‘ Author .f— 'th* isaaca^ '©^ CHAPTER XXIV—Cont’Ni eu. “Then how divinely long it all may seem. ’ he answered. “Hut can we not begin 1o think, and to make plans for to-morrow, and the next day, and for the years before us? That will make more time for us. for with the present we shall have the future, too. No—that is foolish again. And yet it is so hard to say which 1 would have. Snail the moment linger because it is so sweet? Or shall it be gone quick ly. because the next is to be sweeter still? Love, whore is your father?” Unornr started. The question was suggested, perhaps, by his inclina tion to speak of what was to be done, but it fell suddenly upon her ears, as a peal of tlftinder when the sky has no clouds. Must she lie now. or break the spe'l? Ore word, at least, she could yet speak with truth. “Lead.” “Dead!” the Wanderer repeated thoughtfully and with faint surprise. “Is it long ago, beloved?” he asked presently, in a subdued tone, as though fearing to wake some painful memory. “Yes,” she answered. The great doubt was taking her heart in its strong hands now. and tearing it and twisting it ■•And whose house is this in which I found you, darling? Was it his?” "It is mine,” Unorna said. How long would he ask questions to which she could iind truthful answers? What question would come next? There wore many he might ask, and few to which she could re ply to truthfully, even in that narrow sense of truth which found its only meaning in a whispered "hance. But for a moment he asked nothing more. “Not mine,” she said. "It is yours. You can take me and yet call anything mine.” “Ours, then, beloved. What does it matter? So he died long ago— poor man! And yet it seems but a little while since some one told me— but that was a mistake of course. He did not know. How many years might it be dear one? I see you still wear mourning for him.” “No—that was but a fancy—to-day. He died—he died more than two years ago.” She bent her head. It was but a poor attempt at truth—a miserable, lying truth, to deceive herself with, but it seemed better than to be the whole truth outright, and say that her father—Beatrice’s father—had been dead but just a week. “It is strange, ” he said, “how lit tle men know of each other’s lives or deaths- They told me he was alive last year. But, it has hurt you to speak of it. Forgive me, dear, it was thoughtless of me.” He tried to lift her head, but she held it obstinately down. “Have I pained you, Beatrice?” he asked, forgetting to call her by the other name that was so new to him. “No—oh, no!” she exclaimed, without looking up. “What is it, then?” “Nothing—it is nothing. No, 1 will not look at you—I am ashamed.” This, at least, was true. ■•Ashamed, dear heart! Of what?” lie had seen her face in spite of herself, hie, or lose all, said a voice within. • ‘Ashamed of being glad that—that I am free.” she stammered, strug gling on the very verge of the preci pice. “You may be glad of that, and yet be very sorry he is dead,” the Wan derer said, stroking her hair. He thought to turn the subject to a lighter strain. By chance he glanced at his own hand. ‘•Do you know this ring?” he asked, holding it before her, w^th a smile. ••Indeed. I know it,” she answered, trembling again. ‘ ‘You gave it to me, love, do you remember? And I gave you a like ness of myself, because you asked me for it, though I would rather have given you something better. Have you it still?'’ She was silent. Something was rising in her throat. Then she choked it down. “I had it in my hand last night,” she said in a breaking voice. True, once more. “What is it darling? Are you cry ing? This is no day for tears.” “I little thought I should have yourself to-day,” she tried to say. Then the tears came, tears of shame, big. hot, slow. They fell upon his hand. She was weeping for joy, he thought. What else could any man think in such a case? He drew her to him, and pressed her cheek with his hand as her head nestled on his shoulder., • ‘When you put this ring on my finger, dear—so long ago—” She sobbed aloud. • •No darling—no, dear heart,” he said, comforting her. “You must not cry—that long ago is over now and gone forever. Do you remember that day, sweetheart, in the broad spring sun upon the terrace among the lemon trees? No, dear—your tears hurt me always, even when they are shed for happiness—no, dear, no. Rest there—let me dry your dear eyas—so and so. Again? Forever, QUtflDias;. 