The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 28, 1893, Image 5

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    The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia; No A! r
_JJsed in nr Tjomes—40 Years the v°‘
Some petty thievery reported.
Wall paper 5 cents a roll at It. W. Mc
Connell & Co.’s.
C. H. Boyle has rented the Dr. Davis
dwelling, and will occupy the same.
Red Willow county will pull a fair
corn crop out of this season yet.
Chinch bugs are reported as doing
some damage to corn on the Red Willow.
Colonel Bill Huber has been circulating
a petition around the city in the interest
of Hon. A. F. Moore for postmaster.
Andrew Brumgard and Katharine
Kauffman, both of our city, were married
by Rev. G. J. Jaiser in Culbertson on
the 15th.
It is now rumored that the mayor does
not consider that the rights of the people
are sufficiently guarded by the water or
dinance, and will veto the same.
Pastor Stevenson wishes to announce
that the members and teachers of the
Congregational Sunday school will meet
as usual in the Lutheran church on next
Sunday morning.
The following circular was sent out by
the superintendent of the water works,
yesterday afternoon: “We will soon be
able to furnish water for lawn use a short
time daily. The whistle will blow for
turning on and off. Hydrant must be
closed and hose disconnected when
whistle sounds for turning off.”
Rev. A. W. Coffman of the Methodist
church has been granted a vacation of
three weeks, which he and the family
will spend in the mountains of Colorado.
He will occupy the pulpit regularly on
the third Sunday in August. In the
meantime only the Sunday school and
prayer meeting services will be held.
The Rt. Rev. Anson R. Graves, Bishop
of the Missionary Jurisdiction of the
Platte, of the Episcopal church, will no
doubt be surprised if he should happen
to see the ‘displayed” announcement
that he dedicated the Zion Hill Metho
dist church, up in Coleman precinct, on
Sunday, the 16th instant, which appeared
in our esteemed contemporary on the 21st.
Mr. Norman Forbes of Barstow, Cali
fornia, and Miss Ollie Hannah of Sheri
dan, Wyoming, were united in marriage
at La Junta, Colorado, Thursday of last
week, the 20th instant. They at once
returned to their future home in Barstow.
Both of the contracting parties are well
and favorably known here, where they
resided for a number of years. The
Tribune knows that it is expressing
the sentiment of a large circle of admir
ing friends here in wishing the happy
couple the fullest measure of happiness
and prosperity.
Wall paper 5 cents a roll at L. W. Mc
Connell & Co.’S.
Wall paper 5 cents a roll at L. W. Mc
Connell & Co.’s.
Only the ice man is happy.
Wall paper 5 cents a roll at L. W. Mc
Connell & Co.’s.
Observe bowman & Son’s change*of
advertisement, this week.
Indignation, though righteous, won’t
make lawns green, unfortunately.
The Improved Order of Red Men is
our latest secret society organization.
Every time a man transgresses he has
one more reason for trying to prove that
the church is full of hypocrites.
Note changes of advertisement by J.
Albert Wells, J. A. Wilcox & Son, L.
bowman & Son and E. L. Laycock, this
A gold leaf sign, a neat iron railing, and
some appropriate metal furniture are
among the improvements at Anderson’s
grocery this week.
This is a prolific epoch for secret po
litical and other organizations in Mc
Cook. An anti-Lincoln Land Co. organ
ization is now proposed.
As usual lightning visited south Mc
Cook during the thunder storm, Tues
day night, striking one of Mr. Mahanna’s
buildings, but doing no harm.
Episcopal church services next Sun
day morning and evening at the Luther
an church. Sunday school at 12 noon.
Rev. Frank Durant, minister in charge.
The rainfall in this immediate vicinity,
Tuesday night was very slight, but re
ports indicate a heavy downpour in oth
er parts of the county, south and east of
here. _
Rats, which hitherto have been com
paratively unknown in this section of Ne
braska, are becoming numerous to the
extent of being decided nuisances and
requiring some active campaigning
against them.
The materials are on the ground and
work has been commenced on Captain
John Archibald’s new cottage for his own
occupancy on Monroe street. It will be
built on the south lot of tne Dams prop
erty recently bought by the Captain.
Crying hard times will not make times
any better. If it did we w7ould all be
“flush.” It’s “tuff” sometimes, but all
indications are that we must continue to
take things as they come whether we like
the way they are scheduled or not.
