The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 07, 1893, Image 5

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The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia; No Alum
Used in Millions of Homes—40 Years the Stands v'
It was ideal weather for a Fourth,
though pretty hot.
Wauneta’s celebration attracted a num
ber of people from our city.
The celebrations at Danbury and Bart
ley were largely attended and were con
spicuously successful.
McCook had no celebration of her own,
but she furnished the crowds for a num
ber of neighboring towns.
Quite a delegation of bykers took in
the Box Elder celebration, going from
there to Indianola on their wheels and
coming home on the cars.
The celebration at Matt Droll’s place
was declared off, many of the people of
that neighborhood joining in the observ
ance of the day at Spaulding's and Box
There was a large crowd of McCook
people at the Box Elder celebration,
where an immense concourse of people
assembled to observe the nation’s Colum
bian Fourth of July.
This department of the McCook soci
ety’s work will be written up each week
by the chairman of the press committee.
Regular meeting of this society, each
Sunday evening at 7 o’clock at the Lu
theran church. Strangers and others
are always cordially welcomed. Miss
Boucher will lead the meeting Sunday
The Junior C. E. under the able super
intendency of Mrs. Corey is increasing
in interest every week. They meet every
Sunday afternoon at 6 o’clock.
While these words are being read the
great International Convention of Chris
tian Endeavor societies at Montreal,
Can., will be in session. The attendance
is expected to put to shame even that
magnificent demonstration of over 35,000
delegates at New York, last year.
The Colorado delegation passed
through here on No. 6 Monday, en route
to the Convention. They will consoli
date at Chicago with the Nebraska dele
gation, leaving there on a special train.
It is hardly necessary to state that not
many of them will stop at Chicago.
This society is arranging a special mu
sical temperance program, which will be
given in the Lutheran church, Sunday
evening, July 16th, at eight o’clock. Ex
tensive preparations are being made and
we are assured it will eclipse anything
of the kind ever held here. Extra seats
will be provided to accommodate all.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report
Wall paper 5 cents a roll at L. W. Mc
Connell & Co.’s.
Miss Combes is clerking in J. Albert
Wells’ establishment.
The late rains are having a reassuring
and stimulating effect on business.
The city fathers were in session, Satur
day night, over the waterworks question.
Quite a number of landseekers have
been looking over the country, the past
Street Commissioner Spotts is perform
ing the duties of his office with great
care and efficiency in every particular.
It is with pleasure we note that Miss
Mary Fee, the music teacher, has already
secured a fine class, which is steadily in
An adjourned session of district court
convened at Indianola, this morning con
sequently there was quite an emigration
of counsel and clients from here to the
county-seat, this morning.
Mt. Zion M. E. church, situated ten
miles northwest of McCook, will be dedi
cated by Presiding Elder C. A. Mastin on
Sunday, July i6tb, at eleven oclock, A. M.
An all day service and basket dinner will
be held. All are cordially invited.
“They find him where he moaning lies
And in his bed they tuck him.
He tried to celebrate the day,
And never knew what struck him.”
Charley Minniear’s coon has returned
to the city.
Wall paper 5 cents a roll at L. W. Mc
Connell & Co.’s.
Lightning knocked the chimney off of
John Shepherd’s dwelling in South Mc
Cook, during Saturday afternoon’s smart
Business this fall will not depend en
tirely upon the present crop. There are
thousands of bushels of corn and wheat
in the crib.
The necessity of sewerage is pressing
itself upon the people of McCook more
strongly every year, as a matter of health
and cleanliness.
It is reported that the boss siren of the
“Maple Grove” has $997 involved in the
failure of the Farmers and Merchants
bank at Red Cloud.
Call and inspect Kalstedt’s immense
stock of new goods. The finest selection
ever exhibited in the city. Don’t wait
until the line is broken.
Since the announcement last week the
taker of the school census has discovered
ten more persons in the district of school
age, making the total number S67.
The Times-Democrat appeared as an
all-at-home publication, last week, per
force of a temporary and unusual demand
for advertising space. We hope the
change will be permanent.
E. C. Ballew’s many friends will warm
ly congratulate him upon his appoint
ment as one of Jim North’s deputy col
lectors at a good salary. He is in charge
of this, the third district.
Rev. W.C. Stevenson started, Monday,
for Montreal to attend the great Endeavor
convention. Mrs. Stevenson accompan
ied him as far as her home in Toledo,
Ohio, where she will remain until his
return. _
Mrs. Fox had the misfortune to recent
ly lose the timber on her tree claim in
24-3-29 by fire, said to have originated
from a passing locomotive. She had
forty acres in trees, and not long since
made proof on the claim, fortunately.
