The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 30, 1893, Image 7

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    Here’s the Idea
Of the Non-pull-out Bow
I' The great watch saver. Saves the watch
* from thieves and falls—cannot be pulled oil
the case—costs nothing extra.
’ 1 The bow has a groove
on each end. A collar
runs down inside* the
pendant (Stem) and
fits into the grooves,
firmly locking the
• bow to the pendant,
so that it cannot bo
pulled or twisted off.
Can only be had with cases
stamped with this trade mark.
Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases • •
now luted with this great bow (ring).
look and wear like solid gold cases, l ost
only about half as much, and are guaranti; d
for twenty years. Sold only through watch
dealers Remember the name
Keystone Watch Case Co7.
Land Office at McCook, Neb., i
May 31. 1893. %
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make Anal homestead proof in support of bis
claim, and that said proof will be made before
Register or Receiver at McCook, Neb., on Sat
urday. July 15. 1893, viz:
who made H. E. No. 8942 for tde southeast
quarter of section 3, in township 1, north of
range 30, west of the »>th P. M. He names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon, and cultivation of, said land,
viz: Edward F. Duffer, Richard M. Wade.
John H. Wade and Andrew Anderson all of
McCook, Neb. J. p. Lindsay, Regsiter.
Land Office at McCook, Nebraska, t
June 17th, 1893. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make final five-year proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
Register or Receiver at McCook, Nebraska,
on Saturday. Julr 29th. 1893. viz:
who made H. E. No. 9550 for the southwest
quarter of section 21. in township 5, north of
range 29, west of the 0th P. M. He names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon, and cultivation of said land,
viz: Oolbein P. Viland, of McCook, Nebraska:
William E. Ketch, of Box Elder. Nebraska:
Hubert Beach, of Box Elder. Nebraska, and
James Spaulding, of McCook, Nebraska.
J. P. Lindsay, Register.
Chamberlain’s Eye & Skin Ointment.
A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes. Tetter,
Salt Rheum, Scald Head. Old Chronic Sores,
Fever Sores. Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches.
Sore Nipples and Piles. It is cooling and
soothing. Hundreds of cases have been cured
by it after all other treatment had failed. It
is put up in 25 and 50 cent boxes. For 6ale by
George M. Chenery. Nov.20-lyear.
Was a famous beauty; coming down to
the present time we find a clear com
plexion, as essential to correct beauty.
Haller’s Sarsaparilla and Burdock Com
pound will produce a beautiful clear
skin. For sale by McConnell & Co.
The czar’s throne is said to be worth
four times as much as Queen Victoria’s.
Corns and bunions may be removed
by paring them down closely as possible
without drawing blood; then soak them
in warm water to soften them, and ap
ply Chamberlain's Pain Balm twice
daily, rubbing them vigorously for ten
minutes at each application. A corn
plaster should be worn for a tew days
to protect them from the shoes. As a
general liniment for sprains, bruises,
lameness and rheumatism, Pain Balm
is all that can be desired. For sale by
McConnell & Co.
The greatest university is Oxford.
It has twenty-onecolleges and five halls.
Pallor, languidness, and the appear
ance of ill-health being no longer fash
ionable among ladies, Ayer’s Sarsaprilla
is more largely resorted to as a tonic
alterative, nervine, stomachic, and build
er-up of the system generally. This is
as it should be. Ayer’s is the best.
The deepest mines in the world are tn
the Cornwell tin region of England.
Impure blood is the cause of innumer
able maladies. Hence, one of the great
est benefactors to humanity was the dis
covery of Ayer's Sarsaparilla,which more
than any other medicine has saved
America from becoming a nation of in
The biggest merchant vessel afloat is
the new Campania.
Karl’s Clover Root, the new Blood
Purifier, gives freshness and clearness
to the Complexion and cures Constipa
tion. 25 cents, 50 cents and $1. Sold
by A. McMillen. | 26-lyr.
The United States has nearly 200
active geysers.
How would you like to he a kangaroo,
or be able to jump like one. but you’ve
got piles so bad you can't. Use Haller’s
Australian Salve and you'll get there.
Sold by McConnell & Co.
A good live paper every Tuesday
and Friday, is what you get in The
Semi-Weekly Journal for one dol
lar. The Tribhne and Journal both
one year for $2.50.
Shiloh's Cure, the Great Cough and
Croup Cure is for sale by us. Pocket
size contains twenty-five doses, only 25
cents. Children love it. A. McMillen,
druggist. _
If the hair is falling out, or turning
gray, requiring a stimulant with nurish
ing and coloring food, Hall’s Vegetable
Sicilian Hair Renewer will prevent it
We sell the Empire letter copying
books. Also best grades of type writ
ing paper.
Tempting Breakfasts.
