The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 08, 1893, Image 2

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A llttlo thought of doubtful kin
Came housed himself my heart within.
And spied about, and furled Ills wings.
And triad my heart’s long silent strings,
And to the sound he wakened there
I sang a song upon the air—
A song, and songs, and ever more
1 never sang so sweet before
Until a whisper came and staid
The sweetest songs I ever made.
And told me 'twas a very sin
Had made himself so snug within!
And so I took that busy sprite.
That was my helper and delight.
And drove him far before my fears
And cleansed liis dwelling with iny tears.
But since I turned him out of door
,1 sing my happy songs no more.
—Maud Egerton King.
Patter! pat! pat! The rain was pour
ing down on the glass portico. A sud
den storm had swept up out of a clear
sky. Every one was caught unawares.
The stray cabs were seized in a moment,
the omnibuses crowded before you could
look around. There was actually only
one umbrella in the stand by the door of
the Cafe de Luxe. I stood, in a new hat
and a light gray frock coat, and eyed
the umbrella speculatively. I knew the
owner. He had just gone to luneli. He
was a large and long luncher. I was in
a hurry. Perhaps the storm would pass.
I could send it back by a commission
naire. I was very apt to take cold, and
my appointment was really very impor
Thus prompted of satan, I put forth '
my hand toward the umbrella. At the
moment I perceived, lilco a stage vil
lain, that I was observed. In fact, I was
not alone. A young lady of most at
tractive appearance stood a few feet
from me, also under the portico, gazing
wistfully out into the wet. She wore a
summer costume. She looked at her
watch, then again at the storm, and
murmured disconsolately, “Oh, I shall
be late.” An instinct of generosity over
came me. Without another thought for
my sensitive chest or my light gray suit,
with a firm proprietary air, I laid hold
of Dawson’s umbrella.
“Allow me,” said I, “as cabs seem un
attainable, to offer you an umbrella.”
A glad light leaped into her eyes. “Oh,
I couldn’t.” she said. “What would you
“I don’t mind a wetting,” I answered
heroically. “Pray take it. You can
send it back here at your leisure” (Daw
son could not have much more than fin
ished his soup).
“I couldn’t think of it,” she repeated.
“You will get soaked through.”
A sudden thought struck me. After
all, I had no business to lose sight of
Dawson’s umbrella.
“Perhaps,” Iventured toBuggest, “our
roads lie the same way. It’s a large um
brella.” And I opened it. It was not a
very large umbrella, but how could I
know that?
“I go this way,” said she, with a mo
tion of her head westward.
“My way,” I cried. “Come, this is
We started.
“If you wouldn’t mind taking my
arm,” said I, “we should be better shel
“Oh, perhaps we should. Thank you!”
And she nestled quite close to me. We
walked along, talking. My left shoulder
got all the drippings, but somehow I was
indifferent to that.
“Are you sure you are thoroughly
sheltered?” I asked.
“Perfectly,” she answered. “But
you’re not, I’m afraid. You’re too kind.
Mamma will be so grateful,”
I liked this simple friendliness.
“I thought there was no chance of
rain today. You are more careful, Mr.
I could not repress a little start.
“You know my name?”
She laughed merrily.
“It’s on the umbrella—half an inch
long,” she said. “I couldn’t help read
ing it.”
lhere it was—“JoshuaDawson,4 Cal
ceolaria Villas, West Kensington, W.”
Somehow the address annoyed me—I
myself live in St. James street.
“A strange way to make acquaintance,
isn’t it?” she asked, with a coquettish
“Delightful. But you haven’t allowed
me to make acquaintance with you yet.
Haven’t you your name anywhere about
“My name is Lydia Lovelock,” she
said. “Don’t you like it? It’s prettier
than yours.”
“Certainly prettier than Joshua Daw
son,” said I, wishing Dawson had chanced
to be a duke.
“Joshua Dawson isn’t pretty,” she ob
served, with candid eyes; “now, is it?”