Mrs.J.W. Underhill died of dysentery,
Tuesday morning early, on the Will
Long farm about two miles south of the
city, leaving an infant of tender age.
The funeral was held on Wednesday,
burial being made in Longview cemetery
of our city.
At the regular meeting of the A. O.
U. W. lodge, Monday evening, the fol
lowing committee was selected to perfect
arrangements for laying the corner stone
of the temple: Dr. A. P. Welles, J. H.
Bennett, Dennis Cullen, C. A. Leach and
William Fane.
The A. O. U. \V. band appeared in the
the street, Tuesday evening, and gave a
very acceptable open air concert, render
ing a fine program of music in good style.
The boys are showing the result of prac
tice and are rapidly taking rank among
the best bands of western Nebraska, up
on which fact they are to be encouraged
and congratulated.
In order to increase their water sup
ply, which the dry weather and the di
verting of the water into the irrigation
ditch have seriously impaired, the com
pany is having another well sunk in the
neighborhood of the present cluster. In
the meantime they have issued a circular
calling for the greatest economy in the
use of water and forbidding its use
for lawn purposes for the present. It is
to be hoped that this condition of affairs
may not last longer than a few days. In
the event of a prolonged absence of water
the lawns, trees and shrubbery of the
city will suffer incalculable injury.
Complaint is registered at this office
that the highway leading south from the
middle river bridge is almost impassable
on account of the terrible odors arising
from dead animals which have been
hauled there and not properly buried.
It is difficult to understand how any one
could be guilty of such an outrageous
act. At any rate the authorities should
promptly abate the nuisance;and in future
the practice of hauling dead animals
anywhere and failing to properly cover
them should be frowned down, even if
somebody has to pay a heavy fine. It is
heathenish, disgusting and unhealthy.
Wall paper 5 cents a roll at h. W. Mc
Connell & Co.’s.
The Regular Crist.
The city council met, Wednesday eve
ning, in regular session, Mayor Brewer,
Councilmen McAdams, Spickelmier,
Ya'rger and Steinmetz, Clerk Warren and
Attorney Rittenhouse being in attend
ance. Bills as follows were allowed:
W. C. Bullard & Co., lumber.$35 90
l’redmore Bros., black smithing. 3 05
H. H. Berry, cemetery supt. 7 00
Reports of H. H. Berry as police judge
and cemetery superintendent were ap
proved and placed on file.
The finance committee was instructed
to collect the amount back on the slush
fund and pay $50 of said money to C. W.
Barnes and hold balances until called for
by the council.
Report of Treasurer Laycock was placed
on file, showing balance on hand as fol
Occupation fund.$1,101 24
Water fund. 1,162 21
Cemetery fund. 1,052 03
General fund. 375 94
Fireman’s fund. 231 51
Total balance on hand. 3,922 93
Ordinance No. 45 was repealed, and a
new water ordinance, with a few material
changes, passed. It is stated, however,
that the mayor may withhold his approv
al of the same. The annual appropria
tion ordinance was also passed. The to
tal amount appropriated is $5,500.
Some One Was Hoggish.
Two or three consignments of hogs be
came badly mixed up in the McCook
stock yard, Monday night, in a mysteri
ous manner. Monday evening several
cars of hogs came down the Frenchman
valley branch, shipped by Pence of Wau
neta and McClelland of Imperial. C. T.
Brewer also had some hogs in the yard.
During the night those hogs became
so friendly that it became a difficult mat
ter on the following morning to get head
or tail of things, and the matter has not
yet been satifactorily settled so far as Mc
Clelland is concerned; he being of the
opinion that Pence got the pick of the
three consignments. Brewer is not a
heavy loser by the peculiar transaction;
but McClelland evidently holds the bag.
A number of people seem to be implicat
ed in the shady affair; and it would not
be surprising if something should drop
in the near future with an unpleasant
sound. Supt. Campbell has ordered
locks for the gates to the several sub-di
visions of the yard, and it is not expected
that such a thing will soon occur again.
The death of the Cummins child at
Plattsmouth, recently, from inhaling the
gas from a five-gallon tank of gasoline,
may serve as a warning to our readers. It
seems that the can had just been deliver
ed filled. While the can was allowed to
remain on the porch, the child which was
about two years old, pulled out the cork
stopper placed its mouth over the hole
and soon inhaled enough poisonous gas to
throw it into spasms, which resulted in
its death within five hours, in spite of the
efforts made by the doctors to save the
dear one. Be careful with your gasoline
can especially if you have little children
of an inquisitive nature around.
