The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 30, 1893, Image 4

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    FI* Friiwt.
all home print.
Good races at the fair grounds on
the Fourth.
J. W. Dolan returned from the big
show, Saturday night.
C. T. Beggs, the McCook abstracter,
was down, first of the week.
W. G. Black and wife returned last
week from the city on the lake.
The children of the M. E. church
held a very pleasant picnic, Thursday.'
That was a good rain, Wednesday
night. Let us have some more just
like it.
Rev. James Lisle is announced as
one of the orators at Box Elder on the
Ernest Rathbun, having sold his bar
ber business, left Monday evening for
J. J. Lamborn and children came
home Friday evening from Iowa and
A representative of the World-Her
ald has been in town, this week solicit
ing subscriptions.
The Minton brothers’ house being
constructed on Third avenue, was blown
down during the storm on Wednesday
William Terwilliger and Inez R. Gar
ner, both of McCook, were married at
the court house on the 2Sth, the county
judge officiating.
Will Harrison, proprietor of the York
anrsery, accompanied by his wife, drove
up from Cambridge, Monday, to look
after his interests here.
At the school election, Monday even
ing, Mrs. Helen Keyes was elected for
two years and L. J. Holland and Mrs.
Frank Powell for three years.
License was issued on the 24th for
the marriage of Otto Pultz and Anna
Ruby, both of Danbury; they were mar
ried on the 25th by Rev. Boucher of
Rev. James Lisle will deliver a lec
ture for the benefit of the Epworth
league at the M. E. church, Thursday
evening. Subject, “Life Among the
Sioux Indians.”
Lena Beck is attending the state
convention of the Daughters of Veter
ans in Lincoln, this week, being sent
as a delegate from Lucretia Garfield
tent No. 21 of this city.
James Williams of Bondville pre
cinct, who was bound over to keep the
peace a few days ago, upon complaint
of James Wingate, has made complaint
before the county judge charging said
James Wingate with assault. Trial
set for July 6 th. .
Mrs. J, H. Goodrich died at the resi
dence of her mother Mrs. Bishop in
this city, Thursday morning. The fu
neral will be held at the Congrega
tional church. Friday morning. The
deceased had been a patient sufferer
from consumption for several years.
She leaves a husband and son.
At Chicago Sunday the Anarch
ists unveiled a monument to the
five Haymarket rioters, who were
found guilty of treason under the
laws of the state and put to death;
Mohammedans in Midway Plais
ance celebrated the birthday of the
Prophet with sacrificial rites; the
World’s Fair was open,although it
was Sunday, and the public was
permitted to view the great show
with none to molest or make afraid.
This combination of events could
only happen in a cosmopolitan city
and in a land of civil and religious
The free coinage men are about
to open headquarters at Washing
ton for the purpose of distributing
free silver literature and the as
signment of speakers to advocate
the cause in the western and south
ern states. They intend to make a
hot fight for the white metel.
Sieves has dropped to 77 cents
per ounce and the effect has been
to almost paralyze the silver min
ing interests in the western states. (
& a
We are Selling.
Brown Blanks, per roll, 4 and 5 cents.
White Blanks, per roll, 5 and 6 cents.
Gilts, per roll, 6 cents and upwards.
Nine inch Border, only 1 cent per yard.
We Carry The.
Largest Stock and
W^ill not be Undersold.
Put your $ $ $ where they will do
the most good, where they will secure
the best and the most groceries for in
stance. You will make no mistake if
Noble’s is the place of deposit. He
gives the limit in quantity, quality and
value, and his stock cannot be duplicat
ed in Western Nebraska.
The burning question with house
wives of all lands, all creeds, and all
ages is: “Which is the best Cooking
Stove?” S. M. Cochran & Co. answer
this question today by proclaiming the
“Charter Oak Stoves” to be the
best in every conceivable shape.
Give your orders for 84 Patent, Lion
and Legal Tender, also Wauneta High
Patent,White Fawn and Pride of Wau
neta flour to Hugh Thompson, the oil
Beware of peddlers. Call and in
spect the Household sewing machine
sold by S. M. Cochran & Co. before
buying a machine. There is no better
on earth.
With our Acme Cooler we are en
abled to furnish meats in better condi
tion during warm weather than any
other market in the city. F.S. Wilcox.
Make Noble your family grocer and
many other blessings will fall to your
lot, besides having the best groceries on
your table that the market affords.
IN QUEENSWARE Noble carries
the largest assortment and the richest
designs of the season. His prices are
You will never know how far your
dollar will go until you buy your gro
ceries at Knipple’s. It will surprise
y°u! , _
We can and will save you money on
wall paper. Examine our prices before
buying. McConnell & Co.