“Then you wouldn’t take my name in
stead of yours?” I asked, to keep up the
“Your umbrella’s enough to take for
one day,” she said, with a blush. As she
spoke she slipped and all but fell on the
shining pavement. She gave a little cry,
“Oh, my ankle!” and leaned heavily up
on me. I held her up.
“I believe I’ve wrenched it badly,” she
added. “Oh, what a lot of trouble I’m
giving you Mr. Dawson!”
She looked lovely — I give you my
word, positively lovely—in her pain and
distress. I don’t think I said so, but I
Baid something, for she blushed again as
she answered:
“That’s very nice of you, but how am
I to get home?”
“I must come with you,” I said.
She shook her head.
“I can manage now.”
“But you’ll never be able to get out.”
“Oh, yes. But—perhaps—the rain’s
almost stopped—may I keep the um
brella? There are some steps to mount
to our door, and”
Now, could I do anything else than
press Dawson’s umbrella upon her? She
took it, and with a last bewitching smile
vanished from my sight. I turned and
almost ran back to the Cafe de Luxe, de
termined to make a clean breast of it to
Dawson. When I was 50 yards off, 1 saw
Trim under the portico. Tho manager
and four waiters stood round him in dis
consolate attitudes. One or two of his
remarks—he was talking very loud
reached my ears. I changed my mind.
I would wait till he was calmer. I
turned away, but at that instant Daw
son caught sight of me. A second later
he was pouring the story of his wrongs
into my ear.
Here came my fatal weakness. I let
him go on. He took me by the arm and
walked me off. I could not escape him,
and all the- way he thundered against j
the thief.
“If it costs me £20, I’ll bring him to |
justicel” he declared. Really I dared j
not break it to him just yet.
Suddenly from round a sharp corner
there came upon us—almost running in
to us—Lydia Lovelock herself, with
Dajvson’s umbrella in her hand. He
had been narrowly scanning every um
brella we passed. He scanned this one
and cried, darting forward:
With a little scream Lydia turned and
fled. Dawson was after her like an ar
row. I pursued Dawson. Why, oh,
why, did she run away? Surely she must
have recognized me.
It was a very quiet street we were run
ning up, and our strange procession at
tracted little notice. The chase was soon
over. I caught Dawson just as he caught
Lydia. For a moment we all stood pant
ing. Then Dawson gasped again: “My
umbrella! Thief!”
Lydia seemed very agitated. Of course
I came to her rescue. Avoiding Daw
son’s eye, I hastily told my shameful
tale. Lydia’s face brightened, but still
there was apprehension in her looks.
“This lady, believe me,” I said, “is en
tirely blameless. Of course she thought
the umbrella was my own. My sole con
solation, Dawson, is to think that had
you been in my place you would have
done the same.”
“I don’t see,” remarked Dawson rude
ly, “why it consoles you to think me a
a thief.”
I preserved a dignified silence.
“However,” he continued, “if this
young lady has quite finished with my
property, perhaps she will be good enough
to give it me back.”
Lydia did not take the hint. She clung
to the umbrella.
■it—li you wouiu oe so Kina, sne
stammered, “as to lend it to me for to
day—the weather is still threatening—1
would return it tomorrow.”
“Your request, madam, is a modest
one,” answered Dawson sarcastically,
“but, as you observe, the weather is
threatening, and I want my umbrella.
Kindly give it me.”
“Really, Dawson, to oblige a lady”—I
“Why don’t you buy her an umbrel
la?” sneered Dawson.
“If she would accept it, I should be”—
I stopped. To my surprise, Lydia laid
her hand on my arm and said: “Oh, do,
pleasel And may I keep this till we get
to the shop?”
I did not understand her, but we turned
round and began to walk, looking for a
shop. She was a very strange girl. She
lagged behind. I had to wait twice for
her. Once she took a turning as though
to leave us, and when I called her back
she pouted.
Suddenly Dawson looked up.
“It rains,” he said.
It did rain.