Mrs. Hiram Cooley died on Saturday
last and was buried in Longview ceme
tery of our city on Sunday afternoon,
Rev. W. O. Norval officiating. A hus
band and an infant but a few days old
survive her.
Thursday, June 22, at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Arnett, Captain J. S. Holmes
and Mrs. Anitistia Robinson were united
in marriage by the Rev. Charles W. Shaw.
They will spend some weeks in Ohio, at
the home of the bride’s father, Col. John
W. Shaw. Capt. Holmes is a New York
veteran. He recently moved to this city
from Red Willow county.—Lincoln
It may be all right for the newspaper
men of this section to “fill up” with lu
rid accounts of McCook’s bombarding
the heavens for rain; but in fact nothing
of the kind occurred. The cannon ship
ped here was returned without being
once discharged, Monday of this week.
In fact the people were beginning to feel
uneasy lest they should be flooded out,
as long as that cannon remained here,
and it had to be sent away to preserve
the peace. _
The county commissioners held the
meeting required by law, Monday, July
3d, and adjourned till yesterday morning
when they commenced their semi-annual
settlement with the county officers, a
tedious job that will take some time to
dispose of.
Chicago, (formerly the St. Charles), 15
and 17 South Clark street. Established
25 years. Strictly first-class. Central
location. Hot and cold baths free. Good
elevator. Rates $1.00 per day. No ad
vance during the fair.
Currier & Judd, Proprietors.
The local base ball club expects to play
the Vailton club on the home grounds
tomorrow, and in the near future they
will again cross bats with the Arapahoe
aggregation, to whom they expect to in
troduce some startling features of the
national game. In fact the boys must
have a little revenge for that score of 25
to 9 on the Fourth.
The officers of McCook lodge 61, A. O.
U. W., were installed, last Monday even
ing. When business was reached under
“Good of the Order” the retiring Master
Workman Dennis Cullen was presented
with an elegant emblem badge of the
order properly inscribed. Mr. Cullen re
sponded in a neat speech noting particu
larly the lodge’s growth during his term.
Several brothers spoke under the same
head and a general good feeling prevailed.
Wall paper 5 cents a roll at L. W. Mc
Connell & Co.’s.
i I
J. A. Wilcox, wife and daughter Mabel
of McCook, Nebraska, have been guests
here since Tuesday of Mrs. S. C. Wilcox
and family. Previous to coming here
they spent some time at the World’s
fair, also stopping at Kankakee for a
short visit with Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Pen
newill. They expect to start on their
return home next Monday, stopping at
the World’s fair again. Mr. Wilcox in
forms us that Fowler Wilcox and wife
are now in Chicago, and will likely come
down to Gilman this evening.—Gilman
A meeting of citizens was held in the
city hall, Wednesday evening, for the
purpose of taking action upon the ques
tion of locating the county fair, the at
tendance being rather small. However,
Messrs. Babcock, Walsh and Brewer were
constituted a committee to solicit funds
and to prepare a proposition for presen
tation to the board of directors of the
county agricultural society at their meet
ing to be held on Saturday, looking to
the location of the fair, this fall, at Mc
Cook. These gentlemen will doubtless
see our people at once and ascertain just
what inducements McCook will offer to
have the fair held here, this fall. They
are expected to report to-night.
Wall paper 5 cents a roll at L. W. Mc
Connell & Co.’S.
The races announced to take place at
Indianola on the Fourth had to be de
clared off on account of the condition of
the track caused by the late heavy rains.
It was quite a disappointment to many.
Apropos of the Arapahoe-McCook
game of July 4th, it may be stated with
official emphasis that John Barleycorn
is something of a base ballist himself.
He never fails to get his man or club
either for all that. Selah.
A bucking, balky broncho caused a
wagon load of young men a wkole lot of
grief, early Tuesday morning, by its un
seemly performances on Main street.
Another horse was finally substituted for
the obstreperous gray, and the boys pro
ceded to Box Elder and enjoyed the
Fourth freely and fully.
The Tribune is deeply pained to
learn that the Arapahoe base ballists
wiped up the diamond with the boys
from here, July 4th, to the tune of about
three to one. It is stated that quite a
number of McCook’s strongest players
could not go, which perhaps in a meas
ure accounts for our humiliating defeat.
