The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 01, 1893, Image 8

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    Knipple sells canned goods cheaper
than ever.
Wall Paper for 5 cents a roll at L.
WT. McConnell & Co’s.
Watson & Penny are putting out
handsome rigs these days.
For harness and saddlery see Penner
at the Alliance harness shop.
Office rooms in the Meeker building
to rent. Hittenhoose & Boyle.
Sixteen pounds of Granulated
Sugar for One (1$) Dollar at Knipple’s.
First-class hand-made harness giving
absolute satisfaction at the Alliance
harness shop.
No better farm wagon on wheels
than the Charter Oak sold by S. M.
Cochran & Co.
Noble carries a large and complete
stock of the best brands of canned
goods of all kinds.
If you are thinking of buying a set
of new dishes call to see Knipple’s stock
and get his prices.
Give Perry Stone your orders for
meats. He will deliver them to you at
your door, fresh every day.
You can buy more goods at Knipple’s
for One (1$) Dollar than you can any
where else in the city of McCook.
Remember that S. M. Cochran & Co.
now carry in stock a full and complete
stock of builders’ hardware supplies.
Knipple leads them all when it comes
to selling a fine patent flour cheap. Try
him once and you will be convinced.
During the months of July and Aug
ust Kalstedt, the Leading Merchant
Tailor, will make specially low prices.
You will never know how far your
dollar will go until you buy your gro
ceries at Knipple’s. It will surprise
S. M. Cochran & Co. have an im
mense stock of farm implements on
hand. See them before buying else
IN QUEENSWARE Noble carries
the largest assortment and the richest
designs of the season. His prices are
Patronize H. Thompson & Co., deal
ers in flour and feed of all kinds, west
Dennison street, on the corner north of
McEntee Hotel.
Perry Stone has started a fresh meat
line. You can get fresh meats of all
kinds, as well as dried and smoked
meats, at his wagon every day.
Make Noble your family grocer and
many other blessings will fall to your
lot, besides having the best groceries on
your table that the market affords.
With our Acme Cooler we are en
abled to furnish meats in better condi
tion during warm weather than any
other market in the city. F.S. Wilcox.
Give your orders for 84 Patent, Lion
and Legal Tender, also Wauneta High
Patent,White Fawn and Pride of Wau
neta flour to Hugh Thompson, the oil
Beware of peddlers. Call and in
spect the Household sewing machine
sold by S. RI. Cochran & Co. before
buying a machine. There is no better
on earth.
Don’t build a fence around your
property until you have seen and priced
that woven wire fencing at S. M.
Cochran & Co.’s. Nothing cheaper,
neater or better.
Anybody can afford a tailor-made
suit now. Kalstedt is making them at
very low prices, during the months of
July and August. Call in and see him
if in need of anything in his line.
The burning question with house
wives of all lands, all creeds, and all
ages is: “Which is the best Cooking
Stove?” S. M. Cochran & Co. answer
this question today by proclaiming the
“Charter Oak Stoves” to be the
best in every conceivable shape.
Put your $ $ $ where they will do
the most good, where they will secure
the best and the most groceries for in
stance. You will make no mistake if
Noble’s is the place of deposit. He
gives the limit in quantity, quality and
value, and his stock cannot be duplicat
ed in Western Nebraska.
Wall Paper for 5 cents a roll at L.
W. McConnell & Co’.s
Harvest Excursions.
It is with satisfaction that the Bur
lington Route makes the following an
nouncement regarding this year’s Har
vest Excursions.
The dates which have been fixed for
these excursions are August 22, Septem
ber 12, and October 10. On them, all
railroad agents west of St. Louis and
Chicago will sell round-trip tickets to
Burlington Route stations in Nebraska,
Kansas, Colorado, South Dakota and
Wyoming at extremely low rates.
Tickets will be good for twenty days and
will admit of stop-over on the going trip
at any point west of the Missouri River.
These facts are brought to the notice
of the residents of the different States
reached by the Burlington Route in
order that they may inform their friends
in the East that, during the next few
months, three unequalled opportunities
of coming West will present themselves.