“Put up the umbrella,” said Dawson
“Let the lady have it,” said I indig
“We’ll share it,” grinned Dawson.
“You can get wet.”
But Lydia did not put it up.
“The rain’s not much,” she faltered
It was now pouring. With a mutteri
oath, Dawson snatched the umbrel
from her. Lydia shrieked and ran awa
like a frightened rabbit—ran at the tc
of her speed up the street again.
“Stop, stop!” I cried. “Stop, my dear
Miss Lovelock.”
“Holy powers!” exclaimed Dawson.
He had opened the umbrella. As he did
so there was a thud on the pavement—
two, three thuds. In amaze I looked
down. There lay a silver cigarette case,
two purses and a gold watch. Dawson
burst into maniacal laughter as he point
ed at Lydia’s retreating figure. That
girl could run.
For a moment I stood dumfounded.
W hat a revelation! Dawson chuckled in
Satanic glee. Sadly I stooped down and
picked up the purses, the cigarette case
and the watch.
“Great Scott!” I cried, and my hand
flew to my waistcoat pocket.
It was my watch!
I did not prosecute Lydia because I
could not have overtaken her, and for
other reasons. It was altogether too
sad, too disheartening, too disappoint
ing a discovery. Dawson, however, ob
served that it seemed to him an excel
lent example of poetic justice in real life.
—St. James Gazette.
Treatment For a “Wild Hair.”
A “wild hair” is the most annoying
freak of nature a man can be afflicted
with. It grows in from the eyelid, in
stead of out, and constantly brushing
against the eyeball sometimes causes an
irritation that results in the loss of
sight. To pull it out gives only tempo
rary relief, since in a few weeks it comes
back as well grown and strong as ever.
The only way to kill it is to destroy the
sac from which it springs. This is done
by means of the electric needle, which
is pressed into the sac and a current
turned on. A sharp prick is felt, and the
hair is forever dead.—St. Louis Globe
Odd Ways of Shaking Hands.
The black kings of the African coast
press your middle finger three times as a
sign of salutation, the Japanese takes off
his slipper, while the Laplander pushes
his nose vigorously against you. In
Hindostan they salute a man by taking
him by the beard, while the people of
the Philippine islands take your hand
and rub their face with it. The king of
Ternate rises to receive his subjects, aad
they sit down to salute him.—F. H.
Stauffer in Kate Field’s Washington.
Blizzards and College Educations, Floods
and Automatic Sprinklers, Lons of Cattle
and Eoss of Incomes Are All Provided
For by Many Schemes.
President Eliot of Harvard recently
suggested a practical scheme by which
parents might insure a college education
for their sons and daughters. It was
proposed that the parent should pay to
some reliable insurance company a cer
tain sum annually, beginning with the
third year of the child’s age, the com
pany guaranteeing to pay the child, be
ginning with his eighteenth year, the
sum of $400 per annum for the next four
years. To the mind of the layman there
was an attractive novelty about this
scheme, although it is in fact only a
new way of proposing a very attractive
form of contract offered long ago by life
insurance companies under the title of
“deferred annuities.”
Hie fact that college educations may
be insured suggests the constant multi
plication of all kinds of insurances.
Fifty years ago this country knew very
little about insurance of any kind save
the simple contracts of insurance against
death and fire. Today there are various
forms of accident insurance, marine in
surance, insurance against blizzards,
hurricanes and floods, live stock insur
ance, plate glass insurance, steam boiler
insurance, insurance against burglars,
mail matter insurance and, queerly
enough, insurance against damage from
automatic sprinklers, which are them
selves a part of insurance against loss
by fire.
