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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1893)
GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. I LJ I I— I— DC U DO < —i 1 Wm- H E iiEE^BS 9 J. ALBERT WELLS' DRY GOODS, MILLINERY & CARPETS ' THAT ARE ZBZEIHSrGS CLOSED OUT AT AND BELOW COST. -4 4 4 ■ I I » COME AND GET A BARGAIN WHILE YOU CAN. Everything to be sold in Ninety Days as I am GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. |j AND^FIXTURES I <§ % % j. ahmnr w ells, r\ For Sale.... \ • —---McCook, Nebraska. "I-—_-_-_._ CO > r* n o o □ n z o m co CO D %» 00 CD CO SHOW CASES AND FIXTURES ARE FOR SALE. SHOW CASES AND FIXTURES ARE FOR SALE. McMillen meets all prices on wall paper. __ Knipple sells canned goods cheaper than ever._ Get prices on wall paper at McMil len’s drug store. Wall Paper for 5 cents a roll at L. W. McConnell & Co’s. Watson & Penny are putting out handsome rigs these days. Dr. A. J. Thomas, Dentist, office in Union block, over Knipple. For harness and saddlery see Penner at the Alliance harness shop. Office rooms in the Meeker building to rent. Rittenhocse & Boyle. No better farm wagon on wheels than the Charter Oak sold by S. M. Cochran & Co. Noble carries a large and complete stock of the best brands of canned goods of all kinds. Remember that S. M. Cochran & Co. now carry in stock a full and complete stock of builders’ hardware supplies. Knipple leads them all when it comes to selling a fine patent flour cheap. Try him once and you will be convinced. Patronize H. Thompson & Co., deal ers in flour and feed of all kinds, west Dennison street, on the corner north of McEntee Hotel. Perry Stone has started a fresh meat line. You can get fresh meats of all kinds, as well as dried and smoked meats, at his wagon every day. Don’t build a fence around your property until you have seen and priced that woven wire fencing at S. M. Cochran & Co.’s. Nothing cheaper, neater or better. Prof. Fred C. Heard holds three gold medals of the Hernandies Tournaments held at Cincinnati, St. Louis and San Franoisco for the best all around guitar execution. He has a class upon the guitar at 50 cents each lesson. Look Here. HIGH GRADE PATENT FLOUR. Pillsburys Best,.$1.50 per sack. Monogram Patent.1.20 per sack. Charm Patent. 1.10 per sack. 91 Patent. 1.10 per sack. FIRST PATENT GRADES: 84 Patent.$1.10 per sack. Surprise Patent. 1.10 per sack. STRAIGHT GRADES. Jack Frost.$1.00 par sack. Faultless.85 per sack. Legal Tender.80 per sack. Pride of McCook.75 per sack. Corn, Oats, Hay, Oil Cake and Bin der Twine. All goods delivered free. McCook Commission Co. 211 Main street. Quality Up—Prices Down! Knipple excels in the quality of the flour he keeps in stock, and in the re markably low prices at which he is sell ing. Think of it! Fancy patent flour at.$1.25 Snowflake flour at.85 And remember that he warrants every sack. At the old stand in the Cole brick. Anybody can afford a tailor-made suit now Kalstedt is making them at very low prices, during the months of July and August. Call in and see him if in need of anything in his line. IN QUEENSWARE Noble carries the largest assortment and the richest designs of the season. His prices are reasonable. During the months of July and Aug ust Kalstedt, the Leading Merchant Tailor, will make specially low prices. You can buy more goods at Knipple’s for One (1$) Dollar than you can any where else in the city of McCook. S. M. Cochran & Co. carry a large line of buggies in stock. See them if you want a good vehicle cheap. Penner carnes a full line of saddles, bridles, whips, etc., at lowest prices. Wall Paper for 5 cents a roll at L. W. McConnell & Co’.s Put your $ $ $ where they will do the most good, where they will secure the best and the most groceries for in stance. You will make no mistake if Noble’s is the place of deposit. He gives the limit in quantity, quality and value, and his stock cannot be duplicat ed in Western Nebraska. The burning question with house wives of all lands, all creeds, and all ages is: “Which is the best Cooking Stove?” S. M. Cochran & Co. answer this question today by proclaiming the “Charter Oak Stoves” to be the best in every conceivable shape. If you want something fine in hand made harness see McMillen Bros. They also carry a large assortment of the cheaper goods in the harness line at the lowest possible figures. Give your orders for 84 Patent, Lion and Legal Tender, also Wauneta High Patent, White Fawn and Pride of Wau neta flour to Hugh Thompson, the oil man. Beware of peddlers. Call and in spect the Household sewing machine sold by S. M. Cochran & Co. before buying a machine. There is no better on earth. With our Acme Cooler we are en abled to furnish meats in better condi tion during warm weather than any other market in the city. F.S. Wilcox. Make Noble your family grocer and many other blessings will fall to your lot, besides having the best groceries on your table that the market affords. You will never know how far your dollar will go until you buy your gro ceries at Knipple’s. It will surprise you! Give Perry Stone your orders for meals. He will deliver them to you at your door, fresh every day. If you are thinking of buying a set of new dishes call to see Knipple’s stock and get his prices. First-class hand-made harness giving absolute satisfaction at the Alliance harness shop. Drink Monsoon, India and Ceylon Tea, quality guaranteed, at W. M. Anderson’s Grocery. Clothing Sales Agent wanted for Mc Cook, and vicinity. Liberal commis sions paid, and we furnish the best and most complete outfit ever provided by any house. Write at once for terms. Send references. Wanamaker & Brown, Philadelphia, Pa. For Sale Cheap. One span of work horses; weight about 2,400 pounds. For particulars enquire at this office. W. S. Hanlein. Well Digging. If you want a well put down in fine shape see Frank Nichols. He guaran tees his work. Leave orders at S. M. Cochran & Co.'s. Horses for Sale. Wayson & Penny keep horses for sale at their livery barn opposite the Cen tral hotel. Knipple has just received a car-load of fine new potatoes which he is selling at the low price of $1 a bushel. Seventeen pounds of Granulated Sugar for One (1$) Dollar at Knipple’s. Residence property for sale in all parts of the city by C. J. Ryan. West India spiced Vinegar on sale at Anderson’s Grocery. HAIL INSURANCE Written in Reliable Companies by C. J. Ryan. Sewing machines at $5.00 per month on the installment plan at Fade & Son’s. Of Interest to Farmers. If you waut to renew a loan falling due and make a new one on your farm patronize the Nebraska Loan and Bank ing Co. of McCook, a home institution. Office in rear rooms of 1st National bank. Interest payable in McCook. For Sale Very Cheap. Property formerly owned by Lawrence and Mary Shevlin, lot 11, block 12, fifth addition to McCook, Neb. Address E. E. Zimmerman, Trustee, room 432 Bee Building, Omaha, Neb. J. H. Ludwick is buying and selling second-hand goods at the old stand on west Dennison street. Give»bim a call or drop a postal card. Prof. F. D. Heard, the piano tuner, is doing good work on the many piano and organs in the city, and country. Kalstedt, the Leading Merchant Tail or, is making specially low prices on clothing, these quiet times. Remember that Perry Stone will bring fresh meats of all kinds, right to your door, every day. Noble is also strictly in it when it comes to selling fresh vegetables at a reasonable price. Wall Paper for 5 cents a roll at L. W. McConnell & Co’s. Get prices on wall paper at McMil len’s drug store. Ice cold meats at B. & M. Meat Market. Money to loan on Chattels. Call on S. H. Colvin, McCook. Money to Loan on chattels. A.W. Corey. Wall Paper for 5 cents a roll at L. W. McConnell & Co.'s. ^"Groceries at Nobles’. McMillen meets all prices on wall paper. Knipple makes a specialty of fruits of all kinds. The latest specialties in harness, fly nets, dusters, etc., at the Alliance har ness shop. A large and fine stock of fly nets at McMillen Bros.’ harness shop and at very reasonable prices. VVayson & Penny can fix you up com fortably and stylishly in any thing you may desire in the livery line. Noble, the leading grocer, makes a specialty of fresh, clean family grocer ies. He will treat you right. Don’t eat tainted meats. Buy them from Acme Cooler. Ice cold and sweet as in winter at F. S. Wilcox’s. Noble is the only exclusive grocer in the city. His stock is the largest and his prices correspond with the times. S. M. Cochran & Co. have an im mense stock of farm implements on hand. See them before buying else where. We are printing the date to which each subscriber has paid his subscrip tion to The Tribune along with the address. Watch the date and you will know if you are in arrears. If you are please come and see us. WANTED—Salesmen, to sell our choice and handy nursery stock. Many special varieties to offer both in fruits and ornamentals, and controlled only by us. We pay commission or salary, give exclusive territory and pay weekly. Write us at once and secure choice of territory. May Brothers, Nurserymen, 9-20ts. Rochester, N. Y. Pure Apple Cider vinegar, 6 yrs. old at Anderson’s Grocery. Wall Paper for 5 cents a roll at L. W. McConnell & Co’s.