The amount of fireworks discharged
throughout the city by numerous private
parties would have made quite an impos
ing display if the money thus spent had
gone into a common fund and been ex
pended in the purchase of “piece” and
“design” fireworks. We suggest this
course for next year’s celebration. It
will be more attractive and satisfactory.
Over at Danbury they had a rousing
time. The committee had made com
plete and liberal arrangements for a cele
bration, and they had it. An immense
crowd participated, and made the Co
lumbian celebration one of the most
gratifying ever held in the beautiful and
fertile Beaver valley. The management
and people of Danbury are subjects of
congratulation s.
There was a large attendance and a
splendid time enjoyed at the celebration
in I. W. Spaulding’s grove on the Wil
low, at which place and at Box Elder,
the people of that entire section met en
masse and ei joyed themselves in the
usual way with speeches, singing, basket
picnics etc. The Tribune is pleased to
hear that everything passed off in a most
satisfactory manner at both of these cele
brations on the Willow.
A severe wind and some hail accom
panied the rain of Saturday afternoon in
the neighborhood of W. J. Relph and
N. J. Johnson, southwest of the city.
Only a narrow strip was effected, but
crops were pretty badly damaged in some
cases and many windmills were blown
down. McClain & Nichols were putting a
well down on the Relph place and their
machine and apparatus was blown over
and damaged considerably. (A few feet,
more and the well would have been com
pleted.) The wind is described as having
been unusually strong.
Miss Nettie Heis of South McCook
left for Kansas recently ostensibly on a
visit to relatives, but ^really to wed the
man of her choice, not living in the sun
flower state. It seems that Miss Nettie
has been corresponding with the man
who is now her husband for some time,
but her mother objected to her marrying
him on such acquaintance. So Miss
Nettie had to resort to a little strategy
with above result.
There are not a few indications that
Mayor Brewer’s city council is getting
out of the mayor’s control, and that a
majority of the gentlemen composing the
councilmanic body are disposed to do
about the right thing whether such action
is approved by the mayor or not. Which
is manly and commendable.
For some reason or other quite a num
ber of our citizens are not very enthusi
astic about attempting to secure the
location of the county fair here, this fall,
At the Harris Hardware you can get a
Sewing Machine a good one from $20 to
$45 with the company’s guarantee for
five years.
The Driftwood flume of the Meeker
irrigation ditch was slightly damaged by
the heavy mins, last week.
Wall paper 5 cents a roll at L. W. MC
The action of the United society in
asking permission to withdraw its ex
hibit at the world’s fair, if the fair was
to be opened on Sunday, is every where
commended by loyal Endeavorers. The
petition to Congress of the delegates at
the New York convention, to close the
gates on Sunday, was no child’s play,
and, if I mistake not, the reason the di
rectory will have when they come to
count the cost will be “We didn’t no it
was loaded.”
President Clark, (or as he is called by
his enthusiastic Endeavorers, “Father
Clark,”) will arrive in this country, this
week, from his tour around the world in
the interest of Christian Endeavor. He
has been away nearly a year, making
speeches in China, Australia, India
Turkey and other countries and has
awakened deep and wide-spread interest
in the movement. New societies have
been formed and the old ones stimulated
to renewed zeal; great good has been
done. His annual address will be de
livered before the convention at Montreal
on Saturday afternoon.
Coleman Precinct.
Two fine showers last week.
The way corn is growing is a caution.
Mrs. Wm. Coleman with Maud and
Roy spent the 4th near Haigler.
Miss Dora Lawrence spent the 4th with
Miss Gertie Coleman at the old home
There is preaching at the Coleman
school house every two weeks. Next
Sabbath is the day.
Those two farmers that quit plowing
their corn two weeks ago wish now they
had kept right at it.
At the ice cream festival in the western
part of this town., Saturday night, one
hundred and forty were present.
Mr. J. H. Warfield of Grant, Iowa, was
viewing these magnificent farm lands,
Wednesday, and selected a quarter for a
At the Coleman school house Sabbath
school is held every Sabbath and has
been all winter. It is evergreen and does
not wither or dry up or die out.
By reason of dry weather in the early
part of the season the crop of mulberries
is light, hence the daily rations of Uncle
Billy is shortened to two quarts per day.
Every Sabbath at three o’clock in the
afternoon the neighbors, old and young,
gather at some residence and spend two
hours singing and thus the new comers
become acquainted.