Nearly all of these schemes are the
outgrowth of Yankee ingenuity, save in
the case of insurance against live stock,
which, according to Paul du Chaillu, did
a flourishing business in Iceland 600
years ago. Many of the other forms of
insurance owe their origin to special
calamities, against the recurrence of
which shrewd business men proposed to
take chances. Insurance against floods,
for example, originated with the Cone
maugh disaster in the spring of 1889, and
insurance against cyclones began just
after the town of Grinnel, la., was de
vastated in 1883.
une or me most interesting rorms or
insurance is the accident business, in
which the companies make their profits
on broken hones, cracked skulls, taran
tula and snake bites, sprained muscles
and scalded bodies. A man in Syracuse
recently broke his arm, and 20 days’
later, having failed to take precautions,
he died of pneumonia. The court held
that he died of an accident, and the in
surance company in which he held an ac
cident policy had to pay. Another man,
who lived in Morristown, N. J., got up
in the night to close a window. While
walking across the room in the dark he
struck his shin on a chair. Inflamma
tion developed, followed by grave com
plications, and the man died after hav
ing had his leg amputated. The insur
ance company contested that he had
neglected to take proper precautions in
not lighting a candle before crossing the
room, but the court held against this
theory, and the company paid the loss.
The court of appeals of this state re
cently affirmed a ruling of the supreme
court in the case of I I. M. Paul, who was
suffocated in his sleeping room by es
caping gas. Both courts held that he
died from an accident. These rulings
tend to show that there is no little e.f
ference of opinion as to what constitutes
an accident.
In England the courts hold views as
to the meaning of the word “accident"’
that differ widely from the interpreta
tions of the American courts. The court
of appeals in England, for example, re
cently decided a case of a farmer who
was killed by a bull in crossing one of
his fields. It was the opinion of the
court that the man incurred an obvious
risk in crossing the field in the presence
of the bull; that any man taking reason
able precautions would not have incur
red such a risk, and that his death was
not due to an accident, as implied by
that term in his policy.
Another English case was that of Cole
versus Accident Insurance company.
Cole went to his bam one night to get
some medicine which he kept there. A
gust of wind blew out his candle, and in
the dark he took from the shelf a bottle
of corrosive sublimate, of which he took
a large dose. The court held that this
was not a case requiring the accident
company to pay any loss, though it is
hard to see why it was not an accident
pure and simple.
±me insurance, wane apparently a very
simple undertaking per se, is sometimes
employed in abstruse and complicated
business methods. Some of the heirs of
the late I. V. Williamson, who died in
Philadelphia in March, 1889, have re
cently resorted to a novel contract in life
insurance for the purpose of realizing
on an estate that according to the terms
of the will would not have been theirs
until 1899. Mr. Williamson left an es
tate valued at $11,163,822, of which $6,
000,000 was placed in trust to accumu
late for 10 years, when it was to be dis
tributed equally among 35 relatives, if
they survived. Six of these relatives de
sired, however, to realize at once on their
inheritance, and it was accordingly pro
posed to gratify their desire by an issue
of $100,000 bonds for each person.
These bonds are secured by an as
signment of $110,000 of each persons in
terest in the estate, or $660,000 in all.
As, however, each inheritance depends
upon survival until April 1, 1899, the
bonds are further guaranteed by an in
surance of $100,000 on each person's life,
issued by a prominent New York com
pany and paid up to that date. These
policies have been in turn assigned to the
trustees of the collateral security for the
benefit of toe bondholders, and the said
trustees will issue $600,000 in debenture
bonds, paying interest thereon out of
funds deposited with it for that purpose.
—New York Times.
A DentUt's Experience With a Woman and
an Aching Tooth.
The drummer had told a commercial
story, and the dentist, who had been ex
tracting much pleasure therefrom, fol
lowed with a professional yarn.
“At one time in my early practice in
a country town,” he said, “there came
to me a very nervous woman to have a
tooth extracted. She carried on so that
I could scarcely get her into the chair,
and as soon as I put the forceps near her
mouth she screamed and bounced
arouud so I couldn’t do anything with
her. After two or three visits, each
worse than the other, I suggested that 1
take her to the nearest large town, whore ,
a dentist administered gas. Well, the j
tooth hurt her so that at last she con
sented, and I took her there, about 25 ;
miles by rail.