A nice menu for nn “at home'’
breakfast given at 11 or 12 o'clock
consists of grape fruit, creamed
chicken in scalloped shells, with
rolled bread and butter; a third
course of French chops, broiled or
breaded, with creamed potatoes,
lettuce salad, if you can get that
which is choice, and strawborries
served with half a lemon on each
plate. Serve coffee and tea with
the second course. In preparing
the grape fruit cut it in halves
cross-wise, cut out the hard core,
and fill in the space with powdered
sugar. A teaspoonful of sherry or
rum is often added. Serve very
cold half of one fruit on each plate.
Sometimes the rum or sherry is
passed when the fruit is served.
This is apt to be the case if one
has a handsome little flagon of
choice glass.
If you are looking for a menu
for a wedding feast one sufficiently
elaborate consists of scolloped
lobster in individual shells,chicken
salad, jellied tongue, rolled bread
and butter, finger rolls filled with
minced chicken. Cut the rolls
open, scoop out the inside, and tie
with a narrow ribbon. For bever
ages have hot or iced coffee, Rus
sian tea and lemonade.—New York
Evening Post.
The Loudon Lancet is making a
crusade against the “byke” on ac
count of the prevalence of the new
disease that the doctors have dub
bed “Kyphosis Bicyclistarum.” It
is a peculiar hump-back caused by
doubling up the spine over the
wheel. It must be a dangerous
disease if there is anything in a
name, and the Journal holds it up
for the admonition of its young
friends of the wheel. There isn’t
any need however, of getting hump
backed on the bicycle. It is easy
to be seen that people can sit up
straight and get along just as well
on the wheel as by trying to make
letter Cs of themselves. It is sug
gested that most speeders adopt
this posture rather from imitation
than from necessity. If this be
the case the sooner the cyclers
straighten themselves up the bet
ter.—Lincoln Journal.
Governer Altgeld astonished
the citizens of Chicago tremend
ously recently when he granted
a pardon to the three remaining
anarchists in the Illinois peniten
tiary. Two of the three pardoned
anarchists were sentenced to death
Fielden and Schwad, and the other
Neebe to fifteen years. The former
two escaped the noose by having
their sentence changed to a life
sentence, and now all three are
free. It \pas hinted at the time
that Altgelt ran for governer that
he would grant these pardcns, but
few believed it. They now know
where his sympathy lies and where
it would very likely be if the bomb
throwers resumed their murderous
work again.
The closing of tlie India mints
to the coinage of silver takes away
an open market for about 35 mill
ion ounces of silver annually and
still further complicates the silver
question. The urgency for some
decided action on the part of the
United States Government is meas
urably increased thereby, and the
consideration of what action shall
be taken raises the most important
and perplexing problem which con
fronts the American people.
An East St. Louis family who
drew §1,735 from the bank during
the recent flurry put it in a stove.
A fire started by one of the child
ren wound up the cash in short or
der. The bank is in good financial
condition. The moral should be
plain to every one.
Germany raises almost eight
times as many potatoes as the
United States, and the United
States imports almost twice the
the quantity she raises.
Governor Altgeld of Illinois
acts like anrl talks like a disciple
of the red Hag himself. Doubtless
the people of that state are now
heartily sorry that Private Joe
Fifer was defeated.
The effort to boom “Buffalo
Bill” Cody for Governor of Ne
braska savors strongly of the ri
diculous; the idea should not be
seriously entertained by the politi
cians or the people of Nebraska.
The laxity of the divorce system
in the United States has again been
made ridiculously apparent by the
decision of a Philadelphia judge,
who gravely announces from the
bench that a man living with one
wife in Pennsylvania cannot be
convicted of bigamy because he
happens to have another wife in
Ohio from whom he has not been
divorced. There is evidently an
urgent demand for a national
divorce law in the United States.
The small debtor who owes less
than §20 lias a potent influence
upon the financial condition of the
country. If all of them would pay
up, the retail merchant would be
able to meet his obligations to the
jobber, who in turn could then
satisfy the importer. The banks
would not be called upon for such
heavy loans, interest would come
down, money would seek invest
ment, real estate would be in de
mand, new enterprises would be
inaugurated, the demand for labor
would be increased and times
would be good. A great deal thus
depends upon the smaller debtor
The eighth wonder of the world
is this: “Two pounds of ironstone
purchased on the shore of Lake
Michigan and transported to Pitts
burg, two pounds of coal mined in
Connellsville and manufactured
into one and one-fourth pounds of
coke and brought to Pittsburg,
one-half pound of limestone mined
east of the Alleghanies and trans
ported to Pittsburg, a little mag
nesia ore, mined in Virginia and
brought to Pittsburg, and these
four and one-half pounds of mate
rial manufactured into one pound
of solid steel and sold for one cent.