'ARCWWN SW&ER'etS il you will. While you have tears, I have kisses to dry them—jt was so then, on that very day. 1 an ro member.” Very slowly she raised her head. She knew that his hand was c’ose to hers, held there that she might fulfill Beatrice’s promise. Was she not free? Could she not give him what he asked? Mo matter how—she tried to say it to herself and coulu not. She felt his breath upon her hair, lie was waiting. If she did not act soon or speak he would wonder what held her back—wonder—suspicion next— and then? She put out her hand to touch his fingers, half-blinded, grop ing as though she could not see. lie made it easy for her. He fancied she was trembling, as she was weeping, with the joy of it all. She felt the ring, though she dared not look at it. She drew it a little, and felt that it would come off easily. She felt the fingers she loved so well, straight, strong and nervous, and she touched them lovingly. The ring was not tight, it would pass easily over the joint that alone kept it in its place. “Take it, cloved,” he said, “it has waited long enough.” He was beginning to wonder at her hesitation, as she knew he would. Af ter wonder would come suspicion—and then? Very slowly—it was just upon the joint of his finger now. Should she do it? What would happen? He would have broken his vow unwit tingly. How quickly and gladly Beatrice would have taken it. W’hat would she say, if they lived and met— why should they not meet? Would the spell endure the shock—who would Beatrice be then? The woman who had given him this ring? Oran other, whom he would no longer know. But she must be quick. He was waiting, and Beatrice would not have made him wait. xier hand was like stone, numb, motionless, immovable as though some unseen being had taken it in an iron grasp and held it there, in midair, just touching his. Yes—no—yes— she could not move—a hand was clasped upon her wrist, a hand smaller than his, but strong as fate, fixed in its grasp as an iron vice. Unorna felt a cold breath, that was not his, upon her forehead, and she felt as though her heavy hair was rising of itself upon her head. She knew that horror for she had been overtaken by it once before. She was not afraid, but she knew what it was. There wai a shadow, too, and a dark woman, tall, queenly, with deep, flash ing eyes, was standing beside her. She knew before she looked; she looked, and it was there. Her own face was whiter than that other wo man's. “Have you come already?” she asked of the shadow, in a low despair ing tone. “Beatrice—what has happened?” cried the Wanderer. To him she seemed to be speaking to the empty air, and her white face startled him. “Yes,1’ she said, staring still, in the same hopeless voice. “It is Beatrice. She has come for you.” ‘ ‘Beatrice—beloved—do not speak like that! Tor God's sake what do you see? There is nothing there.” “Beatrice is there. I am Unorna.” “Unorna, Beatrice—have we not said it should be all the same? Sweet heart. look at me! Best here—shut those dear eyes of yours. It is gone now, whatever it was. You are tired, dear; you must rest.” Her eyes closed and her head sank. It was gone, as lie said, and shg knew what it had been—a mere vision called up by her own overtortured brain. Keyork Arabian had a name for it. i Tightened by your own nerves, laughed the voice, when if you had not been a coward, you might have faced it down and lied again, and all would have been well. But you shall have another chance, and lying is very easy, even when the nerves are overwrought. You will do better the next time. The voice was like Keyork Arabi an’s. Unstrung, almost forgetting all, she wondered vaguely at the sound, for it was a real sound and a real voice to her. AN as her soul his. in deed. and was he drawing it on slow ly, surely, to the end? Had be been behind her last night? Had he felt an hour’s liberty only to come baok and take at last what was his? There is time yet; you have not lost him. for he thinks you mad. The Voice spoke once more. And at the same moment the strong, dear arms were again around her, again her head was on that restful shoulder of his, again her pale faoe was turned up to his. and kisses were raining on her tired eyes, while broken words of love and tenderness made music through the tempest. Again the vast temptation rose. How could he ever know? NVho was to undeceive him, if he was not yet undeceived? NVho should ever make him understand the truth so long as the spell lasted? NVhy not then take what was given her, and when the end came, if it came, then tell all boldly? Even then he would not understand. Had he understood last night when she confesssed all that she had done before? He had not be lieved ono word of it, except that she loved him. Could she make him be lieve it now, when he was clasping her so fiercely to his breast, naif mad with love for her himself? So easy, too. She had to but for get that passing vision, to put her arms about his neck, to give kiss for kiss, and loving word for loving word. Not even that. She hail but lo