While in Lincoln, first of the week,
Commissioner Ryan had occasion to
speak with State Treasurer Bartley. The
conversation naturally turned to the all
absorbing question of finance and banks.
The Treasurer is a practical banker and a
member of the state banking board. “It
was most gratifying to me,’’says the Com
missioner, “to have him state in unmis
takable terms and of his own motion that
the banks of McCook were in the best
condition of any banks in the state of
Nebraska, and to be congratulated upon
that fact.”
Strictly for Cash.
The very unusual stringency in finan
cial circles makes it absolutely necessary
for us to adopt a strictly cash basis on
which to conduct business in the future,
and we fondly hope that our many old
friends and customers will appreciate the
situation, which is imperative, and will
in the future give us their trade, as in the
past. We can save you money be selling
for cash, as well as protect ourselves.
J. A. Wilcox & Son.
July 24th, 1893.
Samuel Reed left for Wauneta, this
morning, where he expects to make his
home. He took a carload of lumber along
and will build two cottages for rental
purposes. His farm southwest of the city
is being cultivated by Mr. Voss. Success
to him in his new home.
Gracie Strasser gave a delightful lawn
party last evening to a large company of
happy young friends, in celebration of her
birthday. The little ones had a rare time.
Mr. Lawrence of the Peoples’ National
bank of Denver, who was threatened by
a mob, the other night, passed througn
here, on 2 this morning, east-bound.
The A. O. U. W. temple corner stone
laying will occur August 14th. Grand
Master Tate is expected to deliver the
oratory on the occasion.
Miss Vera Hileman departed for Has
tings, Tdesday morning, to remain sev
eral weeks the guest of her aunt, Mrs.
H. B. Martindale.
The Improved Order of Red Men ex
pect to institute a lodge in McCook,
August 12th.
Commissioner Spots has a gang of
men at work on Madison street.
Do your children belong to the Junior
C. E. here? If not enroll them at once.
Meetings 6 o’clock, Sunday evenings, in
Lutheran church.
The St. Andrew’s C. E. society of Liv
erpool, England, have raised $560 to
send one of their members as a mission
ary to China. That needs no comment.
It isn’t a very large society either.
Miss Maud McMillen will lead the
meeting, Sunday evening, the 30th.
Meeting commences at 7 sharp. Don’t
be late. This will be a good time for
some of you to break the record in this
particular. Try it. Strangers and others
are cordially welcomed.
Here’s something from the Juniors of
Boston: “On Sunday recently, the Jun
iors of the South End Tabernacle carried
out to the hospitals nearly one hundred
bunches of violets, each bearing its pre
cious verse of comfort.” Who derived
the greater blessing, the children or the
hospital patients? “’Tis more blessed to
give than to receive.”
The lookout committee of Congrega
tional Chinese C. E. of Fresno, Califor
nia, before the meeting commences, go
through the lanes and alleys of China
town inviting their friends to prayer
meeting. There’s practical Christianity
for you; and from Chinamen too. Why
not do the same here. If Chinamen
can invite their friends we certainly
ought to be able to invite ours.
What is the Christian Endeavor move
ment? I did not know that there is a
person in this country who did not know
what it is; it seems that there is though,
right here in McCook, too. It is a com
bination of young people as our constitu
tion puts it,“For Christ and the Church. ’ ’
Its membership is divided into two class
es, active and associate. Upon the active
members devolve the organization and
life of the society. iThey signing a card
pledging themselves to attend all the
meetings, unless prevented by a good
reason, and to take some part therein,
aside from singing. None but professed
Christians of course are admitted as ac
tive members. The associate members
are young people of good character, who
like Christian associations, and they
pledge themselves to attend the meetings
of the society, although they are not
pledged to take part unless they feel so
inclined. The work is done through
committees, such as look out committee,
which passes upon all applications for
membership. The prayer meeting com
mittee have charge of the weekly prayer
meetings and see that a leader is appoint
ed. The social committee have the so
cial part of the work under their care.
These, while not all, are the fundamen
tal and most important ones. Each so
ciety is under the control of the church of
which it is a part. For instance, a so
ciety organized in the Methodit church
here, would be under the charge of that
church just the same as their Sunday
school, w’ithout being deprived of inter
denominational fellowship with the
young folks in other denominations.