The Passenger Department of the
Burlington Route will gladly aid the
people of the towns along its lines in
their efforts to induce Eastern people
to avail themselves of the advantages of
these Homeseekers’ Excursions. The
undersigned, on request, will not only
mail to any desired address a supply of
advertising matter, but he will also be
pleased to put interested parties in the
way of obtaining the most favorable
rates of fare.
J. Francis,
General Passengerr Agent, Burling
ton Route, Omaha, Neb.
Wall Paper for 5 cents a roll at L.
W. McConnell & Co.’s.
See us before buying anything in the
line of Building Material. We al
ways keep on hand a Complete Stock
of First Class Lumber, which we are
selling at the Lowest Prices. We also
handle the Ash Grove Lime, Louis
ville Cement, New York Plaster.
The Barnett Lumber Co.
We are printing the date to which
each subscriber has paid his subscrip
tion to The Tribune along with the
address. Watch the date and you will
know if you are in arrears. If you are
please come and see us.
J5£F"Noble, Purveyor to tne Great
Common People, is now exhibiting
about the handsomest and largest as
sortment of plain and fancy lamps to be
seen in Southwestern Nebraska.
J. H. Ludwick is buying and selling
second-hand goods at the old stand on
west Dennison street. Give him a call
or drop a postal card.
Noble is the only exclusive grocer in
the city. His stock is the largest and
his prices correspond with the times.
Knipple has just received a car-load
of fine new potatoes which he is selling
at the low price of $1 a bushel.
S. M. Cochran & Co. carry a large
line of buggies in stock. See them if
you want a good vehicle cheap.
Don't eat tainted meats. Buy them
from Acme Cooler. Ice cold and sweel
as in winter at F. S. Wilcox’s.
Noble, the leading grocer, makes a
specialty of fresh, clean family grocer
ies. He will treat you right.
Wayson & Penny can fix you up com
fortably and stylishly in any thing yon
may desire in the livery line.
Kalstedt, the Leading Merchant Tail
or, is making specially low prices on
clothing, these quiet times.
Remember that Perry Stone will
bring fresh meats of all kinds, right to
your door, every day.
Noble is also strictly in it when it
comes to selling fresh vegetables at a
reasonable price.
The latest specialties in harness, fly
nets, dusters, etc., at the Alliance har
ness shop.
Do you know that Knipple pays the
highest market price for butter and
eggs- _
Prestoline, The Wonder Metal
Burnisher, for sale by Electrio Light
Co. _
Freshest fruits the market affords are
to be purchased at Knipple’s grocery
Wall Paper for 5 cents a roll at L.
W. McConnell & Co’s.
Penner carries a full line of saddles,
bridles, whips, etc., at lowest prices.
The heart, not the head, is tbe real
master of the man.
All work is hard work for a lazy man.
We Mean Business.
The public is quick to appreciate an
article of merit, and when the publish
ers of The State Journal began offering
their Semi-Weekly at only $1.00 per
year, the same price that others ask for
tl.eir weeklies which only give half as
many papers, the subscription list
doubled in a few months, and has since
been growing with wonderful rapidity
leaving the old-fashioned weeklies away
behind. People don’t see any use in
waiting a whole week for the news when
they can get it fresh twice a week for
the same money. Headers of The Semi
Weekly Journal get 104 papers a year
for only $1.00, which is less than one
cent per copy, and they find the paper
almost as good as a daily. If you have
not yet tried this great paper, do so at
once. It gives you the market twice
each week, which alone is worth ihe
price. Some of our special offers are:
The Journal and either The Standard
History of the United States, Stanley’s
Adventures in Africa, Life of Spurgeon
or Life of Harrison, handsomely bound
books, postage all paid, for $1.40. The
Journal and Weekly New York Tribune
both one year, $1.25. For $2.00 we
will send The Journal two years and one
of the above books free; for two new
subscribers (your one may be one of
them) we will send you any one of the
above named books free: for $1.65 we
will send The Journal and Tribune, and
any one of the books. We mean busi
ness and our offers are down to hard
time prices. Send for a free sample at
once. Address,
Nebraska State Journal, Liucoln, Neb.
To the People of Red Willow County:
The managers of the fair have been
fortunate in securing for exhibition a
large collection in natural history, con
sisting of over 200 different varieties of
eggs,over ] ,000 eggs in all,{no two sets
alike, containing almost every kind
known, from that of the ostrich egg,
measuring 18 inches, down to that of
thehummingbird, no larger than a small
sized bean.