lie there, passive, silent if she couid not speak, and it would be still the same. No power on earth could undo what she had done, unless she willed it. Neither man nor woman couid make his grasping hands let go of her and give her up. Be still and wait, whispered the voice, you have lost nothing yet. But Unorna would not. She had spoken and acted her last lie. It was over. CHAPTER XXV. Unorna struggled for a moment. The Wanderer did not understand, but loosed his arms, so that she was free. She rose to her feet and stood before him. ■•You have dreamed all this,” she said. “1 am not Beatrice.” ••Dreamed? Not Beatrice?” she heard him cry in his bewilderment. Something more he said, but she couid not catch the words. She was already gone, through the labyrinth of the many plants to the door through which 12 hours earlier she had Led from Israel Kafka. Sue ran the faster as sh - left him the farther behind. .She passed the entrance and the passage and the vestibule beyond, not thinking whither she was going, or not caring. She found herself in that large, well-lighted room in which the ancient sleeper lay alone. Per haps her instinct led her there as to a retreat safer even than her own chamber. She knew that if she would, there was something there which she could use. She stared at the old man’s face with wide, despairing eyes. Many a time, unknown to Keyork and once to his knowledge, she had roused the sleeper to speak, and on the whole he had spoken truly, wisely and well. She lacked neither the less courage to die, nor the greater to live. She longed but to hear one honest word, not of hope, but of encouragement, but one word in contrast to those hideous whispered promptings that had come to her in Keyork Arabian’s voice. How could she trust herself alone? Her evil deeds were many—so many that, although she had turned at last againt them, she could not tell where to strike. ■•If you would only tell me!” she cried, leaning over the unconscious head. "If you would only help me. You are so old that, you must be wise, and if so very wise, then you are good! Wake, hut this once, and tell me what is right!” The deep eyes opened and looked up to hers. The great limbs stirred, the bony hands unclasped. There was something awe-inspiring in the ancient strength renewed and filled with a new life. "Who calls me?” asked the clear deep voice. ••I. Unorna "What do you ask of me?” He had risen from his couch and stood before her, towering far above her head. Even the Wanderer would have seemed of but common stature beside this man of other years, j>f a forgotten generation, who now stood erect filled with a mysterious youth. ‘‘Tell me what I should do-” "Tell me what you have done.” Then in one great confession, with bowed head and folded hands, she poured out the story of her life. "And I am lost!” she ciied at last. ‘‘One holds my soul and one my heart! Way not my body die? Oh, say that it is right—that I may die!” ‘‘Die? Die—when you may yet undo?” "Undo?” “Undo and do. Undo the wrong and do the right.” “I cannot. The wrong is past un doing—and I am past doing right.” “Do you blaspheme—go! Doit.” “What?” “Call her—that other woman— Beatrice. Bring her to him, and him to her.” “And see them meet?” “Way I not die?” she cried, despair ingly. “May I not die—for him—foi her, for both? Would that not be enough? Would they not meet? Would they cot then be free?” ‘•Ho you love him still?” “■With all my broken heart—” “Then do not leave his happiness to chance alone, but go at once. There is one little act of heaven's work still in your power. Make it all yours.” Ilis great hands rested on hei shoulders and his eyes looked down to hers. “Is it so bitter to do right?” he asked. “It is very bitter,” she answe red Very slowly she turned, and as she moved, he went beside her, gently urging her and seeming to support her. Slowly, through vestibule and passage, they went on and entered together the great hall of the flowers. The Wan derer was there, alone. He uttered a short cry and sprang to meet her, but stepped back in awe of the great, white-robed figure that towered by her side. “Beatrice!” he cried, as they passed. “I am not Beatrice,” she answered, her downcast eyes not raised to look at him, moving still forward undet the gentle guidance of the giant’i hand. " “Not Beatrice—no—you are not she—you are Dnorna! Have I dreamed all this?” She had passed him now, and still she would not turn her head. But her voice came back to him as shi walked on. T» • “You have dreamed what will very soon he true,” she said. “Wait here, and Beatrice will soon be with you." ■•I know that I am mad.” the Wan derer cried, making one step to follow her, then stopping short. Unorna was already at the door. The