The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 30, 1893, Image 8

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x $20,000 Worth of )ry Goods, Carpets, |
< J CO
And Continues Until Everything is Sold.
| Tnd^fixtures | j. aumnT wells. ! j
r- For Sale.... \ ---McCook, Nebraska.
» —— ——
Come and see the prices at Gan
Knipple sells canned goods cheaper
than ever.
Get prices on wall paper at McMil
len’s drug store.
Predmore Bros, keep the best cylin
der oil in McCook.
Dr. A. J. Thomas, Dentist, office in
Union block, over Knipple.
Watson & Penny are putting out
handsome rigs these days.
No better farm wagon on wheels
than the Charter Oak sold by S. M.
Cochran & Co.
Noble carries a large and complete
stock of the best brands of canned
goods of all kinds.
We can and will save you money on
wall paper. Examine our prices before
buying. McConnell & Co.
If you want a well drilled in fine
shape see McClain & Co. Leave or
ders at S. 31. Cochran & Co.’s.
Remember that S. M. Cochran & Co.
now carry in stock a full and complete
stock of builders’ hardware supplies.
Knipple leads them all when it comes
to selling a fine patent flour cheap. Try
him once and you will be convinced.
Patronize H. Thompson & Co., deal
ers in flour and feed of all kinds, west
Dennison street, on the corner north of
McEntee Hotel.
McMillen Bros, carry a complete
stock of dusters—the cheap as well as
the finer articles. Give them a call if
you need anything in that line.
Don’t build a fence around your
property until you have seen and priced
that woven wire fencing at S. M.
Cochran & Co.’s. Nothing cheaper,
neater or better.
Prof. Fred C. Heard holds three gold
medals of the Ilernandies Tournaments
held at Cincinnati, St. Louis and San
Francisco for the best all around guitar
execution. He has a class upon the
guitar at 50 cents each lessoD.
If you want fire or
tornado insurance in
Reliable Companies,
call on C. J. Ryan.
Look Here.
Pillsburys Best,.$1.50 per sack.
Monogram Patent.1.20 per sack.
Charm Patent. 1.10 per sack.
91 Patent. 1.10 per sack.
84 Patent.$1.10 per sack.
Surprise Patent. 1.10 per sack.
Jack Frost.$1.00 par sack.
Faultless.85 per sack.
Legal Tender.80 per sack.
Pride of McCook.75 per sack.
Corn, Oats, Hay, Oil Cake and Bin
der Twine. All goods delivered free.
McCook Commission Co.
211 Main street.
Quality Up—Prices Down!
Knipple excels in the quality of the
flour he keeps in stock, and in the re
markably low prices at which he is sell-■
ing. Think of it!
Fancy patent flour at.$1.25
Snowflake flour at.85
And remember that he warrants every
sack. At the old stand in the Cole
We can and will save you money on
wall paper. Examine our prices before
buying. McConnell & Co.
You can buy more goods at Knipple’s
for One (1$) Dollar than you can any
where else in the city of McCook.
S. M. Cochran & Co. carry a large
line of buggies in stock. See them if
you want a good vehicle cheap.
Buy your shoes at Ganschow's and
get the worth of your money.
Ice cold meats at B. & M. Meat
Residence property
for sale in all parts of
the city by C. J. Ryan.
Commissioner's Proceedings.
June 13th, 1893. Full board present.
The following bills were allowed:
A A Andrus, assessor, salary f56 00
J C Oakley, board E G Smith 15 00
Frank G Lytle, work on roads 4 50
A J Lytle •• 4 50
G W Arbogasb, hauling hridne Timbe 19 00
June 14th, 1893. Full board present.
