W. S. Mom,an. Attorney, McCook, Neb. Sheriff’s Sale. Hy virtue of an order of gale directed to uie from Ibe district court of tied Willow county. Nebraska, oo a Judgment obtained before Hon. D. T. Welty. Judge of tbe district court of Red Willow county, Nebraska, on the 7th o«y of July. 1893, in favor of Lucian H. Clild •ey, as administrator of tbe estate of Cornelia W-Clark, deceased, as plaintiff, and against Edgar U. ilyars et al.. as defendants, for the auto of Three Hundred Kilteen (315 Dollars «nd Sixty 00 Cents, am' costs taxed Ht.flW 48. sod accruing costs, and oo-defeudants HurLoti * Harvey on same date on their cross petition having obtained a decree for J15.B2,1 bave lev ted liuon thetoliowing real estate taken as the property of said defendants to satisfy said judgment towit: Tbe east bair of the norlh uaatquai terot section nineteen.township one. north of range twenty-elgbt. west of the sixth r. M.. in Rea Willow county. Nebraska. And will offer the same for sale to the highest bid der. tor cash In hand, on the 23d day of Octo ber. A. D.. 1893, in front of the south door of the court house in Indianola, Nebraska, that being the building wherein the last term of court was held, at the hour of one o'clock, P. M., of said day. when and where due attend ance will be given by tbe undersigned. Dated September 18th, 1893. E. U. Hanks. Sheriff of said county, fcirat publication September 22-6te. W. 8. Mohlan, Attorney, McCook, Neb. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of sale directed to me tiom tlie District Court of lied Willow county, Nebraska, on it judgment obtained before Uon. D. T. Welty, judge of tlie District Court of lied Willow county, Ne braska, on the 7tli day of duly, 1898, in favor of John M. Boies, as plaintiff, and against Alexander M. iSiiuontoii etal.. as defendants, for tlie sum of live Hundred sixty-nine ($509) xlqBars and sixty-five cents, and costs taxed at $40.98, and accruing costs; amt co-defeiid ants Burton & Harvey on their cross petition outlie saute date obtained a decree for the sum of $18.05. 1 have levied upon tlie fol lowing real estate taken as the property of said defendants to satisfy said judgments, to-wit: Hie northwest quarter of section eighteen, township one, north ol range thirty, west of tlie Otli 1’. M. ill Red Willow county, Nebraska. And will offer tlie same for sale bo tlie highest bidder, for casli in hand, on the 2d day of October A. I)., 1893, in front of the south door of the court house, in Indianola, Nebraska, that being tlie building wlierein tlie last term of court was held, at tbe hour of 1 o’clock p. m. of said day, when and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Hated August. 16th, 1893. E. K. Banks, Sheriff of said County. First publication September l-5ts. J. E. Kelley, Attorney, McCook, Neb. Sheriff’s Sale. tiy virtue of an order of sale directed to me from tbe district court ol Ked Willow county. Nebraska, on a judgment obtained before Hon. D. T. Welty, Judge of the district court of Ked Willow county, Nebraska, on tbe 20th day of October. 1892. In favor of J. laoweil Moore. Trustee, as plaintiff, and againsr Wil liam Kelph et al. as defendants, for the sum of four hundred and fifteen [$415.05] dollars «ud five cents, and costs taxed at $34 38, and accruing costs; 1 have levied upon the follow ing real estate taken as the property of said defendants to satisfy said judgment to-wit: The east half of the southeast quarter and tbe northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section twenty-five (25) in township one (1) Xjrth of range thirty (30) west of 6th P. M. in ed Willow county. Nebraska. And will offer tbe same for sale to the highest bidder for cash to hand on the 9th day of Ocotmber, A. D., I88R, in front of tbe south door of the court house in Indianola, Nebraska, that being the building wherein tbe Iasi term of court was held at the hour of one o'clock. P. M., of 6aid d&y. wheu and where due atteudauce will be given by the undersigned. Dated August 2d. 1893. E. R. BANKS, Sheriff of said county. First publication Septembers. 1893. —Sts. IV. S. Moblan, Attorney, McCook, Neb. Sheriff’s Sale. By virtue of an order of sale directed to u»e from the district court of lied Widow county, Nebraska, on a judgment obtained before lion. 1). T. Welty, district judge in and for Ked Willow county, Nebraska, on the 30th day of October, 1892, in favor of George Hocknell as plaintiff, and against James W. Speer et al. as defendants, for tlie sum of one hundred and three ($103) dollars and seventeen (17) cents, and costs taxed at $16.28, and accruing costs, 1 have levied ■poll the following real estate, taken as the property of said defendants to satisfy said Judgment, to wit: Southwest quarter south oast quarter and southeast quarter soutliwest quarter of section 18, and northeast quarter northwest quarter and northwest quarter northeast quarter of section 19, all in town Aip two (2) north of range thirty (80) west of the 6th P. M., iu Red Willow county, Nebraska. And will offer tlie same for sale to tlie highest bidder, for cash in hand, on tlie 16th day of October, A. 11. 