ancient sleeper laid one hand upon her head. “You will do it now," he said. “I will do it—to the end," she un swered. “Thank God that I have made you live to tell me how.” So she went out, alone, to undo what she had done so evilly well. The old man turned and went to ward the Wanderer, who stood still in the middle of the hall, confused, not knowing whether he had dreamed or was really mad. “What man areyou?” ho asked, as the white-robed figure approached. • ‘A man, as you are, for I was once youug—not as you are, for I am very old, and yet like you, for I am young again.” » “You speak in riddles. What are you doing here, and where have you sent Unorna?” “When I was old, in that long time between she took me in, and I have slept beneath her roof those many years. She told me all her story, and all yours, waking me from my sleep, and asking mo what she should do. And she is gone to do that thing of which I told her. Wait and you will see. She loved you well.” “And you would help her to get my love, as she has tried to get it before?" the Wanderer asked, with rising angor. “What am I to you, or you to me, that you would meddle in my life?” “You to me? Nothing. A man.” “Therefore an enemy—and you wouid help Unorna—let me go! This house is cursed. I wiil not stay in it.” The hoary giant took his arm, and the Wanderer stared at the weight and strength of the touch. “You shall bless this house before yrou leave it. In this place, here where you stand, you shall find the happiness you V' •• ‘ought through all the years.’’ “In Unorna *• %mestiim was asked scornfully. “By Unorna." • T do not believe ycu. a ou are mad, as I am. Would you play the prophet?” The door opened in the distance, and from behind the screen of plants Key ork Arabian came forward into the hall, his small eyes bright* his ivory face set and expressionless, kit long beard waving in the sving of hit walk. The Wanderer saw ni^f ,-*t au- called to him: ‘Keyork—come ^ ,4” - said. ‘Who is this man' For a moment JSefic seemed speechless with arna -«ht. But it was anger that choked his words. Then he came on quickly. ‘ Who waked him?” he cried in fury. “What is this?” Why is he here?” “Unorna waked me,1' answered the ancient sleeper, very calmly. “Unorna? Again? The curse of the Three Black Angels on her! Mad again! bleep go back! It is not ready yet, and you will die, and I shall lose it all—all—all! Oh, she shall pay this with her soul in hell!” He threw himself upon "the giant, in an insane frenzy, clasping his arms around the huge limbs, and trying to force him backward. “Go! go!” he cried frantically. “It may not be too late! You may yet sleep and live! Oh, my experiment, my great experiment! All lost-” “What is this madness?” asked the Wanderer. “You cannot carry him, and he will not go. Let him alone.” “Madness?” yelled Keyork, turning on him. “You are the madman, you the fool, who cannot understand! Help me to move him—you are young and strong—together we can take him hack—he may yet sleep, and live —he must and shall! I say it! Lay your hands on him! You will not help me? Then I wrill curse you till you die-” “Poor Keyork!” exclaimed the Wanderer, half-pitying him. “Your hig thoughts have cracked your little brain at last” . “Poor Keyork? You call nlo poor Kej'ork? You boy! You puppet! You ball, that we have bandied to and fro, half sleeping, half awake! It drives me mad to see you standing there, scoffing instead of helping me!” “You are'past my help, I fear.” “Will you not move® Are you dead already, standing on your feet and staring at me?” Again Keyork threw himself upon the huge old man, and stamped and struggled and tried to move him back ward. He might as well have spent his strength against a rock. Breath less, but furious still, he desisted at last, too much beside himself to see that he whose sudden death he feared was stronger than he, because the great experiment nad succeeded far bey on a all hope. “Unorna has done this!” he cried, boating his forehead in impotent rage. •Unorna has ruined me, and all, and everything; so she has paid me for my help! Trust a woman when she loves? Trust angels to curse God, oi hell to save a sinner! But she shall pay, too—I have her still. Why do you stare at me?