Prof. F. D. Heard, the piano tuner,
is doing good work on the many piano
and organs in the city, and country.
If you are thinking of buying a set
of new dishes call to see Knipple’s stock
and get his prices.
Do you know that Knipple pays the
highest market price for butter and
eggs. _
Freshest fruits the market affords are
to be purchased at Knipple’s grocerry
S. M. Cochran & Co. can sell you a
bicycle very cheap. See them.
Seventy-five cents buys a scale book
of 500 tickets at this office.
For First-Class
Laundry Work.
McCook, - Nebraska.
To Our Advertisers.
You are entitled to have your display
advertisements changed once a month
at the regular price. Changes more
frequent will be charged extra accord
ing to the afnount of composition.
Local advertisements may be changed
every week at usual price.
Copy for new advertisements and for
changes of regular advertisements must
be in this office by Wednesday of each
week to insure prompt insertion.
Notice of discontinuance of any dis
play advertisement must be given not
later than Wednesday. Local adver
tisements may be discontinued at any
time before Thursday evening.
A strict observance of these necessary
rules is respectfully requested.
The Publisher.
January 1, 1893.
Bargains! Bargains!
At Ganschow’s, the Old Reliable
Shoe Dealer.
Insure Your Home
against fire, lightning, tornadoes and
wind storms with S. H. Colvin.
Prof. Heard wants scholars for guitar
instructions. Terms 50c. each lesson.
Horses for Sale.
Way son & Penny keep horses for sale
at their livery barn opposite the Cen
tral hotel.
For Sale Very Cheap.
Property formerly owned by Lawrence
and Mary Shevlin, lot 11, block 12,
fifth addition to McCook, Neb. Address
E. E. Zimmerman, Trustee, room 432
Bee Building, Omaha, Neb.
Of Interest to Farmers.
If you want to renew a loan falling
due and make a new one on your farm
patronize the Nebraska Loan and Bank
ing Co. of McCook, a home institution.
Office in rear rooms of 1st National
bank. Interest payable in McCook.
W:all. Daper.
McMillen meets all prices
on Wall Paper from 4 cts.
per roll up. Call and get
Prices before purchasing.
McMILLEN, Druggist.
Observed Dickens’ well
known character, Mr.
Thomas Gadgrind, and
it is well enough for us
to confine ourselves, as a
general thing, to such
statements, unless we are
poets. Just now let us
direct your attention to
the fact that we are mak
ing lower prices than
ever on
and that we are selling
the best $2.50 Shoe in
the market.
(Bity Qvucj- &toze.
Medicines, Perfumes,
Stationery, Paints, Oils,
Lamps, Etc.
2ia Main Avenue, McCook. Nebraska.
...The Smart...
Photograph Gallery.
Over the Famous Clothing Co.
This is the place to get anything
in the photograph line. All photos
made with the beautiful Celluloid
Finish. Pictures made from size
of a locket to life size. Old pic
tures enlarged in crayon or water
colors. Our crayon work cannot
be excelled. Call and see samples.
Viewing of farms and residences.
Constant supply of picture frames
of the latest patterns always on
hand, at reasonable prices. Our
aim will be to please everybody
and we guarantee strictly first-class
work. Cloudy weather no disad
McCook, Neb.
% »
Ennoble, Purveyor to toe Great
Common People, is now exhibiting
about the handsomest and largest as
sortment of plain and fancy lamps to be
Been in Southwestern Nebraska.
Thin Coats and Vests,
Straw Hats, Neckwear,
Lightweight Underwear,
Negligee & Dress Shirts,
Hosiery of all Grades.
A complete assortment of the latest
novelties in the above lines and at
Popular Prices.
McCook, Nebraska. JONAS ENGEL,
A good slice of tlie earth. Now you get all the profit. In fact
you are in on the ground floor. Think of these prices and
don’t neglect to snap a few of these
Great Bargains.
Here are a few which we offer this week just
for a starter:
No 1 A heavy Screen Door, well painted and fur
1 nished complete with spring, hinges, hook <s i a a
and knob, only. v I .4U
Nn 9 A First-class Lawn Mower, fourteen-inch r aa
nU* L cut, only-. b.UU
No 3 A very fine quality of Rubber Hose, three
° ply, an immense bargain, per foot only_
Nn A. California Lawn Sprinklers, always were q r\r\
mu. ^ sold at from $2.50 to $3.00, now olily. £.UU
We are sole agents for the following lines and offer
great inducements in them:
The Finest on
Clean able
R efrigera tors,
Beautifully carved—great
variety—low prices.
and Ranges.
All flre-backed—war
ranted 20 years.
Genuine Glidden Barbed Wire, Best in the World.
Our Stock is one Grert Assortment of Bargains. Call
and look us over.
W. C. LaToubette, Propr.