1893, in front of tlie south door of the court house in Indianoia, Nebraska, that being the building wherein tlie last term of court was held, at (he hour of one o’clock, P. M. of said day, when and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated September 13th, 1893. E. R, Banks, Sheriff of said county. First publication September 15.—5ts. W.S.Moblan,Attorney.McCook, Neb. Sheriff’s Sale. By virtue of an order of saie directed to me from the district court of Red Willow county, Nebraska, on a judgment obtained before Hon. D. T. Welly, district judge iu and for Red Willow county. Nearaska, on the 20th day of October, 1892, iu favor of Arthur A. Hyde as plaintiff, and against Robert S. Coo ley et al. as defendants, for the sum of one thousand five hundred and one ($1,501) dol lars and forty-five (45) cents, aud costs taxed at $49.03 and accruing costs, and co-defend ants Burton & Harvey having on the same day obtained a decree for the sum of g323.50, I have levied upon tlie following real estate, taken as the property of said defendants to satisfy said judgments, towit: The south half of the northeast quarter and north half af the southeast quarter of section thirty (30) in township one (1) north of range twenty eight (28) west of sixth principal meridian, in Red Willow county. Nebraska. And will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, on tiie 16th day of October, A. D., 1893, in front of the south front door of the court house iu Indianoia, Nebraska, that being the building whereiu the last term of court was held, at the hour of one o’clock, P. M. of said day, when and where due at tendance will be given by tlie undersigned. Dated September 13th, 1893. E. R. Banks, Sheriff of said county. First publication September 15.—Sts. Legal Notice. Patrick Brennan will take notice that on the 31st day of July, 1893, H. H. Berry, a justice of the peace, issued an order of at tachment for the sum of $10 in an action pending before him wherein Edward B. Shaw is plaintiff and Patrick Brenuan is defendant; that the property of said defend auL consisting of one dray box, has been at tached under said order of attachment. Said cause was continued to the 16tli day of Sep tember, 1893, a 9 o'clock a. m. Edwabd B. Shaw First publication Sept. 1—3ts. Don’t Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Life away is the truthful and startling title of a little book that tells all about No-to-bac, tbe wonderful, harmless guaranteed tobacco habit cure. Tbe coat is trifling and tbe man who wants to quit and can’t, runs no physical or financial risk in using No-to-bao—Sold by all druggists. Book at drug stores or by mail Tree. Tbe Steeling Remedy Co., Indiana Min eral Springe, Indiana. Aug. 25—1 yr. -— Wo sell tbe Empire letter copying books. Also best grades of type writ ing «jwper. We Mean Business. The public is quick to appreciate an article of merit, and when the publish ers of The State Journal began offering their Semi-Weekly at only $1.00 per year, the same price that others ask for tl.eir weeklies which only give half as many papers, the subscription list doubled in a few months, and has since been growing with wonderful rapidity leaving the old-fashioned weeklies away behind People don't see any use in waiting a whole week for the news when they can get it fresh twice a week for the same money. Readers of The Semi Weekly Journal get 104 papers a year for only $1.00, which is less than one cent per cod}’, and they find the paper almost as good as a daily. If you have not yet tried this great, paper, do so at once. It gives you the market twice each week, which alone is worth the price. Some of our special offers are: The Journal and either The Standard History of the United States, Stanley’s Adventures in Africa, Life of Spurgeon or Life of Harrison, handsomely bouud books, postage all paid, for $1.40. The Journal and Weekly New York Tribune both one year, $1.25. For $2.00 we will send The Journal two years ami one of the above hooks free; for two new subscribers (your one may be one of them) we will send you any one of the above named books free: for $1.65 we will Bend The Journai and Tribune, and any one of the books. We mean busi ness and our offers are down to hard time prices. Send for a free sample at once. Address, Nebraska State Journal, Lincoln, Neb. A Cure for Chronic Diarrhoea. Mrs. E. Gleason, of Salem, Dent Co., Mo., writes as follows: “Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy cured me of chronic diarrhoea after years of standing, when it seemed I could live no longer, I was growing so weak. I had tried several doctors in this state and several in Iowa, but they could do nothing for me. I was finally induced to try a bottle of your medi cine. After using three bottles of it 1 was entirely cured. I cannot say enough in its praise. I wish that every family knew the worth of it as