—Wait, fool! You shall be happy now. What are you to me that I should even hate you? You shall have what you want. I will bring you the woman you love, the Beatrice you have seen in dreams, and then Unorna’s heart will break and she will die, and her soul—her soul—” ****** Unorna waited in the parlor of the convent. Then Beatrice came in. and stood before her. Neither feared the other, and each looked into the other’s eyes. “I have come to undo what I have dene,” Unorna said, not waiting tot the cold inquiry which she knew would come it eh* were silent. “That will be hard indie].” Beatrice answered. “I know that you will, when you know how I have loved him.” “Have you come here to tell me of your love?” “Yes. And when I have told you, you will forgive me.” “I am no saint,” said Beatrice, coldly. “I do not find forgiveness in such abundance as you need.” “And yet you will, and very soon. Whether you forgive or not—that is another matter. I cannot ask it. God knows how much easier it would have been to die than to como here. But if I were dead, you might never have found him, nor ho you, though you are so very near together. Do you think it is easier for me to come to you, whom he loves, than it is for you to hear me say I love him, when I come to give him to you? If you had found it all, not as it is, but otherwise—if you had found that in these years he had known mo and loved me. as he once loved you, if he turned from you coldly and bid you forget him, because he would be happy with me, and because he had utterly forgotten you—would it be easy for you to give him up?” “He loved me then—he loves me still,” Beatrice said. "It is another case.” "A much more bitter case. Even then you would have the memory of his love, which I can never have—in true reality, though I have much to remember in his dreams of you. ” Beatrice started a little, and her brow grew dark and angry. "Then you have tried to get what was not yours by your bad powers,” she cried. "And you have made him sleep—and dream—what?” “Uf you.” “And he talked of love?” “Of love for you.” “To you?” “To me.” “And dreamed that you were I? That, too?” “That I was you.” “Is there more to toll?” Beatrice asked, growing white. “He kissed you in that dream of his—do not tell me he did that—no, tell me—tell me all!” “He kissed tho thing he saw, be lieving the lips yours.” “More—more—is it not done yet? Can’t you sting again? What else?” “Nothing—save last night I tried to kill your body and soul.” “And why did you not kill me?” “Because you awoke. Then the nun saved you. If she had not come, you would have slept again, and slept forever. And I would have let his dream last, and made it last—for him, I should have been th> ODly Beatrice.” “You have done all this—a*d you ask me to forgive you?” ‘Task nothing. If you will not go to him, I will bring him to you-” Beatrice turned away and walked across the room. ‘Loved her,’ she said aloud, and talked to her of love. Und kl*s She stopped suddenly. Then she came back again with swift steps, and grasped Unorna’s arm fiercely “Tell me more still—this dream has lasted long—you are man and wife!” “We might have been. He would still have thought me you for months and years. He would have had me take from his finger that ring you put there. I tried—I tell you the whole truth—but I could not. I sa^ you there beside me and you held my hand. I broke away and left him.” “Left him of your own free will?” ‘ I could not lie again. It was too much. He would have broken a great promise, if I had stayed. I love him so—so I left him.” “Is all this true?” “Every word.” “Swear it to me.” “How can I? By what shall I swear to you? Heaven itself would laugh at an oath of mine. With my soul—no—it is not mine to answer with. Will you have my life? My last breath shall tell you that I tell the truth. The dying do not lie.” “You tell me that you lov« that man. You tell me that you made him think in dreams that he loved you. You tell mo that you might b« man and wife. And you ask me to believe that you turned back from such happi ness as would make an angel sin? If you had done this—but it is not possible—no woman could! His words in your ear, and yet turn back? His lips on yours, and leave him? Who could do that?” “Une who loves him. “What made you do it?” “Love.” “No fear—nothing else—” “Fear? And what have I to fear! ] My body is beyond the fear of death, as my soul is beyond the hope of life. If it were to be done again I should be weak. I know I should. If you could know half of what the doing cost! But let that alone. I did it and he is waiting for you. Will you come?” “If I only knew it to be true—” : “How bard you make it. Yet, it j was hard enough.” Beatrice touched her arm, more j gently than before, and gazed into her eyes. • ‘If I could believe it all, I would not make it hard. I would forgive you—and you would deserve better than that, better than anythin" that is mine to give.” ‘ T deserve nothing and ask nothing. If you will come, you will see. and. seeing, you will believe. And if you then forgive—well, then, you will have done far more than I could do ” “I would forgive you freely—” "Are you afraid to go with me?” “No. 1 am afraid of something worse. You have put something hero —a hope-” “A hope. Then you believe. There is no hope without a little belief in it. Will vou coma?'’ “To him?" ‘To him.” “It can bo hut untrue,” said Heat rice, still hesitating. cun but go. VV hat of him?” she asked, suddenly. “If he were living—would you lake me to him? Could you?” She turned very pale, and her eyes stared madly at Unorna. “If he were dead,” Unorna an swered, “I should not be here.” Something in her tone and look moved Beatrice's heart, at, last. "I will go with you.” she said, and if I find him—and if all is well with him—then (iod iu heaven repay you. for you have been braver than the bravest I ever knew." “Can love save a soul as well as l03e it?” Unorna tisked. Then they went away together. * ♦ m * They were scarcely out of sight of tiio convent gate, when another car riage drove up. Almost before it had stopped the door opened and Koyork Arabian’s short, heavy form emerged and descended hastily to the pavement. He rang the bell furiously, and the old portress set the gate ajar and looked out cautiously, fearing that tho noisy peal meant trouble or disturb ance. “The lady. Beatrice Varanger—I must see her Instantly!” cried the little mm in terrible excitement. “She has gone out,” tho portress replied. “broneoutr Wnerer Aloner ‘•With a lady who was here last night—the lady with unlike eyes-” “Where? Where? Where have they gone?” asked Keyork, hardly able to find breath. “The lady bade the coachman drive her home—but where she lives-•” “Home? To Unorna's home? It is not true! I see it in your eyes— witch! Hag! Let me in! Let me in, I say! May vampires get your body and the Three Black Angels cast lots upon your soul!” In tho storm of curses that followed the convent door was shut violently in his face. Within, the portress stood shaking with fear, crossing herself again and again, and verily believing that the devil himself had tried to force an entrance into the sacred place. In fearful anger Keyork drew back. He hesitated one moment and then re gained his carriage. “To Unorna’s house!” he shouted, as he shut the door with a crash. “This is my house, and he is here,” Unorna said, as Beatrice passed W fore her, under the deep arch of tho entrance. Then she led tho way up to the broad staircase, and through the small outer hall to the door of tho great conservatory. “You will find him there,” she said. “Go on alone.” But Beatrice took her han ’ to draw her in. •Must I see it all?” Unorga asked hopelessly. Then from among the pltnts and trees a great white-robed ligui-e came out and stood between the®. Join ing their hands, he gently pushed them forward to tho middle of tho hall, where the W’anderer stood alone. “It is done!” Unorna cried, as her heart broke. She saw the scene she had acted so short a time before. She heard the passionate cry, the rain of ki$-es, the tempest of tears. The expiation was complete. Not a sight, not a sound was spared her. The strong arms of the ancient sleeper held her upright on her feet. She could not fall, she could not close her eyes, slig could not stop her ears, no merciful stupor overcame her. ‘!ls it so bitter to do right?” the old man asked, bending low and speaking softly. “It is the bitterness of death,” she said. “It is well done,” he answered. Then came a noise of hurried steps and aloud, deep voice, calling: “Unorna! Unorna!” Keyork Arabian was there. Ho glanced at Beatrice and the Wanderer, locked in each other’s arms, then turned to Unorna and looked into her face. “It has killed her,” he said. “Who did it?” His low spoken words eehojd like angry thunder. “Give her to me,” he said again. “She is mine—body and soul.” But the great strong arm® were around her, and would not let her SO • Save me,” she cried, in Jailing tones. “Save me from him.” • You have saved yourself,” said the solemn voice of the old man. “Saved?" Keyork laughed. “From me!” He laid his hand upcn he? arm. Then his face changed again, and the laughter died dismally away, and he hung back. “Can you forgive her?” asked the other voice. The Wanderer stood close to them now, drawing Beatrice to his side. The question wa-s for them. • Can jou forgive me?'1 asked Unorna faintly, turning her eyes to ward them. “As we hope to find forgiveness and trust in a lfe to come,11 they answered. There was a low sound in the air, unearthly, muified, desperate, as of a strong being groaning in awful agony. When they looked they saw that Ke york Arabian was gone. Thq dawn of a coming day rose in Unorna's face as she sank back. “It is over.” she sighed, as her eyes closed. Her question was answered, her love had saved her. [THE END.] Richard Boyle, third eafl of Burling* ton and fourth earl of Cork. Recon structed Burlington House, Piecadily, after his own ideas