Snake eggs, alligator and turtle eggs,
all kinds of birds’ nests. A large col
lection of sea shells, petrified woods,
barks, snails, snakes etc.
Six kinds of coral,sea ferns, sea grass,
sea cow-fish, porcupine fish, sea beavers,
etc. A large collection of bugs, beetles
and butterflies.
50 specimnes of snakes, spiders, liz
zards etc., in alcohol.
A large variety of fruits and vegeta
bles grown in large bottles with small
This will be a rare opportunity for
the children of our public schools, and
students of natural history, to study the
great book of nature. The owner, Mr.
Pyfer, will be in attendance to answer
all questions with reference thereto.
Rev. James Lisle will also exhibit
his large collection of Indian relics, con
sisting of tomahawks, pipes, war-clubs,
bows and arrows, earthenware, etc. In
fact the collection contains all articles
and instruments in use and manufactur
ed by the “red men”.
No one should fail to come to the fair
if for nothing more than to see these
two special attractions.
J. H. Berge, Sec’y.
The polype is the most remarkable
creature on earth. If cut transversely
or longitudinally into several parts each
will become a perfect animal. Trembly
turned them inside out and they ate and
enjoyed themselve as much as ever.
He slit two longitudinally, placed the
halves together and united them into
two animals; he devided two transver
sely and created one with two heads; he
pushed one down the throat of another,
a third down the throat of the second
and thus formed a creature with three
A Cure for Chronic Diarrhoea.
Mrs. E. Gleason, of Salem, Dent Co.,
Mo., writes as follows: “Chamberlain’s
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
cured me of chronic diarrhoea after
years of standing, when it seemed I
could live no longer, I was growing so
weak. 1 had tried several doctors in
this state and several in Iowa, but they
could do nothing for me. I was finally
induced to try a bottle of your medi
cine. After using three bottles of it 1
was entirely cured. I cannot say
enough in its praise. I wish that every
family knew the worth of it as I do, and
I am sure they would never do without
it.” For sale by McCennell & Co.
Legal Notice.
Patrick Brennan will take notice that on
the 31st day of July, 1893, H. H. Berry, a
justice of the peace, issued an order of at
tachment for the sum of $10 in an action
Sending before him wherein Edward B.
haw is plaintiff and Patrick Brennan is
defendant; that the property of said defend
ant, consisting of one dray box, has been at
tached under said order of attachment. Said
cause was continued to the 16th day of Sep
tember, 1893, a 9 o’clock a. m.
4 „ Edward B. Shaw.
First publication Sept. 1—3ts.
Are serious enough, but
frequently they are not
more serious than
Due to a depleted pocket
. book. We have a cure
for sick pocket books.—
If You’re
Of your shoes, try a pair
of our high class and
thoroughly reliable
$2.50 Shoes.
ii i i » i » i i i i i» i
i i 7 7 i 7 i 7 7 i 7 7 7 5”
Has just received liis fall and win
ter stock of Cloths and Trimmings
which will be made up as reason
able as possible. Shop first door
west of Barnett Lumber Co.’s of
fice, on Dennison ftreet.
To Our Advertisers.
You are entitled to have your display
advertisements changed once a month
at the regular price. Changes more
frequent will be charged extra accord
ing to the amount of composition.
Local advertisements may be changed
every week at usual price.
Copy for new advertisements and for
changes of regular advertisements must
be in this office by Wednesday of each
week to insure prompt insertion.
Notice of discontinuance of any dis
play advertisement must be given not
later than Wednesday. Local adver
tisements may be discontinued at any
time before Thursday evening.
A strict observance of these necessary
rules is respectfully requested.
The Publisher.
January 1, 1893.
WANTED—Salesmen, to sell our
choice and handy nursery stock. Many
special varieties to offer both in fruits
and ornamentals, and controlled only by
us. We pay commission or salary, give
exclusive territory and pay weekly.
Write us at once and secure choice of
May Brothers, Nurserymen,
9-20ts. Koehester, N. Y.
McMillen Bros, are selling fly nets
and dusters at greatly reduced prices.