“I went armed with a pair of forceps
as a matter of habit, and when we got
to the place and she saw the gas bag and
other appliances she had them again
worse than before, and I had to give it
up and take her back home. I was thor
oughly provoked and felt like taking a
club to her, but she had money and was
paying for her foolishness, so I tried to
restrain my feelings. About 10 miles
out from town as the train was plugging
along about 20 miles an hour, and slie
was holding her jaw and I was holding
mine, in the seat beside her, we struck a
broken rail, and the last thing I knew
we were rolling down an embankment
and being piled up at the bottom in a very
promiscuous fashion. I don’t know how
it came about, but I wasn’t hurt much,
and when my senses were fully restored
I dragged my patient out through a
window and laid her on a hank near by.
She was pretty badly bruised and had
been knocked senseless, and as I was en
deavoring to restore her a brilliant
thought occurred to me. The next mo
ment I had out my forceps, and the next
I had out the confounded tooth. Two
hours later one of the physicians who
had been summoned had restored her to
consciousness, and as she opened her
eyes and saw me standing by her side
she clapped her hand to her jaw and ex
“ ‘Oh, doctor, I knew it would be ter
rible, but I didn’t think it would be so
bad as that. However, though, it is out
at last.’
“Then she went to sleep, and it was a
week before she knew the real facts in
the case.”
“Did she pay you anything extra?”
queried the drummer doubtfully.
“No,” smiled the dentist, “but the rail
road company did—$5,000—and 1 got
half.”—Detroit Free Press.
Where Iron Is Sacred.
Among the Baralongs. a great African
people, iron is a sacreil object. They are
expert workers in metal, which they still
smelt from its native ore by the most
primitive methods ever devised by man.
This art was to them in former days a
source of wealth, influence and power
and the legend is that when people did
not know the value of the stones found
in their brooks a “wise man"’ saw a
vision. The spirit of his chief stood be
side him and said, “Gather stones and
burn them to make spears.” The sage
thought it was a dream and that the
chief was hungry, so he sacrificed an ox.
But the vision returned, and the chief
looked sorrowful. He stood a long time,
and at last said:
“My son, why do you not obey your
father? Go to the river, gather stones
and make a hot fire. After that you will
see iron with your eyes.”
The sage was greatly frightened and
feared some calamity, but dared not re
fuse. When he had made a hot fire, iron
came out of it, and then he knew the
chief had taken pity on his children. He
told his son the secret before he died,
but he was a vain coxcomb, and wish
ing to show his own wisdom made iron
in the presence of strangers, and to the
secret of the art was lost to his tribe,
but they have always continued to re
gard iron as sacred above all other met
Wisconsin’s Indians.
In 1836, when Wisconsin was organ
ized as a territory, the civilized tribes ef
Indians living in Wisconsin were the
Brothertowns, the Stockbridges and the
Oneidas. The two former were located
on Lake Winnebago, in Calumet county.
By acts of congress all the Brother
towns and a part of the Stockbridges
were made citizens of the United States.
The uncivilized Indians were the Potta
watomies and the Winnebagoes.
We live in what was the Meuomon
Indian country in 1836. At that time
they could muster at least 2,000 war
riors. Now they are civilized. They
furnished many excellent soldiers for
the Union army, and that service accel
erated the civilization of the tribe. Prob
ably they could not now furnish over
300 men fit for military service.
The Chippewas diminish less rapidly,
but the Pottawatomies are nearly ex
tinct in this state. The Winnebagoes
were sent to Nebraska, but several bands
returned and have homestead lands in
i northwest Wisconsin. They do notpro
i gress much in the direction of civiliza
tion.—Appleton (Wis.) Crescent.
Merriment at a Funeral.
