Going to Buy a Watch?; If so, buy one that cannot be stolen. The I only thief-proof Watches are those with BOWS. _ Here’s the Idea: The bow has a groove ! on each end. A collar runs down inside the pendent (stem) and fits into the grooves, firmly locking the bow to the pendent, *■ so that it cannot be pulled or twisted orT. io De sure 01 getting a IN on-pull-out, sec that the case is stamped with this trade mark. It cannot be had with any other kind. Ik.v' Ask your jeweler for pamphlet, or send for one to the famous Boss Filled Case makers. Keystone Watch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. The Human Electrical Forces! How They Control the Organs of the Body. The electrical force of the human body, as the nerve fluid may be termed. Is an espe cially attractive department of science, as it exerts so marked an influence on the health of the organs of the body. Nerve force is produced by the brain and conveyed by means of the nerves to the various organs of the body, thus supplying the latter with the vitality necessary to in sure their health. The pneumogastric nerve, as .shown here, may he said to be the most important , of the entire nerve sys- I tem, as it supplies the j heart., lungs,' stomach, I bowels, etc., with the nerve force necessary to keep them active and healthy. As will be seen by the cut the long nerve descending from the base of the brain and terminating in the bow- < cis is the pneumogastric, k while the numerous lit-fl tie branches supply the! iieart, lungs and stom-fl ach with necessary vl- ■ tality. When the Drain I becomes in any wav dis-1 ordered by Irritability ■ or exhaustion, the nerve I force which it supplies 1 is lessened, and the or- ] gans receiving the di- I minished supply are con- V sequentiy weakened. Physicians generally fail to recognize, the importance of this fact, but treat the organ Itself instead of the cause of the trouble The noted specialist, Franklin Miles, M. D., LL. B., has given the greater part of his life to the study of this subject, and the principal discoveries concerning ft are due to his efforts. Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine, the unri valed brain and nerve food, Is prepared on the principle that all nervous and many other difficulties originate from disorders of the nerve centers. Its wonderful success In curing these disorders Is testified to by thousands in every part of the land. Restorative Nervine cures sleeplessness, nervous prostration, dizziness, hysteria, sex ual debility, St. Vitus dance, epilepsy, etc. It Is free from opiates or dangerous drugs. It is sold on a positive guarantee by all drug gists, or sent direct by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind., on receipt of price, $1 per bottle, six bottles for $5, express prepaid. . - TALES FROM TOWU TOPICS. O rl >'ear °f tb® most successful Quarterly “U ever published. More than 3,000 LEADING NEWS PAPERS in North America have complimented this publication during its first year, and uni versally concede that its numbers afford the brightest and most entertaining reading that can be had. Published ist day of September, December, * March and June. Ask Newsdealer for it, or send the price* 50 Cents, in stamps or postal note to TOWN TOPICS, 21 West 23d St., New York, ES7” This brilliant Quarterly is not made up from the current year’s issues of Town Topics, but contains the best stories, sketches, bur icsques, poems, witticisms, etc., from the back ■lumbers of that unique journal, admittedly the crispest, raciest, most complete, and to ail MEN AND WOMEN the most interest, tng weekly ever issued. Subscription Price: Twa Topics, par year, - - *1.33 Talas From Torn Topics, par year, 2.33 Ths two claiisl, - - - 5.33 S?O0* To”cs sen£ 3 month» 00 trial fut N. B.- Previous Nos. of “Tales” will be promptly forwarded, postpaid, on receipt of 50 cents each. • " .i \ YOU HAVE BACK-ACHE CONST! PAT'Cf'3 LOSSorAPPETITE FAILING EYESIGHT LOSS OF FLESH SCALDING PAINS COLD FEET SAD TASTE IN THE MOUTH : BAD DREAMS J IRRITATION at < BLADDER t brio;*: dust DEPOSITS ? USE A K“R''OU|ouok j Oregon Kidney Tea.) .THESE SYMPTOMS iNDiCATE ; ; 2 KIDNEY DISEASE.'' g U CL*AN**^1^*arKm™.! Con* GONOR&HCXA and GLITST la Ova to Fova