The following bills were allowed:
George Younger, work on bridges fSO 00
" ■' hauling bridge lumber 29 00
B B Mosher & Son. iron for bridges 2 10
J W Hoblnson, hauling lumber 12 00
C A Beda 18 00
Jacob Korb “ 4 50
Murry Graham •• 7 50
James Williams “ 15 26
H N Graham work on bridges 9 50
J A Carter assessing Bondville 50 40
T F Welborn Indianola 106 00
Jno L Horton I.ebanon 56 00
James Jones Missouri Ridge 44 40
A R Clark Fritsch 50 70
Francis Cain Grant 53 80
W M Rozell Coleman 55 30
J R Kiel Red Willow 77 00
S Simpson Beaver 75 60
F M Williams Alliance 54 72
Frank Moore Tyrone 38 00
L W Critser Valley Grange 50 00
C C Smith Gerver 42 00
L F Faass Driftwood 73 00
R E Moore BoxJJSlder 57 50
J W Daniels North Valley 54 00
F M Kimmell Blanks for H H Berry 5 50
State Journal stationery for county 53 55
W O Bond drawing jury, etc 3 25
“ indexing etc 13 22
John C Beck cllauingcourt room 1 00
Official bonds approved:
M Fosscn overseer district 33
James Boatman “ 35,
June 15th. Full board present.
M S Beck, rent Jury room 3 00
E J Mitchell stationery 16 75
W O Bond postage, etc 6 00
E 3 Shaw making bridge ;rons 10 00
W H Gartsid nails 4 54
Elba Graves “ 8 75
Hoad 271 granted. Commencing at s e corner,
seo 7 thence north one half mile, All in town 3
range 29.
June 16th, 1893.
Full board present and the following
bill allowed:
Page T Francis assessing Willow Grove, *187.00 |
June 17th 1893. Full board present.
The following bills were allowed.
Hariison & Harrison clothing for E G Smith $6 50
Powell Bros. mdse A Z Jones 1 60
E J Mitchell stationery 6 25
.f A Wilcox & Son mdse for Purdy and Best 13 15
S E Hager & Co coal for county 23 GO
B W Barnes bar docket etc 57 00
H Crabtree bailiff 14 00
Jno R Young assessing East Valley 102 50
May Anderson board Lizzie Craig 44 00
John Kelley work on bridges 3 00
Petition of Henry Carothers, Wm Ooleman etal
asking for public road rejected.
Road No 272 granted. From s e cor sec 32 to s w
cor sec 32 all in town 2 range 37,
Road No 273 granted. From n e cor sec 3 to s w
cor sec 4 town 2 range 28,
June 19.1893. Full board present.
Following claim allowed.
Geo M Young work on bripge 3 50
June 20th, 1893. Full board present,
and following bills were allowed:
Barnett Co., bridge material 8489 40
" “ 109 74
“ “ 19 35
.1A Cass 11 259 29
S E Harger A Co. *• 110 32
S S Graham work on bridges 2910
Samuel Young •• “ 99 85
L W McConnell A Co med. for paupers 0 95
Ind. HdwCo., hrrdware etc, 62 19
C W Beck state vs Cunningham A Foster 12 45
E R Banks 8 20
W O Bond M 5 15
W O Bond fee state vs Johnson 3 60
E E DeVoe “ 68 48 rejected
W O Bond •• •• Morris 12 50
F W Esher •• 16 00
J H Berge “ 6 00
ER Banks “ 12 00
G F Taylor. Rejected
Samuel Iloagland “
Ed Tear *•
E C J.akin “
Wm Bergin "
CH Taylor ••
Joe Eorris “
Geo Morris “
K T Carter ' “
A G Dole
H H Berry state vs Elliott 4 15
“ " ti 25
J H Dwvre “ 4 85
C K Babcock “ 15 35
R L Walker “ 5 60
James Miller “ 6 00
J K Gardner “ 5 80
A N Allen “ 2 20
T C Kelley Rejected
DH.McMurrin ••
Ira Bovd ••
Mrs CF Elliott
W O Bond state vs Cunniguhara etal 5 78
E R Banks “ 3 00
C J Ryan services as commissioner 31 20
S S Graham services as “ 22 20
J W Hupp Stat vs Cunningham et al loon
J B Keeves “ 10 00
J M Ritmas “ 10 00
Stephen Vanvlict “ 10 00
After equalizing the Board found it
necessary to add and deduct certain
precentages in the following precincts
which was done as follows:
Alliance prect. on land add 20 per ct.