Merriment is regarded as out of place
; at a funeral, yet an inhabitant of Mont
gaillard, who had been dubbed the “Mis
anthrope” on account of his gloomy and
reserved disposition, inserted a clause in
his will to the effect that any of his rela
tions who should presume to shed tears
at his funeral would be disinherited, and
: on the other hand he who laughed most
I heartily was to be his sole heir. He fur
| ther gave directions that neither his
j house nor the church was to be hung
with black cloth on the day of his burial,
but both were to be decorated with flow
ers and green boughs, while, instead of
the melancholy tolling of bells, the cere-1
mony was to be accompanied with]
drums, fiddles and fifes. There is rea
son to believe that the funeral was con
ducted in exact accordance with these
peculiar instructions.—Exchange.
I Hair Death
H instantly removes und for» v« -r destroys
E objectionable hair, whi iher upon the
■ IiimkIs. face, arms or ueeU. without dfs
Vi coloration or injury to the mom. deli
cate skin. It was for fitly vnrs the
are ret formula of KruHiuus 'A iUon. ac
knowledge 1 ti • physic.uor; >t - (lie high
e*l authority anti the nm-t • tnineot fl
dermatologist and hair specialist that fl
ever lived. During his private pruc- H
tire of a lifetime among the nobility H
and aristocracy of Europe he alum s U
prescribed this recipe Price fl. by H
mail, securely packed, Correspondence ft
confidential. Hole agents for America fl
The Skokum Roof Hair Grower gj
Company, ;f
Dept. It, 57 South Fifth Av., New York, ft
That the diseases of domestic ani
mals, Bosses, Cattle, Sueep, Dogs,
Floaa, and Poultry, arc cured by
Humphreys’ Veterinary Speci
fics, is as true as that people rid© on railroads,
send messages by telegraph, or sew with sewing
machines. It Is as Irrational to bottle, ball and
bleed animals in order to cur© them, as It is to
take passage in a sloop from New York to Albany.
Used In the best stables and recommended by
the IT. S. Army Cavalry Officers.
E#"500 PAGE BOOK on treatment andcareot
Domestic Animals, and stablo chart
mounted on rollers, sent free.
CURES j Fevers, Congestions, Inflammation.
A. A. I Spinal Meningitis, Milk Fever.
B. B.—Strain*, Lameness, Rlieumutisiu
C. C.—Distemper, Nasal Discharge*.
D. D.—Bot* or Grub*, Worm*.
E. E.—Coughs, Heaves, Pneumonia.
F. F.—Colic or Gripes, Bellyache.
G. G.—Miscarriage, Hemorrhage*.
H. H.—Urinary and Kidney Discuses.
I. I. —Eruptive Diseases, Mauge.
J. K.—Diseases of Digestion.
Stable Case, with Specifics, Manual,
Vet. Cure Oil and Medicator, 87*00
Price, Single Bottle (over 50 doses), - .60
Sold by Druggists; or Sent Prepaid anywhero
and in any quantity on Receipt of Price.
Corner William and John Sts., New York.
In use SO years. The only successful remedy for
Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness,
and Prostration, from over-work or other causes.
$1 per vial, or 5 vials and large vial powder, for $5.
Sold by Druggists. or sent postpaid on receipt of prlee.
Corner William and John Sts., New York.
Ssa t t\
Subjects need fear no longer from this King of
Terrors, lor l>y a most wonderful discovery in
medicine, cancer on any part of the body can be
pemmrently cured without, the* use of
the knife.
Mi?s H. I>. Colby, 2307 Indiana Ave., Chicago,
says “ Was cured of cancer of the breast in six
weeks by your method of treatment.*’ Send for
treatise. Dr. If. C. Dale, 1505 3-lth .St., Chicago.
Morris’ English Stable Liniment
Leads the procession. The wonder lin
iment of the age. Cures after all oth
ers have failed, lias stood the test of
twenty years of constant use by one of
the leading veterinary surgeons of the
English profession, and i- ootv sold in
this country upon a positive guarantee.
Good for man or best. Price 50c and $1.
Sold by McConnell & Co. Sept. H—3m.
Every time a wise man makes a mis
take it teaches him something.
