendance of the ladies of the city.
Their line, this season, is up to the high
standard of past years .comprising a large
display of everything late and fashiona
ble and pretty in the realm of millinery.
This department is again under the man
agement of Miss Odnm, a lady of recog
nized taste.
Usual Episcopal services in Meeker
hall, Sunday morning.
The report of the Farmers and Mer
chants batik of our city, in this week’s
issue, discloses the fact that that banking
institution is in excellent condition.
The attendance upon Superintendent
Valentine’s lecture to parents in the east
ward school building, last evening, was
small on acconnt of the bad weather.
Will Accept Pupils for
For terms call on her at the residence
of C. L. DeGroff.
Office: In rear of First National Bank.
Look Here.
Pillsburys Best, __ .$1.50 per sack.
Monogram Patent.1.20 per sack.
Charm Patent. 1.10 per sack.
91 Patent. 1.10 per sack.
84 Patent.$1.10 per sack.
Surprise Patent. 1.10 per sack.
Jack Frost.$1.00 par sack.
Faultless.85 per sack.
Legal Tender.80 per sack.
Pride of McCook.75 per sack.
Corn, Oats, Hay, Oil Cake and Bin
der Twine. All goods delivered free.
McCook Commission Co.
211 Main street.
The Farmers and Merchants Bank
at McCook, in the State of Nebraska, at the
close of business Sept. 15th, 1893.
Loans and discounts. $20,118.34
Overdrafts, secured. 551.14
Due from National banks. 4.450.48
Heal estate, furniture, and fixtures.. 2.000.00
Current expenses and taxes paid_ 1,167.80
Checks and other cash items. 314.00
Bills of other banks.. 1,248 00
Fractional paper currency, nickels
and cents. 16.43
Specie. 2.565.00
Legal tender notes. 735.30
Capital stock paid in. $25,000.00
Undivided profits. 1,398.85
Individual deposits subject to check 2.559.79
Demand certificates of deposit. 4,205.81
State of Nebraska, i
County of Ked Willow, i
I. S. Cordeai. Cashier of the above-named
bank, do solemnly swear that the above state
ment is true to the best of my knowledge and
belief. S. COHDEAL, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25th
day or Sept., 1893. C. J. Uyan.
(Seal.! Notary Public.
My commission expires July 30,1894.
,K. P. Band Concert.
The K. of P. band of .our city will give an
open air concert on next Saturday evening at
8:30. It will be one of the finest concerts of
the season. The following selections will com
pose the
1. Selection, “Musician’s Reverie,”_Beyer.
2. Baritone solo. Polka, "LTdeal,"...Minker.
Mr. F. A. Pennell.
3. Selection, “MI'l in the Forest,". . . Eilenberg
4. Selection. "Two Brass Men,”.Larny
Messrs. H. P.Sutton and F. A. Pennell.
5. Scbatz Waltzer from Gipsy Baron. .Strauss
6. Clar. duet, "Two Little Bullfinches,"..Kling
Messrs. Jos. Reizensteln and E.W.Clarke.
7. Polonaise, "Royal Decree",.Swift
H. P. Sutton, Director.
Received at the United States land office at
McCook, Nebraska, September 25, 1893:
Beaumont, James. Keith. Alonzo F.
Burson, Solomon L, Ketch, Lee A.
Charles, William F. Knox, Sherman L.
Dauchy, Jerome H. Kasten, Martha.
Fritsche, Anton. McLeod. Thomas V.
Funk. Francis B. Quick. Milan W.
Heirs of J. T. Gross. Solomon, Samuel E.
Heun. William. Sayres, George W.
Holston, Charles. Tipton, David H.
Houlgate, Sarah.
FALL OK 1893.
We Take Pleasure in Announcing the Opeuing of
An Entire New and Complete Stock of Men’s, Boys’, Youth’s
Comprising all that is New and Desirable in these Lines. All our
Goods are Marked in Plain Figures at Prices to Suit these Times.
, Manager.
George E. Thompson,
(Successor to J. Albert Wells,)
Flannels, Blankets, Shawls, Cloaks. Underwear. Etc.
Don't fail to get my prices before buying.
I set the prices, others follow. Who first sold
Cambric Skirt Lining for 5 cents per yard? I
did; others may follow. Who first sold best
Table Oil Cloth for 171 cents per yard? I did;
others may follow.
Don't leave your floors bare and thus in
vite colds and sickness when you can get a
good, warm, wearing carpet for 18c a yard.
Best Blanket-lined Duck Coats with Cor
duroy Collars, double stitched seams, $1.25.
A Nice, Clean, White, First-class Cotton
Batt, unrolls like a piece of paper, no burrs,
no seeds, for 9e, others ask 121c.
Men’s Hats, Felt, Only - - - 40 cents.
Men’s Heavy Duck Junipers, - 40 cents.
George E. Thompson,