Mr. J.W. Wrightsman of Waverly, 111.,
was looking over this town.,Wednesday,
and he said it was the finest country he
had ever seen, and thought it good
enough for any one to live in. Uncle
Billy was showing him the country.
At the close of her school, two weeks
since, Miss Edith Coleman treated the
scholars and friends to an ice cream sup
per. It was so highly appreciated that
ninety-seven sat down to supper. Every
body was welcome and enjoyed the occa
sion richly. It is a cold day when the
friends in Coleman precinct don’t turn
out on such occasions and have a good
time and thus become better acquainted
with each other.
Mr. Lee Taylor, since purchasing a fine
half section here, last fall, has built a fine
frame residence 24x26 feet in size and
fourteen feet high, a small barn, sunk a
well and had a wind mill erected, fenced
eighty acres for pasture and broken up
and planted to corn one hundred acres,
and planted out quite a large orchard,
and planted a crop on about forty acres
of old land. Now Lee is a worker, but
had it not been for that energetic little
wife it is donbtful if he had accomplished
more than half as much.
Wall paper 5 cents a roll at L. W. Mc
Connell & Co.’s.
A. J. Beecher retired from W. S. Mor
lan’s employ on July ist.
Dr. W. A. Minniear was over from
Danbury, Monday, on business.
County Treasurer W. T. Henton spent
a few hours in the city, Friday evening
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Gibbs were passen
gers on 6, last F'riday evening, for the
County Clerk O. A. Williams was down
from Benkelman, Tuesday evening, on
C. H. Russell, and Mike Morris of the
State Bank, were up from Indianola,
Banker C. C. Vennum, wife and daugh
ter of Stratton were guests of the city,
John Eskerson and Frank E. Thurston
of our city have been capital city visitors
this week.
J. A. Cordeal and M. C. Wayson were
both registered in Lincoln, last Friday,
on their homeward way.
Mr. Scott of the Bartley Inter-Ocean
was a Sunday guest of the best city in
the great Republican valley.
Mrs. Peterson and Miss Winona spent
a few hours in the city, Wednesday, en
route to Stratton from the east.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Russell and young
son departed on I, Sunday, for their
future home in Santa Anna, Cala.
Register J. P. Lindsay arrived home,
last Friday night, from a visit to Chicago
and to various points in his native state,
J. E. Kelley had business in the state’s
metropolis, first of the week. He went
in Sunday evening and returned home
Tuesday night.
U. J. Warren went in to Omaha, Sun
day morning on 2. Mrs. Warren accom
panied him as far as Hastings. They ar
rived home last night.
Mr. Best, the photographer, arrived
home Tuesday night, from Iowa, where
he went recently with a sick baby, whose
death we recorded last week.
Messrs. Barnes and Peterson of the
Times-Democrat performed their devo
tions in the county capital, Sunday, go
ing down on 4, Saturday evening.
J. C. Cline of Minden has been ap
pointed a state bank examiner—the times
being considered as demanding the pres
ence of more examiners in the field.
Miss Kate Bowen quit the employ of
J. Albert Wells, Monday, and on Thurs
day left for her old home in Illinois.
She wiil also take in the peerless Colum
bian exposition.
President Hockuell of the First Na
tional carried one of his arms in a sling,
first of the week, on account of the pres
ence thereon of an unusually large and
painful Job’s comforter.
B. F. Olcott arrived home, Tuesday,
from a two month's absence in Chicago
and other Illinois points. He reports
the Nebraska crop prospect as equal, if
not better than, the outlook in Illinois
and Iowa.
C. L. DeGroffand family occupied their
dwelling, corner of Dudley and Marshall
streets, Thursday. The house is still in an
incomplete condition. When finished it
will be one of McCook’s most comfortable
G. B. Nettleton came down from
Wayne, tliis state, yesterday morning,
and will be here a week or longer doing
some collecting, anil in greeting former
oldtime acquaintances, relatives and
friends in Red Willow county.
E. C. Ballew, deputy internal revenue
collector of the third district, went in to
Omaha, Sunday night on 6, to confer
with Chief Collector J. E. North. Ed
entered upon the discharge of the duties
of his office on Saturday last.
Mr. and Mrs. William Weygint will
leave for the World’s fair, Wednesday of
next week, to make quite a thorough in
spection of its wonders. They also ex
pect to visit relatives and friends in
Iowa and Illinois during their absence.