That’s all that need be said about
the steel business.”—Andrew7 Car
Judge Roger A. Pryor, once the
noted confederate statesman and
soldier, now of the common pleas
court in New York, caused some
thing of a sensation by an annonce
ment he made from the bench
the other day. After having given
the usual instructions to the jurors
not to allow anybody to approach
them about the case, defendant’s
lawyer requested him to also
charge them not to read the news
papers. This the judge declined
to do. “They should read the news
papers,” he said; “they are intelli
gent men.” We are told that, as
indicating that the decision was in
accord with the popular spirit as
well as with sense, it was received
with a burst of applause. Judge
Pryor’s admonition, if generally re
cognized, will render it less dif
ficult for courts to select a jury
than heretofore while the intrest of
justice will be even more substan
tially served by being entrusted to
the consideration of intelligent
A little passenger rate war has broken
out in Texas. It is a story that is bound
to be a familiar one before the close of
the summer. The roads were attempt
ing to hold up the world's fair rates,
when one line was discovered in a little
intrigue to take business on the side at
less than schedule figures. The best
way to avoid this sort of thing is to cut
at once to a rate of one fair for the
round trip. Then there will be so much
business that it will not be necessary to
scramble for traffis, even in Texrs.
The Citizens Bank of McCook.
Incorporated under State Laws.
Paid Up Capital, 350,000
General Banking Business.
Collections made en all accessible points. Drafts dram
directly on principal cities in Europe. Saxes
paid for non-residents.
Tickets For Sale to and from Europe
V. FKANKLIN. President. JOHN R. CLARK, Vice Pree.
A. C. EBBRT, Cashier.
The First National Bank, Lincoln Nebrska.
The Chemical National BaDk, New York City.
Tfte Hrst JNCatiouaJ jSaiife.
GEORGE HOCKNELL, President. B. M. FREES, Vice President. W. F. LAWSON Cashier
1 H iil
: ;
Now is the time,.... „
This is the place....
We Have Added Clothing....
And Sell Boys’ and ens’.... * *
SUITS AT FROM $1.50 TO $18.
Large Line of. *
Buv a Hat of Us and.
We Will Give You a. * *
Rockford No. 101 Hose 85c per Dozen.
In 10 doz. Jots and upwards 72c perdoz.
.Coates Thread 50c per dozen.
22 LBS. N.O. SUGAR $1.00.
....All Other....
As Low as any House in the City.
_ ■_/
Dealer in
Fan limits and Waps.
The Finest Line of Machinery Ever
Brought to this County.
Yard West of First National Bank, McCOOK, NEB.
Will Cure Cramps, Colic, Cholera
Morbus and all Bowel Complaints.
P35.ICE, 25c., 50c„ and Sl.QG A BOTTLE.
18 to GO inches high: Pickets 2Vi and cables 8V4 inches apart. These pickets are made of a
plurality of wires, making them stronger, tougher and will stand more rough usage than any
picket made of a single wire five times its weight. Our 6TEEL WIRE FENCE BOARD
4V4 inches wide has no equal for a barbless field fence. Sold by hardware and implement
dealers. Write for circulars.
,). E. KELLEY.
Office: In rear of :> iru Niiiionul Hank.
rzzr:..—. . -
HUGH W. (’OLE, Lawyer.
SS^Will practice in ail courts, (’ntrimercit.
and corporation Jaw a Hieci.tLv. Money to
loan. Rooms 4 and 5 oHi First Xtt: tonal bld'tr.
Physicians & Surgeons,.
{39“Office Houkh: o to 11. a. m., - to 5 and
7 to 9, p. tn Room? over F'rst National bank.
has a fine stock of Cloths. Bind
ings, and other trimmings always
on hand.
■or*e« branded on left bio or left ihouldeti
P. O.address, Imperial
Chase County, and Beat
krice, Neb. Kange, Stint
ling Water and Freneb
[ man creeks. Chase Co
I Brand as cut on side of
some animaie. on hip an*
sides of some, or uy
where on the anlmaL
r js
Subjectsnoed fear no lcr.c?r iron: h: I~ ne cn
Terror?, fur by a must v.» : ' .very :a
medicine, cancer on any part f • d r can be
permanently cured without Lh<- use of
the knife.
Mbs II. D. Colby. 2 71
iays ** Was cured of cancer or the breast in ?ix
weeks by your method of treatne r.* . " Send for
treatise. JOr. Ii> C. I*ale, .**.• .;*ih St., Chicago
aa»<y» "jSieC^Vr!
!bs., now it is 163 lbs., a re-, ( /
auction cj ISC los.. and l reel so mucti better tftat I wou.s cot t-.
$1,000 and be pot back where I was. 1 am both surprised and pr ■-.&
oi the change. I recommend your treatmei: t - >u sufferer: ...xr,
obesity. Will answer all inquiries If stamp is inclosed for rep.y.''
{ E trail fas and with ne starring,, or bad effect*
i For particulars address, with 6 cents in stamp*,
For the treatment of all Chronic ani
Surgical Diseases and Diseases of the
Eve and Ear. The object or this Sanita
rium is to furnish board, rooms aai
medical attention to those suffering vitb
Deformities. Diseases of Women, Dit~
eases of tht Urinarj and Seaual organ*. inae»aes or tae .>errom
Fratem. Long and Throat Disesass, Piles. Cancers, Tumors. Ktc
Ktc. Surgical Operation* performed with ikill. Book* free tm
Hen amd Women. For further information call ou or address
DR. C. M. COE, Kansas City, Mo.