I do, and I am sure they would never do without it.” For sale by McCennell & Co. Harvest Excursions. It is with satisfaction that the Bur lington Route makes the following an nouncement regarding this year’s Har vest Excursions. The dates which have been fixed for these excursions are August 22, Septem ber 12, and October 10. On them, all railroad agents west of St. Louis and Chicago will sell round-trip tickets to Burlington Route stations in Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, South Dakota and Wyoming at extremely low rates. Tickets will be good for twenty days and will admit of stop-over on the going trip at any point west of the Missouri River. These facts are brought to the notice of the residents of the different States reached by the Burlington Route in order that they may inform their friends in the East that, during the next few months, three unequalled opportunities of coming West will present themselves. The Passenger Department of the Burlington Route will gladly aid the people of the towns along its lines in their efforts to induce Eastern people to avail th^nselves of the advantages of these Homeseekers’ Excursions. The undersigned, on request, will not only mail to any desired address a supply of advertising matter, but he will also be pleased to put interested parties in the way of obtaining the most favorable rates of fare. J. Francis, General Passenger Agent, Burling ton Route, Omaha, Neb. A Quarter Century Test. For a quarter of a century Dr. King's New Discovery has been tested, and the millions who have received benefit from its use testify to its won derful curative powers in all diseases of throat, chest and lungs. A remedy that has stood the test so long and that has given so universal satisfaction is no experiment. Each bottle is positively guaranteed to give relief or the money will be refunded. It is admitted to be the most reliable for coughs and colds. Trial bottles free at McMillen’s drug store. Large size 50 cents ond 1$. Morris’ English Worm Powder, A specific remedy for worms; warrant ed to cure the worst case of worms known, or money refunded. Knocks pin worms in horses every time. Also good for all kinds of worms in horses, sheep and dogs. Price 50 cents at all drug stores, or postpaid by mail. The Wells Medicine Co., LaFayette, In diana. Sept. 8—1 yr. Do You Want Lincoln News? If so, subsciibe for the Lincoln Even ing News, one of the brightest anti snap piest papers in the west. The News is an independent republican newspaper, and it has opinions which it is in the habit of expressing whenever occasion demands, and they are opinions that arc not tinged with partisan bias or personal prejudice. Lincoln is the social, politi cal and educational center of the state and the esteem in which the The News is held is demonstrated by the fact that its city circulation is over 4< 00, three times as many as any oilier Lincou paper. If you want to know what is going on at the state capita! send ten cents for a week's trial subscription to The News Publishing Co.,Lincoln Neb.,—and you can get as many more weeks at the same price as you may wish. Hints on Poultry Keeping Is the title of our little pamphlet which tells all about how to have plenty of eggs and no sick chickens. The cost is trifling, and the man or woman who wants to raise poultry successtully can do it by using Wells Hoosier Poultry Powder. Price 25 Cents. Pamphlet free by addressing Wells Medicine Co., LaFayette, Iud. Sold by McConnell & Co. Sept S—3 rnos. To Our Advertisers. You are entitled to have your display advertisements changed once a month at the regular price. Changes more frequent will be charged extra accord ing to the amount of composition. Local advertisements may be changed every week at usual price. Copy for new advertisements and for changes of regular advertisements must be in this office by Wednesday of each week to insure prompt insertion. Notice of discontinuance of any dis play advertisement must be given not later than Wednesday. Local adver tisements may be discontinued at any time before Thursday evening. A strict observance of these necessary rules is respectfully requested. The Publisher. January 1, 1893. ._ i Buck fen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, tores, ulcers, salt rheum, tetter, chap ped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded. Price 25 cents a box. For Bale by A. McMillen. £ 23-lyr. There are 11,000,000 kangaroos in Australia. What if they were all to jump at once. Those who are interested in the merits of the various cough medicines should read the statement of Mr. S. B. Walker, a prominent citizen and druggist, at Calamus, Iowa. It is as follows: “1 have sold Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy for eight years, and it has given univer sal satisfaction to my customers. I use no other in my family, and have never called a doctor for any throat or lung trouble. We feel that we could not keep house without it.” 50 cent bottles for sale by McConnell