The wearing of amber beads to prevent
or cure croup, quinsy, epilepsy or nose
bleed, the idea that measles is one of
the necessary and unpreventable diseases
of childhood, and that “long hair makes
weak children,” and the popular notion
that the second summer of childhood is
more fatal to life than any other period,
are nursery superstitions against which
a well known physician has at last made
a vigorous protest. Statistics prove that
more infants die in the first summer than
the second. The large number of deaths
that do occur in the second summer are
due, says this authority, almost entirely
“to digestive and hence preventable di
seases,” for which parents are often more
responsible than the summer.
Mr. B. J. Toland is in our city for the
purpose of organizing a class in writing.
Mr. Toland has been engaged in busi
ness college and normal school work for
a number of years and is a thoroughly
competent teacher. Specimens of his
penmanship are on exhibition at the post
The Tribune has some advertising
space to dispose of at a reasonable price
and will take in exchange for the same
silver dollars at one hundred cents. If
there are any merchants in McCook who
have silver dollars that they are afraid of
The Tribune is willing to take them
and give you their face value in puffs.
Hon. C. E. White, United States At
torney, will be in McCook, Danbury,
Wilsonville and Oberlin, during the three
weeks commencing July 25. He will take
testimony in the Indian depredation
claims. _
Cyril Templin is laid up with a broken
collar bone caused by falling off the scaf
fold of a house he is working on north
of the city.
Twenty thousand dollars per day is
what the A. O. U. W. is paying widows
and orphans of its deceased members.
The infant child of Hiram Cooley
joined its mother in the spirit land, Sun
day night. Interment on Monday.
Wall paper 5 cents a roll at L. W. Mc
Roasting ears are on the market al
You can Economize
By using Royal Baking Powder t > the exclusion
of all other leavening agents. The official ana
lysts report it to be 27% greater in leavening
strength than the other powders. It has three
times the leavening strength of many of the
cheap alum powders.
It never fails to make good bread, biscuit and
cake, so that there is no flour, eggs or butter spoiled
and wasted in heavy, sour and uneatable food.
Do dealers attempt, because times are dull,
to work off old stock, or low grade brands of
baking powder ? Decline to buy them. During
these times all desire to be economical, and
Royal is the most
Economical Baking Powder.
C.S. Lincoln and family have returned
to Iowa to live.
Mrs. Altshuler was an east bound pas
senger, Tuesday evening on 6.
Miss Minnie Brown has been the guest
of Mrs. J. S. Cox of Red Cloud.
J. T. Welty was a city guest, parts of
Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.
Frank Stillman reports a fine rain at
his farm east of the city, Tuesday night.
John Stone was down from Maywood,
Frontier county, first of the week, on bus
Sheriff Banks and Liveryman Short
were among our Indianola visitors, Wed
H. W. Cole went down to Lincoln,
Wednesday night, on A. O. U. W. lodge
Rev. S. A. Potter of Kearney spent
a few hours in the city, Monday, on bus
iness of the cloth.
A. J. Clute of the Times-Democrat ar
rived home from his visit to eastern cities
on last Saturday morning.
Mrs. J. W. Dolan of Indianola and
mother-in-law from Iowa were brief
guests of Mrs. E. C. Burkett, Wednesday
The Misses Weibly arrived home from
a three weeks visit to the fair, Wednes
day noon. They went on to Culbertson
on the evening freight.
Mr. Altshuler joined the family, Thurs
day morning, at Holdrege, where he ex
pects to remain ten days under medical
treatment for dropsy.
Rev. I. W. Dwire of the Darlington,
Indian Territory, Indian school arrived
in the city, Saturday, being the guest of
McCook friends over Sunday.
Captain J. C. Hayes of Imperial spent
a few hours in the city, Wednesday even
ing, on his way to Lincoln on grand
lodge business of the A. O. U. W.
B. M. Frees, after a brief visit, left for
Chicago on 6, Monday. He was the
guest of his business associate President
Hocknell of the P'irst National bank.
C. H. Jacobs, who has been canvassing
in eastern Nebraska with the Whittaker
wire tightener with considerable success,
arrived home on Friday evening last.
Hon. J. C. Allen, secretary of state,
greeted his many McCook friends, Sun
day, coming up from Lincoln on Satur
day night, returning home on 6, Sunday
There are some premises on West Den
nison street which require cleaning up
as a sanitary measure. Also over in west
McCook, where unwholesome smells fre
quently greet the pedestrian.