When you desire a pleasant physic,
one that will cleanse your system and
trive you the clear headedness and
ouoyancy of youth, try St. Patrick’s
Pills. They are the most pleasant ca
thartic and liver pills in use, and after
having once tried them we are confident
that you will never be satisfied with any
other kind. 25 cents per box. For sale
by McConnell & Co.
It doesn’t make a lie any whiter to
put it on a tombstone.
In all that goes to strengthen and
build up the system weakened by dis
ease and pain, Ayer’s Sarsaparilla is
the superior medicine. It neutralizes
the poisons left in the system after
diphtheria and scarlet fever, and re
stores the debilitated patient to perfect
health and vigor.
The faith that moves mountains be
gan on grains of sand.
Distemper Among Horses
Safely and quickly cured by the use
of Craft’s Distemper and Cough Cure.
It not only cures distemper but when
administered in time prevents its spread
among horses and colts that have been
exposed to the contagion. It is not
expensive and is easily administered.
Send for book on distemper, free. Ad
dress Wells Medicine Co., LaFayette,
Indiana, or ask McConnell & Co.
Sept. 8—3 mos.
The Fall.
The fall season with its cold winds
and damp days brings coughs and colds,
which ean be cured by taking a few
pellets of Humphrey's Specific No. 7.
For sale by all druggists from Canada
to Cape Horn.
Shiloh’s Cure, the great cough and
croup cure, is for sale by us. Pocket
size contains twenty-five doses, only 25
sents. Children love it.
A. McMille.v.
Dp. Hathaway,
(Regular Graduata)
Thu Leading Specialist of tile United State *
in Bis Line.
Private, Blood, Skin and Nervous Disease*.
imutK i* hu
Mlildle Age<1
Men: Remurk
able results have
folio wed my
treatment. Many
YEARS of var
ied and success
ENCE In the use
of curatlvemeth
ods that I alone
own and control
for all disorders
of MEN. who
have weak or un-.
developed or dis
eased orpana. or
who arc suffering
from errors or
youth and excess
or who are nerv
ous and IMPO
| iae uuoru ui lueir iwiowb t»uu mu tuu
tcinpt of friends and companions, leads me to
GUARANTEE to all patients, if they can pos
p-ritEMEMBlfiK, that there is hope for
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Female Diseases cured at home without in
struments; a wonderful treatment
Catarrh, and Diseases of tho Skin, Blood,
Heart, Liver and Kidneys.
Syphilis* The most rapid, safe and effective
treatment. A complete cure guaranteed.
Mein Diseases of all kinds cured where many
Ottiers have failed.
Unnatural Discharges promptly cured In a
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Gleet and Gonorrhoea.
!. Free consultation at the office or by mail.
C. Thorough examination and careful diagnosis.
1 That each patient treated gets the advantage
of special study and experience, and a
specialty is made of his or her disease.
4. Moderate charges and easy terms of payment.
A home treatment can be given in a majority
of cases.
nd for Symptom Blank No. 1 for Men.
> t ‘i for Women.
L<. j;..- Skin Diseases.
i for ci-pago Reference Book for Men
■ . /omen.
A. . r • .^r-ondence answered promptly. Bus
fr.--... , L;ctly confidential. Entire treatment
r from observation. Refer to banks in St
• *n and business men. Address or call on
« cl. N. HATHAWAY, M. D.,
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cess will meet you at the very start, ^either
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Box No. 440, Augusta, Ale.
It is an asrreeable Laxative for the Bowels;
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Price 25c., 50c. ar.d il.'O per package.
Wjfl Bf/% An Elegant TOILET POWDER
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For sale by McMillen, Druggist.
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[► L rtHM, * i'l. - 1*. • !. i r l.v X.„t»ry ll-flrrftr ||,i
:k III wr v»li« • . • -4.1 : t-*> it' • I ctirr 1 ..!• ai Ik. ItpRUti-I
L ful -fferU PKLV* >r.\T pie.urr. WIU, SOT FADK «r7
/ VI ASH ««ii t -bib furotr, efribudi'
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