Bondville *■ “ 10 “
Beaver “ “ 10 “
Box Elder “ “ 10 “
Coleman “ “ 15 “
Driftwood “deduct 25 “
East Valley “ -‘20 “
Eritsch “ “ 20 “
Indianola “ add 5 “
Lebanon “ “ 40 “
Missouri Ridge “ “ 15 “
North Valley “ “ 10 “
Perry “ “ 40 “
Tyrone “ “20 “
Willow'Grove “deduct20 “
The Board find the total valuation of
real and personal property to be one
million three hundred and thirty thous
and. one hundred and eighty three
($1,330,183.00) dollars. Levy of taxes
for 1893, made as follows:
County general fund 9 millls County
bridge fund 4- county road 2; soldier
relief 3-10; Red Willow county bond 1;
Indiauola precinct bond 2; North Val
ley 5; East valley 5; Willow grove 5;
Bartley village 10. School district bond
district No. 2 10 mills; no 3 10; no 4 5;
No 6, 5; No 7, 5; No 8, 3; No ll,4;Nol2,
6; No 17, 15; No 22, 10; No 23, 4; No 24,
10; No 25, 5; No 27, 10; No 28, 10; No 31
5; No 33, 10; No 39, 10; 42, 5; No 47, 10;
No 48, 10; No 49, 10; No 52, 5; No 62, 10;
No 65, 10; No 66, 20; No 68, 10; No 70,15
No 72, none, No 75. 10; No 85, 20; Mc
Cook city levy 20; Intlianola 10; Bart
ley village 10,
Board adjourned to meet July 3, 1893
Geo. W. Roper, S. S. Graham,
County Clerk. Chairman,
Third Quarter will
be due July 1st and
Becomes Delinquent
July 15th, 1893.
C. H. Meeker.
Sewing machines at
$5.00 per month on
the installment plan
at Pade & Son’s.
We can and will save you money on
wall paper. Examine our prices before
buying. McConnell & Co.
Special Notice to the Public.
Any and all parties having photo
graphs due them from Mr. or Mrs.
f>mart should see Mrs. Smart about
'bn»i immediately, as I shall not be
responsible after her departure.
P. W. Marcellus.
Money to Loan.
On farm or city property at four per
cent, for five years or 2-and-one-half
per cent, for ten years. Principal pay
able on installments.
I T. Benjamin.
We are printing the date to which
each subscriber has paid his subscrip
tion to The Tribdne along with the
address. Watch the date and you will
know if you are in arrears. If you are
please come and see us.
A fine assortment of clusters may be
seen at the harness shop of McMillen
Bros, on east Dennison street. They
are very reasonable in price too.
J. H. Ludwick is buying and selling
second-hand goods at the old stand on
west Dennison street. Give him a call
or drop a postal card.
We can and will save you money on
wali paper. Examine our prices before
buying. McConnell & Co.
Northeast corner of Main and Denni
son you will find the Old Reliable Shoe
Office rooms in the Meeker building
to rent. Rittenhocse & Boyle.
McMillen meets all prices on wall
Money to loan on
Chattels. Call on S.
H. Colvin, McCook.
Sir°Grocerie8 at Nobles’.
Machine oil of all kinds at Predmore
McMillen meets all prices on wall
Ganschow sells those red shoes at a
Knipple makes a specialty of fruits
of all kinds.
Prices are way down at Ganschow’s.
Don’t miss it.
Headquarters for shoes and slippers
at Ganschnw’s.
Get prices on wall paper at McMil
len’s drug store.
Come and see what bargains I have
in shoes and slippers. Ganschow.
Seventeen pounds of Granulated
Sugar for One (1$) Dollar at Knipple’s.
Noble is also strictly in it when it
comes to selling fresh vegetables at a
reasonable price.
Wayson & Penny nan fixyou up com
fortably and stylishly in any thing you
may desire in the livery line.
Noble, the leading grocer, makes a
specialty of fresh, clean family grocer
ies. He will treat you right.
Don’t eat tainted meats. Buy them
from Acme Cooler. Ice cold and sweet
as in winter at F. S. Wilcox’s.
W. M. Irwin has a fine Holstein
bull for service at his farm northwest
of the city, on reasonable terms.
Noble is the only exclusive grocer in
the city. His stock is the largest and
his prices correspond with the times.
We can and will save you money on
wall paper. Examine our prices before
buying. McConnell & Co.
S. M. Cochran & Co. have an im
mense stock of farm implements on
hand. See them before buying else