Dr. B. B. Davis of our city has been
appointed by Governor Crounse as one
the delegates to the pan-American medic
al congress to be held in Washington, D.
C., on September 5 to S.
Mrs. James Kilpatrick received a letter
from a sister in Ireland, Tuesday, an
nouncing the death of their mother at
Armagh, Ireland. The Tribune ex
tends sympathy to Mrs. Kilpatrick in
this sorrow.
Captain R. O. Phillips was in the city,
Wednesday night, on water works busi
ness. The captain states that the com
pany intends to go the ordinance 15 feet
better, and that they will put up a 100
foot stand pipe.
S. H. Colvin, of McCook, arrived in
town, (last Thursday).yesterday, attend
ing the funeral of Mr. and Mrs. C. D.
Cummins' child. Mr. Colvin was a for
mer resident of Cass county, and lived
near Eight Mile Grove, years ago. He
is now engaged in the insurance and
real estate business at McCook, and
while here today disposed of the Drew
block on lower Main street to a Massa
chusetts man for a consideration of
|4,000.—Friday’s Plattsmouth Journal.
Ed Harris made a flying visit to Hast
ings, Monday' night on 6.
V. Franklin and C. J. Ryan were busi
ness visitors in the state capital, Monday.
C. H. Eubank, one of the Hayes Cen
ter bankers, had business here, Monday.
J. F. Russell of Frontier county has
lost three children within a week of dipli
Rev. and Miss Lawson of Riverton
came in from the mountains on 6, last
Abe Engel arrived home, last night,
from an absence of two weeks at the
world’s fair.
Dr. Z. L. Kay has this week provided
against drouth by putting down a cistern
of generous proportions.
H. T. Church of Osborn expects to go
to Chicago, next week, to see the exposi
tion’s never-fading glories.
Mrs. A. N. Lewis came up from Hold
rege, Wednesday noon, and is the guest
of L. B. Stiles and family.
Mr. Burke, Contractor Killebrew’s
partner, and family, departed for Fort
Morgan, Colorado, last night.
Mrs. L. S. Gage and son arrived from
Wymore, last Friday evening, and are
the guests of Mrs. W. S. Morlan.
Mrs. Thomas, the nurse, went up to
Trenton, Tuesday evening, on a short
vacation for recuperation and rest.
Rev. James Lisle of Indianola spent a
few hours in the city, Wednesday even
ing, on business of the coming confer
F. H. Spearman, the democratic war
horse of McCook, is in the city in the in
terest of his party, says Monday even
ing’s Lincoln Call.
Max Wayson returned home, Wednes
day night, from attending the funeral of
his step-mother, who died on Monday, a
few miles south of Stratton.
Joe Robb arrived home, Tuesday morn
ing, from spending a few day in Denver.
He describes Denver’s commercial con
dition as being something frightfully
Phil. E. Winter and family were in from
Omaha, first of the week, on business
connected with some landed interests up
in Frontier county, before the local land
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Lawson, who have
been enjoying the pure and invigorating
atmosphere of Colorado’s altitude for a
few weeks, arrived home on six, Wednes
day afterncon.
Mrs. W. C. LaTourette and two child
ren will leave for California on coming
Monday for the benefit of George’s
health. Miss Kleven of Culbertson will
accompany them.
C. W. Meeker of Imperial spent the
early days of the week in the city. It
is stated that he contemplates locating
somewhere in the south in the practice
of his profession. Their gain will be Im
perial's irreparable loss.
Rev. and Mrs. W.C. Stevenson arrived
home on delayed No. I, last Friday even
ing, from their visit in the east. Miss P.
B. Stevenson, a sister of the pastor, and
a recent arrival from Ireland, accompan
ied them and will spend the summer here.
Dr. and Mrs. B. B. Davis will leave on
their European trip, next Wednesday
morning, stopping a brief while at Beat
rice, a few days at the fair, and expect
ing to embark in their steamer on the
I2th. They will be absent about a year
in Germany, Austria, France, England
and other countries. The probabilities
are that the doctor will practice his
profession in some one of our larger
western cities upon his return. The
doctor and his accomplished wife will
take with them the wishes of a host of
friends for their continued prosperity
and happiness, only regretting the move
which takes them from among the ranks
of our citizens.