Miss Odum, who has been at the head
of Lowman's millinery department this
season, left on i, Sunday, for her home
in Denver. Miss Odum is an artist in her
line and the Lowmans hope to be able
to secure her efficient services another
Zora Clark and mother were the guests
of George J. Burgess and family over
Sunday. Mr. Clark was formerly in the
Burlington’s employ at Arapahoe and
on western division. He is now in the
Missouri Pacific service and located
at Gray's Summit, a suburb of St. Louis.
J. W. Hupp sojourned with its in the
metropolis briefly, Saturday.
E. R. Curtis and family arrived home
from their Illinois visit, this noon.
Miss Pearl Brewer went down to Hol
drege, Monday on 6, to visit friends.
S. H. Colvin hied him away to Denver,
Tuesday, on a little business-pleasure
Colonel Frank H. Selby came up from
Cambridge, last evening, on business of
the law.
President Titus of the First National
bank of Holdrege was up on business,
Mrs. J. W. Dolan was up from Indian
ola, Saturday, guest of her sister Mrs.
E. C. Burkett.
Banker F'rost of Bartley tarried in the
busy swirl of metropolitan life, Monday,
for a brief while.
Mrs. J. B. McCabe left on 6, Tuesday,
for Lincoln, where she will make her
home in the future.
Dr. W. V. Gage expects his mother to
arrive in the city in the near future to
make her home here with him.
Fowler and Justin Wilcox arrived home
on the noon train, yesterday, from their
visit to the world’s fair and other points
in Illinois. Their families will not return
for some time.
Dr. B. B. Davis expects, early in Au
gust, to leave for Europe on an extended
absence for study and recreation. Mrs.
Davis will accompany him. They will
be away a number of months.
Floyd Welborn dropped off 6, Monday
evening, from Denver, on his way to
spend the Fourth with the home folks at
Indianola. He is employed in the offices
of the Colorado Fuel Co. at Denver.
Miss Carrie Smith arrived in the city,
last night, from Illinois on her way to
California. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Meeker
met her at Holdrege. Miss Smith will
spend some time here.
The following appeared in the Inde
pendent Enterprise, of July 6, 1893:
“The stockholders of the Farmers and
Merchants Bank which closed its doors
last week announce that they are willing
to be held individually responsible to
depositors and will be able to pay up in
It should have read the stockholders
of the Farmers and Merchants Bank of
Red Cloud, Nebraska. We make this
statement to prevent any reflection being
cast upon the Farmers and Merchants
Bank of this city.
C. W. Lindsay,
Manager Independent Enterprise.
“In days gone by the popular cry
which was raised by cj’clists was against
the road hogs. At the present time it is
not out of place for the citizens to raise
a popular cry against the cycle hogs.
It makes me boil to see one of these
young and inexperienced rattle-brain
would-be scorchers, all doubled up like
an inch worm suffering with the cholera,
tear along our crowded streets with his
nose in close proximity with his front
tire, a veritable modern juggernaut.
If every decent wheelman only knows
wrhat is good for the sport he will assist
the authorities in crushing out this grow
ing evil. I do not like to pose as a
chronic kicker, but in these days of
cheap second-handwheels and the intro
duction to cycling of irresponsible boys
and reckless hoodlums, it is entirely in
play and perfectly proper to call atten
tion to these pests who threaten the good
name of our sport.—In Outing for July.
The board of education was in regular
session, Monday evening. The treasurer’s
report showed the financial condition of
the district to be good—'about $4,000 in
the treasury. It was developed that
there are enough children in South Mc
Cook to fill two buildings as large as the
one located there now, and there is some
talk of building another house in that
part of town. It was also decided to put
a new steam heating plant in the east
ward building and Cambell, Ritchie and
Oyster were name the committee to pur
chase and oversee the installation of the
same. In addition to Supt. Valentine,
whose election was announced some
weeks since, the committee on text
books and teachers reported the selection
of the following teachers at the salaries
stated: Miss Rachel Berry, principal east
ward building, $75; Prof. Charles Yont,
principal west ward, $60; Miss Ella Alli
son $60; Mrs. M. J. Cordeal, primary,
$55; Miss Amelia Wille, primary, $55;
Mrs. Frank Brown, $50; Miss Edna Me
serve, $50; Miss Nora Stroud, $50; Mrs.
Mary Dufifey, $50; Mr. J. H. Fowler, $40;
Miss Augusta Hunt. $40. In the event
of Miss Wille failing to accept, a Mrs.
Snow is recommended for her place.
The above list will give the McCook
schools an unusually strong corps of