Call and get one.
We sell the Empire letter copying
books. Also best grades of type writ
ing paper.
Knipple makes a specialty of fruits
of all kinds.
Ice cold meats at B. & M. Meat
^"Groceries at Nobles’.
cj£ wilt please i|ou
§o ^ee Pvowj dWap
f||§e caw $<iii i|ow epob
£|oo£to- iw ow^ Piwc.
^•ticc cj^eafc£y ^ebweeb,
0w-aPi/ti^ tlW ^a-me.
©a^^wPPv awb Sow.
o *
§|IW ^jewjelc^,
HJic0ooPi^ 0flcS'ta^a.
What it the condition of yours 9 Is your hair dry, harsh,
brittle? Does it split at the ends? Has it a lifeless appearance?
Does it fall out when combed or brushed? Is it full of dandruff f
Does your scalp itch 9 Is it dry or in a heated condition 9 If these
are some of your symptoms be warned in time or you will become
i bald.
Is what you need. Its production Is not an accident, but the result of scientific re
i search. Knowledge of the diseases of the hair and scalp led to the discovery of how
I to treat them. Skookum •* contains neither minerals nor oils. It Is not a Dye, but
a delightfully cooling and refreshing Tonic. By stimulating the follicles, it slops
I falling h airt cures dandruff and grows hair on head heads.
1 - OP* Keep the scalp clean, healthy and free from irritating eruptions, by the use
\ ttoh0?*™1** Soap* It destroys parasitic insects, which feed on and destroy
__ _ ** xuur uruggia* cannot supply you, son a direct to us, ana we win rorw&rd
trade mark prepaid, on receipt of price. Grower, #LOO per Pottle; 6 for #5.00. Soap, 00c. per
Begletered Jar j 6 for $2.50.
57 South Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y.
< The Omaha Weekly Bee j
S From Now To S
j January 1st, 1895 C
for $1.15. I
C TlnnH Lose any time in taking advan- 5
I UUII I tage of this Great Opportunity. ?
India and Ceylon Tea,
quality guaranteed,
at W. M. Anderson’s
Quality Up—Prices Down!
Knipple excels in the quality of the
flour he keeps in stock, and in the re
markably low prices at which he is sell
ing. Think of it!
Fancy patent flour at.$1.25
Snowflake flour at.85
And remember that he warrants every
sack. At the old stand in the Cole
Of fnterest to Farmers.
If you want to renew a loan falling
due and make a new one on your farm
patronize the Nebraska Loan and Bank
ing Co. of McCook, a home institution.
Office in rear rooms of 1st National
bank. Interest payable in McCook.
Wall Paper for 5 cents a roll at L.
W. McConnell & Co’s.
Dr. A. J. Thomas, Dentist, office in
Union block, over Knipple.
S. M. Cochran & Co. can sell you a
bicycle very cheap. See them.
Sewing machines at
$5.00 per month on
the installment plan
at Pade & Son’s.
Pure Apple Cider
vinegar, 6 yrs. old at
Anderson’s Grocery.
West India spiced
Vinegar on sale at
Anderson’s Grocery.
-— —
Look Here.
Pillsburys Best,.$1.50 per sack.
Monogram Patent.1.20 per sack.
Charm Patent. 1.10 per sack.
91 Patent.. 1.10 per sack.
84 Patent.$1.10 per sack.
Surprise Patent. 1.10 per sack.
Jack Frost.$1.00 par sack.
Faultless.85 per sack.
Legal Tender.80 per sack.
Pride of McCook.75 per sack.
Corn, Oats, Hay, Oil Cake and Bin
der Twine. All goods delivered free.
McCook Commission Co.
211 Main street.
Well Digging.
If you want a well put down in fine
shape see Frank Nichols. He guaran
tees his work. Leave orders at S. M.
Cochran & Co.’s.
Horses for Sale.
Wayson & Penny keep horses for sale
at their livery barn opposite the Cen
tral hotel.
The Barnett Lumber Co. have the
best stock of White Oak, White Ce
dar and Red Cedar Posts in this
market. See them.
Seventy-five cents buys a scale book
of 500 tickets at this office.
7 wanted!
Three girls for ho
tel work. Inquire at
Commercial hotel.